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277 Ghost Whale Ship City 2

 And, horror!

Because every time a ship city rides the waves onto the land, it is basically a hell of death for the land races.

Even in the long history that Li Er knew, there was no legend about the ship city falling on land.

In other words, basically every ship city that washed up on land eventually returned to the sea safely.

At least there is no well-known legend about the fall of Ship City.

Of course, it is possible that it exists but is covered up or hidden.

In short, Li Er is unknown.

But from this we can also imagine the power of Ship City.

This is why Li Erhui didn't even want to agree when Qiu Jinshan and the other girls helped him find an architectural drawing of Bancheng as the spiritual seed of the Kingdom of God.

Ship City!

Li Er didn't know if the change of the battle scene between gods into the ship city scene this time was related to his architectural drawings of the Kingdom of God.

But it doesn't matter whether it matters or not.

Li Er was still very interested in Ship City.

Even if there is no True God-level Clam Girl Bead for completing the level, there is a reward.

Li Er quickly searched among the rewards. Naturally, he would not forget one of the most important purposes of clearing the God Fight scene.

In other words, it is actually the most important purpose.

Help your father rekindle the divine fire.

What is most needed to rekindle the divine fire is naturally not the true god-level clam bead.

Even the true god-level clam beads can actually be used as fuel to rekindle the divine fire.

But using true god-level clam beads as an igniter to rekindle the divine fire is as ridiculous as washing hands with holy water.

Fortunately, godhead fragments are really not too precious a reward.

At least in a god-fighting scene like Ship City.

"Rescue the captured golden giant, and each person rescued will be rewarded with a godhead fragment."

Li Er was stunned.

Golden giant?

Li Er is no stranger to the Golden Giant.

Because the Golden Giant is quite famous in today's main world.

Even to a certain extent, the reputation of the demon clan is higher than that of the angel clan.

The lost royal family of giants.

This is what the main world says about the golden giant family today.

And just like this statement, the golden giant was the former royal family of the giant family.

The reason why I say it was in the past is because the current giant royal family has become Titans.

But everyone in the entire main world knows that the giant family used to be, or the real royal family, should be golden giants.

And today's Titans, Dingtian, can only be called a royal family.

Royal family, royal family, this is a special method of identification used exclusively by some extremely powerful races in the chaotic space.

Cat people like Silver Moon can only be called a royal family, because the cat people simply cannot support the saying of royalty.

It can be said that in the chaotic space, there are very few races that can have royal families.

Even today's Khajiit clan only has a royal family, not a royal family.

From this we can imagine what the term royal family represents.

Not only is the entire race strong, but this race must also be able to support the title of royal family.

The Golden Giant is one of the royal families recognized by the world in the long history.

The reason why it is called lost is because I don’t know when the golden giant completely lost its trace in the chaotic space.

It seemed that one day, the entire golden giant clan simply disappeared.

This is also one of the most famous puzzles in the overworld today.

Seeing this mission reward, Li Er seemed to understand where the Golden Clan had gone.

Each person rescued will be rewarded with a godhead fragment.

Although the population of a race like the Golden Giant will never be too large.

But to be able to become a race and reproduce smoothly, there is definitely a certain population size.

It has to be said that this reward alone is definitely not low for the battle of gods scene in the 100-man area.

And Li Er doesn't need too many fragments of his godhead. Even considering his need to become a demigod, rescuing two or three golden giants is enough.

Godhead fragments may be very important for gods whose clans are weak, or who have to take an auxiliary direction due to various reasons.

But for fighting gods like Li Er, whose Familia are strong enough and even troubled by the fact that the Familia is too strong, the role of the Godhead fragments has actually been infinitely weakened.

Even, sometimes, fragments of the godhead can actually become troubles and troubles.

Looking at Ship City in the image of his consciousness, Li Er fell into a tangle.

For a hundred-person scene, naturally only one hundred believers can be selected.

Look at what the Ship City looks like, especially based on the rewards on the stone tablet.

There is no doubt that he must consider the matching of the team.

Although Li Er originally planned to form a team that he currently combines from all races.

But with a team of only a hundred people, he still had to consider the number of people from each race.

The first is of course the Clam Girl. As a reward for completing the level, there is no doubt that the Clam Girl’s participation in this scene is very important.

It is even possible that the appearance of this God-fighting scene is related to the Clam Girl.

But Li Er now only has seven members in the entire female clam clan, some of whom are old and some are young, including one male clam among them.

The reason why the Clam Clan is named after women is naturally because the real strength of the Clam Clan is women.

This doesn't even have anything to do with the fact that only clam girls can carry pearls.

The basic function of men of the Clam Clan may be limited to reproduction.

This was only discovered by Li Er after observing the clam female clan during this period.

Because the only male of the clam female tribe is not only extremely weak, but he has never even gone out to hunt.

