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Chapter 712 The Plan Failed

 The next development of the situation was step by step, completely following the trajectory of history. Just like the story told by Yao Ji, Chu Di was brought back to the big tent of Huangdi's military camp by Limu.

After listening to Limu's report, Huang Di graciously took out a life-sustaining pill and gave it to Limu for Chu Di to take.

The medical skills of the Yellow Emperor are unparalleled. Although he may not be as good as the Shennong tribe led by Emperor Yan in the medical field, he also wrote the "Huangdi Neijing". He can be called the originator of the Chinese medical community, and is definitely not the Bian Que of later generations.

Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing, Sun Simiao, Li Shizhen and others are comparable.

So after taking this life-sustaining pill, Chu Di was not only safe, but his skill level also increased dramatically.

Chu Di felt that Huang Di was a really good person, and in a good mood, he began to actively "reveal" all the military secrets of Emperor Yan's army. He talked for an hour, and emphatically told the story of Ling Tian, ​​the number one general under Emperor Yan.

The secret of martial arts.

When it comes to the secrets of Ling Tian's martial arts, Chu Di is confident that in this era, except for Ling Tian himself, no one can understand it more deeply than him.

Because not only did he encounter Ling Tian's sneak attack on the top of Wangfu Mountain in Silver Star, but he also took Ling Rui's body and studied Ling's martial arts for thirty years.

That can definitely be called a true "martial arts practice from the mother's womb", because even when Ling Rui was born, his soul was already the soul of Chu Di, a top master who had experienced thousands of years!

With Chu Di's realm and vision, who has mastered the laws of space and time, the flaws and shortcomings of Ling's martial arts that can be found are definitely the most fatal. Even Ling Tian himself, who has experienced countless battles, can't find them.

Who would have known that there were so many flaws in his martial arts!

Of course, Chu Di would not tell Huang Di and his men all these flaws. In order to participate in this battle legitimately, he focused on Ling Tian's advantages, and even deliberately exaggerated Ling Tian's advantages.

Chu Di originally thought that through his exaggeration, Huang Di and his men would pay more attention to Ling Tian, ​​so that he could join the battle against Ling Tian, ​​but he forgot one thing, and that was Limu's arrogance



After listening to Chu Di's description, Limu's comment was these four words. Even though he believed Chu Di's description in his heart, he was unwilling to admit the strength of the enemy on the surface.

If you admit it, wouldn't it boost the enemy's morale and destroy your own prestige?

Even Feng Hou, Huangdi's first adviser, thought so. He looked at Chu Di with a gloomy face and said, "Are you not a lobbyist sent here deliberately by the Lianshan clan? If you were among the generals of his Shennong tribe,

You said it was so powerful, did you still need to ask others for help when you were fighting Chi You?"

Lianshan is the alias of Emperor Yan. After the Battle of Zhuolu that year, Emperor Yan's strength had been outnumbered by Chi You. Therefore, the Yellow Emperor and other forces no longer recognized Emperor Yan's regime, and even sent troops to attack him, demanding that Emperor Yan surrendered.

, this is the origin of the current battle of Banquan.

Because Chu Di had indeed exaggerated Yan Emperor's strength, Feng Hou's doubts seemed justified, and Chu Di was unable to give a reasonable explanation for a while.

Seeing that Chu Di was speechless, Huang Di felt that Limu and Feng Hou's doubts were justified, so he became furious and slapped the armrest of the seat, "Come here, push out this spy who has deceived the army and kill him!"

At this time, Chu Di asked the mute to eat Coptis chinensis. He couldn't express his pain. He only felt that there were ten thousand alpacas rushing past in his heart, but he could only cry out for injustice: "You can't kill me! Everything I said is true."

!If you kill me, you won’t be able to win this war..."

The body of a guard who only took one of Huang Di's life-sustaining pills, even if his skill level increased by a dozen, was still far behind the power of Huang Di's first god of war.

There is no need to compare with Limu at all. Even the four warriors who were ordered to drag him out of the tent at this time were all superior to him in martial arts.

So Chu Di has no other choice but to complain. Want to resist? Just save it. There is no chance!

In fact, Chu Di is not afraid of death. Even if Huang Di beheads him outside the tent at this time, he cannot be destroyed physically and mentally. His soul can still escape and can still travel again, to any target with a weak soul, and rebirth.

Just take possession of it.

But he thought that would be very troublesome - he had already successfully traveled to the body of the guard in front of him, so why bother doing it again?

So when he passed the tent, he did not hesitate to threaten Huang Di and his men. If you kill me, you will not be able to win this war.

He thought that these words would shock the other party, but unexpectedly it aroused the fighting spirit of Huang Di's monarchs and ministers. Limu, who was already arrogant about everything, even said disdainfully: "We can't win the war without you? Do you think we can win the war without you?"

Who are you? Who do you think you are? You are just an ant who doesn’t even deserve a name!”

Chu Di originally came just to kill Ling Tian, ​​but at this moment he was deeply angered by Limu's contempt. He shouted loudly from outside the door to the tent: "Don't say who I am, just say that I am for you."

I provided information about the enemy, so you shouldn't do this to me. What kind of behavior are you doing? This is called burning bridges!"

Before Limu could answer, Huang Di's cold voice had already sounded: "You are not a general who took the initiative to surrender, you are just a slave captured by us! Not to mention whether you boasted about the Lianshan clan's combat prowess, just that you

The statement you made is nothing more than a confession of fear of death. Do you know that in my life, I look down on people who turn their backs on the Lord and ask for glory? So even if what you say is true, I will not tolerate you! Hercules, do it!"

Just like that, Chu Di was beheaded by the warrior with full of anger, and he didn't even have time to tell his name.

In the moment before his head left his neck, he finally had time to say a harsh word: "Okay! Just wait for me!"

At this moment, Chu Di was really angry.

Although Yao Ji did not know what happened to the rebellious guard in her previous life, the fact is that even if the guard in her previous life provided accurate information, the Yellow Emperor's side made targeted arrangements and obtained the victory when the battle broke out.

Despite the overwhelming advantage, Limu failed to kill Ling Tian in this war!

From this, we can deduce that the strength of Limu and Ling Tian is actually almost the same!

Since they are almost the same, then the question arises: Can a person who can tell Ling Tian's martial arts secrets like countless treasures, in your eyes, just a slave who is afraid of death, a nameless ant?

How ignorant are you, Huangdi? How arrogant are you, Limu, to the point of neglecting a strong man with unlimited potential? Or even killing him so hastily?

Chu Di was really angry, not for anything else, but because Huang Di's ignorance and Limu's arrogance made them pay the price!

At the moment when the guard died, Chu Di had already made up his mind. Since you have caused trouble to me, I will wear it again!

This time, we not only want to kill Ling Tian, ​​but also defeat the Yellow Emperor and his men, and allow the Yan Emperor to unify China! Anyway, whether it is the Yan Emperor or the Yellow Emperor who unifies China, the people of later generations will still be descendants of the Yan and Huang emperors!

This chapter has been completed!
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