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Gods: Start with fish, cat, orc

Gods: Start with fish, cat, orc

author:grass under red flowers

action:, , Straight to the bottom

Last Update:01-21 08:44

Latest chapter:Chapter 532 School of Strange Appearances

In an era when all people become gods, everyone starts by looking for believers and steps onto the final throne of God! Fish, cats, orcs, a niche, unpopular and inconspicuous race, let’s see how to reach the top! (I have been impulsive about this topic recently, so I won’t write anything. Uncomfortable Ski!)

If you think《Gods: Start with fish, cat, orc》If it's not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and microblogs!

《Gods: Start with fish, cat, orc》The latest nine chapters
Chapter 532 School of Strange Appearances
Chapter 531 Washing the Body and Soul
Chapter 530 Spider Demon Statue
Chapter 529 Mirage of Wisdom
Chapter 528 Earth Mother Condensation
Chapter 527 Li Family 4
Chapter 526 Returning Home
Chapter 525 Li Family 3
Chapter 524 Li Family 2
《Gods: Start with fish, cat, orc》Chapter Contents
Chapter 1 Chaos Fog
Chapter 2 White Striped Cat People
Chapter 3 Once upon a time
Chapter 4 God Card
Chapter 5 Load Degree
Chapter 6 God Panel
Chapter 7 Talent
Chapter 8 The Blessing of the Blood Prison Demon King
Chapter 9 The Gaze of Death
Chapter 10 The Evil Apple Tree
Chapter 11 Fog City Grand Plaza
Chapter 12 Blood Prison Demon King Altar
Chapter 13 Principal An
Chapter 14 The third time
Chapter 15 The Seed of Divine Power
Chapter 16 Memory Fragments
Chapter 17 The Tree of God's Blood
Chapter 18 The Core of Heroes
Chapter 19 Rules of Sacrifice
Chapter 20 Credit Center
Chapter 21 The Demonized Priest
Chapter 22 War Soul Technique
Chapter 23 God Arena
Chapter 24 Bear Orcs
Chapter 25 Mamba Walled City
Chapter 26 Bronze Family
Chapter 27 Death's Eye
Chapter 28 The Nine Most Powerful Theocracy
Chapter 29 The Song of the Earth
Chapter 30 Assassination
Chapter 31 Double Battle Team
Chapter 32 The bear man is so weak
Chapter 33 Cruel
Chapter 34 Soul Equipment
Chapter 35: Acquired Talent
Chapter 36 Adding Oil
Chapter 37 Shadow Killing
Chapter 38 Forbidden Technique
Chapter 39 Demonization
Chapter 40: Fog City Treasury
Chapter 41 Shortcomings
Chapter 42 Results
Chapter 43 True God-level Anonymous Guidance
Chapter 44 Special God's Domain
Chapter 45 Evil God
Chapter 46 Fish Cat
Chapter 47 Parents
Chapter 48: Choosing a Mother
Chapter 49 The Great Blood Sacrifice
Chapter 50 The Bone Altar
Chapter 51 Blood sacrifice to the shrimp man
Chapter 52 - Ignite the fire
Chapter 53 Be a Cthulhu?
