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Chapter 505 Three-Headed Faceless God Statue

Li Er was a little confused.

What does it mean to be willing to pay a reward equivalent to that of the King of God?

But the soul servant and the bloody shadow clearly understood.

The soul servant's expression became a little ugly and said: "Has anyone ever activated the God King's back hand on this semi-god-level faceless statue?"

The old voice shook his head, but quickly nodded again.

"Used, but failed to activate."

The soul servant clearly glanced at Li Er, who was still a little confused.

Said: "How many times have you tried?"

The old voice was silent for a long time this time before continuing: "Three times."

The expression on the soul servant's face became even more serious.

"What consequences?"

This time the old voice did not answer.

"I think these have nothing to do with Li Er, and the consequences for the three of them are not the same. The consequences that each person faces are closely related to their own situation."

The soul servant watched the old voice for a while.

Afterwards, he said directly: "What are you willing to pay? Three times, you should know how big the consequences will be!"

Upon hearing this, the old voice said directly: "We only found Student Li Er after three failures. Naturally, we can basically determine that Student Li Er should meet the requirements of this back-up position. Therefore, there should not be any big problems in terms of safety.


Unexpectedly, the soul servant directly stopped the old voice's subsequent words.

"No matter how many conditions you have determined for the backhand, you should also know that the activation of any God King's backhand has its own deep requirements. Before it is actually activated, no one can guarantee whether the conditions tested before are correct, and

It’s not a trap! So, no matter how you can be sure, it has nothing to do with us, and the God-King’s back-up is itself the biggest risk!”

The old voice didn't speak anymore.

After being silent for a while, he finally continued: "What do you need?"

Li Ergang wanted to speak.

Unexpectedly, the soul servant immediately said: "Angel's Heart!"

Li Er stopped talking for a moment.

The eyes under the cloak of the old voice glanced at Li Er clearly, and then said: "How much?"

The soul servant seemed to be a little confused.

Until then, Zhang Si next to him suddenly said: "Can you take a look at the faceless statue first?"

Almost everyone in the audience immediately looked at Zhang Si.

Zhang Si seemed to realize that she had said the wrong thing and quickly lowered her head.

After a long silence, the old voice said: "It's good to take a look!"

After speaking, a small pale silver space vortex suddenly appeared on the top of the long wooden staff in the old voice's hand, and then, a strange metal-like object only the size of a human head fell from the space vortex.

But the strange thing is that this metal-like object the size of a human head did not fall directly to the ground after falling out of the space vortex, but floated directly in front of the old voice.

This is a strange eight-handed statue made of unknown metal materials.

What is particularly strange is that this statue actually has three heads, and each head has a different appearance.

One is a dog's head, one is a sheep's head, and the other is actually a cow's head.

But that's not what surprised Li Er the most.

The dog-man Li Er can tell at a glance that it is the head of the Hell-Suppressing Dog Demon Clan, while the sheep head is the head of the demon goat-man that was seen underground before.

The only head Li Er had never seen was the bull's head.

But it is almost certain at a glance that this bull-headed Li Er comes from the underground world as well.

Because the style, color, and three horns bending forward can only appear in the underground world.

The only thing the three heads have in common is that they have no faces.

It's just that the face is completely blank.

This is what the faceless statue means.

In fact, normally, the faces of almost all gods and gods are blurry at first, and they will slowly form faces as the gods grow.

Normally, this face is usually the face of the god itself.

of course there are exceptions.

For example, Li Er's mother Zhang Si was used to fighting with her family in the body of a tiger god, so the face of the statue would be that of a tiger god.

Because the formation of this face, apart from the factors of the god itself, is actually more about what the believer thinks his god is.

This will form the face of the statue.

Of course, these are not things that ordinary new gods in the main world can do.

Generally speaking, the new gods and statues of the main world are almost the original appearance of the gods.

At least it takes several divine descents to let believers know their image before forming their own idol.

But this is not the case with the Faceless God.

It will form a face that best suits it based on the god's own divinity.

Majesty, ferocious, or evil, domineering! Terrifying! All kinds of things!

Speaking of which, the faceless statue is actually not very suitable for today’s new god system.

Therefore, even in the dark alleys of Fog City, faceless statues often appear, but generally speaking, such faceless statues are above the true god level.

Because there has never been such a thing as a semi-god-level statue in the ancient god system.

The faceless statue itself is actually not precious.

But if it is connected with the God King Youquan, plus the God King’s back-up, and such a weird semi-god statue.

Then it is even less precious.

"Idol of the underworld?"

Li Er can see things, let alone the soul servant and the bloody shadow.

Including everyone in the temple, even if they have never seen an underground race or interacted with the underground world, they can all tell that this is a typical statue of the underground world.

"Didn't the God King of Youquan say he was the God King of the two realms of the ocean and the surface? How could he arrange a statue of a god from the underground world as a back-up?"

Naturally, the soul servant couldn't figure out the reason.

But Li Er was also a little strange.

He suddenly thought of something unreasonable.

"The prison-suppressing dog demons are a typical underground race. How could they become followers of the God King of Youquan?"

Li Er thought of it and asked directly.

But faced with this question, it was obvious that no one in the entire hall could give him the answer.

Including old voices.

After a long silence, the old voice replied helplessly: "No one knows this for sure. Maybe the prison-suppressing dog demons are originally a race on the surface."

This answer is undoubtedly so correct that it is impossible to refute.

Li Er is naturally even less likely to object to this answer.

This answer is simply wonderful.

At this time, the soul servant on the side suddenly asked Li Er: "Do you have any objections to taking over the role of the Youquan God King?"

For a moment, Li Er really didn't know how to answer.

But at this time, it actually makes no difference whether Li Er answers or not.

The soul servant said directly to the old voice: "1000 angel hearts!"

Last night, my daughter had a high fever and convulsions that almost scared me out of my mind. Now it is almost certain that she has a mixed infection. I heard that the surrounding kindergartens are basically closed!


This chapter has been completed!
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