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Chapter 427 The greedy beast

 How could the behemoth be a bomb?

Long Yaojing didn't believe it at all and said: "Don't fool me. You just don't want me to provoke it. You are afraid of causing trouble, so you deliberately made up this lie to stop me, right?"

After Chu Di heard this, he was speechless for a long time, and then he said lightly: "It hasn't been a short time since we met, got along, and ended up today, right?"

Long Yaojing said: "It's not too short, what's wrong?"

Chu Di said: "Then please recall, have I ever lied to you because of something or to achieve a certain goal?"

Long Yaojing thought about it carefully and found that it was not the case. Before she could speak, Chu Di said again: "Actually, there was no need for me to remind you. You should have made your own judgment, but you didn't. On this point, you really


He wanted to say, "You are really not as good as your sister," but when he got to his mouth, he swallowed back the rest of the words. He and Long Yujing had never expressed anything to each other. If Long Yaojing was jealous of her sister,

Long Yujing was so unjust.

Even though Long Yaojing once graciously accepted Xu Yanfei to work with her, in the subsequent daily life, she played the leading role in everything and overpowered Xu Yanfei in everything. Xu Yanfei just tolerated it. If she had a different temper,

Some of them have already started fighting.

Chu Di knew this, so he was cautious at all times, fearing to irritate Long Yaojing's temper.

Long Yaojing didn't hear what Chu Di was saying. He just thought Chu Di was complaining about her and said: "If you need to remind me, just remind me. I am not sloppy in doing things every day or two, unlike you who are always meticulous."


Chu Di didn't say anything. Long Yaojing was indeed, as she said, a very careless girl. To give a simple example, he knew what Long Yaojing liked to eat and what he liked to play, but Long Yaojing didn't know the other way around.

his tastes and preferences.

According to Long Yaojing himself, this is called carelessness, but if Chu Di were to understand it, could it be understood that she didn't care enough about her lover?

Chu Di was silent, and Tao Bao keenly sensed the discord that had occurred between Long and Chu. He smoothed things over and said, "Sister-in-law, you shouldn't suspect that Chu Di lied to you. He really has never lied to you, and he has never lied to you."

He lied to me, but he was always honest with us relatives and friends."

When Tao Bao and Chu Di talked, Long Yaojing suddenly felt that he was in the minority, so he backed down and said: "Okay, even if what Chu Di said is true, how could this monster be a bomb? Does it want to blow it up?

Can’t you do it yourself?”

Chu Di said: "This is also something strange about me. I'm planning to ask about it again, but before I ask clearly, you must not get angry again."

Long Yaojing said: "Okay, I promise not to get angry, just ask."

Next, Chu Di exchanged more than a dozen "moo" words with the giant beast, and then said: "I know what's going on. This giant beast is imprisoned here."

Dayu said: "You mean, this giant beast is like a greedy mouse that fell into the oil tank and can't get out?"

Chu Di said: "It's not as bad as you made it out to be. This giant beast was tricked into coming in."

Immediately, Chu Di told him the whole story. It turned out that although the Flaming Star Beast's talent was to swallow stars, stars could not be swallowed casually. Otherwise, there would be hundreds of thousands fewer stars in the universe today and millions less tomorrow.

How can human beings of all civilizations still not discover this sun?

The fact is that the skin of the flaming star beasts is most afraid of fire, so they cannot get close to stars to devour them. They need the power of black holes to devour stars.

Whenever there is a black hole tearing apart stars in the universe, they will rush over to get a piece of the pie.

However, it is very rare for a black hole to tear apart a star. Even if we look at the entire universe, it does not happen all the time. It is something that can be encountered but cannot be sought. Therefore, every Flame Star behemoth is very eager to encounter such an opportunity.

Because only behemoths that have swallowed stars can continue to grow.

Now this giant beast has never swallowed a star, but it was deceived. The person who deceived it said that he could let it taste the delicious food of Betelgeuse without the help of a black hole. This giant beast heard that there is such a thing

Good thing, I ran away with that person without telling the family.

When the giant beast and the man came to Betelgeuse, the man kept his promise and dug a "deep well" on the surface of Betelgeuse. There was no flame in the "deep well", only a gray, cool mist, and then

He led the giant beast into a deep well, and opened a small opening at the bottom of the well, allowing the giant beast to swallow the star energy outside the well through this small opening.

The giant beast swallowed it very happily at first, but later it felt something was wrong because it found that it could not excrete.

Behemoths devouring stars are just like humans eating. There is a metabolic process. When they are full, they must be excreted. In the past, after behemoths devoured stars, they immediately used the tearing power of black holes to excrete energy. How powerful is the black hole? In an instant,

Suck that excrement into the hole.

But now that there is no black hole around the giant beast, it cannot excrete, because what it swallows is energy, but what it excretes is explosives! The most domineering and powerful explosives in the universe!

The giant beast had no choice but to ask for help from the person who brought it, but the person said he was helpless. The person said, I only promised to let you taste the delicious food of the star, but I didn't promise to help you excrete it!

The giant beast panicked and wanted to leave immediately, but unexpectedly the man sealed the mouth of the well, either with something else, or with the flames on the surface of Betelgeuse. Even Long Yaojing's simple fireball

How could the giant beast that couldn't stand it dare to escape from Betelgeuse through that thick layer of flames?

It had no choice but to stay in this deep well. No matter how many years passed, it finally swallowed the entire energy of Betelgeuse into its belly...

After Chu Di finished speaking, Tao Bao suddenly said: "I understand, it was that person who made the giant beast into a bomb. This bomb is incredible!"

Long Yaojing asked: "Why is this so outrageous?"

Tao Baodao: "Let's not talk about the TNT equivalent of the explosive for the time being. You only need to think about compressing a giant sun as big as Betelgeuse into a spherical bomb as small as Ceres. What a huge amount of energy must be contained in the ball.

How much energy? Once such a bomb explodes, even the earth six hundred light years away will not be spared!"

Seeing Tao Bao speaking so solemnly, Long Yaojing was also frightened and asked: "Then, if the giant beast explodes, wouldn't Chu Di and I also not be spared?"

Tao Bao was speechless. Even the earth would be bombed. You are so close, do you still need to ask?

Chu Di said: "I just want to know one thing now, that is, who is the person who deceived the giant beast? He made the giant beast into a bomb. What is the purpose? I have asked the giant beast about this.

Even the giant beasts don’t know.”

Before Chu Di finished speaking, he heard a voice saying: "Me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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