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Chapter 56 Nine Traps

There are nine new god-level traps recognized in the main world, as well as nine semi-god-level traps. The only thing they have in common is this fatal God-Eating Sacrifice. It is even said that even at the True God stage, this God-Eating Sacrifice is also a sinkhole.

Devouring the divinity, divine power, even priesthood, divine authority, and even the name of other gods may be affected.

This fatal God-Eating Sacrifice is definitely the biggest pitfall Li Er has ever known, and there is no such thing.

He watched Ga Gong put the statue into the divine fire with a solemn expression, and watched as the divine fire exploded little by little into bloody spots under the dark stone statue.

Li Er really wanted to take this statue out of the chaotic space directly.

But unfortunately, although this statue is also a sacrifice, special methods must be used to remove such things that are contaminated with the power of other gods.

Instead of like ordinary sacrifices, Li Er can directly control the sacrifices.

Seeing the white-striped fish cat tribe with only about 500 people beginning the final steps of sacrifice, Li Er lost all interest.

It can be said that this series of blows completely wiped out the excitement and joy of clearing Mamba City.

It even gave Li Ersheng the idea of ​​giving up everything.

This was an idea that had never occurred in the previous two attempts to open up the divine realm, but under the series of blows in front of him, he had basically lost the slightest confidence.

There are several famous pits of godhood in the main world.

If an ordinary person steps on one, it can be said to ruin the entire path to becoming a god.

He stepped on several of them at once, and he didn't know whether he should say he was very lucky or very unlucky.

Li Er had no interest at all and exited the chaotic space directly.

Then he casually took off the divine helmet on his head and fell directly onto his bed.

At this time, he was already thinking about whether he could find a way to open up the fourth divine realm.

According to the unknown female true god, the more times this divine realm is opened, the greater the specialness it acquires.

If this is the case, it is not impossible to carry out the fourth expansion of the divine realm.

After clearing a ten-player God Arena, even though the highest reward of Godhead fragments and racial divine blood have been used.

But the remaining rewards should be enough for him to try to open up the fourth divine realm.

Not to mention racial cultivation methods and racial magic, the exact amount of credit rewards that are still unknown is enough for him to redeem the fourth divine realm opening.

Although only three divine realm openings are provided for free at the high school level.

But it's not just three times, but starting from the fourth time, a huge amount of credits will be spent.

This credit is basically impossible to achieve based on normal learning experience.

But this normal learning experience will never include clearing a battle arena.

Thinking of this, Li Er's heart finally calmed down.

At least he has a way out.

It couldn't be worse than when he started the third expansion of the divine realm a few days ago.

At that time, when he chose more than 200 points of divinity to open up the divine realm, he had actually given up on himself, just hoping to successfully open up the divine realm.

And now, this is the worst possible step.

But obviously, the situation today is much better than it was a few days ago.

The credits are enough to open up the fourth divine realm, and the rewards for clearing a divine arena are enough to squander.

Even the rewards for exclusive cat orcs are not very valuable on the market.

But no matter how high it is, it is still a reward for clearing a God Arena. It not only includes basic racial skills, but also basic racial training methods, as well as the most valuable racial magic.

This set is definitely a must-have for any initial Familia of Cat orcs.

In particular, the God Arena reward in the New God stage also has a special reward condition that is known to the entire main world.

That is, God Arena will try to reduce the number of God cards that will be rewarded in the New God stage as much as possible.

After all, everyone knows the scarcity and importance of the load level of the God Realm in the New God Era.

If each reward is divided into a god card.

Calculating based on the three points of the basic load of each god card, which new god in the new god stage has such a high load to load such a large number of basic racial skills, as well as basic racial training methods.

Of course, this reward feature is only limited to rewards in the same battle scene.

If this reward condition can be extended to the clearance reward, there is no doubt about it.

This is the maximum value of the hidden reward conditions in this God's Arena.

After Li Er threw away the divine helmet, he couldn't help but think wildly on the bed.

Thinking about what kind of initial family members I will get when I open up the divine realm for the fourth time.

Where will it be in the Chaos God Realm?

The map of the Chaos God Realm controlled by Fog City No. 7 has always been public, but this map is extremely blurry, because even the Lord God cannot completely see through the entire Chaos Fog.

What's more, it was only the Lord of the God System who opened up the Chaos God Realm in Wucheng.

The master of the god system controls a large domain in the chaotic space, and then hands over the most dangerous areas or the most valuable areas in this large domain to the true gods or true god forces under his own god system.

Then the safest areas, or areas that have been cleaned up by the Lord of the Gods and the True God, will be handed over to various high schools in the city for the growth of new gods trained by each high school.

At the same time, it also provides more detailed control over the entire divine domain.

The Chaos Space given to each high school often comes with a map.

It's just that this map is often very simple and blurry, and you can only roughly see the terrain, and even the black shadow on the edge of the continent.

As for the current location of Li Er's God's Domain, if his comparison is correct, or in other words, the school's map is correct, it should be at the lowest edge of the current Wucheng control area.

The reason why this location was given to Wucheng No. 7 Middle School is because this area is surrounded by the sea on one side and continuous mountains on the other side. There are no mountains with powerful native gods at all.

Such regional security is safer, but it also limits future development.

The new god stage may be safe, but what about the demigod stage? Especially if a demigod wants to become a true god, he needs to baptize believers through war and gather divine power, including the power of faith.

War is a far better way to gain faith and even divinity than sacrifice.

Why does everyone in the main world want to be a god on the fighting side, but not on the auxiliary side, or even on the farming side?

One of the simplest reasons is that war is actually a sacrifice, and it is a more effective and pure sacrifice than any big sacrifice.

After a war, the gods of the winning side can not only absorb the soul power of their own family members who died in the battle, but also the pure war emotions emitted when they died.

Emotion itself is actually a kind of soul power, but normal gods or gods in the main world are generally not willing to accept this kind of soul power.

Because the power of emotions can not only be contagious, but also polluted, and this pollution is more terrifying than the blood sacrifice.

Because the power of emotions can pollute the mind of the gods themselves, this is no longer divinity, or even the divine authority.

Except for the power of one emotion, that is the fighting spirit formed by a war between different gods and different races, also called the will to war.

This will to fight is a pure, special emotion that can only be formed on the edge of death.

This special emotion is not only loved by the gods on the combat side, but also the gods on the ordinary auxiliary side, and the gods on the Kanda side also dream of it.

Because this emotional power is extremely pure, it has minimal impact on the spirit's own character.

But it has a great effect on the dependent family.

This kind of dependent race that has been baptized by the will to fight frequently, even if it is a pure auxiliary side race, or a farming side race, will develop an inexplicable courage, or fighting spirit.

This chapter has been completed!
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