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Chapter 40: Fog City Treasury

Although there have been rough guesses in the God Arena, because the rewards in the ten-man area are generally not much different.

But after hearing what Li Fan said, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

Especially when everyone suddenly remembered that Li Er's followers slaughtered almost the entire Mamba Village.

Li Er finally nodded with a look of embarrassment on his face. Even though such rewards should not be much different, it was still difficult for him to admit it himself.

Although Li Fan also looked excited, after taking a breath, he continued calmly: "Basic racial skills and basic racial training techniques are actually nothing worthy of special selection, because for any race, the basics

Racial skills and basic racial training are both very important, but you need to consider which ones can be obtained through other means, and which ones will be very difficult to obtain through other means besides the God Arena."

Li Er couldn't help but look nervous, because he really didn't know much about this.

In his opinion, any basic racial skills and basic racial training techniques are very difficult to obtain.

The civet body skill he got was more due to his luck.

In addition, the cat people are a very partial family race in Fog City, otherwise it would not be his turn to obtain this civet movement technique.

"There are probably more than thirty kinds of basic racial skills for cat orcs."

"So many?" Li Er was startled.

Li Fan did not reply, and continued: "The basic racial training techniques are slightly less, but we in Wucheng know seventeen types."

"So many?" Li Er was startled again.

Li Fan also ignored it and continued: "Just now, the school inquired about the basic racial skills and basic racial training skills of cat orcs in Wucheng through special channels. The total number of ways to obtain them is thirty-nine.

If you have any needs for these thirty-nine items, the school can help you redeem them, and then you only need to redeem them with credits."

After speaking, Li Fan handed Li Er a small note.

Everyone, including Li Er, looked at the small note handed over by Li Fan.

If you don't understand the school's plan at this time, you'd be a fool.

Obviously, Wucheng No. 7 Middle School decided to train Li Er at all costs.

Regardless of these thirty-nine basic racial skills, they are nothing particularly precious compared to basic racial training techniques.

No matter how expensive it is, it is only basic skills and basic cultivation techniques.

Although it comes with a racial trait, it’s not much more expensive.

But it is not that easy to obtain such racial characteristics.

Because this kind of thing rarely comes to the market, it is something that even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it.

Li Er hesitated for a moment, but finally took the note from Li Fan resolutely.

At this time, he was not qualified to play any style in front of the school.

Li Fan saw Li Er taking the note in his hand, smiled and nodded.

Then he continued: "Then there are the basic racial magical arts. There are three basic racial magical arts of cat orcs known to our No. 7 Middle School, including the most famous and widely spread nine lives."

"The school has nine lives!" Li Er was startled, and at the same time he felt excited. If he could obtain the nine lives, the strongest racial magic of the cat orcs, then his family would be truly formed.

Racial skills, racial cultivation, and racial magic are the three most important factors in measuring the value of a god's family.

It even exceeds the natural attributes, because the natural attributes can be compensated through racial skills, racial training, and racial magic.

The most important among them is the so-called strongest racial magic.

Hearing Li Er's words, Li Fan immediately shook his head.

"No, no, how can the school have the most powerful racial magic like Nine Lives? It's just that there is a secret treasure in Wucheng's treasury."

"Treasury?" Li Er understood immediately. The treasury is the official secret treasury of Wucheng. However, if you want to get the treasures in Wucheng's treasury, you must complete official tasks.

Or through the daily merits of Fog City.

To put it bluntly, Wucheng's treasury is equivalent to the credit redemption center for all high schools in Wucheng.

Li Fan smiled, as if he was afraid that Li Er would misunderstand, and quickly continued: "Racial magic is not easily obtained by a high school. Maybe it is possible in the first and second middle schools. Our seventh middle school definitely does not have this qualification.

Unless there are targeted donations from outstanding old graduates.”

Li Er knew this very well.

"But as long as we know where the racial magic is, there is hope, not to mention that the cat-orcs are extremely niche."

Li Er nodded and took the second note from Li Fan's hand again.

There is very little content in this note, only three items, the first of which is Nine Lives.

"Nine lives, a rare racial magic of the cat-orc tribe, control threshold: agility 12, wisdom 10, constitution 5, apostle, high-level legend or above, other requirements are unknown!"

Li Er was stunned. Although he knew that the threshold for a famous racial magic like Nine Lives must be extremely high, he did not expect that it would be so high.

Not to mention the basic attribute requirements, just a high-level legend or apostle is enough to block almost all believers.

Especially when these two requirements are put together.

Of course, racial magic is not provided to all believers. Basically, if one or two people in a family can master racial magic, it can be called a powerful family.

What if there are three people? Well, even if the natural basic attributes are not up to standard, it is enough to step into the threshold of the Bronze Familia.

Even now, Li Er would not dare to think about having an advanced family member.

Therefore, when he saw that the two natural basic attributes of sensitivity and wisdom exceeded 10 points, he no longer cared about the following conditions.

Apostle! High-level legend, it depends on your luck, the latter is not impossible to accumulate if you spend some time.

But putting these two items together, in short, Li Er doesn't understand how impossible it is to put these two items together.

After glancing at the two items at the back, Li Er didn't pay much attention to them this time.

Because compared to the famous Nine Lives, these two magical arts are not only not famous, but they also don't seem to be very strong.

Snow marks actually leave footprints on the road that can only be observed by people of the same race.

Li Er really couldn't figure out how such footprints could be called racial magic.

Ghost pupils.

This seems to be somewhat useful, as it can directly observe the life of the spirit body.

However, whether it is the chaotic space or the main world, the number of spiritual life forms is not large, and can even be called extremely rare. In addition, although spiritual life forms are more troublesome, there are many ways to discover spiritual life forms.

Therefore, Li Er really couldn't understand the use of choosing such a racial magic.

So Li Er didn't even take a closer look and just glanced at it.

Li Fan found that Li Er did not read the note he gave carefully, nor did he take it seriously.

After glancing at the image in the crystal pillar, he continued: "Although racial skills, racial training methods, and racial magical arts are both strong and weak, remember one thing, for any race, the more of the three, the better.

, because these three often have some hidden effects."

Hidden effect? ​​Li Er was a little confused, because there was never any relevant content in his mind.

The reason why the school let Li Fan directly step into the God Arena was because it wanted to attack Li Er.

So Li Fan directly continued: "The reason why there is the word race in front of racial skills, racial cultivation methods, and racial magical arts is that in addition to these skills, cultivation methods, and magical arts that only this race can master, there are more

Is it because these skill cultivation methods and the emergence of divine magic are all due to this race? Do you think it is more racial or does it come first with racial magic, racial cultivation methods, and racial skills?"

This chapter has been completed!
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