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Chapter sixty-seventy-two

 It won’t be a lose-lose situation!

It’s impossible to lose both sides!

The moment Tao Huan and Chu Di hit each other, every audience member came to the same conclusion.

What kind of power is Tao Huan's fist? That was a critical strike that could destroy stars!

On the other hand, what is the power of Chu Di's fist? Compared with Tao Huan's fist, it can be ignored.

It is conceivable that even if it is a giant tree, so what? If it hits a rock, can it knock down a mountain?

Obviously not!

So the only outcome at this moment is that Chu Di is seriously injured or even killed, but Tao Huan will be safe and sound!

However, the situation in the arena once again subverted people's understanding. The moment the two fists hit each other, Tao Huan's body suddenly burst into light, forming a light mask that seemed different from his body.

Seen from a distance, the light mask looks like an extra-large goose egg, just covering Tao Huan's body.

Chu Di's fist hit the mask directly and did not directly touch Tao Huan's shirt.

"Shield of Holding!"

"This is the Shield of Defense! Tao Huan is really powerful, he can actually use the Shield of Defense!"

"It seems that Chu Di can also use the Shield of Defense, right?"

"Yes, Chu Di can do it too. I saw him use it on Bai Twenty-Two!"

"Tao Huan is too careful. How strong can Chu Di's punch be? Is it necessary to use the defensive shield to defend?"

"What do you know? I am the Silver Star Emperor. How can I fight for my life with a wanderer like Chu Di? This is called a son of a rich man who cannot sit down in court."

"That's right. The king of a country will suffer a loss if his skin, muscles and bones are injured."

Suddenly, on Wangfu Mountain opposite the ring, the audience in front of the TV screens from all over the place had different opinions. Some praised Tao Huan for his profound martial arts knowledge, and some admired Tao Huan for being cautious. In short, they all praised one side, and no one was optimistic about Chu Di.

It's no wonder that no one is optimistic about Chu Di. Tao Huan even used his defensive shield, but Chu Di didn't take any defensive measures and just let Tao Huan's fist hit his upper abdomen. This was not a clear sign of death.


Even Qing Emperor and Xiang Liu, who had extensive experience in fighting and broadcasting, as well as Emperor Ling Tian, ​​who was watching the battle invisibly near the ring, thought so.

Even Yao Luo and Yu Wuxia, who had seen Chu Di use the Shield of Defense to resist the combined attack of the four masters Zhuang Hao, Xiao Bai and Zhuang Hao, couldn't understand why Chu Di didn't use the Shield of Defense?

Could it be that Chu Di is also bound by the laws of nature? But this shouldn’t be the case! Isn’t Chu Di a native of Earth?

At this moment, among all the living beings, perhaps Tao Huan was the only one who felt it. His extremely domineering punch actually hit the air.

Tao Huan was stunned on the spot.

How is this possible? The surface of his fist has clearly touched Chu Di's shirt, and the tremendous power contained in his fist has clearly exploded, but why does the feedback feel like it hits an empty space?

Could it be that Chu Di's clothes were actually empty?

Even if it is empty, it cannot bear such a huge bombardment!

Tao Huan knew that there is a defensive measure in martial arts called "being humble".

This humility can be used to absorb the enemy's power into various points in the body, giving the enemy the feeling of hitting cotton with a punch.

But the capacity of this humble mind is limited after all. Who can practice this skill to the extent that it can carry all the energy of a star to undergo fission?

That's right, every attack power provided by this anti-gravity battle platform for Tao Huan is equivalent to the fission power of the entire energy of a sun!

That's right, it's fission, not fusion. Fusion is a long-lasting and slow reaction of a star, which radiates light and heat, while fission is a one-time nuclear explosion!

To put it more bluntly, it is the explosion of the sun.

Tao Huan was convinced that no one in the universe, using any defensive martial arts, could withstand his punch.

But Chu Di did it.

Not only did it work, but it was also very easy and comfortable.

Not only is the defense very comfortable, but the expression on his face is also very comfortable.

Seeing Chu Di's expression, Tao Huan suddenly became angry. He gritted his teeth and suddenly shouted angrily, while simultaneously striking out with both hands.

Isn't that just being so open-minded? I want to see how many fission suns your acupoints can hold!

Tao Huan's attack was surprisingly fast, and he had thrown out countless punches in the blink of an eye.

Among the audience, only top masters like Xiang Liu, Qing Emperor and Ling Tian could count accurately, there were as many as forty-nine punches!

Seeing this, Qing Emperor couldn't help but admire: "Huh? This Tao Huan is really amazing, he actually practiced the Dayan Divine Fist!"

Xiang Liu immediately nodded in agreement: "Dayan counts fifty, and its uses are nine out of forty. No one on the original ancestral star except Pangu could master this boxing technique. Tao Huan is really powerful. It seems that in the future we will

You have to be more careful.”

Qingdi sighed: "Yes, if you give him a little more time, his achievements will probably catch up with yours and mine."

While approving of Tao Huan, neither Qing Emperor nor Xiang Liu mentioned Chu Di. In fact, they were tacitly understanding each other. They both felt that Chu Di had once made a false comment about Tao Huan's martial arts business, which was really ridiculous.

That is really just disturbing Tao Huan's mind and deliberately irritating the other party. With Tao Huan's understanding, it is enough to call him a martial arts genius, but how can he be said to have zero martial arts skills? It is simply a joke.

However, the next moment, Qing Emperor and Xiang Liu were also stunned. Because Tao Huan's seven or forty-nine punches all hit the vital points of Chu Di's chest and abdomen, but Chu Di actually remained motionless without any sign of injury!


Qing Emperor and Xiang Liu looked at each other, and suddenly said in unison: "The Treasure of Chaos!"

That's right, Chu Di can only survive the bombardment of Dayan Divine Fist without being hurt, and he can only rely on the Chaos Treasure.

Thinking that the Chaos Treasure was so powerful, Qing Emperor and Xiang Liu couldn't help but feel their blood boiling up, and their covetous hearts became even stronger.

Like Xiang Liu Qingdi, Ling Tian, ​​who was hiding near the arena, also came to the same conclusion, and became even more eager for the purple polygonal crystal.

If he hadn't discovered the closed nature of this arena just now, he would have rushed in and snatched it. How could he have the patience to wait for the battle to end?

It's just that Tao Huan didn't know what Chaos Treasure Chu Di had, so he was completely dumbfounded after unleashing a series of Dayan Divine Fists.

One move of this Dayan Divine Fist is forty-nine consecutive critical hits! The best of the legendary boxing techniques!

With the addition of the platform, this wave of attacks was equivalent to blasting all the energy of forty-nine solar nuclear explosions onto Chu Di's body.

Nothing happened to Chu Di!

Although using the defensive shield could ignore any of Chu Di's attacks and free up his hands and feet to attack with all his strength, he did not adopt this strategy at the beginning.

Although this style of play has a greater chance of winning, it will also be criticized by others - your defensive shield is provided by the battle platform, and you are obviously taking advantage of it, so you are unable to win.

Of course, at the beginning, he never thought that Chu Di could launch a counterattack under such disparate conditions, which was another reason.

However, at this moment, when he shamelessly adopted this strategy, the results he got made his heart even colder.

At this time, Tao Huan was already sweating. He finally realized the true situation of this battle. It turned out that he could not defeat Chu Di at all!

Furthermore, the best outcome of this battle is that Chu Di cannot break through his defensive shield! As long as he cannot break through, it is a draw.

But what if it is penetrated?

So Tao Huan already understood that in this battle, he was already in the embarrassing situation of losing but not winning!

This chapter has been completed!
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