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Chapter 99: People, not machines

  Chu Di used the callback method to call Tao Bao, but the call did not go through. The voice prompt was: "The number you dialed is currently on a call."

Even in the space age, busy phones are an unsolvable problem. Because calls are private, when there is a three-party or multi-party call, no one will answer it immediately by default.

Tao Bao is also in a hurry. Chu Di, who else are you calling at this time? Hurry up and pick me up!

 Fortunately, Chu Di actually hung up, so the call was successful.

As soon as the call was connected, Tao Bao said anxiously: "What are you doing, brother! If you can't do it, just admit defeat. If there is any debt, we will go back and settle it with him!"

Chu Di’s voice on the phone was very low, but audible: “Don’t talk yet, tell me where the mecha’s eyes are.”

Tao Bao is not a military enthusiast, but he has dabbled in knowledge about military technology. He knows that the official information on mechas is limited to the offensive and defensive performance on the surface. For this kind of technology involving principles and weaknesses, it is absolutely impossible.

It is impossible to make it public.

Although he didn’t know where the mecha’s eyes were, he knew where to search and he was very fast.

 “I sent you a picture...”

 “No pictures! I can’t see! You describe it verbally!”

Tao Bao was stunned and had to organize his words, "The fifth generation of the Wanderer has sixteen eyes, which are located in the eyes, jaw, shoulders, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, hips, and back of the neck. Among them, the shoulders, hips

The six eyes on the chest and ankle bones monitor the sides of the mecha, the three eyes on the back of the neck and hips monitor the back, and the two eyes on the wrists are mobile eyes..."

Chu Di followed Tao Bao's introduction and looked at the mecha standing 15 meters away. He looked wherever Tao Bao mentioned. Sure enough, he saw a slight difference. At the part Tao Bao mentioned, the reflected sunlight

A bit extra intense.

That should be the lens. No matter how special the lens is, it is still a lens. Of course, its reflective ability is slightly stronger than other parts of the housing.

 Due to the angle, he couldn't see the eyes of the mecha on the sides and behind.

 But this was enough, he decided to destroy the eyes on the front of the mecha first, using the Broken Arrow style.

However, when he made up his mind and was about to hang up the phone, he glanced back at the mecha's chest and found something strange there.

There was a small hole exposed, about the size of the mouth of a tea cup.

He clearly remembered that when he was looking for flaws in the mecha, he had focused on this part, but there was no such hole at that time.

These extra holes are not listed in Tao Bao's list, and there is no reflection. The black holes look like the muzzles of cannons. Of course they cannot be eyes. What could they be?

He immediately asked Tao Bao, and Tao Bao pondered for a moment and said: "That is a manual vent. When the mecha is in a highly toxic environment and is penetrated by the poison and has a chance to escape from the environment, it can be opened for emergency ventilation. , in some other special circumstances, it also plays a role in emergency communication with the outside world..."

While listening to Tao Bao's call, Chu Di looked at the vent and looked inside.

His vision is not afraid of darkness the most. The more dark he is in, the less obvious the defect of being unable to see close places. But if he is in an absolutely dark environment, he can see close things as clearly as he can see far places.

 Then he saw an eye.

 These are not the eyes of a mecha, they are the eyes of humans, the eyes of Wei.

Besides the eyes, he also saw the bridge of Wei Guo's nose and the barrel of a gun! He didn't know what kind of gun barrel it was.

The eyes, part of the bridge of the nose and the barrel of the gun are located in a hole, facing you. What does this mean? This is aiming!

I don’t know why, but this gun barrel gave him a deep fear, which was definitely not comparable to the six mechanical arms of the mecha.

Out of instinct, he immediately spread out his body and ran out.

He was running towards the mecha. The mecha was too tall, and the gun barrel was hidden in the chest of the mecha. As long as he ran within 10 meters in front of the mecha, he would be in the blind spot of the gun barrel.

While running, he asked Tao Bao: "Are the mecha cockpits also equipped with guns?"

Tao Bao still didn't know what was going on, so he replied: "What kind of guns are equipped in the cockpit? If there are any, they were brought in by the pilot, and they cannot be standard equipment of the mecha."

This is the reason why Chu Di is deeply afraid. If the power of this gun is less than the six weapons of the mecha, why would Wei use it to aim at itself?

He ran to the mecha's feet and suddenly remembered: "Can't I run? Why haven't I run all this time?"

Because, at the beginning, he really wanted to show off the defense of the Cosmic Divine Sword; or maybe it was because the attack range of the mecha was too large, and as a human being, it was impossible to dodge, and there was no point in dodging, so he kept it from the beginning to the end. They are all hidden in the virtual ball of light and never move.

 He even forgot for a time that he could move and could move the ball of light with him.

Now that he suddenly figured it out, he couldn't help but secretly curse himself for being too stupid. Yes, the Universal Divine Sword is in his hands. He can just act as he pleases on this rooftop. Anyway, the defensive light ball follows the Universal Divine Sword.

Let’s go!

While trying to figure this out, another thought flashed through my mind. If that's the case, why don't I go up and give Wei Guo a sword?

 What kind of conversion of attack and defense will give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of? I won’t do it if I don’t convert!

The Cosmic Divine Sword is high-tech, but it is still a sword over 2 meters long. It can be used as a swordsman even without changing the attack and defense mode!

 The so-called interval between offense and defense is a flaw of the Cosmic Divine Sword, not of me, Chu Di!

As soon as he thought about this, he immediately performed a set of light kung fu movements called "Ladder to Heaven".

The Stairway to Heaven is originally a classic movement technique of the Quanzhen School's Jin Yan Gong. It was a method of climbing cliffs that was passed down to Guo Jing by Ma Yu, one of the seven Quanzhen disciples, during the Southern Song Dynasty.

Although Chu Di has no internal strength, this set of body movements is not completely inoperable even without internal strength. Guo Jing, who is only six years old and has dull qualifications, can climb to the top of the mountain alone after only one night of training, let alone ten years of training in Changbai Mountain.

Chu Di for many years?

 So he took advantage of the inertia of the run-up, and only alternated two or three times with one hand and both feet, and rose to the chest and abdomen of the mecha. When he was about to fall, he thrust a sword into the vent.

As he approached and climbed up, the mecha did not block and attack him. The gun barrel was indeed unable to fire into the blind spot, but it did not mean that the mecha's visual system did not see him coming.

The "eyes" directly in front of the mecha are all good, so of course they won't sit back and watch him bully and counterattack, but the obstruction and beating are just like before, they have no effect on the light ball.

“Chu Di is going to fight back!”

“Well, you see, as long as the ball of light is destroyed, it means he is going to fight back.”

 Everyone in the exhibition hall saw Chu Di's actions. Even Tao Bao silently said on the phone: "Well done Chu Di! Beat this guy to death!"

Chu Di had long since ignored the call and put the phone back into his pocket before climbing onto the mecha. When Tao Bao said these words, he had already pierced the cosmic sword into the ventilation of the mecha.

In the mouth.

 Until the sword was halfway submerged, he suddenly remembered that there was one more thing he had not done - he quickly pressed the attack button.

So the first attack-defense conversion of this cosmic sword is completed inside the mecha's body. What is the effect? ​​No one knows.

This chapter has been completed!
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