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Chapter 450 Hidden Door

 Looking at the twenty or so so-called offerings, Li Eryi fell silent for a while.

It is natural for gods to accept offerings.

But there is a basic logical rule, that is, you cannot just take but not give.

Looking at the pile of items, some were obviously extraordinary, but Li Er couldn't see anything unusual at all. In short, since the believers gave them, he should accept them.

Mainly because after collecting the Liuyan Fruit, Li Er discovered that although the space in the Ghost Whale Soul Altar was not large, it was quite large compared to a Liuyan Fruit.

Being idle is also idle.

Li Er did not immediately get into the belly of the whale, but looked around, especially the location of the second divine body in the center of the rock lake outside the palace gate.

Li Er remembered that he had just thrown a divine skull of the Evil Sky Demon King into the position of the second divine body.

Looking at the shape of the land, Li Er was a little worried that he might have fallen directly into the rock lake next to him.

After all, he didn't look too carefully at the location of the second divine body when he threw it.

None of this has any impact on what it is now.

Li Er still focused on looking at the environment outside the palace.

Seeing that Li Er's consciousness had been wandering outside the palace, Jiu Ren explained very obediently: "My lord, we haven't really left the Hell Crown yet, but we have reached the edge. This was where the God King was once stationed to guard the Hell Crown.

The shrine of the watcher.”

"Are all the watchmen gods?" Li Er was surprised.

Unexpectedly, Jiu Ren's answer later surprised him even more.

"It is a great demon king, the same level as the head of the great demon king Xie Kong given by my lord before."

Li Er was stunned.

"Do you still know about the Great Demon King Xie Kong?"

Hearing this, Ba Zhao next to him suddenly said: "My lord, the Hell Demon Snakes are different from our Hell Suppressing Dog Demons. After the Lord God King's throne was shattered, they took refuge in other gods in the underground world. What followed was endless.

The years have always been one of the most vicious thugs chasing our clan."

What Ba Zhao said was actually very rude.

However, the expressions of the two snake men in the palace did not change at all, and they just lay on the ground calmly.

Li Er naturally didn't care much about the hatred between the two clans.

What's more, it was the Hell Dog Demon Clan's own fault that the Hell Demon Snake became a follower of his second divine body.

If there is any problem, they will explain it themselves.

Besides, the beliefs of the Hell Demon Snake and the Hell Suppressing Dog Demon actually do not overlap.

It is more appropriate to say that the two races are accomplices rather than co-believers.

Nine Blades was one of the first to surrender, and he was not very old at that time.

Besides, the Hell Demon Snakes don't seem to have such high moral restraints on themselves.

How to say a group of people, a typical underground evil race.

When he thought about it, Li Er's thoughts became clear instantly.

He didn't pay attention to the resentment in Ba Zhao's words.

Obviously, his treatment of the Hell Demon Snake Man was different from that of the Old Dog Man Poison Bone.

"What do you need when you call me? What are your next steps?"

Li Er now increasingly doesn’t want to act like a god according to the textbook content.

Especially when facing this group of underground races, I simply stopped acting.

Moreover, the acting is not necessarily something that Lafla, Poison Bones, and my own first-generation flower essence in the eternal sleep crystal would believe.

They are all pretending, doesn’t this make everyone feel uncomfortable?

Jiu Ren and others did not expect that their own gods would be so direct. Jiu Ren was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses.

"My lord, we would like to ask you to open a hidden door."

"Hidden door?" Li Er was surprised. "What hidden door?"

The five of them knelt on the ground together again.

"A hidden door left behind by the King of Gods."


Li Er just wanted to say the name of the Endless God King, but was suddenly interrupted by Ba Zhao immediately.

"My lord, you cannot say those two words underground!"

Li Er was so frightened that he quickly took back the last words.

He naturally knew this taboo, but he had never had such experience before, so he forgot about it.

"The hidden door he left behind?" Li Er asked again.

Jiu Ren nodded respectfully.

"It should be correct. This is one of the bloodline inheritances of the Hell-Suppressing Dog Demon. It is a hidden door that only their clan can discover."

Li Er thought about it and figured it out quickly.

As a race with the gift of loyalty, there is no doubt that if you want to leave a backup, your first choice will definitely be the Hell-Suppressing Dog Demon clan.

And judging from various subsequent experiences and history, the Hell-Suppressing Dog Demon Clan is indeed worthy of this talent.

He has been wandering for countless thousands of years, wandering directly from the underground world to the gap between the underground world and the surface world.

No, it should be said that it is the gap between the three worlds: the underground world, the surface world, and the ocean world. Li Er's current location in the God's Domain is fully worthy of this.

Until he finally gained his faith through the art of stealing fire.

Speaking of which, from this point of view, he actually got a huge advantage, but he didn't know whether it was a pie falling from the sky or a durian falling from the sky.

In other words, a big pot!

After thinking for a while, Li Er finally said: "Where is the hidden door?"

The five people's eyes instantly turned to behind the Ghost Whale Soul Altar.