Even though the Clam Girl clan mostly hunts, they secretly sneak out of their underwater caves and collect some shellfish and snails outside the caves.

Including some small fish and shrimps that even fish and cat people will not take a fancy to.

In short, after Li Er observed several times, he was extremely disappointed with the famous Clam Clan.

The female tribe has almost been cultivated as a pure resource race.

Therefore, Li Er had a difficult time arranging the number of people in the Clam Clan.

After struggling for a while, Li Er finally decided to send out the old, middle-aged, young, and third-level Clam Girl.

Including a female clam baby who is still in a clam shell.

As for why, the reason is very simple. In addition to the fact that the customs clearance mission clearly points to the Clam Women, the more reason is that today's Ship City is completely on the sea.

Although the fish-cat people with the magical skills of the fish-cat race are far stronger than the ordinary amphibian race.

But there is no doubt that the sea is the sea.

And among his current subordinates, the only pure marine race is the Clam Clan.

So, after struggling for a while, Li Er simply sent out three clam girls.

Even if it has no effect, Li Er feels that it has little impact.

After selecting the three clam girls, the subsequent arrangements were actually easier.

Since there were three clam girls, Li Er simply chose three flower essences.

The reason why only three flower spirits were chosen was because Li Er decided to send more Silver Moon Cat People.

As a member of the royal family of cat people, there is no doubt about the strength of the Silver Moon cat people.

Especially when the Silver Moon Cat People became a subsidiary race of the Fish Cat People.

Although compared with fish cat people, it is much more difficult for silver moon cat people to comprehend Li Er's knowledge.

However, the innate talents of the Silver Moon Cat people still make it easy for them to obtain the various knowledge in Li Er's consciousness collection.

Including Death's Doubt and Death's Scythe.

Although Silver Moon Cat People focus more on priests, the Eye of Death is an auxiliary secret skill, and it is not difficult for Silver Moon Cat People to master it.

Silver Moon Cat People are cat people, and their racial talents also happen to include the talent of cruelty.

Therefore, the proportion of Silver Moon cat people who master the eye of death is no less than that of fish cat people, and even exceeds that of the armored dog people.

Silver Moon Cat People are one of the royal family of cat people, and Li Er actually wants to know more about them.

Therefore, increasing the number of Silver Moon cat people is almost an inevitable choice.

On the contrary, as a purely auxiliary race, the number of flower essences is not that important.

At least in Li Er's opinion, it's not too important.

The Clam Clan, Flower Essence, and Silver Moon Cat People were selected.

The next choice is naturally the Demonic Snake Man.

In fact, compared to the Silver Moon Cat Man, Li Er felt that the Demonic Snake Man was more suitable for this boat city scene.

Looking at the two smoking craters on the ship city, Li Er could completely imagine what the scene was like in the ship city.

Although Li Er had only heard of Ship City before.

But through various descriptions of Ship City in the legend, he was able to guess what Ship City looked like.

The reason why Ship City is famous in the long history is not only because of its terrifying war strength, but also because it is actually a mobile city.

Even moving islands and land.

When a ship city rushes onto the land, the deterrence it brings is like a mobile war fortress.

Wherever the ship city is, there is the front line of the war.

Moreover, with the terrifying war capabilities of the ship city, a ship city can almost directly control a battlefield.

This is also the reason why there has never been a legend about the ship city falling on land in the long history.

As for such a ship city, there is no doubt that its main part is located within the ship city, that is, around the volcanoes on the surface of the ship city.

The two volcanoes revealed on the ship city are actually the energy source of the ship city.

This was what Li Er came to realize little by little after loading the architectural map of the Kingdom of God.

As a ship city that can propel a small island or even land.

Naturally, it cannot rely on human power or ordinary athletic ability.

Such a ship city, even if several true gods work together, may not be able to push it.

What's more, a ship city is not just about moving around.

This is actually the value of the architectural drawings of the Kingdom of Ship City.

Even though the true gods of the main world are not really eager to have a kingdom of gods with the core of a ship city.

Because the biggest function of the ship city, mobility, is actually not that big for the Kingdom of God.

After thinking about it, Li Er decided to increase the number of demonic snake men and the number of armored dog men.

After careful selection, of course, the safety of the selected believers was also considered.

Li Er roughly selected twenty demon snake men, thirty armored dog men, and about thirty fish cat men.

Fortunately, the most important candidates happen to be in safe positions.

Including the most important armored dog man, the strong man, and Ga Gong.

These two believers who have loaded the hero template are the ones Li Er must choose.

Therefore, when these two people all returned to their respective safe camps, Li Er quickly selected the candidates, even if many of the previously selected candidates had to be replaced by others.

As a hundred believers made their selections, the originally fixed image was finally replaced bit by bit by another scene.

A scene on top of a volcano.


Please remember the first domain name of this book: ._

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