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Chapter 599 The Soul of the Palm

The issue that Chu Di needs to consider is also the issue that everyone on the surface of Bai 22 is worried about at this moment.

Although teleportation is not limited by three-dimensional space, Chu Di's current location is outside the atmosphere of Bai 22. This is outer space. In such a space, any space transformation behavior is prohibited, and no one can

Unable to teleport.

Of course, if Chu Di is just one person, then he has a rather advantageous option, which is to plunge into the Ruoshui River. Although Langchen has big hands, he does not dare to fish for people in the Ruoshui River.

The problem is that Chu Di is not alone now. He wants to rescue the spaceship and take the spaceship out of danger, so he can no longer plunge into the weak water river. Otherwise, Chu Di will be fine, but the spaceship and the passengers on it will suffer.


In addition to these difficulties, there is another question: how does Chu Di hold the spacecraft hostage?

Unless the people on the spacecraft know Chu Di, they will not cooperate with Chu Di's actions anyway. They will neither open the hatch for Chu Di nor adjust the route according to Chu Di's wishes. What should Chu Di do?

Almost everyone on the ground was sweating for Chu Di.

However, the next moment, in front of people's field of vision, Chu Di did not react at all, but a strange scene happened on the spaceship!

The wooden cow and flowing horse that was originally flying towards Chu Di suddenly turned 90° in its route, from flying parallel along the Bai 22 synchronous orbit to a vertical dive, radially penetrating the surface of Bai 22.

This strange scene is definitely not the result of the driver's active operation on the boat, because it is like a bird that was flying in the sky and suddenly fell after being hit by a rifle.

Chu Di, who was originally waiting on the original route of the spaceship, unexpectedly followed the spacecraft and fell down quickly, faster than the spacecraft. He soon caught up with the spacecraft and landed with the spacecraft.

People could even see Chu Di stretching out a hand and pressing it on the porthole of the spacecraft, seeming to be communicating with the people on the spacecraft.

"Incredible!" Yan Xinghua couldn't help but murmur to himself, and then he couldn't help but worry about Chu Di and the people on the ship. If you fall like this, can you be faster than the big hand behind you?

In Yan Xinghua's view, the result of Chu Di's actions must be that he and the spaceship fell into Lang Chen's hands at the same time.

At the same time, an idea flashed in Lang Chen's mind outside the atmosphere, and his gesture changed from hugging to patting.

Lang Chen thought this way, since Chu Di chose to fly back to the ground, it would be hard for him to hug him, because he would probably hug him together with Bai 22, and then his hands would be full of indigenous humans, so what?

Looking for traces of Chu Di?

So he immediately changed his hugs to pats, trying to pat Chu Di on Bai 22's surface.

He naturally knew that Chu Di could not be killed with this palm. Not only Chu Di could not be killed, but also the spaceship could not be killed. Even if he used his hand hard enough to crush Bai 22, he could not kill two such tiny targets.

But it doesn't matter if you can't beat him to death! As long as you make sure to slap him under your palm and make sure that he doesn't escape from your palm, then you can shrink your body while holding him. When your palm shrinks to about the same size as his body, you can use the "inch"

Feeling strong?

Langchen's idea is a bit like a children's game of a certain era on earth - to shoot a grasshopper, raise the back of your hand, and a small space will naturally form in your palm. Slap the grasshopper into the space in your palm, and the grasshopper will be captured alive.

However, Langchen was not trying to capture Chu Di alive, but to kill Chu Di. He was pleasantly surprised by his sudden inspiration. That's right! That's it! You must not use too much force!

The consequences of using too much force will either be the collapse of the planet or the collapse of the star shell, both of which will provide favorable conditions for Chu Di's escape.

The perfect way to play is to hold on first and then apply a sudden force. Then we will see where you can float!

Thinking of this, he slowed down the speed of patting down with his big hand, and only followed Chu Di and the spaceship slowly, covering, lest the strong wind generated by too fast speed would blow Chu Di out of the coverage of his palm.


"not good!"

In the blue crystal turret, Dai Meishi suddenly became alarmed when she saw this scene, because the scene conceived by Lang Chen had already appeared in her mind.

At this moment, she ignored the questions in other people's eyes and said to Lehong: "Open the turret door quickly, otherwise the people in the spacecraft will be in danger."

That's right, Dai Meishi was not worried about Chu Di, but the people in the falling spaceship.

Until this moment, whether it was Yan Xinghua, Hongyu, or Dai Meishi who reminded Lehong at this moment, they all believed that the people in the spaceship must be people on their watch star and their comrades, and

Most of them are female comrades.

In the atmosphere of Bai 22, Chu Di can teleport and even escape to the ground. He can teleport into the blue crystal turret or choose other ways to avoid Lang Chen's pursuit. But what about the people in the spaceship?


That's why Dai Meishi reminded Lehong to open the door.

Of course Lehong would not obey Dai Meishi's order, even if it was a reminder. She even ignored Dai Meishi and continued to look at Chu Di in the sky through the observation hole. However, Chu Di's figure suddenly disappeared.

At the moment when Lehong was surprised, Chu Di's voice sounded in her ears: "Open the tower door!"

Chu Di's order was naturally carried out, and Lehong immediately opened the tower door. Almost at the same time, a bloated figure rushed in from the door.

"close the door!"

Chu Di's voice sounded again, and then people saw that Chu Di's people were already standing in the tower, and the bloated figure rushing in from the tower door was not a huge and burly person, but a woman hugging a man.

That's why it looks bloated at first glance.

However, the two persons, a man and a woman, surprised Yan Xinghua and others because they did not know each other at all, neither the man nor the woman.

The tower door was barely closed, and the sky outside had turned dark. Everyone knew that this was not a change in the sky, but that Lang Chen's big hand had covered the surface of the planet, blocking all the skylight.

As expected, Lang Chen shouted angrily outside: "Chu Di, you coward, if you have the guts to come out, why did you hide it? Do you really think I don't dare to smash this planet? Come out if you have the guts."

Have a fight!”

But Chu Di seemed not to have heard anything at all. He only looked at the red-haired woman holding the person, with a rare tenderness on her face, and asked: "Shu Ya, are you okay?"

The red-haired woman placed the man in her hand in the corner of the tower room. The man seemed to have drunk too much wine and was sleeping soundly at the moment. The woman straightened up, smiled at Chu Di and said: "Chu Di, it's really true.

You! I am lucky to meet you! But I am not Shuya, I am a descendant of Shuya. Well, Shuya is my ancestor. She has passed away. Oh, by the way, my name is Shu Hua."

This chapter has been completed!
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