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Chapter 675: Chu Di's Anger

 The moment Yin Qinglian gave the order, Chu Di finally became really angry!

Ten thousand years have passed and you are still talking about your father’s hatred!

Yes, there is a grudge between Chu Di and Yin Qinglian for killing their father. But that was a manslaughter!

Ten thousand years ago, during the war in which the Gendayans invaded the solar system, Chu Di defeated a fleet of the invaders in seconds. As a traitor on earth, Yin Qinglian's father Yin Fuhu happened to be in that fleet.

Inside a certain ship.

To be honest, Chu Di never wanted to be a hero who kills relatives for justice. Even if Yin Fuhu once wanted to kill him with a fake hand scavenger, he had no intention of killing Yin Fuhu.

After all, Yin Fuhu is the younger brother of his biological mother, Yin Yanmei. His nephew killed his biological uncle. How does his mother deal with this?

However, the facts cannot be changed. He did accidentally kill Yin Fuhu.

So from then on, Chu Di felt guilty towards his aunt Liang Yuhan and cousin Yin Qinglian, and therefore entrusted Xu Yanfei, Long Yujing, Tao Bao and others to take care of their mother and daughter.

If it hadn't been for these instructions and care, and based on the hatred of traitors and traitors by the people of the Solar System who suffered losses in the Gendaya War of Aggression, it's doubtful whether the mother and daughter would have survived to this day.

What Chu Di didn't expect was that it was precisely because of his instructions that Long Yujing and Xu Yanfei took Yin Qinglian to Long's Villa and lived with Tao Bao in order to make it easier to take care of her.

After spending time together day and night, Tao Bao and Yin Qinglian gradually fell in love and became husband and wife.

When he learned the news that Tao Bao and Yin Qinglian were getting married, Chu Di was relieved, thinking that maybe Yin Qinglian would have less resentment towards him, but he was wrong.

After 10,000 years, Yin Qinglian still hates him deeply and has not forgiven him at all.

But now Yin Qinglian not only wants to avenge the murder of her father ten thousand years ago, but also wants to kill his entire family, which completely tramples on Chu Di's bottom line.

You can be petty! You can hold grudges! You can kill me! But why did you kill Xu Yanfei and Long Yujing? They provoked you?

Yin Qinglian behaved so perversely that even Huang Ling couldn't stand it anymore and asked loudly: "Yin Qinglian, are you still shameless? Why didn't you talk about revenge when you were in the solar system? Now that it has become a habit, you think of revenge?"

The more Huang Ling spoke, the angrier she became. As she flew towards the anti-gravity battle platform where Chu Di was, she continued to angrily say, "Also, even if you want revenge, why do you attack Xu Yanfei and Miss Long? Have you forgotten that they used to protect and take care of them?"

You? It’s like repaying kindness with enmity!”

Yin Qinglian said coldly: "Who asked Chu Di to hurt my son? If he hurt my son, I will kill his whole family and open fire!"

Before Yin Qinglian could issue the order again, the 6,000 AI warriors already suspended around Wangfu Villa had already pulled the trigger at the same time.

Six thousand super-heavy hydrogen submachine guns instantly fired six thousand super-heavy hydrogen energy beams, focusing the fire on the entire area of ​​Wangfu Villa.

Such a concentrated fire attack is already a destructive force that can wipe out the entire villa, but the forces involved in the attack are far more than that.

Outside Wangfu Mountain, white beams of light were emitted from more than a dozen artillery positions at the same time, and it was impossible to count them at the same time.

These white energy beams are like white rainbows, streaking across the sky, but striking down in a parabolic trajectory. The target of the attack is still the entire area of ​​Wangfu Villa!

Seeing this scene, Chu Di was so angry that his eyes were about to burst. Yin Qinglian, you are too cruel!

Putting aside those super-heavy hydrogen submachine guns, the power of the super-heavy hydrogen energy cannon fired from the surrounding artillery positions is already comparable to all the white crystal turrets Qianqian has deployed on Bai-22.

After these ten thousand years, Chu Di didn't know how far Xu Yanfei and Long Yujing's martial arts had advanced, but as long as they didn't reach the level of Lang Chen, they would never be able to withstand such a powerful attack!

At this moment, Chu Di finally understood why Xu Yanfei and Long Yujing did not come out to watch the battle when he and Tao Huan were fighting.

