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Chapter 580 No more pretending

 In fact, when Yan Xinghua's independent regiment just arrived at Bai 22, the "little eyes" deployed in the secret monitoring room of the Watch Star Command Center had returned to normal.

At that time, in the surveillance footage of Little Eyes returning to normal, there was no fighting on the surface in Bai 22. Almost all the prisoners had returned to the white house, and the six ruby ​​girls were left sitting around in a barren field, talking silently. Only Chu Di is missing.

Therefore, in Yu Wuxia's view, the situation in Bai 22 has returned to peace. Yan Xinghua and her independent brigade should not encounter any difficult problems. They only need to find out Chu Di's whereabouts as soon as possible and report them.

Perhaps the military and political joint committees of the three major forces on Qianwu Continent also received this information and came to the same judgment as Yu Wuxia, so they rejected Ling Rui's proposal to reinforce Bai 22 and focused their work on Zhang Qiang was arrested.

However, not long after Yan Xinghua led the crowd into the atmosphere of Bai 22, the little eye malfunctioned again. Yu Wuxia felt alarmed and wanted to contact Yan Xinghua to ask what happened, but instead of waiting for the news from Yu Wuxia's flagship , even if the Star Watch tried to contact the other party, they couldn't.

What happened on Bai 22 again? It's really impossible to judge. I can't see or hear.

Just when he was anxious, the correspondent of the 117th Division at Huluzui Fortress sent another alarm, saying that an observation post had discovered that while Zhang Qiang was resisting the Moyun Splitters, another Moyun army numbering tens of thousands had broken into Hulu. Deep in the Star Territory, his whereabouts are unknown.

The tens of thousands of Moyun's army penetrated into the Calabash Star Territory. What did they want to do? Is it true that Tao fifty-seven said in his last words that only General Moyun can interfere with or even block communication signals?

If Tao fifty-seven's statement is true, then this army of magic clouds may have gone to Bai 22. Using this to infer cause and effect, it means that the previous battle Chu Di fought on Bai 22 was really related to The magic cloud is related to life.

If this is really the case, then the officers and soldiers of Yan Xinghua's brigade are in trouble. No matter how good they are at fighting, they are still no match for tens of thousands of Moyun's army!

With these three major problems in front of him, Yu Wuxia, who had always been decisive in dealing with matters, had no idea. Fortunately, Wu Weixian, the president of the Interstellar Tribunal who had not yet left Watching Star, pointed out a clear path for Yu Wuxia for the sake of the temple's face.

After an urgent discussion, Yu Wuxia followed Wu Weixian's instructions and issued an order: "Lv Yu, go to Huluzui Fortress and announce my appointment: appoint Zhang Qiang as the acting commander of the 117th Division, and then take him back to Watching Star to receive commendation. "

Wu Weixian's idea was full of "political wisdom". Since it was impossible to capture Zhang Qiang hard, he would use soft methods to lure Zhang Qiang back to Watching Star first, and then set up a mechanism to arrest him in one fell swoop. This way, he would not be afraid of Zhang Qiang's desperate resistance. .

"Command Ziyu and immediately send a capable team to escort Huang Ling to Bai Twenty-two. They will wait for my orders outside the atmosphere. The rest of the officers and soldiers will continue to search for Huang Thirty-five. They want to see the person alive and the body of the dead!"

Now that there is an arrangement at Huluzui, Huang 35 is not that troublesome here. After the two orders were issued, Yu Wuxia ordered Huang Yu: "Immediately recruit the three reorganizers. I will accompany the special envoys to Bai Twenty-two.

Look what kind of mystery this Chu Di has made!"

While military orders were issued frequently on the Watching Star, on Bai 22's side, the game between Chu Di and Lang Chen could no longer continue.

How to continue? In the first game, Langchen could hold his nose and drink half a scoop of weak water, but in the second game, he really couldn't do it.

At this time, Langchen had deeply understood two things - why the Supreme wanted to make Chu Di the crown prince, and why he married Qian Qian to Chu Di.

If I, Langchen, were the Supreme, then I would also make Chu Di the crown prince, and I would also marry Qian Qian to Chu Di!

It's very simple. It doesn't matter whether Chu Di looks beautiful or ugly, or whether his combat power is high or low. What does it mean that he can freely enter and exit weak waters and upgrade star sea crystals?

This means that as long as Chu Di returns to the Demon Cloud Realm, the Demon Cloud Realm will immediately swallow up the Tianhe Realm!

He can freely enter and exit Weushui River, and the Weushui River will no longer be an obstacle to Moyun's army's cross-border expedition!

He can upgrade the Star Sea Crystal, and the overall combat power of the Demon Cloud Army can be infinitely improved!

Of course, if you want to infinitely increase the overall combat power of Moyun's army, just upgrading one or two star sea crystals is far from enough.