Chapter 54: Fragments of Divinity
Chapter 55 God-devouring sacrifice
Chapter 56 Nine Traps
Chapter 57: The Ancient Times
Chapter 58 Blood Spring
Chapter 59: The Evil Race
Chapter 60 Fire Stealing Technique
Chapter 61 God Abandoned Hundred Clan
Chapter 62 Iron Armored Dog Human Race
Chapter 63 Too Strong
Chapter 64: Pale Golden God's Name
Chapter 65 The Golden-Eyed Crocodile Tribe
Chapter 66 The effect of divine revelation
Chapter 67 Soul Servant
Chapter 68 Unlimited Exchange Opportunities
Chapter 69 Night Demon Scepter
Chapter 70 The Monument of Prayer
Chapter 71: Bronze-Order Corpse-Eater Eggs
Chapter 72: Come Again
Chapter 73 The Golden-Eyed Crocodile Underground
Chapter 74: Dog People
Chapter 75: Iron Armored Dog People's Children
Chapter 76 God's Favor
Chapter 77: The Land of Death
Chapter seventy-eight water
Chapter 79 Senior Teacher
Chapter 80 The Great Court of Forbidden Arts
Chapter 81 Flower Essence
Chapter 82 Affiliated Races
Chapter 83 The Cat Man and the Flower Essence
Chapter 84 Ancient God Cultivation Method
Chapter 85 Ancient God Ruins
Chapter 86 Xiao Xiao
Chapter 87 False God
Chapter 88 The Land of Two Mountains
Chapter 89 Black-haired werewolf
Chapter 90 Victory Festival
Chapter 91 Your own choice
Chapter 92 The location of the ruins
Chapter 93 The family leaves
Chapter 94: The Great Rout of the Sea God
Chapter 95 Games
Chapter 96: Once Destiny
Chapter 97 The speciality of the Blood Prison Altar
Chapter 98 Trap
Chapter 99: It's Difficult
Chapter 100 Hasty End
Chapter 101 Shipbuilding
Chapter 102 Silvermoon Cat Clan
Chapter 103 God Attendant
Chapter 104 The Half-Blood Devil
Chapter 105 Ruins
Chapter 106 God Burial Pit
Chapter 107 Zombie Pillar
Chapter 108: Remnant tablet god card
Chapter 109 The ancient song
Chapter 110 Little Flower Essence
Chapter 111 Small Flower Essence Reproduction
Chapter 112 Death God's Harvest Sacrifice Song
Chapter 113 Kindness
Chapter 114 Army
Chapter 115 Death Scythe
Chapter 116 Communication Challenges
Chapter 117 Awards
Chapter 118 Sea of ??Storms
Chapter 119 Devil Siren
Chapter 120 Devil Kraken 2
Chapter 121 Demon Siren 3
Chapter 122 Undersea Jellyfish
Chapter 123 Special fish crossbow
Chapter 124 Skinning
Chapter 125 Luoning
Chapter 126 The boat in the sand sea
Chapter 127: Stairway to Heaven
Chapter 128: Sacred Stage
Chapter 129 Royal Family
Chapter 130
Chapter 131 Ancient God's Domain
Chapter 132 Basic Knowledge
Chapter 133 Three Death Sickles
Chapter 134 Witch Mask
Chapter 135 Ancient History
Chapter 136 Untitled
Chapter 137: Three-legged Demon Worm in the Abyss
Chapter 138 Trembling
Chapter 139 Underground God
Chapter 140 Moon Witch
Chapter 141 Theocratic Test
Chapter 142 Wisdom Human Race
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145 Baihua Mountain
Chapter 146 Hundred Flowers Dew
Chapter 147 Plank
Chapter 148 Magic Cloud Great Swamp
Chapter 149 Rewards
Chapter 150 Two Templates
Chapter 151 Social Form
Chapter 152 God's Blood Tree
Chapter 153 The first hero template
Chapter 154
Chapter 155 The road of the warrior
Comrades-in-arms! Happy holidays and pray that there will be no war on the earth and no warriors in the world!
Chapter 156 Little Snake Man
157 Little Snake Man 2
Chapter 158 Apple Tree
Chapter 159
Chapter 160 Space Compass
Chapter 161
Chapter 162 College Entrance Ticket
163 Altar Positioning Plate
Chapter 164 Altar Positioning Plate 2
Chapter 165 Entering the Underground
166 Entering the Underground 2
Chapter 167 Strata
Chapter 168: Construction of the Kingdom of God
Chapter 169 Mother Clan
170 Mother Family 2
171 The Mother Family 3
Chapter 172 The Battle of the Snake People
Chapter 173 The Battle of the Snake People 2
Chapter 174 Chaos in the Sea
Chapter 175 Born for the battlefield
Chapter 176 Silver Moon Sacrifice
Chapter 177
Chapter 178 God Puppet
Chapter 179
Chapter 180 Snake God Pillar
181 Snake God Pillar 2
Chapter 182 Hell Crown
Chapter 183 Hell
Chapter 184 God King
Chapter 185 Control the weather
Chapter 186 Goatman
Chapter 187 Architectural Map of the Kingdom of God
Chapter 188 Buildings of the Kingdom of God 2
Chapter 189 Building a Wall
