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Chapter 544 Taking over White 22

Now that the couple has reached an agreement, before leaving, Qian Qian entrusts the affairs of Bai 22 to Chu Di.

Qian Qian led Chu Di to the heart of a large mountain. In a rather empty cave, the couple had a secret conversation.

Qianqian told Chu Di that Bai 22 is now her personal territory. She came to this planet alone and occupied it, so this planet neither belongs to the three major forces nor to the Demon Cloud Realm.


Of course Chu Di knew that this newlywed wife came from the Demon Cloud Realm and was a silicon-based life form in the Demon Cloud Realm, because when he was on the Green Star, what he saw across 90,000 light years was already the scene in the Demon Cloud Realm space.


Even Chu Di didn't know why, but he didn't have the slightest objection to this new wife from Moyun Realm, and accepted her unconditionally, without even considering the never-ending hostile relationship between Moyun Life and Tianhe Life.

"May I have your name?"

Chu Di finally asked, not for anything else but for the convenience of calling him.

You can't call her one wife at a time, right? It doesn't matter if she is the only one by your side, but if you are with Xu Yanfei, Ross and the others in the future, calling her like this won't work anymore. Who knows which wife you are calling?

Smiling lightly, he said: "According to the customs of the Demon Cloud Realm, since I have married my husband, my original name can no longer be used. My husband can give me a new name. Otherwise, I should be called

Concubine Chu Di."

After hearing this, Chu Di couldn't help but laugh and cry. He felt that the customs in the Moyun Realm were similar to those in ancient China. No matter what a woman's surname was before she got married, she would take her husband's surname as her surname after marriage and no longer have a name. She would only be called a certain surname.


He immediately shook his head and said: "Since you married me, this custom must be based on me. I want to know what your previous name was. If I think it sounds good, I won't change your name."

Qianqian seems to be very particular about her husband singing and her wife accompanying her. Hearing what Chu Di said, she said, "I used to be called Qianqian."


Chu Di thought this name was very good. There was no deliberate nobility or refinement in it, so he nodded and said, "Then I'll call you Qian Qian."

After deciding on the matter, Chu Di asked again: "Just now you wanted me to protect this White Twenty-Two for you and keep it free from outside jurisdiction. Is that what you meant?"

"Exactly, my husband is wise! No one has cared about this white twenty-two, but there is no need to worry about who will interfere with the sovereignty. What I am worried about is the six women who came with my husband. If my husband wants to take them in, just take them.

Otherwise, they must be taken as slaves according to the concubine's previous rules, and no one can be let go."

Only then did Chu Di understand why for several weak water years, there were always people coming in and out of the White 22 planet. It turned out that it was not only the military leaders of Watch Star who wanted to let these prisoners fend for themselves, but also ruled this planet.

Qianqian also did not allow them to return to their hometown.

Chu Di can understand Qian Qian's approach. If someone returns to Lookout Star or Qianwu Continent, then the matter of her separatist rule here will no longer be a secret. Then maybe Lookout Star will send troops to regain the lost territory.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered the person named Chunmu that Dai Meishi mentioned, and asked: "Qianqian, do you know a person named Chunmu?"

Qian Qian immediately smiled and said: "Of course I know him. This man is the husband of my disciple Le Hong. Just because he once coveted my beauty, I wanted to kill him, but because of Le Hong's hard work, I wanted to kill him. So he was banished."

"So that's it." Chu Di said: "I heard that he once served as Bai Twenty-two's captain. Is that true?"

Qianqian said: "It's like this. I was not willing to manage this planet personally at first, so I appointed several captains as executors. Only when there was a problem with Chunmu, I became the captain myself. Don't worry, this man won't dare to leak the secret, otherwise his wife Lehong will not have to live."

Chu Di didn't have time to delve into this matter. After all, it didn't seem to have anything to do with him. He only asked for Qianqian to continue to keep the secret. But then he thought, if Chunmu would reveal Bai 22's The secret was leaked, and everyone knew it already. How could the top leaders of the coalition still regard Bai 22 as a secret star prison and send themselves here?

Chu Di was not interested at all in Qian Qian's suggestion of taking Hong Yu and the other six girls as his mistresses, and did not even bother to comment on the topic. He only said: "Don't worry, I guarantee that when you come back, all the people on this planet will be safe." There are just as many people as there are people.”

Qianqian nodded and said: "Since my husband said this, I am naturally relieved. After I leave, my husband can do whatever he wants here. Just leave the daily management to Lehong. I will also instruct Lehong before I leave." Hong will obey your arrangements unconditionally."

Sitting on the top of the highest mountain in Bai 22, Chu Di watched Qian Qian's back flying rapidly in the space of the Calabash Head Starfield, but turned a blind eye and turned a deaf ear to the noisy Le Hong and Hong Yu Liu Nu beside him.

Qian Qian did give instructions to Le Hong before she left, and now that Le Hong had received the order from the female captain, she began to exercise the power she already had and continued to control everyone on the Bai Twenty-Two Planet.

