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Chapter 651: Qian Qingjian beats up Enchanting

 Chu Di woke up amidst the commotion, but when he woke up, he saw that the four girls, such as Yaorao, Yu Wuxia and Hongyu, were missing. He quickly asked Tian Wu and Dai Meishi who stayed by his side to wait on him, "Where are they? Who are they?"

Are you making noise outside?"

Dai Meishi curled her lips and said: "Not only is she charming, but she almost tricked Brother Qian to death in the past. The two of them happened to meet on a narrow road just now. The enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and they started fighting if they disagreed."

Chu Di said "Ouch" and slapped his head, "How could I have forgotten this? It's incredible, I have to go down and pull them away."

Before he finished speaking, Chu Di had already jumped from the window on the seventh floor. While he was in the air, he saw a circle of people gathered below. In the circle, a man and a woman were fighting fiercely. It was Qian Qingjian and Yaorao.

Chu Di could tell at a glance that these two people were definitely not competing for strength, let alone fighting, but were actually fighting for their lives.

How much hatred is this?

Chu Di vaguely knew some of the old grudge between Yaorao and Qian Qingjian. It seemed that Qian Qingjian and his family had been tricked by Yaorao when they entered the Liman Star by mistake. But if it was just because of this that the two of them were at odds with each other, Chu Di still

Some of it is incomprehensible.

At this time, the two of them had clearly used their full strength.

Enchanting used her Ten Thousand Snakes Wrapping Technique. Her body was suspended two meters high in the air. Her arms, legs, feet, even waist and neck had turned into soft tentacles, like dozens of venomous snakes, wrapping around Qian Qingjian's torso.

and limbs.

It is conceivable that as long as any part of Qian Qingjian's body is entangled by her, his whole body will be bound, and there will be no possibility of breaking free.

Once that point is reached, Qian Qingjian's life and death will be in the hands of Yaorao.

Chu Di knew how powerful Yaorao was. Although he had a way to save his life and had deliberately let Yaorao entangle his body, he also knew that Yaorao had no intention of killing him that time and did not kill him after entangling him.

But this time the enchanting opponent was replaced by old money, but that was not the case.

Is there any way for Lao Qian to save his life when surrounded by thousands of snakes? Chu Di really doesn’t know.

Although I don’t know if Lao Qian has any good strategies after being entangled, the situation at this moment is that Lao Qian has the upper hand.

Because Lao Qian was not entangled in any part of Yaorao, not only was he not entangled, he was able to avoid the entanglement and counterattack at the same time, beating Yaorao and making her scream in agony.

The martial arts used by Lao Qian are very original.

Chu Di also knew this Kung Fu. It turned out to be the Loach Kung Fu created by Liu Ying, the imperial concubine of Dali Kingdom during the Northern Song Dynasty.

Although Liu Ying, also known as Yinggu, was not very strong, and her martial arts ranking at the same time was still lower than Tie Zhang Shui Fu Qiu Qian Ren. But the loach skill she created was extraordinary.

When the loach skill is in full swing, the whole body will become extremely slippery. No matter how fiercely the enemy attacks, he will be unable to hit his vital points and can only slide against his clothes.

It feels like catching a loach. Every time I seem to have caught it, the slippery loach escapes from my grasp.

Chu Di once thought that the loach skill and the flying catkin skill were similar in approach and effect. In order to hit effectively, one must use an inch of strength. However, he did not expect that Lao Qian would use it to deal with the enchanting tentacle entanglement at this time, and the effect was surprisingly good.


If the old money and enchantment at this time are replaced by a loach and dozens of venomous snakes, can the snakes entangle the loach?

Maybe not?

Chu Di didn't have time to think too much, because at this time, Yaorao had been beaten black and blue by Lao Qian.

Lao Qian used the Loach Kung Fu to evade the entanglement, but the martial arts he used to fight back was not the Loach Kung Fu, but the Yang Finger.

This is a combination of the martial arts skills of Nan Di Duan Zhixing and his wife and they are used by Yaorao. You are really talented, old man.

Chu Di didn't know that Lao Qian's Yang Finger was actually a divine sword derived from the One Yang Finger. Its power was ten thousand times more powerful than Nan Di's One Yang Finger.

Qian Qingjian has been to Watching Star, and even lived on Watching Star for a period of time, so he is not restricted by the natural laws of Watching Star. His divine sword can not only directly stab the enchanting tentacles at close range, but also

It can release invisible sword energy from a long distance. And the invisible sword energy blessed by Heluo Divine Art is much more powerful than the Sunflower Quick Sword like Xiao Sa.

Enchanting is already very revealingly dressed, and the arms and tentacles formed from its limbs can grow infinitely, but the clothes on her body will not grow in size accordingly.

So at this time, her tentacles, which looked like lotus roots, were already stained with blood, and some places were bruised and purple, looking miserable.

No, we can't let them continue to fight, otherwise someone will die!