Chapter 190
Chapter 191 Ten Years
192 Ten Years 2
Chapter 193 Ten Years 3
Chapter 194
Chapter 195 The Double Main Family 2
Chapter 196 Racial Support Program
Chapter 197 Racial Support Plan 2
Chapter 198 Racial Support Program 3
Chapter 199
200 Clam Women 2
201 Clam Women 3
202 Clam Women 4
Chapter 203 Exposure Clearance
Chapter 204 Exposure Clearance 2
205 Expose Clearance 3
Chapter 206 Exposure Clearance 4
Chapter 207 Sages
Chapter 208 Sages
Chapter 209 The Way of God
210 Divine Road 2
Chapter 211 Divine Kingdom Spirit Seed
Chapter 212 Ship City
213 Ship City 2
Chapter 214 Don't Kill
Chapter 215 Clam Goddess Skeleton
Chapter 216 Invitation to the God Arena
Chapter 217
Chapter 218 Blood Spring
Chapter 219 Olive Boat
Chapter 220 Fangs
Chapter 221 God Statue
Chapter 222 Possession
223 Possession 2
Chapter 224 Flesh God Puppet
Chapter 225 God Yugui
226 Divine Jade Gui 2
Chapter 227: Silent Sky
Chapter 228 Space Consciousness
Chapter 229: The Endless Lord
Chapter 230 The Infinity Lord 2
231 The Infinity Lord 3
232 The Infinity Lord 4
Chapter 233 The Divine Spirits Are Dead
Chapter 234: The Empty Period of History
Chapter 235 The Essence of Priesthood
Chapter 236 Death Scepter
Chapter 237
Chapter 238: Outside the City
Chapter 239 God Hunter
Chapter 240 Projection Possession Technique
Chapter 241 Return to Sendai
242 Return to Sendai 2
Chapter 243 Body Forging Technique
Chapter 244: Faith Willing Power
Chapter 245 Sea Chart
Chapter 246 Chart 2
Chapter 247 Sea Whale Negative Mountain Power
Chapter 248
Chapter 249 Invitation from the Witch's Hall
Chapter 250 Invitation from the Witch's Palace 2
Chapter 251 Star Tower
Chapter 252 Star Tower 2
Chapter 253 Return to Sendai
254 Return to Sendai 2
Chapter 255 Basic Set of Cards
Chapter 256 Basic Set of Cards 2
Chapter 257 Basic Set of Cards 3
Chapter 258 Basic Set of Cards 4
Chapter 259 Basic Set of Cards 5
Chapter 260 Join the Witch's Hall
Chapter 261 Mist Hidden Robe
Chapter 262 The Right to Follow
263 The Right to Follow 2
Chapter 263 Tianfu Lane
Chapter 265 Ancestral Temple
266 Ancestral Temple 2
267 Ancestral Temple 3
Chapter 268 Blood Temple
269 ??Blood Temple 2
270 Blood Temple 3
Chapter 271 Novice Artifact
272 Novice Artifact 2
Chapter 273 The Identity of Old Man Ye
Chapter 274 Black Street God Arena
275 Black Street God Arena 2
Chapter 276 Ghost Whale Ship City
277 Ghost Whale Ship City 2
278 Ghost Whale Ship City 3
Chapter 279 The Secret Technique of the Clan
Chapter 280 The Secret Technique of the Clan 1
Chapter 281 The Secret Technique of the Clan 2
Chapter 281 Divine Deception
Chapter 283 God Descends
Chapter 284 God Descends 1
Chapter 285
286 Execution order 1
Chapter 287
Chapter 288: The Holy Maiden of the Clan 1
Chapter 289 Three-headed Flood Dragon
Chapter 290 Three-headed Flood Dragon 1
291 Three-headed Flood Dragon 2
Chapter 292 Shipwreck
Chapter 293 Fake Vulcan Flame Technique
294 Fake Vulcan Flame Technique 1
Chapter 295 The Soul Orb
Chapter 296 Three Divine Fires
Chapter 298 Lord of the Devil Prison
Chapter 299 Lord of Mountains and Seas
Chapter 299 God Fire Strengthening
Chapter 300 Flower Essence Blooms
Chapter 301 Lost Civilization
Chapter 302 Demigod Rank God Card 1
Chapter 303 Demigod Rank God Card 2
Chapter 304 Ancient System
Chapter 305 Recruitment Order
Chapter 306 Chapter of God Fighter
Chapter 307 Battle God System
Chapter 308 Ghost Ship City
Chapter 309 Hero Gagong
Chapter 310 Suppressing Prison Dog Demon Clan
Chapter 311 Abyss Demon Snake Clan
Chapter 312 The Sage
Chapter 313 The Werewolf
Chapter 314 Steel Backed Black Wolf Tribe
Chapter 315: Shadow of Nothingness
Chapter 316 The sky is high and the earth is thick
Chapter 317 Cup Arena
Chapter 318 Investment
Chapter 319 Forbidden Garden
Chapter 320 Ghost Fog Zhang Family
Chapter 321: Seeking Spirit Pavilion
Chapter 322 Strength of Faith
Chapter 323 Devil's Divine Art
Chapter 324 Purdue sentient beings
Chapter 325 Purdue sentient beings 2
Chapter 326 Fog Shadow Technique
Chapter 327 Godhead
Chapter 328
Chapter 329 Godhead
Chapter 330 Endless God Seal
Chapter 331: The Origin
Chapter 332 Shinza?
