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Chapter 706 Chu Di’s Revenge

To be honest, in terms of Ling Tian's cultivation and realm, there is not much difference between before and after 10,000 Earths.

Because even 20,000 years ago, he had already reached the level of fighting Nuwa for seven days and seven nights without distinction. But can he defeat Nuwa now?

Of course not.

Therefore, Ling Tian's strength at this time is still the same as before. After the cultivation of the top strong men in the universe reaches a certain level, there will be no significant improvement.

This is true for Nuwa, but if it were placed on Chu Di 10,000 years ago, it would be very different!

An ordinary move, Ling's Shield-Breaking Fist, moves through weak water like a swimming dragon that chooses people to devour.

If the same punch was used from Ling Rui's hand, the damage it would bring to Chu Di would only be a scratch.

And if it was used by Ling Rui's uncle Ling Jiuxiao, Chu Di would not be able to resist head-on.

What's more, it was Ling Tian who made the move at this time! It was Ling Tian who had a long-standing reputation in the universe and was thousands of times stronger than Ling Jiuxiao!

Coincidentally, at this time, Chu Di had just realized the magical effect of Tai Chi cyclone in weak water, and used it to eliminate Ling Jiuxiao not long ago.

When the shield-shattering fist struck, he happened to discover the undercurrent in the weak water, and tried to use the water-shaping technique taught to him by Li Zhiyun to transform his body into the form of weak water.

So from Ling Tian's perspective, it was his punch that blasted Chu Di into nothingness.

In fact, Chu Di did suffer a disaster. Under Ling Tian's devastating bombardment, even if he had transformed into water, he could not avoid the ubiquitous punches in the weak water.

So when he discovered someone was attacking and saw the appearance of the attacker, he had no chance to catch or dodge, and was inevitably destroyed by this punch.

Chu Di died like this under Ling Tian's sneak attack.

Different from Ling's Shield-Shattering Fist used by Ling Rui and Ling Jiuxiao, another terrifying aspect of Lingtian's boxing is that it has the ability to destroy both body and soul.

In other words, Ling Tian's boxing technique will not only destroy Chu Di's body, but also destroy Chu Di's soul.

The turning point of the incident is here - if Chu Di had not traveled to the Ruoshui River ten thousand years later, then Chu Di would have truly perished both physically and mentally at this moment, and there would be no more Chu Di in the universe from now on.

However, the fact is that when Ling Tian launched the Soul Extermination, there was Chu Di in another time and space, who was protecting his wife and sisters from the top of the Silver Star Wangfu Mountain when they entered the red crystal turret, and was attacked while his Dantian was locked. Arrived the bombardment of super heavy hydrogen star destroyer cannon.

So Ling Tian's sneak attack formed a pair of cause and effect in different time and space. Under the action of the law of cause and effect, he wanted to destroy Chu Di's body and soul, but "pulled out" Chu Di's soul in another time and space. "Come back.

That's right. Chu Di's soul piercing this time was passive. Half of it was pulled by Ling Tian's soul to kill, and the other half was bound by the law of cause and effect, which forcibly pulled his soul back to the weak state ten thousand years ago. Water City.

Then the problem arises. Chu Di’s soul also used the Weoshui River to travel back to Weowishui City. However, this process, no matter how short it is, takes a certain amount of time. This leads to the fact that when his soul returns to Weowishui City, Ling

The remaining power of Tian's punch has dissipated.

This also means that although Chu Di's soul has returned, it was not hit by the shield-breaking punch and Chu Di's soul was not damaged at all.

But Ling Tian thought that Chu Di had been completely wiped out by him, so he triumphantly left Ruoshui City and returned to the palace of Changwu Kingdom on the ground to accept the support of his descendants Ling Jiamu, Ling Rui and his son, and the people of the whole country.

Worship and worship.

Amidst the flood of flattery and praise, no one knew that Chu Di's soul was watching coldly in a space not far away.

Yes. By this time, Chu Di, as the victim, had understood the cause and effect of the matter, and decided to give the Ling family the harshest revenge.

As a blessing in disguise, Chu Di made a major breakthrough in the law of time that he had studied for a long time during the process of his soul being forced to travel backwards. He can basically master the law of time.

Reflected in his ability, he has been able to achieve fixed-point soul travel to any node in time and space. This is a mystery that countless civilizations, scientists or powerful experts in the universe cannot decipher in their entire lives!

In fact, even the earthlings who are technologically inferior have not made any achievements in the study of the law of time.

Far away, there was Li Er, the founder of Taoism, also known as Taishang Laojun. Taishang Laojun developed a magical power that could suspend time in the space and time of the opponent, which is called "time freezing".

Recently, scientists such as Einstein, Maxwell, Michelson and Morley have discovered the principle of time dilation and concluded that when observed in different reference systems, the time of the same object moving will slow down or speed up.

For example, an observer on the ground observes that the watch of a pilot in the air will slow down.

More recently, Hawking even developed a time shuttle and conducted many soul-traveling experiments with success.

It is said that the space-time shuttle invented by Hawking has also conducted actual penetration experiments, that is, it can transport living people to different time and space. However, the results of the experiments are unknown because it requires the person being transported to have super resistance.

Not to mention that strong people in this world are so rare and hard to find, but I would like to ask which strong person in this world dares to give up the success and fame they have in front of them and be transported by a machine to an unknown time and space full of dangers?

Of course, whether it is soul travel or real travel, Hawking's time and space shuttle has not been able to achieve the function of precise positioning, and the prerequisite for realizing this function is to master the ultimate secret of the law of time.

Therefore, the law of time is like the intellectual game Go for people on earth. It is easy to get started but too difficult to master.

It can even be said that in the entire universe, apart from Pangu, no other person can decipher the ultimate secret of the law of time.

But now the second person appears, that is Chu Di.

Although Chu Di at this time cannot be regarded as a "person" because he no longer has a human body. But he can find a body, right?

He could either return to the Silver Star along the long river of time and return to the body in the red crystal turret, or he could use local materials and find a "hotel" to stay temporarily.

He can even continue to travel backwards and obtain a host in an earlier time and space. These are all easy for him at this moment, it all depends on how he chooses.

Just as Qian Qian in front of the Silver Star Tianji Pavilion guessed, Chu Di did not immediately return to Silver Star and return to his immortal golden body.

Because that would be equivalent to telling Ling Tian that he was still alive, and he would have to be on guard against Ling Tian's attempts to eradicate the situation.

He also did not look for a host in the current Changwu Kingdom to seize the body, because he could not find a suitable body to quickly improve in martial arts, or even if he found a host with an incredible physique to practice, he would not be able to catch up with Ling Tian.


After much thought, he formulated a rather complicated plan. He first traveled back thirty years to the current time, at the moment when Ling Tian's 9730th generation descendant, Ling Rui, was born.

Ling Rui's house.

Anyway, the real Ling Rui has died on Bai 22 ten thousand years later, and his body and soul have been destroyed. Then use his predecessor, it would be a waste not to use it!

So in the thirty years since "Ling Rui" has grown up, this genius prince who is the hope of hundreds of millions of people in the Flying Star Changwu Kingdom has actually turned into a different person.

Chu Di has not been idle in the past thirty years. In addition to studying the Ling family's martial arts and finding all the flaws, he is also waiting for an opportunity.

This opportunity is that Ling Rui will rush to Green Star thirty years later to participate in Green Star's martial arts examination. Then he will naturally enter Yao Ji's sight, and then he will get a plan to kill Ling Tian from Yao Ji's mouth.


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