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Chapter 518 Mirage Technology

 Knowing clearly that his master was worried, as a disciple, Huang Yu naturally wanted to relieve his master's worries. After thinking for a long time, he could not think of any way. He could only complain: "This kingdom of science and technology is really hateful. Everything sold does not come with a warranty. Where in the universe is it?"

There is such a seller!”

The kingdom of science and technology she refers to is the mechanical kingdom that came from behind. The mechanical kingdom is the fourth largest force in Gourd Head after the Immortal Palace, the Temple, and the Empire. It relies on its unique advantages to compete with the previous three major forces.

Yu Wuxia knew that his apprentice wanted to share his worries, but what was the use of such helpless complaints? He immediately sneered and said: "This is called a seller's market. When people sell things, they agree not to have a warranty. You don't

You don’t have to buy it if you accept it, I’m not forcing you to buy it.”

After receiving a scolding from his master, Huang Yu hesitated to speak. Yu Wuxia caught a glimpse of his disciple's expression and said, "Just say what you have to say. You know I'm most annoyed by people who are hesitant."

Huang Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Master, I don't know if Hua Youqing has the ability to repair her little eyes."

Speaking of the companion star "Big Eye" of the Watching Star and the "little eye" in Yu Wuxia's secret room, the Big Eye has been around for a long time, and its lifespan is much longer than anyone on the Watching Star at this moment.

The big eyes were created by Nuwa.

Nuwa's original purpose of creating the big eyes was to monitor the spatial dynamics of the Calabash Star Territory and to defend against the surprise attacks launched by enemies in the Demonic Cloud Realm from time to time.

For a very long period of time, people regarded big eyes as a kind of miracle, a rare treasure created by Nuwa's magical power. People could only enjoy the benefits it brought, and could never imitate it, let alone surpass it.


Even when Hua Youqing came out and dug out a piece of star rock from the big eye to make a small eye and gave it as a gift to Youluo, people's view could not be shaken.

But when the Kingdom of Machinery, that is, the Kingdom of Technology, emerged and another small eye was sold at a clear price, people's faith was shaken.

Because Mechanical Kingdom gave a scientific explanation for the small eyes, in fact, the big eyes are a special natural material, and the salesperson of Mechanical Kingdom named it a natural player.

Just like some natural materials in some special places on the earth, they naturally have the function of recording and playing, and can start working under certain specific conditions to record or play the scenes and things in that place. Regardless of the big eyes of the companion stars of the Observation Star,

, or the small eyes extracted from the big eyes, all have this function.

Looking at the entire universe, materials or space force fields with such recording and playback functions exist everywhere, or such natural recorders and playback devices do not originally exist somewhere, but are generated due to changes in certain elements in space.

As for this kind of natural player, as well as the scenes recorded and played by the natural recorder and player, it occurred frequently in the ancient universe. Even on the earth a long time ago, it has been frequently discovered by humans. The Chinese people on the earth gave this phenomenon a

It was given a name, called mirage.

However, in the traditional sense, mirages are purely natural landscapes, but in the Hulutou Starfield, the various recording and broadcasting and even live broadcast functions of the player Big Eyes, the companion star of the Observation Star, are artificially created.

The salesperson of Mechanical Kingdom said that this kind of operation of artificially controlling a mirage and playing it on a designated player is called natural live broadcast technology, or it can also be called mirage technology.

Although Mechanical Kingdom claims that their products are not responsible for warranty, they do a good job of keeping customer information confidential, so few people know that the person who finally bought this little eye is Yu Wuxia.

And when Yu Wuxia originally bought this little eye, apart from fighting against Yaorao, the main purpose was to monitor Bai 22.

Big eyes cannot monitor Bai 22. In Nuwa's original setting, a planet like Bai 22 had no monitoring value at all.

What is the monitoring value of a planet that only produces white star sea crystals?

Precisely because Big Eyes cannot monitor White 22, White 22 was selected as an unregistered star prison to exile restless officers and soldiers.

Back to this moment, Huang Yu's words mean that the person who can create small eyes is Hua Youqing besides the Kingdom of Science and Technology. However, the Kingdom of Science and Technology claims that it does not guarantee its products, but Hua Youqing has not made such a claim.

Then Hua Youqing may be able to cultivate and even improve her small eyes.

Of course Yu Wuxia understood what his apprentice meant, but he scolded him disdainfully: "Is this the way you can come up with? So what if Hua Youqing can repair it? If I am willing to ask him to repair it, why bother to buy a small machine from the Mechanical Kingdom in the first place?


Huang Yu didn't know that when Hua Youqing created the first little eye, he was originally going to give it to Yu Wuxia. However, Yu Wuxia refused to accept the gift.

Yu Wuxia rejected Hua Youqing for two reasons. One of the reasons was that Hua Youqing put forward a condition while giving gifts, that is, to marry Yu Wuxia;

The second reason was that at that time, Yu Wuxia did not know the purpose of the small eyes made by Hua Youqing. At that time, she thought that big eyes were enough.

This is like a certain period of time when people on earth had a 40-inch high-definition color TV at home. Who would watch a dozen-inch black and white TV?

It wasn't until later that she realized she was wrong. It turns out that small eyes also have their own unique uses.

This is just like the people on earth at a certain period of time. Even if they have a luxury TV the size of a wall at home, they still can't fit their palm-sized mobile phones.

But since she has rejected Hua Youqing, it is impossible for her to turn back to him, not to mention that even if she wants to eat, she can't because Hua Youqing has given her little eyes to Yaorao.

Yaorao was the first commander on duty who could use his little eyes to monitor Bai 22, but Yu Wuxia couldn't stand Yaorao's pride, so he spent all his money to buy the little eyes from the Kingdom of Science and Technology.

The emotional dispute between Hua Youqing, Yu Wuxia and Yaoruo is very complicated. The three parties involved often keep it secret. Naturally, Huang Yu doesn't know what's going on. It's understandable that he was scolded by his master for coming up with such a bad idea.

While Yu Wuxia was scolding Huang Yu, in a beautiful building in Qianwu Continent, Yaorao and one of her female subordinates were also looking at a small eye floating in front of them.

Yu Wuxia didn't know that, as a natural player, the many functions of this little eye of Enchanting were not as good as hers. At least, the picture clarity of this little eye of Enchanting was not good.

Master and disciple Yu Wuxia and Huang Yu could still clearly see Le Hong's appearance, while Yao Luo could only see a blurry shadow.

However, this does not prevent Yaorao from judging the battle situation through logic. Just based on one-on-two, Yaorao can determine that the one joining forces is the red and blue jade.

Like Yu Wuxia, Yaoruo also had doubts about the female prisoner who fought in Bai 22. She turned her head to look at the female subordinate and asked: "This woman is so powerful in combat. Do you think she will be as overweight as the recent light hole?"

Is it related to the increased loss of hydrogen?”

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