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Chapter 777: Preparations of the Sith

In the airspace 3 million light-years away from the realm of Fairy Sith, there is a galaxy that is almost entirely made of metal modules.

The diameter of this galaxy is even 5 light-years larger than the diameter of the Andromeda system's "galactic disk". People who are familiar with it call it Canglan Fortress.

Yes, this is a war fortress larger than the Fairy System and the Milky Way!

If you put aside this astonishing size, you can actually think of Canglan Fortress as a cyber-style metal pile.

This metal pile, which is as large as a galaxy cluster, presents a weird, rebellious, and absurd style. If all the style elements are combined, it will form a sense of future technology.

That's right, what Admiral Sawyer has been pursuing all his life, and what he is proud of, is the vision of future technology that is said to surpass all civilizations.

What he likes most is admiring the despair of the enemy's soldiers in the face of this extremely powerful technological achievement.

Admiral Sawyer is one of the sons of Commander Lotebaya and is the legal heir of Lotebaya.

The moment before Langchen was about to arrive at Canglan Fortress, Admiral Sawyer had already received the bad news from Langchen and learned that his father and all the Sith warriors he commanded were martyred together.

However, he was not angry because of this. Not only was he not angry, but he was very happy.

The old man Rotebaye is finally dead. If he hadn't died, how would I, Sawyer, be able to get ahead?

Because he was happy, when he learned this "bad news", Sawyer even stopped the brothers and sisters who were eager to fight, and did not allow them to rush to the Fairy Department to avenge their father.

What's more, at the moment when Langchen's fleet was about to be "pulled back" by the enemy, he could clearly reach out and pull Langchen into the fortress' defense circle.

But he didn't do that. Instead, he watched helplessly as the fleet led by Lang Chen disappeared outside the fortress gate.

Sawyer said disdainfully: "To us, Langchen has completely lost its value and turned into a waste. Why do you take back such a waste? Are you raising it as a father?"

So everyone fell silent.

Admiral Sawyer continued to lecture: "It's not that I don't want revenge, nor am I unwilling to let you take revenge. It's just that you use your poor brains to think about it. Even my father was killed by Chu Di. What can we do in the past?


Unlike Lotebaya, who was accustomed to conquering the east and west, and fighting in the north and south, Sawyer preferred to "defend" in countless interstellar wars over the endless years.

And his "defense" was precisely based on the Canglan Fortress, which not only blocked countless invading enemies, but also killed the invading enemies inside and outside the fortress. When it comes to the number of enemies annihilated, it is not less than his old man who killed all directions.


Canglan Fortress is therefore recognized by the Sith tribe as the first line of defense in the universe, also known as "Mihongyuanma", which means "insurmountable chasm".

In the central control room of the fortress, Sawyer had the highest status, and all the brothers, sisters, civilian officials and generals around him did not dare to talk back to him.

Seeing everyone obeying, Sawyer was very proud. He looked at a pair of thin Milky Way men and women kneeling in the corner and asked: "Mr. Ding, Miss Qu, since Chu Di and you are from the same planet, then...

Please tell me how we should respond if Chu Di comes to invade our Sith civilization."

That's right. The men and women kneeling in the corner of the central control room at this moment are none other than Ding Junchao and Qu Xiaoqing.

As mentioned before, Ding Junchao's family went into business and opened up several "Silk Roads" in the vast universe, including the space wormholes between the Milky Way and the Fairy System, and the space-time wormholes between the Milky Way and the Sith space.

Perhaps the universe we live in is not a regular three-dimensional body, and when people conceive of the universe model in their minds, they cannot structure it according to simple three-dimensional geometry knowledge.

In short, Ding Junchao's business is far-reaching, and he even does business in the Sith airspace. Every time he travels back and forth through the space-time wormhole, it cannot be said whether the Milky Way or the Fairy System is closer.

No, it was clear that when Chu Di left the Hulutou Star Territory, Ding Junchao and Qu Xiaoqing were still hiding in the prison at Yinxing Wuding Mountain, fearing all day long for fear that Tao Bao would take revenge on them, the adulterer and adulterer.

However, in the blink of an eye, Admiral Sawyer used the "super-dimensional capture" technology to "arrest" him at Canglan Fortress, even earlier than Chu Di arrived.

Ding Junchao and Qu Xiaoqing are "hillbillies" who were frightened by the cyber-style future technology. Even though Admiral Sawyer treated them as guests, they couldn't help but kneel down in a corner, as if this could express their respect for the Sith.

Civilized reverence.

When hearing Admiral Sawyer's inquiry, Qu Xiaoqing immediately suggested: "If I were to deal with Chu Di, I would try to separate him from his wife, then send an ambush to capture his wife, and then use his

My wife is threatening..."

Qu Xiaoqing hated Chu Di very much. Not for anything else, but because Chu Di and Long Yaojing got married in Jiushan, and the whole Yinxing was "detained", but she and Ding Junchao were not invited to have a wedding wine!

You must know that the immortal drunkenness on the Wine Mountain is not something that just anyone can drink if they want. It is an extremely rare opportunity in the universe! If you don’t have that kind of luck, you won’t be able to drink even if you put your mouth on the spring!

But Chu Di and Long Yaojing didn't know how they managed to make all the guests at the wedding drink it. Not only could they drink it, but they could drink it freely!

In this case, how can Qu Xiaoqing not be angry? Chu Di, Chu Di, I am your cousin after all! As for not even giving me a glass of wedding wine? Am I not as good as Tao Chumu?

After listening to Qu Xiaoqing's method, Sawyer thought it was good, but not novel enough, so he looked at Ding Junchao, who quickly said: "Actually, I really can't think of any effective way to deal with Chu Di, this Chu Di is too powerful

, the light hole cannon was turned into a rainbow by him..."

Sawyer's face darkened after hearing this. Ding Junchao was frightened and said quickly: "Although I can't think of a good way, I know there is someone who can definitely think of a good way to kill Chu Di!"

Sawyer immediately asked: "Who?"

Ding Junchao said: "Her name is Xu Yanfei!"

"Where is she?"

Ding Junchao thought thoughtfully and said: "Although Xu Yanfei vowed to kill Chu Di, it is impossible to kill Chu Di with her strength, so she must find helpers. I guess she should still be in Qianwu Continent at the moment, not with Lingtian.

Just at Qingdi or Xiangliu's place."

Sawyer nodded, then turned to look at a Taoist priest sitting opposite, and asked: "Master Lu, what do you think?"

The Taoist priest named Lu was naturally from the Milky Way. Hearing this, he bowed slightly and said, "The general wants to kill Chu Di outside the fortress. In this case, I will go to Qianwu Continent. "

This chapter has been completed!
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