In order to prove how strong Chu Di's ability to upgrade crystals is, Lang Chen questioned: "You just turned a piece of white crystal into a blue crystal, which doesn't mean anything. Who knows if you hid a piece of blue crystal in your body in advance..."


Langchen's doubt is completely unreasonable. It is not that no one has thought about this problem before, but this suspicion is not established at all. The prerequisite for its establishment is that Chu Di did not know in advance that someone would come to compete with him, and he knew that the enemy would be far away.

Only those who are better than him would prepare such strange "tricks" in advance.

At this time, everyone in the venue knew that Langchen had started cheating, but no one dared to resist.

Commander Mo Yun has such a vicious reputation, who dares to stand up for Chu Di? Only one Le Hong was angry and wanted to speak, but was stopped by Chu Di's message, "Don't talk, I have my own countermeasures."

Chu Di stopped Lehong and asked Lang Chen: "You mean, it's a lie that I can upgrade the Star Sea Crystal? Tell me, how many blue crystals do I have to upgrade before you believe it?"

Lang Chen laughed to cover up his guilt, and then said with a smile: "At least 10,000 yuan! As long as you can upgrade 10,000 Xinghai crystals and put them in front of you, I will also upgrade them to show you!"

His words were extremely heroic, but the listeners were not at all shocked.

There is no fear because people simply don’t believe it.

When it comes to combat power, you, Commander Moyun, can boast as high as you want, but when it comes to upgrading star sea crystals, you might as well forget it. If there are people in your Moyun world who can upgrade star sea crystals, now this Hulutou star field can still have

A living Tianhe person?

No one believed it, but they would not expose it on the spot. Only Lehong couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Chu Di, don't listen to his nonsense, he is trying to drain your inner strength!"

"Bullshit!" Lang Chen suddenly became angry and retorted: "If his internal strength can't even be upgraded with ten thousand crystals, is it worthy of me to consume it?"

Lehong refused to give in: "Do you know how much internal energy it takes to upgrade a star sea crystal? You said it as if you can do it too!"

Chu Di quickly waved his hand to stop Lehong and frowned: "What's wrong with you girl? What I said doesn't work, does it?"

Seeing that Chu Di was displeased, Lehong had no choice but to shut up and said to himself, "I'm helping you, why do you still blame me? You're just calling a dog biting Lu Dongbin, you don't know a good heart."

Chu Di no longer bothered Lehong, looked at Lang Chen opposite who had just collected Fa Tian Xiang Di and said: "Since you said so, I will do as you wish. It's just that I always collect crystals from underground rock soil.

Please, let me pick up some ready-made crystals to upgrade."

As he spoke, he grasped downwards with both hands at the same time, and the direction of his strength was directed at the dozen turrets that Lang Chen had trampled to pieces before. At this time, these turrets were in ruins, with white star sea crystals scattered and piled up.

Everyone followed Chu Di's gesture and saw white crystals flying out from the ruins, more and more, and finally they formed into clumps and flew into the air, like moths frightened in the flowers.

The movements of Chu Di's hands were also fast. At first, he was grabbing and releasing like a juggler. All the white crystals that passed his hand turned blue. Later, it became even more dizzying. The strings of white crystals were like those shot by more than a dozen machine guns.

Bullets shot into his hands, and then fell from his hands like blue crystal rain.

What's even more surprising is that the blue crystals that fell from the sky did not hit the ground, but were assembled in an orderly manner. At first, people didn't know what Chu Di wanted to do, but in the blink of an eye, the blue houses began to appear.

Has been piled up.

Seeing this, Hongyu couldn't help but exclaimed: "It turns out that Chu Di can also build this kind of turret!"

When Chu Di heard Hong Yu's words, he laughed twice and said: "My wife also asked me to build a house and gave me a building drawing. I haven't had time to build it yet. Now it's just right. I've built more than ten houses."

A high-end building. ”

Seeing this scene, Lehong was in admiration. He said to himself that the master is really not an ordinary person. I still don't believe him when he said that he had his own opinions. It turns out that he had thought of such a good countermeasure at that time!

Among the people staying on the surface at this time, only Lehong understood Chu Di's true intention, and she was the only one who knew that the blue crystal turret could not only launch more powerful energy beams, but also defend against

The strength has also increased a hundred times. Don't look at the dozen white crystal turrets that Lang Chen crushed when he used the magic of heaven and earth just now. If it were replaced by a blue crystal turret like this, he wouldn't be able to crush it!

It's just that what Lehong knew, Lang Chen didn't understand. When he saw Chu Di building more than a dozen blue crystal turrets in succession, which were even more powerful in quantity and quality than the previous white crystal turrets, Chu Di immediately understood.

He shouted: "All soldiers obey the order!"

The Moyun Army Formation immediately responded: "The general is here!"

Lang Chen said: "Smash all the turrets on this planet and kill every Tianhe native on this planet! I'll kill Chu Di!"

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