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Chapter 7 Talent

The ship-shaped altar faces the ocean, so it looks a bit strange.

But this is not enough to explain the 82-point terror load.

However, with a terror load of 82 points, many of Li Er's plans can be launched in advance.

I glanced around, mainly observing the situation of all the fish, cat orcs.

Apparently, the fish and cat orcs had a good time during this period. Not only did they have twenty more newborns, but they also built a small village on the peninsula, above the cave.

At this time, except for the nine female orcs and twenty newborns who were still in the village, the rest of the fish-cat orcs were basically busy around the village.

In particular, the leader of the Fish Cat Clan whom he had seen before was actually holding a small bone knife alone, planning to hunt a black giant bear that was three meters tall.

Seeing this scene, even Li Er became nervous.

Just when Li Er was about to take a closer look at the fish cat clan leader, the fish cat clan leader who had been lying among the branches and leaves of the trees suddenly fell silently and quickly.

Below is the giant black bear that just passed under the tree.

When the leader of the Fish Cat clan fell, the bone knife in his hand suddenly flashed with a white light and slid past the neck of the black giant bear.

Then a bloody fountain nearly three to five meters high rushed out directly from its neck.

Before the blood fountain could appear, the fish-cat clan leader who drew the bone knife had disappeared into the nearby woods again like a ghost.

Then, after regaining consciousness, the giant bear began to look for the enemy, but it could not stop the blood flowing from its neck.

At this time, the leader of the Fish Cat Clan had once again hid in a giant tree dozens of meters away, and was calmly observing the situation of the giant bear.

Li Er was completely shocked this time.

If he could understand the previous fish-cat people catching giant yellow croakers, then he couldn't understand it at all when the fish-cat clan leader hunted giant bears.

Because this giant bear already possesses the characteristics of a vicious demon.

It's just that the ability of this ferocious giant bear should be in strength.

Seeing how the giant beast can break a giant tree at will after being injured, the strength of this giant bear is definitely not lower than the second level.

After looking at the giant bear for a while, it became silent due to blood loss.

Li Er, who was a little excited, didn't have any worries this time.

He directly threw in the sacrificial thorn and universal basic body-building method that he had been holding in his hand.

Moreover, it is directly loaded into the consciousness of all fish and cat people.

This is actually somewhat inconsistent with normal operating norms.

But Li Er, who has a full 82 load points, can't care about anything else now.

Especially after he saw the potential of the fish-cat people.

He feels that the so-called long-term plan is empty under the current circumstances.

Let's capture these fish and cat people first, even if it will affect future control.

But with an initial load of 82 points, he has enough adjustment to correct his mistakes.

In fact, he really wanted to throw in the other civet body technique in his hand.

But he thought about it, the only divine card he had in his hand now was for the fish and cat people, and he could never hand it over so casually.

Otherwise, if something special happens to the family members and he cannot give corresponding rewards, it will be troublesome.

Managing the God's Domain is like shepherding sheep. The first thing to do is to make the rewards clear.

When the two god-given martial arts skills appeared in the minds of all the cat-people, all the cat-people knelt down almost immediately.

Most of the so-called lost races are the teams whose gods have fallen and the divine realm has disappeared and wandered into the fog of chaos.

Because in the chaotic space, it is not just the gods of the main world who are opening up the divine domain.

More of them are the original gods in the chaotic space.

Therefore, in the chaotic space, divine warfare is almost everywhere.

Including the divine realm where Li Er is now.

In fact, it was all cleaned up by the higher gods, seized, and then assigned to Wucheng No. 7 Middle School as a place to open up the new god's domain.

Therefore, each lost race itself has its own inherited knowledge.

Just more or less, but more of them are in a state of loss.

Like Li Er's current family of fish and cat people, the absence of shamans means that systematic knowledge has been eradicated.

But this is not necessarily a bad thing for the New God. It mainly depends on how to guide it in the future.

Fluctuations of faith began to reverberate in the divine space.

Almost instantly.

Several messages about the upgrade of believers appeared on Li Er's spirit panel.

Tip: A shallow believer grows into a devout believer.

Tip: A shallow believer grows into a devout believer.

