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Chapter 50 What Smart Technology Wants

Long Wu has never been to Mars, and of course it is impossible to know that in the arena background given by the game at this time, the two melon-eating women are actually the two rich young masters of his Long's Pharmaceutical.

And that ice palace-like building is exactly the villa of Long Yujing, the eldest lady of Long Pharmaceutical.

So he didn't think there was anything strange about these two female crowds. Even on Earth many years ago, Street Fighter in the arcade game had crowds in the background. This was normal.

However, at this moment, the Long sisters, who were on Mars in the objective universe, were already shocked by this bizarre background, and were both shocked and angry.

Looking at his villa in the 3D image and the two graceful figures in the window, Long Yaojing gritted his teeth and said viciously on the phone to Earth: "Go and check, what exactly does smart technology want to do?"

Do you want to meet with our Long family?"

Even Long Yujing, who has always been quiet and peaceful, couldn't help complaining next to him: "This is too much for smart technology. It's okay to pursue realistic game backgrounds, but you can't peek into and expose other people's privacy!


Except for the Long sisters, almost no one knows that the background of this arena match is based on reality, but there are exceptions to everything.

At the same time, Xiao Sa, who was waiting for his report in the office of Kongte Headquarters in the Pentagon Building in New York City, stood up with a whoosh, pointed at the 3D image and said: "This is nonsense, this is Long Yujing's villa!"

Can it be used as a ring background? Is smart technology crazy?"

After hearing this, Air Force Commander Li Yu couldn't help but frowned and asked: "You know it in detail, but you know something that has not been recorded by the Intelligence Bureau. No...haven't you already seen it?"

Is Hongfen a skeleton? Why are you still staring at the big dragon girl? Don't tell me that your flying brigade has the responsibility of monitoring Mount Olympus."

Xiao Sa came to Mars in order to pursue Long Yujing, and joined the Mars Space Force because of rejection. Even people on Earth know this, so there is no need to mention it to Martians.

As for Li Yuze, the supreme commander of Kongte, he had a better understanding of the ins and outs of this matter because he was an old acquaintance with Long Yujing, so he questioned Xiao Sa.

"Mr. Li, you misunderstood."

Xiao Sa quickly stood up, straightened his chest and explained: "I know about Long Yujing's villa because I was flying a patrol mission two days ago. When I returned, the airborne radar showed two people appearing on the top of Olympus.

There was a UFO, and I immediately approached it to check, only to find out that it was the Long family sisters who were practicing wingless flying. It was really not what you thought, and I didn’t always pay attention to Long Yujing..."

"Okay, no need to explain."

Li Yu waved his hand and stood up to stop Xiao Sa from continuing. He walked to the window and looked at the sky to the southeast.

The Pentagon was three hundred meters above 49° north latitude, so he could see the silvery peak of Mount Olympus at 18.1° north latitude, but he couldn't see the ice palace-like villa.

After staring for a while, he suddenly asked: "You mean, Long Yaojing has also learned to fly without wings, is that true?"

Xiao Sa raised her chest again towards Li Yuze's back and replied: "I don't know about warriors, but I did see the two sisters flying down from the top of the mountain with my own eyes."

"Fly down? That means you haven't mastered it yet."

Li Yu thought deeply and said: "You almost scared me. If all the five-star warriors on the earth can fly without wings, our Kongte can really be disbanded."

The wingless flight Li Yuze refers to refers to the flight that human beings can achieve by relying only on their own internal power without any external power device.

To achieve this kind of flight, the internal force required is very powerful. This power includes both the instantaneous output and the internal force reserve, both of which are indispensable.

Theoretically, even if someone can smash a mountain with one punch, it does not mean that he can achieve wingless flight, because flight has a concept of endurance.

It's like someone smashing a mountain with one punch and using up all the internal energy reserves. Then the second punch can't kill even a chicken. Such internal energy is not enough to achieve wingless flight because he does not have endurance.


It can be judged from Xiao Sa's description that Long Yaojing only practiced wingless flying under the guidance of her sister.

Just like the standing long jump, someone standing on flat ground can only jump 3 meters, but if this person stands on a two-meter-high wall and jumps forward, he can jump more than 4 meters.

This is because height increases the time the body hangs in the air. During the extra time, the body continues to move forward due to the effect of inertia, thus increasing the distance of the jump.

According to this principle, if you stand on the top of Mount Olympus and jump down, you only need to have enough internal force to continuously hit the hillside along the way, and use the reaction force to control the suspension of the body on the hillside, and you can "jump" hundreds of times.

