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Chapter 549 Intelligence

 As the saying goes, the matter has nothing to do with oneself and should be kept high. Since Chu Di did not think that the marriage census of Moyun Army had anything to do with him, he adopted the attitude of a bystander and allowed the situation to develop.

Chu Di had already thought about it, and he should remain neutral in the endless battle between the Tianhe Realm and the Demonic Cloud Realm.

It doesn't matter if he helps the Tianhe Realm resist the Demonic Cloud Realm. Even if he does that, the humans in the Tianhe Realm will not accept his feelings;

On the other hand, I will not help Moyun Realm to annex the Tianhe Realm. I am not sure whether I am a silicon-based life form. How can I easily side with Moyun Realm?

And if you go to help Moyun's army now, if things go wrong, you will become a hot face and a cold butt. People will know who you are? What? You said you are Qian Qian's husband? Who is Qian Qian?

As for the officers, soldiers and reporters of the division in front of Huluzui Fortress, Chu Di did not intend to help them. Who are they? With Kong Youde as the representative, they are all gangsters, and they are ruthless in punishing their own people.

Foreign enemies immediately turn into scum.

So what if such a group of people are of the same race? Is it worth helping?

Looking at the reporters and Kong Youde who were huddled in the communications department for a while, their expressions became more and more ugly. It was obvious that they could not get any valuable clues. It was not until the Demon Cloud General outside started urging that Kong Youde muttered: "

Reporting sir, according to the results of the low-level investigation, no one has gotten married in the Calabash Star Region in the recent period..."

The Demon Cloud Warlord roughly interrupted Kong Youde: "Then let's do this, you can go and die!"

Kong Youde was very anxious and said quickly: "Oh no! Sir, there is still one place we haven't found yet..."

Before Kong Youde finished his sentence, he heard a "boom" and a giant ax appeared out of thin air. In front of everyone's eyes, he split a female reporter in half. Then the giant ax suddenly disappeared.

It seemed to be controlled remotely, penetrating the fortress wall and then retracting it, but it did not leave any trace on the wall.

Seeing that the pretty girl instantly split into two pieces, even her internal organs didn't even have time to flow out, she split into two pieces and fell to the left and right. Everyone was shocked and frightened, and wanted to escape but couldn't.

Nowhere to escape.

Especially the many women in the phalanx couldn't help but feel sick after witnessing such a tragic situation. They instinctively covered their mouths with their hands, but did not dare to run out of the array to vomit.

"This is punishment! Kill one to serve as a warning to others!"

The Demon Cloud Warlord outside said this coldly, and then asked Kong Youde: "Where? Why don't you check?"

Kong Youde said with a sad face: "Since no one is getting married in the areas under the jurisdiction of the three major forces in the Calabash Star Territory, it can only be that someone in the Science and Technology Kingdom is getting married. However, the Science and Technology Kingdom has always been self-contained, and the humble position and others are unable to investigate...


Chu Di felt that there was a certain truth to what Kong Youde said. Yes, the Kingdom of Science and Technology was also located in the space above the Ruoshui River. The planet where the Kingdom of Science and Technology was located was also one of the celestial bodies in the Hulantou Star Region. But people like Kong Youde wanted to investigate Science and Technology.

The kingdom is powerless.

Not to mention Kong Youde, the border defense commander, Yu Wuxia, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces on the Star, and even the top bosses of the three major forces in Qianwu Continent, I am afraid that they will not be able to obtain information about the Kingdom of Science and Technology at will.

Chu Di felt that what Kong Youde said was reasonable, but General Moyun didn't think so. He only listened to half of Kong Youde's explanation and said: "Since you can't investigate, you can really go and die."

"No! I have a way! Don't kill me, sir!" Kong Youde howled like a slaughtered pig.

General Moyun said: "Huh? Didn't you just say that you couldn't investigate? Did you just lie to me?"

Kong Youde was so frightened that he started crying and said: "Bizhi...wu...that's not what I mean...wu...what I mean is...wuwu...Bizhi can ask friends to help contact the Kingdom of Science and Technology...but it will take a certain amount of time.

Woo hoo, sir, please give me some warning."

Seeing the bald Kong Youde crying like a child was extremely funny and quite hilarious.

However, everyone gathered in the light hemisphere of the fortress could not laugh out loud. People knew that if the Demon Cloud Warrior hadn't killed people whenever he said so, Kong Youde wouldn't be so frightened.

The Demon Cloud Warlord suddenly said sternly: "Then you should quickly ask your friends to check it out! Is there any point in crying? I won't kill you if you cry?"

Kong Youde even claimed that it was, and quickly sent a message to Yu Wuxia, the commander-in-chief of the coalition headquarters, telling him about the dangers he was facing, and asking Yu Wuxia to help him investigate the Kingdom of Science and Technology and find the newlyweds that General Moyun wanted to find. , in exchange for the lives of tens of thousands of officers and soldiers of the Yaoqi Division.

In fact, Kong Youde had already contacted Yu Wuxia once just now, but that time he didn't consider the Kingdom of Science and Technology. He just took it for granted that there were people getting married on the planet under Yu Wuxia's jurisdiction, and he would be sure to check it out, but he didn't expect the results of the investigation that Yu Wuxia reported back. But there is not even a pair.

Kong Youde didn't hold out much hope this time. On the one hand, he knew that even Yu Wuxia would not be able to find out what happened in the Kingdom of Science and Technology; on the other hand, his relationship with Yu Wuxia was not enough to allow the latter to fully help.

However, the reason why he still contacted Yu Wuxia was not only to use the lives of the officers and soldiers of the first division as a bargaining chip, but also to delay time. Even if he could survive for a few more minutes, it would be better than being chopped into pieces by General Moyun with an ax immediately. .uu read www.uukanshu.com

In the message sent this time, Kong Youde stopped using official language and cliches and made the danger he faced clear.

Stargazing, coalition command center.

After Yu Wuxia received the second message from Kong Youde, her nose almost became crooked.

She immediately ordered someone to switch the monitoring screen of the companion star, also known as "Big Eyes", to the Calabash Fortress, and then looked at the black army of demonic clouds surrounding the fortress in the screen, and said to herself with hatred: "Your face, Kong Youde" That's great, who is your friend? You are so useless, but you want me to wipe your ass! Why don't you die?"

At this moment, Yu Wuxia hated Kong Youde with all her heart. How could such a useless man be the commander of the border division? Who appointed him? Who appointed you? Who do you go to? Why are you looking for me?

According to military positions, Kong Youde is two ranks lower than Yu Wuxia. If it is during a war, in a specific battle, Kong Youde needs to obey Yu Wuxia's command.

However, the position of Kong Youde, the border defense division commander, was not given by Yu Wuxia. Yu Wuxia was only one of three commanders on duty, which had to be replaced every 100 days. However, Kong Youde was a major border guard general who had been stationed in Huluzui for a long time. His appointment It is the product of the joint military and political conference of the three major forces.

Naturally, it is impossible for Kong Youde to ask Yu Wuxia to help him investigate the Kingdom of Science and Technology.

Yu Wuxia would not get into trouble. She even asked the other party to provide "little eyes" after-sales service but was ruthlessly rejected. She also wanted to investigate the civil affairs intelligence of the other party. Isn't that a daydream?

However, just before Kong Youde and the female reporters contacted Wangxing for the first time, Yu Wuxia really received an important piece of information about the Kingdom of Science and Technology, which was forwarded from Qianwu Continent.

This chapter has been completed!
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