The whole world knew that he came to Silver Star, and the world knew that he was fighting in the ring at home, but Xu Yanfei and Long Yujing did not come out to watch the battle. It was definitely Yin Qinglian's house arrest.

Being locked up by such a powerful armed force, they really couldn't come out.

It was just that he was angry, but now was not the time to be angry. It was more important to save his wife and Sister Yujing! After thinking about it, Chu Di immediately used all his strength to place an invisible Klein bottle in the sky above Wangfu Villa.

This Klein bottle is like a bottomless pit, absorbing all the energy beams from all directions and pouring them out outside the villa, forming a closed circulation system.

Chu Di is convinced that with the protection of this Klein bottle, unless the artillery fire that Yin Qinglian can mobilize is increased a hundred times and the attack energy per unit time exceeds the upper limit that the Klein bottle can absorb, Xu Yanfei and Long Yujing will be


It's just that just being defensive is not enough. Yin Qinglian is so vicious, how can he not give her some lessons?

So what you have to do at this moment is not only defense, but also counterattack!

So while making the Klein bottle, he combined his yin and yang with his hands on his lower abdomen, transformed the superheavy hydrogen he had just absorbed from the battle platform, and then spun out a flaming knife.

There is no way, the Klein bottle is already the maximum output of one's internal energy in the Dantian. If one wants to launch a counterattack at the same time, one has to use the super heavy hydrogen he just absorbed.

It is said that this flame sword is originally a Taoist martial art from the Northern Song Dynasty on earth. It is essentially an invisible air sword. There are two explanations for why it has the word "flame" in its name.

One theory comes from martial arts, saying that this kind of qi knife is sharp and sharp, and when practiced to a high level, it can cause the target to burn when it hits the target, which is equivalent to the principle of drilling wood to make fire.

Another theory comes from the world of cultivation, saying that this kind of air knife can be attached to the cultivator's own samadhi true fire. Once it hits the enemy, it can destroy both body and soul.

However, the flaming knife Chu Di struck out at this time was different from these two statements. What he struck out with the flaming knife was not energy, but real flames.

Just like the flamethrower in the earth's modern thermal weapons war, what Chu Di shot out was a depraved fire dragon!

In the blink of an eye, the fire dragon had flown to Wangfu Villa and wandered around the AI ​​warrior formation around the villa.

However, the AI ​​warriors ignored this fire dragon.

The Kingdom of Science and Technology has always followed the path of wood and stone technology, with wood technology being the mainstay. How could we not know that wood is flammable?

Therefore, all kinds of wooden machinery manufactured by the Kingdom of Science and Technology have been treated with fire protection. The technicians of the Kingdom of Science and Technology once claimed without exaggeration that the instruments they manufactured are not afraid of any flames in the universe.

So when they saw Chu Di shooting out the fire dragon, even Huang Ling, Yao Luo and Yu Wuxia who were flying behind Chu Di towards Wangfu Villa couldn't help but shake their heads secretly. Chu Di's attack was probably useless.


Even Yin Qinglian couldn't help but sneer, "Playing with fire with me? You can't think of it!"

At this moment, there is only one thing that Yin Qinglian and her AI warriors can't figure out, and that is why Wangfu Villa still exists when such a large amount of super-heavy hydrogen energy beams have penetrated Wangfu Villa?

Not only exists, but intact!

Chu Di, who had already flown over Wangfu Villa, suddenly sneered: "Playing with fire? No, this is my anger!"

As he spoke, a sudden change occurred on the top of Wangfu Mountain.

When the fire dragon circled around and flew back to Chu Di, the AI ​​warriors who had just been swept by the fire dragon began to shrink!

No, that's not shrinking! To be precise, the body is gradually disappearing!

First, the hands and feet turned into nothingness, then the arms and lower limbs, then the torso and head, and finally the super heavy hydrogen submachine gun that was originally in the hand with a flat end and now has fallen down.

At this time, Silver Star's live broadcast to the entire Qianwu Continent and Hulantou Starfield had already ended awkwardly. However, there were still many local viewers on the earth around Wangfu Mountain still watching.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned. Why did these fire-proof AI warriors suddenly disappear?

Chu Di had no time to explain to the audience, because on the dozen or so artillery positions further away, the attacks of super-heavy hydrogen energy cannons continued.

It's not over yet! So he fired a fire dragon again and flew towards the nearest artillery position.

This chapter has been completed!
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