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Chapter 60 Auntie Director

   Bu Zuotang never expected that Director Li would say such a thing. He couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry for a moment, and said anxiously: "Ying'er, I am helping you with your work, but you asked me to avoid it. I really avoided it.

, if this kid suddenly attacks you, your men outside will not be able to save you in time!"

Director Li's face darkened and he said: "I'm working on a case now! Please address me by name! Also, the case is with our Military Comprehensive and Comprehensive Bureau, and you don't need your garrison special team to help with the pre-trial, so you can avoid it!"

Li Tuan talked about this part, and Bu Zhantang's face could not be hung up. He turned away and left, and he complained while walking: "Patfat the horse's feet ... as a donkey liver and lung ..."

He didn’t stop outside the stadium. As the deputy captain of the Space Force Garrison Special Forces, how could he stand on guard with ordinary policemen? Just go downstairs to avoid embarrassment.

Director Li turned his head and watched Bu Zuotang disappear at the top of the stairs. Then he turned back to Chu Di, his expression calmed down, and he lowered his voice slightly and said: "Chu Di, I can make an exception for you. What I know is not the case."

I’m asking you, but I need you to confirm that your name is Chu Di, you are a single-parent family, your mother’s name is Chu Ling, your family used to live in Workers’ New Village in this city, right?”

Chu Di was shocked when he heard this, thinking that Director Li's speed in checking information was pretty good. In this moment, he not only described the information on his ID card accurately, but also found out his mother's name, and immediately answered

Said: "Yes."

Director Li nodded and said: "Your mother used to work for China Resources Property and was the project manager of the original Foyu Villa. Later, Foyu Villa was changed to Lidong Pharmaceutical, and your mother was poached by Lidong Pharmaceutical to become the general manager.


Chu Di was so shocked when he heard this that his heart beat faster, because even he, the son, did not know the biographical information of his mother that Director Li stated. Not only did he not know it, but his master had never mentioned it.

So he finally couldn't help but interrupted Director Li and said: "Wait a minute, Director Li, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what unit my mother works in! Everything you said... is true.


If what Director Li said is true, then he can go to Lidong Pharmaceutical to inquire about his mother's whereabouts.

Director Li was surprised when he heard this and asked, "Don't you live with your mother?"

Chu Di said: "No, not long after I remembered it, my mother sent me to Changbai Mountain. I haven't seen my mother since then. She works at Lidong Pharmaceutical, right?"

Director Li shook his head and said: "Lidong Pharmaceutical no longer exists. I originally wanted to ask you where she is. I want to see her and ask her how she educated you and why you are so naughty. You don't know that you are now

Are all your actions causing trouble for your mother?"

Chu Di wondered: "Lidong Pharmaceutical no longer exists? What does it mean by non-existence? Also, you want to see my mother, do you... know her?"

Director Li nodded and said, "That's right. I know your mother. When I first became a police officer, I dealt with your mother. It was an unforgettable time..."

Director Li's voice became softer and softer as he spoke. It seemed that he was not speaking to Chu Di, but to himself, as if he had fallen into memories.

Chu Di said anxiously: "You haven't said why Lidong Pharmaceutical no longer exists."

After hearing this, Director Li immediately returned from his memories, but he answered the question incorrectly: "You are about to turn 16 this year, right? Well, you were not born at that time. At that time, Lidong Pharmaceutical was a joint venture with Long. Only one month later, I

I was transferred to the State General Administration of Armed Forces, and I learned from the news in a different place that Lidong Pharmaceutical was reorganized that year and changed to Long's Pharmaceutical. Yes, it is the company of the Long Yaojing family that you challenged."

Chu Di was surprised again. Does my mother actually work in Long Yaojing's family business? Then he asked: "So, shouldn't my mother work in Long's Pharmaceutical?"

