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Chapter 86 Black Box Operation

 The claims about Longda Peanut Oil are just market rumors and should not be taken seriously.

Regarding Long Er, another theory is more reliable - within Long's Pharmaceuticals, it is recognized that there is only one Long Da, and that is Chairman Long, who is also the father of Long Yujing and Long Yaojing.

Except for Chairman Long, no one else is qualified to be called the boss.

Dragon Two is different from Dragon Five.

Long Wu is known to be able to fight, but can Long Er be beaten? No one knows.

People only know that Long Wu has to obey Long Er's orders in the internal and external activities of Long's Pharmaceutical.

Long Er is the big housekeeper of Long's Pharmaceutical, and he is in charge of more than just Chairman Long's family.

It can be said that in certain matters, Long Er is basically the helmsman of Long's Pharmaceutical.

Because no one has seen Chairman Long himself for so many years, when the Long Group deals with external people or groups that have risen to a certain level, those who appear in public or in news videos, Long Er is already a member of the Long Group.

The top executive leadership of the group.

Therefore, everyone who knows him must respectfully call him Long Erye. Not only does Li Ying know him, but even the Mars Alliance Kongt headquarters has his files and photos, and Linda has naturally seen them.

The impression given by Long Er is that he is strong, yet low-key, a very contradictory person.

He is low-key, just like today he quietly came to the Freedom Tower Exhibition Hall and sat in the last row of the auditorium without showing off or making friends. As long as he didn't speak, people wouldn't even know he was there.

A heavyweight attended the meeting.

But he was also very strong, so strong that he asked Qu Liang, the boss of Excellent Shenbing, to come over and see him.

Asking Qu Liang to meet him, he indeed has this qualification. Anyone who knows him or has heard of him thinks this is a matter of course.

So Qu Liang had no choice but to go out to meet him, and not even Li Ying and Linda could stop him.

However, Chu Di did not know enough about Long Er. Li Ying and Linda's simple introduction was not enough to make him feel awe.

So he couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you afraid that the Long family is related to the scavengers?"

Li Ying sighed and said: "If Long's Pharmaceutical wants to kill you, there is no need to find a scavenger."

Linda agreed with Li Ying. If Long's Pharmaceutical wanted to kill Chu Di, it would be fine if she made it clear.

Chu Di was young and could not understand the power of Long's Pharmaceutical.

We are all human beings. Even if you are a powerful person and I am a common man, we all only have one life. Don’t you, Long Er, have two lives? Why are you bossing around here?

So he didn't like Long Er. If the other party was not behind Long's Pharmaceutical, he would rush out and have a fight right now.

But considering that he planned to ask Long Yaojing to help find his mother, he could only hold back his anger for the time being.

On the other hand, Li Ying and Linda didn't say anything, and Long Er didn't go to the main control room to point at anyone's nose and scold him. He really had no reason to go out and fight with Long Er.

On the surveillance screen, Qu Liang hurriedly entered the venue and hurriedly walked to the back row of the auditorium. He bowed far away from Long Er and stretched out his hands, as if there was a rope tied to his wrists in front of him.


Long Er did not hold Qu Liang's hand, but stood up slowly and walked towards the main entrance of the exhibition hall behind him. Qu Liang followed him like a pug.

In the main control room, Li Ying quickly ordered her subordinates outside the hall not to block and interrogate Long Er. By the way, she listened to the report.

The subordinates reported that they had just checked the roster of employees of Excellent Divine Soldier and found that there were quite a few employees on the payroll of Excellent Divine Soldier. Twenty-seven people were in the Freedom Tower, 15 were in the company headquarters, and 766 people were on the payroll.

No one who works in the factory has injuries to the edge of his right hand.

"Check his account expenses." Li Ying gave further instructions.

If the registered employees do not include suspects, then it is possible that Qu Liang has raised or hired people outside the company. It costs money to raise people and hire people. As long as Qu Liang’s personal and company financial accounts have unclear whereabouts

The expenditure is to trace the clues.

On the monitoring screen, Long Er and Qu Liang came outside the exhibition hall. Long Er said something, which seemed very brief, but Qu Liang immediately nodded and bowed, obviously accepting the other party's request unconditionally.

Then Long Er's body like a pennies swayed away, went to the first floor from the rolling elevator, and left through the main entrance of the first floor. He just left like that.

Not long after, Qu Liang returned to the monitoring room with an extremely complicated expression on his face.

Li Ying sneered: "What? Do you regret inviting Chu Di over?"

Qu Liang nodded sadly and said: "I really didn't expect that Long Er would come here in person."

Li Ying didn't sympathize with Qu Liang at all, "You deserve it! You have boasted so much about the Universal Divine Sword. It would be strange if Long Er didn't come! Do you think the Long Group is a deaf group?"

Linda asked: "What happened? Did Long Er ask you to operate in secret and assign the Cosmic Divine Sword to their people?"

Qu Liang looked at Chu Di with an extremely apologetic look and said, "Six of them will come over later and let me decide on the top six for them."