Just because Chu Di did not give a final decision on how to deal with the six Hongyu girls, Lehong did not dare to make the decision without authorization and treat the six girls as slaves. Although he could not treat them as slaves directly, he could not let them do whatever they wanted, so he asked the six girls to do whatever they wanted. The girl and she accompanied Chu Di.

Wherever Chu Di went, the six Hongyu girls naturally followed. At first, the six girls did not feel Lehong's official authority, but soon they discovered that Lehong actually acted like a leader and bossed them around. , and immediately stopped doing it.

Who do you think Lehong is? We are comrades in the same class as Chu Di. Why do you yell at us in front of Chu Di?

When Lehong saw this, he sneered: "Who am I? I am the disciple of the female captain, so I can't care about the defeated generals like you?"

Hongyu immediately retorted: "What's so great about the female captain's disciples? The female captain is married to Chu Di, her disciples are Chu Di's juniors, and the six of us are Chu Di's comrades..."

The seven women were chattering and arguing, and each of them was so angry that their eyebrows stood up and their almond-shaped eyes widened, but no one dared to make a move.

Hongyu Sixth Girl did not dare to take action because she knew that she would not be able to defeat him. At this moment, there was no one else on the mountain top except Seventh Girl and Chu Di. If they could not find a target to divert the disaster to the east, they would not be able to defeat Lehong.

Lehong did not dare to take action because he was afraid that Chu Di had some ambiguous relationship with these six women. If he hurt them, Chu Di would be angered, and his master would not be able to protect him.

For a moment, the girls were quarreling, but one of them suddenly remembered something, and immediately withdrew from the quarrel, saying loudly: "Stop arguing now, have you forgotten that Chu Di is leaving the Destruction Star? Don't remind me now.

He rushed to the Li Mie Star, but he won’t be able to go today.”

It was Dai Meishi who spoke. Hongyu and the other five girls immediately shut up when they heard this. Lehong also heard about Chu Di's poisoning before and thought of the consequences of delaying Chu Di's departure from the Destruction Star. He immediately shut up.


It wasn't until this moment that Qian Qian in Chu Di's field of vision turned a corner, and his back was blocked by a huge planet. Chu Di withdrew his gaze, looked at the seven girls and said, "What do you think you are arguing about? One

A gentle and quiet person is not a shrew who is good at swearing. Can we win or lose in a quarrel?"

The seven girls were all ashamed, but Hongyu ignored her shame and said first: "Chu Di, we were wrong in this matter. We will admit our mistakes and apologize later, but if you don't leave the Destruction Star, it will be too late."

Chu Di glanced at Hongyu and saw that her anxiety was from the bottom of her heart. She was moved in her heart and said, "Although I know that you only care about me to complete the task, I do feel your concern, so

I thank you. I will go to the Destroyed Star soon, but before I leave, you must promise me not to argue anymore."

Hongyu looked at Lehong and snorted, then turned around and said, "Chu Di, tell me, am I your squad leader? Should you obey my command?"

Chu Di smiled and said: "Of course you are my squad leader, and I should indeed obey your command."

Hongyu was overjoyed and said: "In that case, tell me, is your wife's apprentice lower in status than us?"

Lehong was very anxious, thinking that if Chu Di didn't have an attitude on this matter, Bai 22 would be in chaos. Just as he was about to grab Bai Hongyu, unexpectedly Chu Di had already said: "Monitor Hongyu, what are you doing about this?"

You have to look at it this way, although I am a person who is willing to obey the orders of my superiors, but I am also a man who is afraid of his wife. I think my wife has a higher status than you."

Hongyu was dumbfounded when she heard this, but Lehong laughed so hard that her branches trembled with laughter. After laughing, she said proudly: "How about it? Let's see if you six little girls dare to fry your wings with me!"

The six girls of Hongyu were extremely aggrieved, but they heard Chu Di say sincerely: "This Bai Twenty-two is originally Lehong's territory, but we are guests. To put it nicely, guests do as the host does, and to put it badly,

, a strong dragon will not overwhelm a local coward, so everyone should give me some face, so that I can talk to my wife more easily, right?"

Hongyu was still waiting to fight for it, but she saw Chu Di standing up and said: "That's it, you all listen to Lehong's arrangements, and wait until I come back to talk about anything."

After saying that, without waiting for the girls to answer, the figure suddenly pulled up, like an arrow from the string, and plunged into the weak water river at the top of the sky. The surface of the weak water river stirred up several circles of ripples, but Chu Di's figure disappeared.


The seven women on the top of the mountain were all dumbfounded. Even though the top of the mountain was so high and closer to the Ruoshui River than the flat ground, this speed was not something ordinary people could achieve.

You must know that the top of the mountain is at least 178,000 kilometers away from the Weishui River, but Chu Di was able to reach the river in an instant, which was much faster than when he pushed twenty women to fly away from the Destruction Star.

It's not teleportation, it's better than teleportation!

Looking at the disappearing ripples on the weak water surface, Hongyu couldn't help but murmured: "Chu Di's martial arts far exceeds my imagination."

This chapter has been completed!
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