Chapter 333 Going Underground
Chapter 334 God Seat 2
Chapter 335 Gray Whale Patrol
Chapter 336 Change
Chapter 337 Queen’s Valley
Chapter 338 Original Magic
Chapter 339 Wailing Wasteland
Chapter 340 The Great Fairy Sage
Chapter 341 Involving the God King
Chapter 342 Disorder
Chapter 343 Disorder 2
Chapter 344 Whale Herding Technique
Chapter 345 Three Elements
Chapter 346 Origin Limitation
Chapter 347 This is the fish cat
Chapter 348 Exchange List
Chapter 349 Two-Headed Ogre
Chapter 350 Pressure
Chapter 351 Awkward
Chapter 352 The Withering Wind
Chapter 353 Controlling the Proportion
Chapter 354 Follow
Chapter 355 Special Rewards
Chapter 356 Conversion
Chapter 357 Special Scene
Chapter 358 The transformation of ruins begins
Chapter 359 A brainstorm
Chapter 360 One Eye
Chapter 361 Blood Tactics
Chapter 362 Innocence
Chapter 363 Attention
Chapter 364 Bugs
Chapter 365: Vine Control Technique
Chapter 366 Three Mother Trees
Chapter 367
Chapter 368 Mirage Demon Seat
Chapter 369 Mirage Demon Seat 2
Chapter 370 God Puppet Godza
Chapter 371 Death Whale
Chapter 372 The Calming Stone
Chapter 373 Resurrection
Chapter 374 Energy Crystal
Chapter 375 Spider Demon Valley
Chapter 376 Night Wolf Attack
Chapter 377 Black Moon City
Chapter 378 Blood Demon
Chapter 379 Changes in Ship City
Chapter 380 Troop Movement Order
Chapter 381 Team of Ten Thousand People
382. Chapter 382 Appointment Order
Chapter 383
Chapter 384 Complete the mission
Chapter 385 Resurrection Ban
Chapter 386 Who to promote?
Chapter 387 Energy Crystal
Chapter 388 The surge of faith
Chapter 389 Snake Tooth Divine Fire
Chapter 390 Brilliant Victory
Chapter 391 Chapter of Mist [Please subscribe]
Chapter 392 Entering the transformation scene
Chapter 393 Flower Spirit Canyon
Chapter 394 Central Floating Island
Chapter 395 Angel Yunyi
Chapter 396 The Boundary-Breaking Flying Boat
Chapter 397 Four Phases Academy
Chapter 398 Massacre
Chapter 399 Divine Kingdom Flying Boat
Chapter 400 Baixie Dew
Chapter 401 Chivalry
Chapter 402 Weak Chicken
Chapter 403 Backer
Chapter 404
Chapter 405 Obsidian Afterimage
Chapter 406 The decisive battlefield
Chapter 407 Preset of the Sea of ??Fog God King
Chapter 408 The All-Appearance Divine Body
Chapter 409 Young Chapter
Chapter 410 Eternal Enmity
Chapter 411: Conspiracy for Eternity
Chapter 412 Ghost Whale Soul Altar
Chapter 413 No more
Chapter 414 A tough shot
Chapter 415 Showdown
Chapter 416 God Killing
Chapter 417 White Elephant Man
Chapter 418 Fubo Frogman
Chapter 419 18?
