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Chapter 551 Unauthorized opening of border provocations

 Yu Wuxia felt that the mandarin duck recipe she ordered was very reliable.

According to the contents of Tao Wuqi's last words, Huang Ling is rushing to Bai 22 at this moment. Once she appears in Bai 22, the ambiguity between her and Chu Di will be confirmed. By then, they will be a bad couple.

It doesn't matter if you don't admit it.

As the saying goes, catch the thief and the stolen goods, catch the adulterer and catch the couple. You Huang Ling and Chu Di are not ambiguous? Why did you go to Bai 22 when they were not ambiguous? Especially you Huang Ling, you forced your way into the military restricted area of ​​Bai 22 and passed by our coalition forces.

Is it allowed by the headquarters?

The most critical point is that Huang Ling happens to be from the Kingdom of Science and Technology and is the Minister of Defense! Now even if the Moyun Army expresses its anger, it will not vent its anger on the three major forces, but will only cause trouble for the Kingdom of Science and Technology.

In this way, all the officers and soldiers of the 117th Division were saved, Chu Di and Huang Ling were punished, and the three major forces and their coalition forces were picked out. It was simply killing three birds with one stone.

Yu Wuxia is very proud. However, this message cannot be replied immediately. If the reply is too fast, it will not be true. Someone is getting married in the Kingdom of Science and Technology. Your coalition command found it as soon as they said it would be checked. Why? It is obviously made up.


So Yu Wuxia had to wait. While waiting, she told her apprentice Huang Yu about her idea and asked Huang Yu for his opinion.

Does the master need to ask for the disciple's opinion? Of course not. Rather than asking for Huang Yu's opinion, it is better to say that she wants to hear Huang Yu's praise.

However, Huang Yu did not immediately flatter him, but instead said worriedly: "Master, is this possible? Huang Ling is a married woman. You said that she is newly married to Chu Di. How credible is it..."

"The credibility is not high?" Yu Wuxia waved her hands and said: "It doesn't exist! It's true that Huang Ling is a married woman, but hasn't her husband been in suspended animation for a long time? And he's the kind who can't survive.

.She has been a widow for the past four to five hundred years. If it were you, would you be willing to continue to do so indefinitely?"

The four to five hundred years that Yu Wuxia mentioned were not earth years, but the default weak water years for humans living in the Qianwu Continent and the Hulantou Star Region.

The concept of a weak water year is that every 999 weak water tides erupt in a weak water river, that is, after 999 weak water days, a weak water tide will break out. Every time a weak water tide breaks out, it is a weak water year.

Huang Yu naturally understood the concept of weak water years, and thought that if she remained a widow like this in her marriage in the future, she would be afraid that she would not be able to wait for three weak water days before remarrying. So she felt ashamed and said: "This disciple is not thinking carefully, but the master is wise."


Hearing this, Yu Wuxia became even more proud, waving her hands and saying, "You are still young, and it is normal for you not to understand the relationship between men and women. There is no need to blame yourself."

When saying this, Yu Wuxia completely forgot that she was also an old girl, but she knew something about love between men and women. Huang Yu knew this very well, but he did not dare to express his thoughts.

The master and apprentice discussed the matter, and time passed quickly. After chatting for a while, Yu Wuxia felt that it was almost done, so she asked Huang Yu to send a message to Kong Youde to convey the "investigation results".

How did Kong Youde know that Yu Wuxia was fabricating nonsense? He couldn't help but be ecstatic after receiving the information, and immediately reported: "Sir, I found it! There is indeed a man and woman getting married in the Hulantou Star Territory, and it just happened!"

"Oh?" General Moyun seemed quite surprised and asked urgently: "Where is it? Who are the newlyweds getting married?"

Kong Youde said: "The wedding took place on the Bai Twenty-Two Planet. The groom's name is Chu Di and the bride's name is Huang Ling."

As soon as this information was exported, before General Moyun could speak, Chu Di, who was watching coldly, was already shocked. What the hell is Kong Youde doing?

It may be said that Kong Youde was making it up, but he was able to accurately report the location of Bai 22 and the name of the groom.

That's right, he married Qianqian on Bai 22, and it was exactly what happened just now. How did Kong Youde know about it?

