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Chapter 752 Obstruction

 It wasn't until Chu Di said these words that everyone around him finally understood what was happening in front of them.

According to common sense, what follows should be a festive scene. Amid laughter and joy, the bride makes a toast, and then all the guests and friends send blessings, and the bride and groom thank each other one by one...

But at this moment, none of the expected scenes happened. Instead, all life in the entire space fell into silence.

First, the guests sitting around the Immortal Drunken Spring fell into silence. They were all waiting for a signal, that is, Long Yaojing began to toast.

As long as Long Yaojing started to toast, the guests and friends would naturally send blessings, but Long Yaojing seemed to be stunned, without any movement or response.

Besides, those people gathered in the distance. Most of these people were enemies of Chu Di.

One of these Father's Alliance armies that were fighting bravely just now attacked the Watching Star and the other attacked the Silver Star. At this moment, the space collapsed. Chu Di was resurrected and gathered with Qian Qian at the top of the Wine Mountain on the Qianwu Continent. Only then did the attack have to be temporarily stopped.

What these people were not sure about for a while was why the Lookout Star, Silver Star and Qianwu Continent, which had become a triangle and were closely adjacent to each other, had not collided due to their respective gravitational forces.

According to the inherent laws of the universe, shouldn't these three celestial bodies collide and merge at this moment, and be compressed into one celestial body?

What is even more incomprehensible is that when such a disaster is approaching, how can Chu Di still dare to organize the wedding in a leisurely manner?

Even if you don't try to escape from this space immediately, you should try to prevent the various consequences of space collapse, right? How can there be time to hold a wedding? Could it be that Chu Di wants to die with his wife, relatives and friends?

In the sky above the Lookout Star, Yin Qinglian, Tao Huan and her son, who had just flown over from the Silver Star, could not help but ask Hua Youqing: "Hua Military Advisor, do you think this space collapse was concocted by Chu Di?"

Hua Youqing smiled disdainfully and said, "How is that possible? If Chu Di had such great abilities, would we still be able to live here now? This space compression is obviously caused by the impact of light waves from the light hole cannon that arrived in advance."

Hao Ying frowned and said: "That's not right. If it was caused by the light hole cannon, these three celestial bodies should continue to squeeze each other now, but they didn't..."

Hua Youqing pondered for a while and said: "Maybe it's because the front wave of the light hole cannon is not strong enough, or maybe it's the weak water river that prevents the three celestial bodies from getting closer. I can't determine the reason at the moment."

Zhuang Siyu couldn't help but ask: "Then do we want to continue the attack now?"

Before Hua Youqing could answer, Yin Qinglian said with some fear: "Chu Di has been resurrected, and their people have gathered together. Can we still defeat them?"

Hao Ying said resolutely: "No matter how many of their people get together, they are far inferior to the number of people we have. I think we shouldn't wait to see the wedding. We can just start fighting and wipe them out on the top of the mountain of wine!"

"No, no, no, I think it's better to stay calm. Let's see if there are any further mutations in this space, and at the same time, let's see what tricks Chu Di wants to come up with."

Hua Youqing, who was hired as the chief military advisor of the Father's Alliance, set the tone and said: "We must fight, but there is no need to rush."

At the top of the wine mountain, in the silent atmosphere around her, Long Yaojing finally reacted. The guests and friends sitting around the spring could see clearly that two strings of tears fell from the bottom of her illusory cheeks and fell into the spring of the immortal drunkenness.


Then her voice sounded: "Chu Di, is everything you said true? Do you really want to marry me? Can you marry me?"

In this space at this moment, perhaps only Chu Di and Hao Ying can fully understand the meaning of Long Yaojing's words.

In fact, for Long Yaojing, marrying Chu Di has always been her obsession, even after she learned that she and Chu Di were siblings, even after her "mother" Yu Shang once betrothed her to Ling.

Rui, she couldn't let go of this obsession.

For a woman, the most beautiful love in the universe is when she has a partner she likes, but before she actually becomes a couple.

In other words, love is the most beautiful only before entering the marriage hall, no matter how long this period of time is, even if it is 10,000 earth years.

Chu Di solemnly replied: "Yao Jing, I can tell you responsibly, I can marry you! And I must marry you!"

This is another sentence that only Long Yaojing and Hao Ying can fully understand. Chu Di said it in front of his newlywed wife, and he said it categorically.

Anyone who knew the relationship between Chu Di and Qian Qian couldn't help but peek at Qian Qian, only to see that Qian Qian's face was as pale as before - it was caused by Di Lie's treatment for his injuries, but there was a trace of invisible sadness in his eyes.


"No! Chu Di, you can't marry her!"

"I don't care who you marry, Chu Di, but you can't marry Yao Jing!"

Two female voices suddenly sounded, and then two figures appeared on the top of Jiu Mountain. They were two graceful and beautiful women, which immediately caused everyone around to exclaim.

"It's the empress!"

"Emperor Yao Ji is here!"

"Her junior sister Yu Shang is here too!"

The visitors were none other than Yao Ji and Yu Shang.

The Milky Way is on the verge of destruction. As the emperor and queen of the Hezhong Empire, Yao Ji and Yu Shang will naturally not be trapped in Lingtian City on the Green Star. They also have to find a way out.

Yao Ji and Yu Shang had arrived in Qianwu Continent a long time ago, but they had never appeared in public, let alone participated in the father's alliance army's crusade against Lookout Star and Silver Star.

They originally chose to wait and see what would happen, but when Chu Di was about to hold his wedding, they were forced to show up and stop him.

After settling on the peak, Yao Ji didn't even look at Long Yaojing. She looked directly at Chu Di and said: "Chu Di, you deceived me so hard! Since you married me as your wife a long time ago, why did you start to mess up again?

Finally give up?"

Chu Di sneered twice and replied: "Do you have any misunderstanding about the term "beginning of chaos and ending with abandonment"? What is chaos? It would be chaos if I didn't marry you. As for abandonment, hey, you don't even have your own sister.

Kill, you are so vicious, how dare I sleep with a woman like you?"

Yao Ji was speechless for a moment, but Yu Shang said: "We will discuss the matter between you and Yao Ji later. I don't care whether you are willing to return to her or not. I only don't allow you to marry Yao Jing."

Chu Di glanced sideways at Yu Shang and said, "Tell me your reasons. Let me remind you, don't talk about blood relations. You should understand better than anyone else that Yao Jing and I have no blood relationship."

Yu Shang was really anxious. She didn't play tricks and told the truth directly, "The reason why my uncle Fuxi did not become a strong man like Pangu is because he married my master Nuwa! This is not true. The same goes for you and Yao Jing, as long as you marry Yao Jing, you will never be able to become a saint like Pangu in your life!"

Chu Di nodded frequently after hearing this, and waited until Yu Shang finished speaking before he said leisurely: "What does it have to do with you whether I can become a strong man like Pangu? I don't want to be the first person in the universe, I just want to marry the woman I love most. , can’t it?”

Speaking of this, he suddenly used the magical power of Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth. In an instant, his figure surged tens of millions of times. He stepped on the Qianwu Continent, passed through the weak water, and stood proudly between the Lookout Star and the Silver Star. He said proudly: "I, Chu Di, just want to marry Long Yaojing. Who dares to stop me in this vast universe? Who can stop me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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