Looking at the two devout believers who suddenly appeared, Li Er almost smiled crookedly.

One devout believer is not safe, but three devout believers are enough for a god who has only opened the divine domain for a day.

A full load of 82 points can give him enough confidence to influence (bribe) this fish-cat orc.

No longer paying attention to the situation in the God's Domain, his attention fell on the panel again.


I am lucky to have gained it, but I have lost my life. Li Er does not feel disappointed that there are no relics in his divine domain.

In this game of ruins, a good life is a cake, and a bad life is a trap. Everything is not necessarily a bad thing in the beginning.

Intelligent race:3.

This once again surprised Li Er.

A wise race is a race that can be inspired to become believers.

Of course, with the opening of the divine realm, these intelligent races shrouded in the divine realm have lost the ability to use other divine beacons to become other people's dependents.

The generated chaos mist has the property of isolating other people's divine induction.

After discovering that there were three intelligent races in his divine domain, Li Er began to search in the divine domain again.

Li Er didn't spend much effort before he discovered a community of shrimp people on the westernmost side of his divine domain.

If he hadn't seen that his Familia was a fish-cat orc, maybe Li Er would have thought about whether he could change his initial family to this shrimp-man.

There will be a huge price to pay for this.

But after discovering that his family was a fish-cat orc, the moment he saw the shrimp-man community, he positioned it as the best whetstone.

The growth of a dependent family requires hard work.

Sometimes a good opponent is more useful than a good teacher.

And this shrimp man was obviously very suitable, especially when he saw the thick carapace on the neck of the shrimp man.

But when he wanted to find the third intelligent race, he searched all over the God's Domain and couldn't find it.

Until finally he suddenly thought of a possibility.

His conscious gaze turned to the ground.

Follow the cave at the end of the peninsula.

That's where Li Er activated the beacon.

Li Er didn't take a closer look at first, but it was only then that he discovered that the cave actually extended to the very depths of the ground.

Following the not-so-wide passage, Li Er searched for quite a while before finally discovering a place deep underground that he didn't know whether to call it a village or a cave.

There were about a dozen creatures inside that he had never seen anywhere.

It's not that big, even smaller than a fish-cat orc.

Fortunately, it still looks humanoid.

Even if their bodies are covered with dense tiny scales.

Especially their eyes. Although there is only one person on guard, through those red eyes, it is basically certain that this unknown group has excellent dark vision.

It's just that the quantity is really too small.

Now that we have found the third intelligent race, we can basically confirm that there is no threat to our fish-cat orc family for the time being.

Li Er quickly withdrew his gaze after leaving a mark.

He still has many things going on today.

As for whether this tribe will be used as a whetstone or as a second clan, we can only tell at that time.

After all, it is not easy to have a second clan. You can't have it just by grabbing a new clan and forcing them to believe in it.

Consciousness returned to the top of the divine realm.

As a god, the one who needs the most attention is undoubtedly his dependent family.

Fortunately, the god masters who created the god panel knew this very well.

Therefore, the most basic God panel also has a sub-item.

Family item.

Race 1: Fish-Cat Orc.

Talents: dexterity, cruelty.


Two racial talents! There is also an extremely powerful combat talent, cruel.

According to school teachers and various books.

Races with cruel talents must be typical fighting races.

As for dexterity, it is possessed by many dexterous small races, and it is also the basic talent of the cat orc tribe.

But generally speaking, a new Familia will only have one basic talent.

The two racial talents are quite a surprise, especially the very powerful combat talent.

Skills: Cat Blade, Cat Maneuvering Technique, Fishing Technique, Sacrifice Stab, Universal Basic Body Building Technique.

The latter two were naturally loaded into the consciousness space of all fish-cat orcs by Li Er.

However, the first three are bloodline skills written deep into the blood of this fish-cat orc.

A Familia with three bloodline skills is, needless to say, another big surprise.

But by this time Li Er was calm.

Because generally speaking, specific races will be outstanding in certain aspects.

Just like the black-toothed orcs that Li Er obtained for the first time.

They have a talent that makes Li Er jealous.

"Big stomach."

This chapter has been completed!
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