Chapter 420 Unknown God King
Chapter 421 Ancestral Snake Palace
Chapter 422 Gathering Troops and Drums
Chapter 423 Soul Shock
Chapter 424 Prison Suppressing Beast
Chapter 425 Prison Suppressing Beast 2
Chapter 426 Prison Suppressing Beast 3
Chapter 427 The Prison Beast 4
Chapter 428 Rewriting the scene
Chapter 429 Dogman
Chapter 430
Chapter 431 Crazy
Chapter 432 Divine Prison
Chapter 433 Default Bounty
Chapter 434 Endless Mirage
Chapter 435 The Wrath of the God of War
Chapter 436 Chaos
Chapter 437 Eternal Whale
Chapter 438 Divine Skeleton Altar
Chapter 439 Fubo Technique
Chapter 440 The Realm of the God of War
Chapter 441 The Awakening of the King of Hell
Chapter 442 The Great Demon King of Evil Sky
Chapter 443 Blackmail
Chapter 444 Nine Hell Demon Dragon
Chapter 445 Purchase
Chapter 446 Wolf Girl Crown
Chapter 447 Star God Gold【Please subscribe】
Chapter 448 Star God Gold 2
Chapter 449 Liuyan Fruit
Chapter 450 Hidden Door
Chapter 451 Invitation
Chapter 452 The Second Name of God
Chapter 453 The Second Name of God 2
Chapter 454 The Second Name of God 3
Chapter 455 Entering the Underground for the First Time
Chapter 456 Reproductive Rights
Chapter 457 Oil Lamp
Chapter 458 Demon Sheep Man
Chapter 459 Slave Seal Destiny
Chapter 460 Stinky Egg
Chapter 461 Hornets Nest
Chapter 462 200,000 Points
Chapter 463 Queens Guard
Chapter 464 The decisive battle
Chapter 465 Outside the Divine Realm
Chapter 466 Demon Infant Fruit
467. Chapter 467 Angel Heart
468. Chapter 468 Untitled
469. Chapter 469 Tribunal of the Holy Mountain
470. Chapter 470 Babel Vine
471. Chapter 471 Babel Vine 1
472. Chapter 472 True or False
473. Chapter 473 The Strength of God’s Domain
474. Chapter 474 Blonde Flower Essence
475. Chapter 475 Divine Power
476. Chapter 476 Goblin
477. Chapter 477 Kubu Hummingbird (please order))
478. Chapter 478 Curse
479. Chapter 479 Offerings
480. Chapter 480 Offering 1
481. Chapter 481 Born Demigod
482. Chapter 482 Earth Demon Stone
483. Chapter 483 Not worth it
484. Chapter 484 Death Garden
485. Chapter 485 The Importance of Priesthood
486. Chapter 486 The Porcupine God
487. Chapter 487 Downgrade
488. Chapter 488
489. Chapter 489 The appearance of the Sea Tribe
490. Chapter 490 Possessed by the God of War
491. Chapter 491 God Card of the Evil Temple
492. Chapter 492 Five
493. Chapter 493 Winning rate
494. Chapter 494 One hundred percent
Chapter 495 The Soulless Siren
Chapter 496 Archdeacon
Chapter 497 Poseidon High Priest
Chapter 498 God’s Name
Chapter 499 The Sea God King’s Preset
Chapter 500 Execution Style
Chapter 501 Neptune Crystal
Chapter 502 Shrimp
Chapter 503 Mermaid Royal Family
Chapter 504 Faceless Statue
Chapter 505 Three-Headed Faceless God Statue
Chapter 506
Chapter 507 Pregnancy
Chapter 508 One year in advance
Chapter 509 The Palace of the Earth King
Chapter 510 Bitterness
Chapter 511 Clam Girl
Chapter 512 The Secret of the God King
Chapter 513
Chapter 514 Poseidon Talisman
Chapter 515 Blood-robed Mermaid
Chapter 516 Sea Crown
Chapter 517 God King Shen Zang 7
Chapter 518 Boundary Breaking Spiral Shuttle
Chapter 519 Boundary Breaking Spiral Shuttle 2
Chapter 520 Boundary Breaking Spiral Shuttle 3
Chapter 521 Clone
Chapter 522 Empty
Chapter 523 Li Family
Chapter 524 Li Family 2
Chapter 525 Li Family 3
Chapter 526 Returning Home
Chapter 527 Li Family 4
Chapter 528 Earth Mother Condensation
Chapter 529 Mirage of Wisdom
Chapter 530 Spider Demon Statue
Chapter 531 Washing the Body and Soul
Chapter 532 School of Strange Appearances