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Chapter 591 Travel through ten thousand years

Dai Meishi's narration was very detailed and almost everyone present believed it, with the exception of Chu Di.

Chu Di couldn't believe what Dai Meishi said was true, because the more he listened, the more he felt that the Shuya Dai Meishi mentioned was an acquaintance of his, or even the Shu Ya he once knew.

Especially when he asked Demeishi if Shuya's hometown was in El Star and received a positive answer, he couldn't believe Demeishi's "story" even more.

It's not that he doesn't believe that Yu Nemian has the kind of skill that Dai Meishi said can increase her husband's combat power a thousand times, he just doesn't believe that the Shu Ya in Dai Meishi's mouth is the same person as the Shu Ya he knows.

How many days have you been apart from Shu Ya?

The Shuya in Demeishi's mouth died hundreds of years ago, and only generations of Shuya's descendants continue to travel back and forth between El Star and Silver Star, passing it on from generation to generation.

Perhaps, there might be two or even more women named Shuya on the El Planet, just like there are thousands of Zhangs, Sans and Lis on the earth.

Chu Di can only think like this at this moment, otherwise he will fall into chaos, which will be a kind of chaos on the timeline, which is equivalent to chaos in time and space!

However, while thinking this way, he was also surprised by more and more coincidences. There was Shu Ya in the Kingdom of Science and Technology, and there was also Huang Ling. How could there be so many people with multiple names?

So he planned to learn more about the Kingdom of Science and Technology, and asked: "Who among you knows more about the Kingdom of Science and Technology? Please introduce it to me."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion after hearing this. What is the overview of the Kingdom of Science and Technology? That is all common sense, who doesn't know it? Everyone says the same thing.

Seeing that no one was coming forward, Lehong sneered. Just as he was about to speak, Chu Di had already ordered: "Brigadier Yan, just now you said you wanted to go to war with the Kingdom of Science and Technology. I didn't understand. Please give me an overview of the Kingdom of Science and Technology."

Just give it a try."

At this time, Yan Xinghua had already thought clearly that even telling Chu Di everything about the Kingdom of Science and Technology would not be considered a leak, so he said calmly: "Since you believe me, then I will tell you if there are any deficiencies.

, everyone can add as much as you like.”

At that moment, Yan Xinghua recounted what she knew about the Kingdom of Science and Technology: "About five hundred years ago, a spaceship broke into the Hulutou Starfield. It caused a sensation at that time, because at that time, only Hua Youqing was the only one in the entire Qianwu Continent.

A spaceship was built that could fly... But this spaceship of unknown origin seemed to know the route in the Calabash Star Territory, avoiding all natural and artificial obstacles, and flew straight to the Silver Star..."

As the most capable commander of the Watch Star Alliance, Yan Xinghua has a deep understanding of everything that has ever happened in the Calabash Star Territory, no matter how big or small.

At that time, the Taizu of the Science and Technology Kingdom drove a spaceship into the Calabash Star Territory and settled on the Silver Star. This naturally aroused questioning and bans from the three major forces. Therefore, the Science and Technology Kingdom fought several battles with the coalition forces and finally obtained the protection of the Silver Star.

After the victory of the war, the two sides were separated from each other until today.

How important a historical fact was the Battle of Silver Star? Although Yan Xinghua was not able to personally participate in that battle, he was familiar with it. To tell the story of the Kingdom of Science and Technology, this is the right place to start.

Among everyone present, only Chu Di knew nothing about these historical materials, so Chu Di was the only one who listened with interest.

However, when Chu Di heard that the Kingdom of Science and Technology announced its founding and that the name of the first king was Tao Bao, his expression changed and became serious.

This is another coincidence! Amazing coincidence!

Being able to play with technology in areas where any technology application is prohibited, as far as Chu Di knows, only his good brother Tao Bao has such an ability.

Back in the cave world, Tao Bao could have thought of dismantling the Clippers' engines for use in aerospace. If it weren't for the legal restrictions set by Long Yaojing's mother, and if he hadn't only stayed for more than half a year, maybe he would have

You can also play bigger.

So, is the King Tao Bao of the Kingdom of Science and Technology that Yan Xinghua is talking about at this moment, his brother Tao Bao?

Even though Chu Di thought this coincidence was amazing, he still couldn't believe that this Tao Bao was the other Tao Bao.

Because the timeline is there, the last contact between me and Tao Bao was on Betelgeuse. At that time, Tao Bao was still sitting in the office of Longshi Villa in the east of the earth and having a video call with me. But now it is far from that time.

How many days have passed?

From Betelgeuse to the Flying Star, and then "swimming" from the weak water city of the Flying Star to the Calabash Star Domain, even though it greatly transcends space, there can't be such a big difference in time, right?

But Tao Bao, the king of the Silver Star Technology Kingdom, came to the Calabash Star Territory five hundred years ago!

What was the concept of five hundred weak water years ago? That was already 10,000 earth years ago, and 10,000 earth years ago, China did not even establish the Shang Dynasty, let alone the Xinhua Kingdom Lidong City


Ten thousand years ago, it was hard to tell where our ancestors were even born!

Therefore, even if it sounds like the technology king's behavior is very similar to that of his good brother Tao Bao, Chu Di would not assume that they are the same person.

It's just a coincidence! Chu Di persisted in this belief until he heard Yan Xinghua continue to talk about several powerful people in the Kingdom of Science and Technology - Yin Qinglian in charge of political affairs, Qu Xiaoqing in charge of business and economics, Huang Ling in charge of military and national defense...

He was completely confused.

Yan Xinghua, are you kidding me?

He was only angry for less than a second before giving up the idea. Even if Yan Xinghua wanted to joke with him, she would not know his past so clearly, let alone Tao Bao's circle of friends on earth.

What's more, no one here had any objections to Yan Xinghua's story. Obviously, they believed that what Yan Xinghua told was the truth and there was no fiction.

Chu Di was completely confused.

In this case, the Tao Bao from the Kingdom of Science and Technology must be the Tao Bao from the Earth. There is no need to doubt that Yin Qinglian, Qu Xiaoqing and Huang Ling are also the three from the Earth. This also means that Tao Bao is the Tao Bao from the Earth.

Bao developed a spaceship with extremely superior hyperspace performance and took them to the Hulutou Starfield.

The moment he thought of this, Chu Di couldn't help but shudder, because he thought of two other questions at the same time.

One problem is that since this Tao Bao is the other Tao Bao, it can only mean that he has traveled through time in the process of traveling from Weushui City to Weushui River, and that he has traveled to the future 10,000 earth years later.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

The second question is, since Tao Bao brought Yin, Qu and Huang to the edge of the galaxy, what happened to Xu Yanfei and Rose? Didn't he abandon his two wives on the earth?

This chapter has been completed!
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