But if it is said that Kong Youde has the ability to predict the unknown, or that someone in Bai 22 leaked the secret, it is not like it. Because this is obviously a mess of the mandarin duck genealogy. The bride is obviously Qianqian, how did she become Huang Ling?

And the most important thing, and what shocked me the most, was the name Huang Ling.

Did the person who provided information to Kong Youde know that he once had a sister named Huang Ling? Or did he just make up such a name casually, or was there a woman with the same surname as Huang Ling in the Calabash Star Territory?

The above speculations are impossible to determine unless the person who provided the information is found and questioned face to face.

Just as he was wondering, the Wuhun outside the fortress suddenly noticed that another group of soldiers came down from the Moyun battleship 10 kilometers away. They looked similar to the Splintermen surrounding the fortress at the moment. They were also arranged in seven square formations.

There are 2,000 people in the phalanx.

The 14,000 Moyun soldiers who had just disembarked from the ship did not delay. They arranged in formation and flew past the Huluzui Fortress, flying directly into the Huludou star field. Over the Ruoshui River, the huge array gradually became farther and farther away.


Chu Di's martial spirit followed this wave of enemies closely, but he would not lose them. He compared the direction in his mind and found that the target of this wave of magic cloud splitters was Bai 22.

What are you doing? To arrest me and my new wife?

Although Chu Di couldn't figure out what the purpose of Mo Yun's army was, the things Qian Qian entrusted to him could not go wrong. No matter who it was or for what purpose, Bai 22's sovereignty could not be violated.

So he planned to leave Huluzui Fortress and no longer cared about how the farce in front of him would end. What did it have to do with him whether the officers and soldiers of Kong Youde's 1st Division were dead or alive? He loved whom and how.

Just when he was about to teleport, he suddenly heard a burst of laughter from the Demon Cloud Warlord outside. After laughing, he said: "Okay, now you people can go and die."

Kong Youde was shocked when he heard this. He knelt down again and said: "Sir, you can't do this! Didn't you already promise me that as long as I help you find the newlyweds, you will spare us people? How can such a big man like you say this?

And no faith?”

"Believe your words? Hehe..." The Demon Cloud Warlord said with disdain: "A coward like you is worthy of me trusting you? Kill! Buzz..."

Just as General Moyun said the word "kill", a buzzing sound suddenly occurred outside the fortress.

This buzzing was low and long, and when it reached the fortress space, it sounded like the lamentation of an ancient dragon before it died.

However, this dragon-like sound was very familiar to the ears of everyone in the fortress - any officers and soldiers with some Star Wars experience, even Chu Di, knew that this was the sound made by a huge spaceship before it was about to explode.


In fact, the moment people heard the "dragon roar", Chu Di's martial spirit had already captured the source of the sound in advance.

It was a ball of white light that lit up the entire starry sky!

It's Moyun's flagship exploding!

What caused the Demon Cloud flagship to explode was a laser beam emitted from the Calabash Fortress!

Someone fired!

Someone fired a cannon in the fortress!

He fired a precise shot at Moyun's flagship.

Perhaps the defense of the Moyun fleet was already weak, or perhaps the Moyun army did not expect to be bombarded by the Tianhe border guards and therefore did not activate the defense system. In short, this cannon easily penetrated the vital points of the Moyun flagship and accurately hit it.

Hit the flagship's fuel tank.

It actually blew up Moyun's flagship! This cannon was a brilliant result! For a moment, both the Moyun soldiers surrounding the fortress and the officers and soldiers at all levels inside the fortress were stunned by this cannon.

No one spoke, and no one moved. The two parties inside and outside stayed like this for a long time, until the dazzling white light produced by the explosion disappeared, and then suddenly there was a howl like a slaughtering pig: "Fuck, this is

Who did it?"

Contrary to Chu Di's expectation, the person who howled was not General Moyun outside, but Kong Youde inside the fortress.

Kong Youde, who had just been kneeling on the inner wall of the ball with a mournful look on his face, now jumped up angrily, and the expression on his face became very ferocious, like a wild beast that chooses people to devour. He looked around and roared: "

Who is he? This is a provocation! Find him, I will shoot him!"

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