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Chapter 746 The final defense

 It is worth mentioning that both Di Lie and Qian Qingjian practiced the Heluo Divine Kung Fu. Just like Chu Di, the consciousness released outside the body is a martial spirit that is different from the divine consciousness.

Therefore, both of them are very good at long-range attacks. Their abilities are not only far superior to their peers, but can even be said to have surpassed the vast majority of warriors and cultivators in this universe.

However, even so, the two of them were unable to eliminate all landing enemies at a targeted location.

There are really too many enemies landing, and they are not extremely weak ants!

Who can feel that the Tianhe Realm is about to be destroyed, and can come from all directions to the Calabash Star Region, who is not a strong person?

Even if these strong men were treated as ordinary soldiers by the Alliance of Father-Enemies, their combat effectiveness would not be too bad, at least not to the extent that they would be instantly killed by Di Lie and Qian Qingjian.

Therefore, the targeted elimination that Di Qian and the two were forced to carry out was very tiring. Not only tiring, but also getting more and more tiring. Often, the next wave of landing enemies had already arrived before the previous wave of landing enemies had been eliminated.

As a result, the Father's Alliance army on the surface of the Watching Star became more and more numerous, until it accumulated a number large enough to cause a qualitative change. They received the next order - to destroy the crystal turrets on the surface of the Watching Star.

When the battle reached this level, Di Lie and Qian Qingjian could no longer respond with targeted killings. They could only jump out of the lobster command center and jump into the enemy's colony to perform mass killing techniques.

They don't have to worry about accidentally injuring their own people. Their own people are hidden in the blue crystal turrets and white crystal turrets, so they can massacre these exposed life forms on the surface of the planet.

Qian Qingjian also went all out, and the group-killing technique he used was his sonic attack from the bottom of the box.

This skill originated from the "Lion's Roar" and evolved into a peerless magical skill similar to the "Great Sound and Sound" in the "Tathagata Divine Palm". It is centered on one's own sea of ​​consciousness and radiates ultrasonic and infrasound waves to the global space.

Wherever its sound waves cover, any person whose internal strength is slightly inferior to his own will be immediately shattered to pieces if they are hit by the sound waves.

Compared with Qian Qingjian, Di Lie's moves are sharper. He uses the Heluo Divine Skill as the basis to create countless spherical lightning on the surface of the watch star.

These ball lightnings cover the entire planet and explode immediately when they encounter life, wiping out any life within a kilometer radius of the explosion.

This kind of defense method is indeed effective. Every time it is used, it can completely clear out all enemies on the surface of the planet. However, for the endless stream of enemies, this method cannot last long.

There is no way. Everyone's internal strength reserves are limited, and Di Lie and Qian Qingjian are no exception. However, compared to their limited internal strength, the strength of the father's alliance army can be regarded as unlimited!

Hua Youqing, who was sitting in the Tianshu spacecraft, said disdainfully: "Qian Qingjian can support this kind of consumption up to 700 times! Di Lie can't do it more than 800 times! We have enough troops to kill him!"

As a result, the battle continued like this tragically, and then the scene before happened - Qian Qingjian was unable to continue and couldn't help but complain.

Of course, Qian Qingjian's intention was not to persuade Di Lie to give up protecting Qian Qian, he was just questioning why Di Lie had to guard the Watching Star.

So when Di Lie expressed that he must protect Qian Qian to the death, he finally expressed his true thoughts: "We can protect Qian Qian from the Watching Star, but why must we carry her to the Watching Star? You know we can't carry her.


Di Lie couldn't help but sigh when he heard this, but he didn't want to explain.

Chu Di snatched the Watching Star from the three major forces. Based on Di Lie's understanding of Chu Di, he knew that Chu Di had never been a person who was keen on power.

Throughout Chu Di's life, from the Earth to the Green Star, and then from the Green Star to the Calabash Star Territory, if Chu Di is a person who is greedy for power and influence, then he will definitely dominate a certain galaxy and establish his own

political power and expand the territory that belongs to him.

But in fact, Chu Di never did that. What does this mean? This shows that Chu Di does not care about the sovereignty of a city or a pool, nor does he have any intention to establish his own personal sphere of influence.

However, Chu Di like this, after occupying the Watching Star and the entire Calabash Star Territory, changed his old habits, declared his ownership of the Calabash Head Star Territory, and vigorously built a defense system. What does this mean?

Di Lie felt that Chu Di must have a purpose in occupying the Calabash Star Territory, and this purpose was probably related to resisting the light hole cannon.

Although Chu Di didn't say it explicitly, this is what Di Lie thinks. Since Chu Di gave him the Watching Star to guard, he must not lose the sovereignty of the Watching Star in his own hands!

But how should we explain these words to Qian Qingjian? Di Lie felt that there was no need to explain, or that it would be very troublesome to explain, and he might not be able to convince Qian Qingjian, so he simply said: "If it doesn't work, just withdraw first."


As soon as these words came out, Qian Qingjian felt uncomfortable. Why do you mean I should withdraw first? What's the matter? Do you not regard me as a brother?

It’s just that this topic has reached this point and it’s no longer possible to continue. If we continue forcefully, it will hurt our feelings.

There is no other way, Qian Qingjian can only continue to accompany Di Lie. In short, he must use the last of his inner strength to be worthy of his brother. At worst, he will die of exhaustion on the spot. I don't believe that Di Lie can still watch you.

So the battle continued. Qian Qingjian's internal energy was consumed more and more, his reserves became less and less, and his mood became worse and worse.

Just when the internal strength reserves of Di Qian and the two were about to be exhausted, Qian Qian, who had been hiding in the combat center building, suddenly appeared and said: "Two eldest brothers, don't waste any more, just let the enemy come at me."

Di Lie refused without thinking: "That's impossible!"

He smiled lightly and said: "Brother Di, please don't get me wrong. The younger sister is not planning to surrender, but she has a way to deal with it. I also ask the two elder brothers to rest immediately..."

Di Lie really couldn't think of any way Qian Qian could resist the enemy's attack. He must know that Qian Qian was far weaker than himself and Qian Qingjian at this time.

Suddenly I heard Qian Qingjian say coldly: "Brothers and sisters, please don't hold on, let alone deceive us with good intentions, so as not to trap my two brothers into injustice and make you unable to face Chu Di in the future."

Qianqian said: "I really didn't hold on, let alone deceive you. If you don't believe me, you can come back to me and watch the battle, and you will know what happens."

This was quite reasonable. Di Lie and Qian Qingjian immediately returned to the combat center and stood next to Qian Qian, one on the left and the other on the right.

In just the blink of an eye, another wave of nearly a million enemies successfully landed.

Since Di Qian and the two men no longer used mass killing techniques, this wave of enemies easily destroyed more than a thousand white crystal turrets, and the Watching Star defenders in the turrets fled back to the command center building.

Seeing this scene, Hua Youqing on the Tianshu couldn't help but smile proudly and said, "Are they running out of tricks? Send me a military order and order all landing soldiers to attack the command center immediately! The first target is Qian Qian! No matter life or death!"

This chapter has been completed!
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