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Chapter 280 The Secret Technique of the Clan 1

 After a while, a hidden colorful light curtain directly enveloped everyone below.

At first, Li Er thought this would be a priestly magic similar to invisibility.

There are not a few races in the chaotic space who have mastered this kind of invisibility technique.

Among them is the cat people.

But after a while, Li Er knew that he was obviously wrong.

Under the colorful light curtain, the old clam girl floating above everyone's heads suddenly disappeared little by little.

But Li Er could clearly know that the old clam girl was still in her original place.

Then, the Silver Moon cat people below, including fish cat people, and flower spirits and other races slowly grew tails from their bodies.

This scene almost frightened Li Er.

Then, this change started from bottom to top, eventually affecting everyone's whole body.

When all the changes stopped, everyone had turned into fish-men in Li Er's sight.

Including the flower spirits, they turned into several small fishmen the size of human heads.

Li Er had never heard of this before, and the changes in front of him obviously came mainly from Clam Girl.

Watching everyone adjust to swimming in place.

In fact, this is nothing to the fish cat people. The silver moon cat people seem to swim a little strangely.

But for Ship City, which originally had a very large number of races, no matter how weird the swimming method was, it was not strange at all.

After some adaptation, a group of people swam directly to the city gate in a grand manner.

Although there are guards in front of the city gate, these guards do not check the marine races entering and exiting the city gate at all, or even do not check at all.

Li Er actually discovered this a long time ago along the way.

It seems that no one in the Ship City has ever thought that there would be land races mixed into the Ship City.

The group of people swam into the lower level of the Ship City openly.

Unlike the previous level, which was all water, after entering the city gate, the next level of Ship City obviously changed its appearance.

When a group of people passed through the long city gate and passed through a black light curtain, they appeared directly on the sea.

This floor is obviously larger than the previous floor.

When the scene changed, the first thing Li Er saw was a huge island and a city built on the island near the water.

Above the city are stone pillars, large and small. On top of these stone pillars, not only various land buildings, but also streets and bridges have been built.

In the middle of the city is a high mountain that reaches straight into the sky.

Looking at the high mountains that went straight into the clouds, Li Er was amazed, and at the same time he could guess that this was probably one of the three craters he had seen on Ship City before.

The group of people who entered this level obviously hesitated for a moment, and finally swam to one side of the city.

Obviously, except for Li Er, no one could see the colorful light curtain covering everyone's heads, and the source of the colorful light curtain was the old clam girl.

Li Er has been watching the city in the image curiously.

Although in ancient legends, Ship City has always been called Ship City, which is also a city.

But in fact, at least Li Er had never heard that there was a real city in Ship City.

Li Er's original understanding was that Ship City actually meant a ship-shaped city.

Even if there is a space effect, it is at most a space amplification, making the space inside the ship larger.

But I have never thought that there could indeed be a city in the ship city.

Even though the city in front of me is indeed smaller than today's cities.

Like Wucheng, the area where Li Er lived since he was a child is actually just one part of Wucheng.

It is said that there are dozens of areas like this in Fog City.

In other words, basically every high school like Wucheng No. 7 Middle School has several radiation areas.

Of course, every area with a high school is naturally the safest and has the best environment in the entire fog city.

In any case, Li Er's parents were once demigods, and they were both from extraordinary backgrounds.

Even if they are reduced to another level, they cannot truly live at the bottom.

But there is no doubt that the city in front of us cannot be called a small city in today's chaotic space.

Different from the previous battles between gods, this time the battle between gods is obviously not for killing.

After a group of people entered the city, they did not directly start killing like they did in Mamba City before. Instead, they actually sneaked into the streets of the city.

I don’t know what kind of methods the old clam girl used.

Even though everyone stepped onto the streets of the city, they were still not discovered. The group of people actually walked to the center of the city in such a grand manner.

Stopped in front of a bloody building that was obviously a temple.

This is a strange building that is more like the remains of a giant beast than a building.

Looks like a whale but not a whale, looks like a snake but not a snake.

Long and large corpses were coiled to form a huge building.

The reason why Li Er felt that this building should be a temple was because Li Er felt a faint aura of the gods in this building.

Li Er couldn't figure out whether it was because the God Arena could not simulate all the auras, or whether the auras in this temple were indeed in this state.

However, there is another strange thing about this temple, that is, it looks a bit old and dilapidated.

Many holes were broken out where the skin of the bones should have been.

In addition, there were obvious damages on the bones.

Another thing is that there are not many people in this temple.

Seeing his group of believers arriving directly outside the temple, Li Er felt strange and couldn't help but think deeply.

He didn't think that his followers would come to a random place.

Although relatively speaking, the main world requires more knowledge than the chaotic space.

But it does not mean that the races in the chaotic space are ignorant barbaric tribes.

Although they can only be regarded as barbaric tribes, there are always some ancient legends behind every tribe with ancient heritage.

Especially royal clans like the Silver Moon Cat Clan, and ancient and famous legendary tribes like the Clam Girl Clan.

No one knows what ancient history and legends are behind their inheritance.

Just like the Shen Yugui whom Li Er saw in the Iron-Armored Dog Man before.

But generally only after becoming a true god will you care about the ancient history and legends behind these dependents.

Because generally only after becoming a true god and after these dependents have grown to a certain level, the influence of these ancient histories and legends will appear.

As for before, everything was too early.

Whether it is for the gods or the dependents themselves.

But this does not mean that these ancient histories and legends do not exist, or that they have no influence.

Looking at the ancient and dilapidated temple in front of him, Li Eryi couldn't help but look at the three clam girls in the image strangely.

Because when they arrived at this ancient temple, the behavior of these three clam girls was a bit strange.

Especially the old clam girl who has been floating above everyone's heads.

When he arrived at the temple, he actually opened his closed clam shell, and then began to twist in his clam shell towards the temple in front of him in a strange dance.

The art of sacrifice.

As a god, Li Er naturally cannot misunderstand this dance, because ancient sacrificial techniques, even today, many sacrificial techniques cannot be separated from the dance.

Sacrifice dance is originally a kind of sacrifice, and it is also the oldest one.

Using dance to please the gods is the origin of sacrifice.


Please remember the first domain name of this book: ._

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