There happened to be a shrine there that had been broken into pieces by the baptism of time.

As for the statue, its whereabouts have long since disappeared.

Li Er was a little surprised because he couldn't see any sign of the hidden door from the position of the throne.

After thinking about it, he simply controlled the Ghost Whale Soul Altar and flew over.

Of course, before flying over, he also very neatly sucked all the offerings in front of him into the belly of the Ghost Whale Soul Altar.

After running the God's Domain Familia for so long, I have finally gained something. How could I not want it?

No matter how many melons or dates it costs, it is better than nothing.

What's more, he is really poor.

Li Er, who controlled the Ghost Whale Soul Altar, flew around the throne for a long time, but still found nothing in the end.

Let alone the hidden door, he didn't even detect a single hole or gap.

Until finally BaZhao couldn't help but said: "My God, why don't you try it without the flesh and blood god puppet!"

After saying that, the eight-clawed head bowed even lower.

The entire Hell-Suppressing Dog Demon Clan, including the Hell Demon Snake Clan, doesn't know that Li Er doesn't like flesh and blood god puppets, so he has rarely been possessed by them, let alone controlling flesh and blood god puppets.

They would rather appear in the form of nothingness and divine will.

But although Ba Zhao lowered his head, he did not stop talking.

"There is a high probability that there is a temple of the God King behind this hidden door, or at least a treasure. In addition, this hidden door is very likely to be directly connected to the outside of the Crown of Hell."

Li Er in front didn't care, because he had seen too much about god-king level treasures before.

That kind of thing that makes one's heart itch when looking at it, but is actually useless is just causing trouble for him. Besides, he doesn't even want to see it.

But he had to pay attention to the last sentence.

Because he found that the number of dog-men and snake-men around him was obviously a little low.

"The tribe suffered a great loss?"

Although the five people in front of him have become heroes, for Li Er today, the most important thing is undoubtedly the quantity, especially after entering the underground world.

The real difficulty, even Li Er knows, is how to gain a foothold in the legendary and dangerous underground world!

Jiu Ren didn't answer, Ba Zhao hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Nearly half of it was lost."

This loss ratio made Li Er feel heartbroken even if he wished that the dogs, humans, and snakes would be as far away from him as possible.

Especially now that the Hell-Suppressing Dog Demon Clan has revealed their plans.

I thought I didn't dare to show it clearly. Having this dependent family is almost the same as not having this dependent family.

But now that he has passed the clear path, it means that the future prison-suppressing dog demon has completely become a part of his strength.

Even though he never intended to go underground, the loss of this proportion still made his gut hurt.

If he were to enter the Hell Crown after the Hell-Suppressing Dog Demon showed his light, Li Er would undoubtedly object to the Hell-Suppressing Dog Demon setting foot on the Hell Crown.

At worst, the hell-suppressing dog demon will just turn from the underground to the surface.

It's a pity that Ba Zhao and others set foot on the Crown of Hell too early.

If return?

Li Er almost gave up the idea just after thinking about it.

If we all go to this point and then return, not to mention the losses caused by the return, even the believers who died before will die in vain.

The Hell Dog Demon clan does not need to return to the underground, but the Hell Demon Snake must enter the underground.

Therefore, even if it is just to send the Hell Demon Snake back to the underground world, of course, it also includes the evil flesh and blood god puppet.

Li Er must also let them enter the underground world as much as possible.

"Where is that temple?"

Li Er's conscious gaze was directed towards the metal temple in the center of the rock lake. Although the aura of that temple was not obvious, it was completely different from the temple he was in now.

If the temple beneath him is indeed dead, then the temple in the center of the rock lake is still in a state of half-death.

The reason why I say this is because Li Er can clearly feel the fluctuations of divine power there.

Secret, but powerful.

No, I should say it's a bit cruel.

BaZhao hesitated for a moment before replying: "That was once a temple of the God King."

Li Er was stunned.

Although I have dealt with the God-King countless times in the Wailing Wasteland scene, this is the first time I have truly experienced the God-King up close.

Not to mention that this is a temple of a god king from the ancient god era.

"Is the temple of the God King so small?"

Li Er was simply excited and had nothing to say.

Ba Zhao obviously didn't know how to answer for a while. In that ancient era, although there were ancient legends circulating among the dog people, they were limited to legends, especially those passed down orally from generation to generation. Don't talk about others, it was themselves.

I don't think it's very believable either.

As for the inheritance within the bloodline, it is naturally impossible to include such low-level things.

Even Shen Yugui has not always been spread among their ethnic group.

Now that Li Er has obtained a small Shenyu Gui, he also has some understanding of Shen Yugui.

To put it bluntly, this thing will choose its own owner in the bloodline. When the body of the previous owner dies, it will appear in the body of the new owner.

And this time the owner is obviously Old Dog Man Poison Bone.

Li Er regretted it as soon as he asked. This question was too low-level for him.

"Is there anything special about this temple?"

Feeling the fluctuations of divine power coming from the temple, Li Er quickly changed the question.

This chapter has been completed!
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