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Chapter 768 Langchen goes to battle

 Under the overwhelming evidence, the Supreme Being was extremely heartbroken.

Only Supreme herself knows that in fact she never intended to let Chu Di take over her position. The successor in her heart has always been Lang Chen.

Thinking about how she had been lurking on the earth for several years and intercepted the embryonic Chu Di before Yao Ji and Yu Shang, her purpose was naturally not to find a successor for herself.

The expectations placed on Chu Di by the Supreme Being are also different from those of Yao Ji and Yu Shang.

Yao Ji and Yu Shang wanted to wait for Chu Di to reach the top of the universe, and then combine with Chu Di to give birth to a more powerful offspring.

But the purpose of the Supreme is not like this. She wants to use her unique secret technique to merge with Chu Di when Chu Di is infinitely close to Pangu.

This secret technique is called "the blending of soul and body".

Different from the ordinary body-seizing, the supreme soul-flesh fusion is to completely fuse her soul and body with Chu Di's soul and body, thereby evolving a strongest person who can rival Pangu or even surpass Pangu.

After the fusion, there will be no more Chu Ling in the universe, and naturally there will be no more Chu Di. What will replace their mother and son will be a brand new god!

Because of such a plan, as long as Chu Di arrives, her position as the supreme fairy will definitely be "receded", and the candidate who is "receded" cannot of course be Chu Di, but can only be Lang Chen.

The most important reason why she still refused to heal Lang Chen was to preserve her fighting power and use it to subdue the rebellious Chu Di.

She believed that even the affection between mother and child could not move Chu Di to accept the fusion, so she must have the ability to subdue Chu Di.

Later, even though Julie, who had left the Calabash Star Territory, immediately reported the marriage between Chu Di and Long Yaojing, her expectations had come to nothing, and she did not heal Lang Chen immediately.

Because she clearly understands one thing, that is, Chu Di, who cracked the light hole cannon, is already stronger than Lang Chen.

She didn't want her "useless" son to become bigger and stronger in the fairy world, and she didn't want her son, who was close to galactic creatures, to take power.

Therefore, she still has to maintain her strongest fighting strength and wait for Chu Di's arrival.

However, she never expected that her long-preferred successor would turn out to be an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf! Not only did this white-eyed wolf collude with the Sith people to invade their own territory, he even wanted to go to Luo Jie himself.

Baye leads the way!

As the saying goes, there is no greater sorrow than death. At this moment, the Supreme felt that all the strength in his body had been drained, and his mind was also blank.

Chu Di disappointed her, and Lang Chen disappointed her even more. This continuous heavy blow made her begin to doubt her life, and what was the point of working hard to unify her and running this fairy system conscientiously.

Langchen could roughly guess the Supreme's psychological activities, and knew that as long as his mother spoke again, he would be sentenced to death, so he kowtowed repeatedly.

While knocking, I begged for mercy: "Mom, I know I was wrong, but I really didn't intend to harm you. I just want to force you to heal my wounds, and then I will suddenly launch an attack when I greet them..."

Chu Di leisurely looked at the handsome fairy who was kowtowing like a beast, waiting for the Supreme One to speak.

The Supreme seemed to be listening, but also seemed to be absent-minded. She no longer even looked at her mortal enemy Lotebaya, and suddenly the corner of her mouth curved.

This arc was the same as a smile, but it made no sound. Instead, it looked extremely cold. She suddenly asked: "Do you still want me to heal your injury now?"

Lang Chen kept kowtowing, and when he heard the sound, he quickly said: "My child doesn't dare."

The Supreme's voice became colder and colder: "Don't you dare? Then tell me, what should I do now?"

Lang Chen said: "My child is willing to fight despite injuries! I am willing to die with Naluotebaye with his talent of counter-injury!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the palace was shocked.

Langchen possesses a unique talent of "anti-injury", which is a well-known thing in the fairy family, and the plan he proposed at this moment to die together is very feasible.

Yes, Langchen was still seriously injured at this time. If he were to fight, he would not be able to kill even an ordinary Sith warrior, let alone kill Rotebaye.

But it would be different if he used the talent of counter-injury. No matter who in the enemy camp, as long as the opponent kills him, then when he is killed, the opponent will die immediately.

Because Lang Chen's martial arts is very high and has always been inferior to the Supreme, so unless the opponent knows that Lang Chen is still seriously injured, they will definitely not send just an ordinary warrior to confront him, and as long as it is Luo Jieba who takes action to kill him

Yeah, then it is really possible that he will die together with Rotebaye.

What is shocking is that if Langchen really does this, then of course he himself will definitely die, and there will really be no prince in the fairy family from now on.

Especially those ministers who have a good relationship with Lang Chen. They really don't want to see this result. They have been holding on to him for thousands of years!

Then all the officials in the palace looked at the Supreme Being.


The Supreme still snorted coldly, but there was already a hint of satisfaction in his voice, as if to say, "This is not bad."

However, the Supreme Lord did not make an immediate decision. Instead, he looked at Chu Di: "Chu Di, what do you mean?"

Chu Di chuckled, "Mom, don't ask me about this matter, I won't give any advice."

The Supreme said angrily: "What I'm asking is how to deal with the Sith people now! It doesn't matter if Langchen wants to die to atone for his sins, but didn't you already take care of everything before? Will he interfere with your plan? I don't ask.

Who do you and I ask?”

Following the words of the Supreme Being, Lang Chen and the ministers immediately turned their attention to Chu Di, hoping that Chu Di would say, "There is no need for Lang Chen to go."

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However, what Chu Di said was: "As a member of the fairy family, everyone has the responsibility to resist the invasion of the Sith. Since some people are willing to contribute, why should I obstruct them? Wouldn't that hurt their innocence?

heart of?"

"Chu Di!"

Langchen's eyes were red, and he roared angrily, "You've boasted about your awesomeness, but you can't come back from it, right? OK, I can go and die with Rotebaye, but don't even think about running away, I'm dead

It will be your turn later!"

Chu Di didn't even look at Lang Chen, but said coldly: "Should I go around and do your shit?"

After hearing this, the Supreme Being became more irritated, raised his hand and waved: "Forget it, I don't care, you go to meet the enemy now, both of you go, no one is here to hinder my eyes!"


Lang Chen stood up suddenly and said: "Fellow generals, who is willing to lead the army with me?"

Langchen must lead troops when he goes to war. Whether he goes to meet the Sith as a betrayer, or leads an army to fight as a commander who has returned from his own way, he still needs to lead troops.

But this time, his usual demeanor of answering every call was gone. The whole hall was silent, and no one was willing to go on an expedition with him.

No one is stupid. You don’t really have any good ideas to stop and destroy the enemy. You are going to die, and you want us to die with you?

Only his best friend Gebre, whose friendship was no longer the same as in the past, stood up at the last moment: "Commander, I am willing to die with you!"

Langchen naturally understood the thoughts of the ministers and knew that forcing them was useless, so he sighed heavily and walked out of the palace door side by side with Gebulie. Immediately afterwards, the sound of drums and drums sounded outside the palace.

The Supreme watched Lang Chen leave the palace with hatred, his eyes fell on Chu Di's face, and asked: "Why don't you go?"

Chu Di smiled and said: "I have already said that I will not go anywhere, I will kill the invading enemies in this hall."

The Supreme said: "Then why don't you kill? What are you waiting for?"

Chu Di said calmly: "If I don't wait for a while, how can someone show his loyalty? If he later accuses me of taking away his credit because of this, where can I explain him?"

This chapter has been completed!
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