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Chapter 683: An Unprecedented Practice Environment

 If Xu Yanfei at this time was replaced by Long Yaojing, Chu Di might not feel much sadness.

Because even 10,000 Earth years ago, the time he and Long Yaojing spent together was not harmonious. There were always bumps and quarrels between them.

But Xu Yanfei is different.

Chu Di remembered that Tao Bao once said that he and Xu Yanfei were a pair of intertwined quanta, and each was the other's most perfect companion. They were the kind of perfect people who, once they met, would win over countless others in the world.


Tao Bao once commented with great envy on the relationship between Chu Di and his "second sister-in-law", saying that even if another 100 million years pass, the two couples will not quarrel because they can sense what their other half is thinking at any time.

What, and always support and always agree with.

As the saying goes, the husband sings and the wife follows. Tao Bao’s comment perfectly explains this idiom.

But there are times when Tao Bao is wrong. It has only been 10,000 Earth years, and the couple's previous tacit understanding has disappeared. How can Chu Di bear this?

So Chu Di was very sad and sad.

It stands to reason that since Xu Yanfei can no longer understand Chu Di's good intentions, Chu Di should find a suitable opportunity to explain to his wife alone, away from outsiders.

Chu Di originally thought so, but now he is no longer in the mood to explain.

Explain what?

When you see a woman around your husband, you will immediately assume that your husband is cheating on you;

I heard my husband asking for help, but I became jealous because the target of my husband's rescue was another woman. I didn't even ask my husband why he didn't help himself, and whether he had any hidden secrets.

Faced with such a wife, what can you do even if you explain?

Let’s not say whether she listens to your explanation, or whether she believes your explanation. I just say that she has lost the most basic trust in her husband and will be suspicious of you in the future - such a wife is still necessary

Growing old together with her?

At this moment, Chu Di almost said, "Let's break up." Suddenly, Yaorao and Yu Wuxia, who were recovering from their injuries, jumped up at the same time, and came to the bedside one on the left and the other on the right to deliver internal energy to Dai Meishi and Lu Xiannu.

Chu Di couldn't help but be surprised, and quickly declined: "You two don't need it, your injuries haven't healed yet..."

However, Yaorao and Yu Wuxia smiled at Chu Di at the same time, and Yaorao said, "Just let me do it, I'm fine."

What Yu Wuxia said was: "I have recovered! The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely strong at this moment, which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for cultivation. I can help them prolong their lives and promote their cultivation at the same time!"

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth? Chu Di was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately understood that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth mentioned by Yu Wuxia was the super-heavy hydrogen in the air.

So I couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. It turned out that because I was unable to make a Klein bottle, the concentrated superheavy hydrogen absorbed from the platform had escaped, creating an unprecedented cultivation environment in the atmosphere of the Galaxy.

You know, that is superheavy hydrogen with energy that is almost the same as that of a medium star. It is impossible to see how huge the amount is when compressed in a battle platform or a Klein bottle. Once it is dispersed, it is really huge.

Just imagine, even the superheavy hydrogen that has escaped is still equivalent to all the gas inside a star. And when these gases are poured into the atmosphere of a planet, how terrifying is the concentration of this gas?

No wonder Yaorao and Yu Wuxia recovered so quickly.

It is normal to say that Chu Di has never relied on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice his skills.

Since coming to the Hulutou Star Territory, he has tried to absorb light and practice but to no avail. Since then, whether he is busy or idle, he has not practiced his technique again.

What's more, his Dantian was locked at this time, and he couldn't sense the changes in the air composition. Therefore, even though Silver Star had turned into an unprecedented training ground, he was a hindsight.

After thinking about this section and about to speak, Lu Xiannu, who had been unable to speak, suddenly groaned. Almost at the same time, Dai Meishi also opened her eyes and said, "Brother Chu, you don't have to worry about me. Sister Yu is here to help.

I might be able to recover on my own."

Is this also the result of the escape of super heavy hydrogen? Chu Diqi said: "Can you recover? To what extent? Are your limbs and organs completely regenerated?"

Dai Meishi smiled bitterly and said: "Of course not, but I will definitely not die. If you become disabled, you will be disabled."

Chu Di said: "That's not possible. You are a charming and beautiful woman. How can you do it when you are disabled? You heal your wounds first and wait for me to think of ways to reshape your body."

Speaking of this, Chu Di could feel Xu Yanfei's resentful eyes sweeping towards him again. He did not look at Xu Yanfei, but asked Huang Ling directly: "Is there anything Tao Bao can do? Where is Tao Bao?"

Huang Ling said: "If Tao Bao wakes up, there must be a way. Tao Bao is in Tianji Pavilion on Wuding Mountain, but Wuding Mountain is drifting and not easy to find. And most likely Yin Qinglian is also on Wuding Mountain at the moment."

Wuding Mountain is a mountain peak that Tao Bao personally transformed. It is invisible and suspended in the atmosphere of the Silver Star, and its position changes from time to time.

Huang Ling originally had the authority to know the drift route of Wuding Mountain, but since Yin Qinglian launched the coup, Huang Ling and Qu Xiaoqing had their authority revoked.

When Chu Di heard this, he couldn't help but secretly marveled.

In fact, when he answered Qu Xiaoqing's call for the first time, he briefly scanned the surface of the Silver Star with his martial spirit. At that time, he did not find Tao Bao's location and just assumed that Tao Bao had hidden it on purpose and did not want to be disturbed.

But now that Huang Ling said this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. Could it be that Tao Bao's invisibility technique can hide my martial spirit?

Thinking of this, he quickly walked out of the quiet room, went to the courtyard, and looked at a rockery with stone steps in the courtyard, which was the highest point of Wangfu Mountain.

He didn't know that this was where Xu Yanfei used to climb high to look at his husband, so he immediately climbed up the stairs, stood at the top and looked around.

After only changing two directions, he saw the mountain floating in the sky. He tried to scan it with his martial spirit, but found that there was nothing in it.

Tao Bao's ability to hide a huge mountain is truly amazing!

While secretly admiring, he couldn't help but secretly said that he was lucky. Fortunately, Tao Bao didn't guard against my Kunpeng eyes.

It's just that this Wuding Mountain is about 6,000 kilometers away from me, which makes me a little worried.

Now that I can't fly, teleport, or fight, how can I see Tao Bao?

While he was thinking, he looked around at the human activities on the surface of the Galaxy and found that almost everyone was practicing cross-legged, even those intelligent AI warriors.

Perhaps this is the reason why Yin Qinglian temporarily ceased her activities?

He turned around and walked down the rockery, returned to the quiet room and asked Huang Ling: "Sister, do you have a way to get Tao Bao to come see me?"

Huang Ling shook her head decisively: "No."

This chapter has been completed!
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