Some of his thoughts were just in a flash of thought. After the flash of thought, Chu Di had already fallen between Yaorao and Lao Qian, "Don't fight, this is a misunderstanding!"

"I misunderstood your sister!"

"Master Chu, be careful!"

A man and a woman spoke out at the same time. The one who scolded "I misunderstood your sister" was Lao Qian, and the one who said "Mr. Chu, be careful" was Enchanting.

At the same time, both of them were unable to stop themselves in time. A dozen of the enchanting tentacles wrapped around Chu Di's body at the same time, and Lao Qian's dozen of divine swords inevitably stabbed Chu Di's body.

Seven or eight of the dozen or so air swords were blocked by the tentacle arms wrapped around Chu Di's body. Yaorao screamed in pain, but the other few penetrated through the gaps between the tentacle arms and stabbed her.

Chu Di's clothes were hit.

When Chu Di fell between the two of them, he had already developed a defensive shield, so he was naturally not afraid of the damage from Lao Qian's Qi Sword. However, after being hit by the sword, he actually realized the difference of this Qi Sword.


When Yaorao retracted his tentacle arm, he looked down at his body and found that the Star Watch Alliance uniform on his body had several holes damaged. This showed that even if he used the time-displacement armor, he could not deal with Lao Qian's air sword.

Completely immune.

The Kungfu based on Heluo Divine Kung Fu is amazing!

While feeling emotional, Chu Di immediately started talking about peace and work.

If you want to be a peacemaker, you must first ask about the reason for the fight. Although he also knows a little about the reason, this is a necessary procedure for negotiating peace between the two parties, so he asked: "Why did you two start fighting?"

Lao Qian didn't give Chu Di any face. Hearing this, he immediately said angrily: "You still ask why the fight started? Don't you know who gave me the gift of being trapped on the Li Mie Star? Didn't I treat you right?

Did you say that this bitch is the one I hate the most?"

How could Yaorao allow the evil old man to complain first? At the same time, he said: "Just now, Yu Wuxia and I went out to relax. When we came back, we met him in the lobby on the first floor. I even said hello to him. I just wanted to apologize for what happened in the past.

He took action and gave me a shot..."

While talking, the enchanting girl lifted up the front of her jacket and exposed her breasts to Chu Di: "Look here, this is the first blow he gave."

Chu Di glanced at it with some embarrassment, and saw that her voluptuous breasts, like her originally exposed abdomen, were covered with wounds, and she couldn't help but take a breath.

You know, don't look at the enchanting white and tender skin on the surface. In fact, it is hidden scales, which are just hidden with magic. Snake scales are inherently tough, not to mention that enchanting is not an ordinary snake?

However, even such tough invisible scales could not stop Lao Qian's one-finger air sword. From this, we can also see that Lao Qian's martial arts is really powerful.

So he looked at Lao Qian and said: "Brother Qian, you are so ruthless and capable of destroying flowers. How much hatred can you have? Can't you just ask Yaorao to apologize to you and give you enough compensation? Why do you have to do it?

Take her life?"

When Lao Qian heard this, he was immediately furious, "How much hatred? You were deceived by her, your family was poisoned, and you were not the one who suffered in a harsh environment for tens of millions of years. It doesn't hurt to stand and talk! Don't blame me for not giving you face."

, don’t stop me, I must kill this bitch today, and then my family will return to the Liming Star to fend for themselves!"

Qian Qingjian was just rescued by Chu Di from the Li Mie Star, but now he said he wanted to return to the Li Mie Star, which was obviously not a favor to Chu Di.

He would rather the whole family live and die on his own than kill Yaorao and be quick. The real reason is only known to him.

In fact, what Qian Qingjian can't let go of the most is not the pain and suffering of these more than a thousand years, but his personality in the minds of his wives, which collapsed because of the incident.

At first, Lao Qian was seduced by the enchantment, and his family went to the planet of destruction. Only when they arrived there did they find that they were in a desperate situation. So Lao Qian's wives attacked Lao Qian, saying that he was greedy for beauty and that sex made him stupid.


It would be fine if he was just greedy for beauty, and was obsessed with beauty and snakes. The problem is that in the end, Lao Qian didn’t get anything, not to mention he didn’t get a voluptuous body, and he didn’t even touch it with his hands. This makes a man

Why are all the wives so miserable?

In the long years that followed, wives always jumped up and asked: She is good-looking, but why is she prettier than me? Can you be deceived without getting anything?

Objectively speaking, there are indeed more than a dozen of Lao Qian's wives who are extremely beautiful. Not to say they are more beautiful than enchanting, but at least they are not inferior to them. The wives are not convinced!

Therefore, rather than saying that Lao Qian hates Yaorao because he was deceived by Yaorao, it is better to say that it is because of the verbal and verbal criticism from his wives after being deceived.

Among the Eight Beauties of Qinhuai there are many talented women with outstanding literary talents, and they even wrote many limericks to amuse themselves while ridiculing their husbands. Where does this leave the old man who always considers himself a manly man?


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