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Chapter seventy-eight sound east and west

 Gently pushing open the fire door leading to the rooftop, Li Ying looked through the crack in the door in the direction she expected. As expected, on the dark rooftop, there was a man in black clinging to the top of the female wall.

The figure of the man in black is very burly, he must be a man.

Due to the darkness, Li Ying couldn't see very clearly, but she could feel how strong the man's upper body was, at least that's how it felt when looking at his back.

In fact, using "climb" to describe this man is not accurate, because she immediately saw that the man was stepping on a ladder, which was the kind of alloy folding ladder used by electrical maintenance workers.

So he can have his hands free to smoke.

At this time, the cigarette in the man's hand had not been extinguished. Although the light of the cigarette butt was blocked by his head, Li Ying could smell the smoke carried by the wind.

Because the light was so dim, even from a distance of only 15 meters, she could barely see something hanging on the top of the ladder, which was vaguely a military crossbow.

It's incredible, how did Chu Di find this person on the opposite side? And he also saw this person holding a compound crossbow!

There is a distance of 100 meters, there is no night vision device, and Chu Di is severely short-sighted. Looking here, it doesn't look like a blind person?

But Chu Di just discovered it, which is unimaginable and incomprehensible.

Or maybe Linda discovered it? Linda had night vision goggles but didn’t want her to know?

At this time, this problem is no longer important. What is important is how to catch the man in black.

She checked the time in her personal terminal. The 10 minutes Chu Di mentioned had arrived. Chu Di should have appeared under the bay window of the president's bedroom, right?

But why hasn't this killer picked up the compound crossbow and taken aim?

I can’t care about that much anymore! Now that I’m up here! Now that I’m close to the criminal!

Li Ying was worried and began to move forward tiptoe.

Yes, just touch.

In military terminology, this is what "touching, crawling, rolling, beating" means. For example, "touching down the enemy's sentry".

Li Ying has very rich arrest experience, otherwise she would not have been promoted from a policewoman to the position of director. She knows how to use all available conditions to defeat the enemy.

She planned to touch the killer's back without anyone noticing, and then beat him so hard that he would lose the ability to resist.

Under the premise of not knowing the strength of the enemy, this is the safest way.

Rather than making a big show of it, holding a pistol and shouting "Don't move, police, put your hands up."

However, as soon as she took two steps forward to "touch", a scene that shocked her happened.

The smoking man actually slowly turned around and faced her instead.

Not only that, but he also laughed twice and said: "It's here, not bad, it's quite timely."

This tone gave Li Ying the feeling that it was a tryst between a man and a woman having an extramarital affair, and the adulterer was as natural as greeting the late married woman, but it seemed very ridiculous.

Of course Li Ying couldn't laugh. She was only shocked at this moment. How did this person know that I was coming?

It was as if this man knew he would come.

She couldn't see the man's face clearly.

But no matter what, he is a policeman, and the other party is a suspect who has premeditated to commit a crime. They are irreconcilable enemies, so he made preparations for a forcible arrest and said coldly: "You have been surrounded.

You can't escape even if you have wings! I advise you to just surrender and be captured, so as not to suffer the pain of having to eat some flesh and blood."

While he was talking, a dozen police officers behind him also came to the rooftop. They all raised their energy guns and pointed them at the black-clad killer.

The killer in black didn't seem to care, and said lazily: "Really? It's hard to escape with wings? Goodbye then."

Li Ying and others couldn't understand what he meant. What's wrong? Can you still fly?

But the next moment, a loud "boom" was heard coming from the Sendei Building opposite.

The earth-shattering explosion caused everyone on the rooftop of the Apollo Building to temporarily lose their hearing. Li Ying and others could even feel the strong blast wave sweeping over them.

During the explosion, the man in black accidentally tipped over and fell outside the female wall.

Jumped off a building?

Of course Li Ying didn't believe that this person would commit suicide, and what happened to the explosion at Sen Emperor?

At this moment, she forgot about her own safety, and rushed up to the parapet despite the blast of the explosion. She ran up the alloy ladder, looked down from the parapet, and saw a parachute that had just opened.

Around the parachute, the street on the ground was already in chaos. Dodging the building debris falling from the sky, Li Ying screamed in her heart, "It's broken!"

He hurriedly looked at the presidential suite opposite, and sure enough, it had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the bay window of the presidential bedroom that originally protruded from the stairs no longer existed.

It's over. He fell into the enemy's plan of seducing the east and attacking the west. Chu Di is over.

At this moment, Li Ying felt extremely regretful, not because she fell into the enemy's scheme, nor because Chu Di was killed, but because she did not pay enough attention to the assassination of Chu Di.

She originally thought that a naughty kid like Chu Di, even if he offended someone, would not be so hateful and pursue him so persistently and kill him quickly.

But now she understands that the person who wants to kill Chu Di is definitely not an ordinary enemy, nor is it an ordinary conflict caused by envy, jealousy and hatred. The killer must come from a powerful force, which may be a killer organization or a political group.

But if he paid enough attention early and the security measures were thorough and complete, how could the killer find an opportunity to plant a bomb under the bay window?

Just by looking at the circumstances of the explosion, you can tell without guessing that the bomb must have been planted under the bay window by the killer in advance.

But now she has no time to regret, she must catch this killer in order to alleviate her inner guilt.

Regret was just a fleeting thought. She immediately ordered in the communication group of the Wushu Comprehensive Bureau: "Attention of all groups and teams, the suspect parachuted from the Apollo rooftop. I order you to arrest him at all costs and shoot if necessary!"

Although her own ears are still deaf, the orders are issued to each subordinate's personal terminal, and the subordinates can receive the orders without hearing.

Only then did she understand why the black-clad killer's upper body looked so strong and thick. It turned out that it wasn't strength, it was an umbrella!

After she issued the order, she ran downstairs, followed closely by the police officers who had followed her to the Apollo rooftop. When she reached the 72nd floor, she didn't even bother to put her shoes back on and hurried to the fire elevator.

The explosion that occurred in Sendi triggered the automatic fire alarm system of the Apollo Building. Almost all the elevators have been forced to descend to the first floor. Only the fire elevators can still work, but the fire elevators are not in the area where Li Ying came up. They need

After running a short distance on the 72nd floor, you have to wait for the fire elevator to rise to the top floor.

Li Ying knew very well that when she ran down, the dust had already settled outside. There were only two outcomes, either the suspect was caught or the suspect escaped.

This chapter has been completed!
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