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Chapter 441 Group fight

Chu Di felt that Bai Qin should be able to block the golden light he released.

Or, even if he can't stop him, he can break into pieces and reunite his body like he did when he was bombed just now. In short, killing Bai Qin is definitely not that simple.

The facts confirmed Chu Di's conjecture. The moment Bai Qin's white robe was destroyed by the golden light, countless golden scales appeared on his body, which made the maids feel sick.

Who wouldn’t be disgusted by the sight of snake scales growing on people’s bodies?

But disgusting as it is, these golden scales can effectively block the attack of Chu Di's golden light. When the black light is forced back into Bai Qin's body by the golden light, the moment the golden light hits the golden scale, Bai Qin's body is condensed into

A ball of dazzling golden light shrouded it.

"What a good boy, you are actually practicing the Heluo Divine Kung Fu! Bai Sheng asked you to come, right?"

Bai Qin smiled ferociously in the golden light. Without waiting for Chu Di to speak, he turned to look at the sailboat and said, "Your Majesty, this boy must have been sent by Bai Sheng. He practices the Heluo Divine Skill!"

Just because Chu Di himself was not sure whether he was practicing the Heluo Divine Kung Fu, even if Yao Ji searched Chu Di's memory with different techniques, she could not determine what Chu Di's Kung Fu was.

In Chu Di's mind, the most profound name for the skill he practiced was called the Wedding Clothes Magic Skill.

So Yao Ji had some questions after hearing Bai Qin's words.

Yao Ji had also seen someone practicing the Heluo Divine Art. The performance of that person was completely different from that of Chu Di at this time, so she asked across the bulkhead: "What? You can't deal with the Heluo Divine Art? Do you want to replace him?"

Bai Qin said: "Your Majesty has misunderstood me. I just remind your Majesty to be careful about Bai Sheng's mischief in secret. As for the Heluo Divine Art, hey, don't say it's Chu Di, a young brat. Even if Bai Sheng comes in person, he

There’s nothing you can do to me!”

Yao Ji said: "Trouble? You don't have to worry. As long as you are in this universe, no one can do anything! Things like Julie will never happen again!"

Chu Di couldn't help but tremble when he heard this. Yao Ji's tone was so loud! Who was supporting her behind her back? Pangu? Impossible! Pangu's grass was still in his hand, absolutely not

Could it be Nuwa who helps others deal with his own magic weapon?

Not allowing him to think too much, Bai Qin had already restarted the battle, with two more black knives in his hand.

It was as if the pair of black knives had been hidden in his body all along and were just taken out now.

If it were anyone else, you might have doubts at this moment, wouldn't it be better to win without a sword? Why can't Bai Qin win without showing the sword, but now he has a chance of winning if he shows the sword?

Chu Di was none other than Chu Di. Almost as soon as he saw the black knife, he understood Bai Qin's tactical intention. The light cannot be turned.

The light of the sword is also light. Since it is light, it cannot turn and can only go in a straight line. This is the essence of light. Light, a substance, will only be reflected or refracted when it touches other media or substances. Otherwise, it will not be reflected or refracted.

It will always go in a straight line.

Bai Qin wanted to hit him from behind.

Sure enough, the next moment Bai Qin took off his two swords, drew two arcs in the air, and went around behind Chu Di, using Bai Hong's palm power technique from the Xiaoyao sect.

Chu Di knew the origin of Bai Hong's palm power, but he didn't know how Bai Qin learned it from the stone wall of the Xixia Emperor's palace. It didn't matter if he didn't know this. The important thing was that Bai Qin's white rainbow and black sword did not pose any threat to him.


Just as Chu Di expected, Bai Qin's black knife bloomed with black light behind Chu Di and struck Chu Di quickly.

Chu Di sneered and said to himself, "Do you think my body can only shine from the front?" At the same time, his back also released thousands of golden lights, confronting the black light and forcing it back again.

How could Bai Qin tolerate Chu Di's victory? When Chu Di's back was shining brightly, he bit the tip of his tongue, spurted out a stream of blood, and then launched another frontal attack.

"The method of disintegrating demons? Is this useful?" Chu Di asked disdainfully, and then responded calmly. Golden light emitted from his body, blocking the black light coming from Bai Qin's front.

Bai Qin used the demonic martial arts to disintegrate the demons. The essence of this martial art is to overdraw the body's essence and blood, and obtain double or even several times the offensive power in a short period of time. But as long as this period of time passes, no matter whether he loses or loses the battle, he will

As a result, he collapsed from exhaustion and had to recuperate for a long time before he could recover.

He only thought that Chu Di had gone all out just now, but he didn't know that Chu Di's body contained the energy of the entire Betelgeuse. The consumption at this time could not even reach one ten thousandth, let alone the disintegration of his demon.

It can get double the power. Even if it gets 100 million times the power, Chu Di can easily resist it.

Chu Di just couldn't find a way to kill him for a while.

Seeing the golden light and the black light all over the sky fighting together, the golden light is still better than the black light. The golden light is expanding, and the black light is shrinking. Long Yaojing, who is standing on the back of the giant beast, finally breathes a sigh of relief. It seems that Bai Qin

There is nothing that can be done to Chu Di. I wonder if the other people on the sailboat have any other magical powers.

Bai Qin's embarrassment was obvious to all. Yao Ji knew that Bai Qin was too proud and refused to retreat, so she immediately ordered: "Okay, come on together, use whatever skills you have. Whoever kills Chu Di will be the winner."


Yao Ji no longer had any hope for Chu Di. From the moment Long Yaojing took Chu Di out of her control, she was determined to get rid of Chu Di.

If Chu Di is allowed to live in the universe, without even waiting for him to come back to take revenge, his position as emperor will be unstable.

After Chu Di made such a fuss in Lingtian City and escaped completely, her majesty as the empress of the river was gone.

Can group fights be allowed? Is there such a good thing?

Regardless of the fact that everyone on the sailboat is a respectable person, if you ask him to ask for more and less, he will never agree, but the empress' order is different. This is not that I don't care about face, this is

The emperor's order cannot be violated.

Suddenly, dozens of people flew up from the deck of the sailboat. These people did not directly join Chu Di and Bai Qin's fighting circle, but dispersed in all directions, surrounding Bai Qin and Chu Di from the outside.

The next moment, all kinds of attacks rushed towards Chu Di from above, below, front and back, including visible hidden weapons, invisible internal force long-range attacks, and cultivators' fireballs, fire dragons, hail, thunder and lightning, etc., which made people standing on the giant

Long Yaojing's eyes were wide open on the beast's back.

Chu Di's golden light weakened in an instant, and only formed a ball of light around his body, stubbornly resisting all attacks, but it gave the impression that his defeat was only a matter of time.

Seeing this, Long Yaojing could no longer hold back his anger and shouted loudly: "Yao Ji, why are you so shameless? Let so many people bully Chu Di?"

Yao Ji said coldly: "How are you talking? Can you call me Yao Ji? What did you do when I asked you to stop the spacecraft? At that time, you should have thought that this would happen today.

In the end, you still ran away! If you didn’t give me a chance, you didn’t give you and Chu Di a chance. Why, now you know you’ve been wronged? It’s too late!”

Long Yaojing was speechless, feeling a little regretful in his heart. If he had known that it would be the result today, he might as well not have run away.

Just listen to Yao Ji say again: "Since you are stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless. From now on, I have nothing to do with you. After killing Chu Di, I will deal with you. I will either capture you or execute you on the spot!"

This chapter has been completed!
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