Director Li smiled meaningfully and said: "So you are still very ignorant. Lidong Pharmaceutical was changed to Long's Pharmaceutical. Your mother was hired as the general manager in the past. The former chairman of Lidong Pharmaceutical does not know where he is.

, when the family is replaced by Long Yaojing's parents, do you think your mother can still work there?"

Chu Di was speechless, and Director Li added: "I wasn't in Lidong in those years, so I didn't contact your mother. I really didn't know where she would go. I thought you could know, but never

I don’t think you know either. Sister Chu is also serious, why don’t she take her son to live with her? If she had taken you with her, I believe you wouldn’t be like this today, it’s such a pity!”

Chu Di was a little unconvinced after hearing this. How am I doing today? But he couldn't hold back and asked: "From what you say, you have a good relationship with my mother? Should I call you aunt..."


"Stop it!" Director Li suddenly became serious, "You are not allowed to call me that. Now I am a police worker and you are a criminal suspect. No matter how good my relationship with your mother is, I cannot give you extrajudicial help!"

After hearing this, Chu Di shrank back into the chair, pretending to be scared, and muttered: "If you don't let me, don't bark. Why are you so serious? I don't like your serious look."

Director Li was dumbfounded by what Chu Di said. He knew that the other party was not really scared, so he sighed and said: "You should call me Director Li, or you can call me Li Ying. As long as your crime is proven, how should you deal with it?"

How to deal with it, don’t say you are Sister Chu’s son, even if you are my... son, I will still kill you out of justice!"

Chu Di laughed after hearing this and said: "Okay, Auntie Director, just think of me as a wild child living on the street. It's not too much for a wild child to call you auntie, right? What if I didn't commit a crime? Would you?

Are you slandering me like Bu Zuotang?"

Li Ying said seriously: "Whether you have committed a crime or not depends on evidence. As a public prosecutor, if the police want to prove that you have committed a crime, you must find a complete chain of evidence. In turn, if you want to prove that you are innocent, you also need to provide strong evidence."

Evidence to prove..."

At this point, she suddenly paused and said: "The autopsy report has just been transmitted. The waiter in Private Room 037 was killed by someone using heavy techniques to shatter his internal organs. You have no internal strength, which means it was not you who killed him. Now you

I just need to prove that you and the murderer are not colluding, or even don't know each other at all, and I can declare you innocent."

After hearing this, Chu Di immediately shook his head, as if throwing out his glasses, and said: "This is not fair, Director Auntie, you should take the initiative to look for evidence that I don't know the murderer, instead of asking me to find it.

I don’t know who killed the waiter, so how can I find evidence? I don’t even know why he killed the person. Was it because he was motivated by sexual desire and failed?”

Li Ying immediately spat after hearing this, "Bah! You little brat knows a lot, what's wrong with you? Do you really not know why the waitress was killed?"

Chu Di exclaimed: "Of course I don't know, I don't even know what that waitress looks like!"

Chu Di really didn't lie. Not only was the waitress in the 037 private room, but he didn't even know what Qu Xiaoqing looked like because he couldn't see clearly because of the close distance. During the contact between him and Qu Xiaoqing, he almost didn't know what she looked like.

There is no time when the distance is too far, not to mention that even if there is such an opportunity, he is too lazy to look at a girl's appearance.

Taking Li Ying, who was face to face at this moment, as an example, his view of Li Ying was as blurry as seeing flowers in the fog.

If we really want to talk about it, from the time he returned to Lidong to now, the person he has seen most clearly is the Xiao Sha who was beaten away by him in the game, because he and Xiao Sha once looked at each other from a distance through the airplane cockpit glass.


Li Ying observed the words and felt that Chu Di didn't seem to be lying, so she asked again: "Then do you remember what is outside the door of private room 037?"

Chu Di said: "Of course I remember this. There is a pot of iron tree there, eh? By the way, I remembered it. After the game was stopped, when I came out of the private room, the pot of iron tree seemed to be missing."

This chapter has been completed!
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