Kilometers of ultra-long distance.

This kind of long jump is almost the same as real flying.

This is indeed a great way to practice wingless flying, and Mount Olympus is undoubtedly the best place to practice.

No wonder Long Yaojing would go to Mars to see his sister. It turned out to be just for this.

Thinking of this, Li Yu turned back and sighed: "Even if it is just practice, it is shocking. A 16-year-old girl has reached such a state. Is that legend true? Only the earth in the entire universe can give birth to truly strong people."


"I think this legend is true. The earth is a treasure with abundant resources and outstanding people!" Xiao Sa expressed his opinion and added: "In fact, we should not have given the earth to them in the first place."

Li Yu shook his head: "You didn't say that. Do you think we are willing to give in? Who knew that a smart technology would emerge at the last moment to help the earth solve the asteroid? The elites who escaped at that time were the ones who stayed.

Everything down there is trash, but who would have thought that people on earth today would become elites?"

Xiao Sa couldn't help but feel embarrassed and said bitterly: "I don't know what the big guys in our Mars Alliance are thinking. Our battleships and aircraft are ahead of the Earth in terms of overall performance. Why not counterattack? I see this opportunity now.

That's fine, as long as the Long family and Smart Technology get into trouble..."

"You put it lightly!"

Li Yu interrupted Xiao Sa with dissatisfaction and said: "You think we don't want to return to the earth? Yes, our ships and weapons are indeed better than theirs, but you don't want to think about what is the ultimate way to seize the planet?

Landing warfare and amphibious warfare on the surface of the planet require close combat! Can we defeat the Earth Alliance?"

Xiao Sa was speechless after hearing this, because he knew that since the recovery of the earth's aura, the group of warriors represented by the great eastern countries suddenly rose up, turning over like countless salted fish that had been dried for many years, and the Western countries immediately

It pales in comparison, and the previous military suppression disappeared in an instant.

In fact, even if there had not been the planetary crisis in the third year of the Galaxy, the Western countries remaining on the earth would still have to live by the face of the Eastern powers. The hegemony of the past is gone forever.

Xiao Sa stopped talking, but Li Yuze hadn't finished speaking, "There is a more important point, the earth's cave creatures! Only the current Earth Alliance can compete with them. If we were to rule the earth, how would we be able to defend it?

Live in an underground passage?”

Xiao Sa couldn't help but feel ashamed. Since he was not a warrior, he had never come into contact with the cave creatures on the earth. He did not know enough about this aspect. After hearing this, he said: "If you say that, we can only leave the earth to them.

There is nothing they can do to reproduce and cultivate the strongest people in the universe?"

"There is still a way." Li Yu pointed at the sad dog in the 3D image and said with burning eyes: "The way lies with him!"

Xiao Sa asked incomprehensibly: "You want to recruit him to our side? But doesn't this person have no internal strength?"

Even if he is not a warrior, Xiao Sa also knows what it means to have no internal strength. As the saying goes: if you practice boxing without practicing kung fu, you will be in vain. A warrior without internal strength cannot be called a warrior. What kind of climate can he become?

"You don't understand this!"

Li Yu glanced at Xiao Sa with some contempt, "What I want is his moves! I want him to be the head coach of the special warrior! Major Linda, come to my place!"

As the secretary of the supreme commander of Kongt, Major Linda worked in the next room. When she heard the sound, she came here immediately without knocking.

Major Linda is a rare beauty among Caucasians. She has blond hair, blue eyes, and picturesque features. Even a military uniform cannot hide her hot figure. After entering the door, she immediately took the initiative to report to work: "General, the IP address of Sad Dog has been verified.

, is in Lidong City on Earth. The more exact location cannot be determined because we cannot break through the last firewall of smart technology."

Li Yu's expression changed when he heard this, and he said in surprise: "Why is it in Lidong? Lidong is the headquarters of the Long family! Could it be that Sad Dog is a person with smart technology? This is a bit troublesome."

Linda had already known her superior's intention and immediately agreed: "Yes, if you dare to stand on the opposite side of the Long family in Lidong City, it is impossible without a huge backer."

Xiao Sa can also understand what these two people mean. Looking at the entire solar system, if there is any force that dares not to buy into the Long family's fault, it is only smart technology.

Li Yu pondered for a moment and said resolutely: "Linda, go to Lidong now. No matter what method you use, find Sad Dog and find out his background. As long as he is not a person with smart technology, dig him up for me."

Come back! Whatever it takes!”

This chapter has been completed!
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