Li Yingming knew what was going on, but still couldn't help being furious. She even forgot the purpose of coming to the Freedom Tower, and sternly accused: "Aren't you playing tricks on Chu Di? Give Chu Di a cosmic sword!"

Both Li Ying and Linda want Chu Di to be safe, so of course they are willing to let Chu Di get this cosmic sword, but it is impossible now.

Qu Liang looked at him with a sad face and said: "Chu Di, Uncle Qu is sorry for you, but if you don't do this, Uncle Qu and his family will not be able to survive in Lidong... However, I can do my best to compensate you..."

Chu Di already had a plan in mind and said, "No need, I'll quit."

Before meeting Long Yaojing, he didn't want to have any conflict with Long's Pharmaceutical, so he decided to endure it to the end.

As soon as these words came out, both Li Ying and Linda were very surprised. When did Chu Di become so easy to talk to?

Qu Liang seemed to be more surprised than Li Ying and Linda. Not only was he surprised, but he also seemed very disappointed.

Chu Di, who was more than ten meters away, noticed Qu Liang's expression and asked, "Uncle Qu, what's wrong? I can't quit, do you have to let me go up and get slapped in the face?"

Qu Liang waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, that's not what I meant. I just didn't expect you to be so generous. Young people rarely have such a broad mind, so I feel a little surprised."

While they were talking, the surveillance screen outside the venue showed that five young people were approaching the main entrance of the exhibition hall. Police officers from the Wushu Comprehensive Bureau immediately stepped forward to stop them, and the five young people took out their IDs at the same time.

"Director Li, there are five warriors from Long's Pharmaceutical coming to participate in the spokesperson selection. Please give instructions."

Li Ying's personal terminal sounded a request for instructions from her subordinates, and she said helplessly: "Let them come in, wait, you ask them first why there are five people instead of six."

The leading police officer on the screen said something, one of the five young warriors answered something, and then the report from his subordinates sounded in Li Ying's mind: "They said that man is sending Mr. Long off and will come later."

Li Ying immediately transferred Skynet's video surveillance of this section of the road to her personal terminal, and saw a young man getting out of a car on the street. The car slowly drove away. It was Long Er's car, Chery Tianlong.

Once the six members of the Long family have arrived, the selection can begin.

After asking Li Ying for instructions and getting approval, Qu Liang found the company's technical director and asked him to modify the parameters of the sword tester.

Just like gambling machines and lottery machines in a certain era, as long as it is a machine, it can be controlled, even the black technology provided by smart technology - the sword tester is no exception.

The next moment, Qu Liang informed Yao Xiaoyuan to announce the start of the selection, and Yao Xiaoyuan exited the hemispheric mask sword tester.

Those waiting in the actor's room backstage, as well as the newly registered contestants in the exhibition hall, plus the six warriors who had just arrived, entered the hemispheric mask in the order of registration time and took part in the test one by one.

The selection process is quick.

Although some contestants are one-star warriors, when it comes to swordsmanship, they are not much better than Yao Xiaoyuan, who does not know martial arts. They were beaten by virtual enemies within three to five seconds.

Only those warriors who looked like they had practiced swordsmanship could last longer, but they could not last for 30 seconds before being "killed" by more and stronger virtual enemies.

During the selection process, Chu Di saw that Tao Bao was not looking at the fighting scene inside the mask, but was scratching his head and looking around. Knowing that he was looking for him, he took out his cell phone and pressed a callback.

"Stop looking, I'm at the Freedom Tower."

"Are you in the exhibition hall? Where are you? Why can't I see you? The selection has started!"

"It's no use seeing me. There's something fishy about the selection. The machine parameters have been changed. Whoever you want to win can win. It's all for nothing if I go up."


Tao Bao was shocked and immediately asked, "How did you know?"

Chu Di smiled bitterly and said, "Don't ask, I have no chance anyway."

Unexpectedly, Tao Bao became excited: "Who said you have no chance? Just go up and compete! I guarantee you will win the first place! Since they cheated, don't blame me for being rude!"

Chu Di was greatly surprised and asked: "What do you mean? You..."

"Don't talk! Your phone can't keep the conversation secret."

Tao Bao immediately interrupted: "Just listen, I'm a hacker! I can't stand this kind of cheating using machines, and they've bullied you. How can I just sit idly by and watch?"

After Chu Di heard this, a warm current surged in his heart. Not to mention whether Tao Bao could hack the sword tester of Smart Technology, just his loyalty was enough to move people.

In this case, if I gave up the selection, I would be sorry for Tao Bao.

It only took more than 50 minutes to complete the test among the 143 contestants. Only six people survived for 30 seconds, and these six people happened to be warriors sent by the Long Group. At the same time, their test results were also among the top six.


Long Er's appetite is not very big. He only wants one special prize for spokesperson and five winning prizes, leaving five winning prizes and all commemorative prizes for social contestants.

At this point, there is only one Chu Di left who has not participated in the test.

This chapter has been completed!
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