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Chapter 1,113 5D Level

Since the first dish was spicy, Ning Weimin couldn't continue to bully the Japanese taste buds with the second dish.

How could a person like him do the same thing twice?

Lose your status!

So next, he changed his approach and instead abused the Japanese spirit.

The second dish was coordinated by Dai Hong, the leader of the cold meat group, and Xiao Chada, Jiang Dachun's junior brother. What they presented to the guests was an upgraded version of seafood rice dumplings.

But let’s make it clear first, Xiao Cha, who is really responsible for cooking the main course, is just playing a secondary role to assist Dai Hong.


Just because this dish is called an upgraded version of seafood crispy rice, the content presented is no longer focused on the cooking and taste of the dish itself.

Rather, it is to allow Japanese people who care about form to have a good look at the unique eating techniques in our Chinese food culture.

Then the protagonist is undoubtedly Dai Hong.

Food carving is used in many dishes at high-end banquets in my country. This technique is not only related to the appearance of the dishes, but also to the "fragrance" and "meaning" of the dishes.

Because if fruits are carved into containers to serve dishes, the aroma of the fruits will penetrate into the dishes.

Exquisite sculptures made from food carvings can more intuitively reflect the cultural content related to dishes.

According to these two starting points, the application methods of food carving can be roughly divided into two categories.

One type is specially for viewing and cannot be used, such as "watermelon lanterns", etc., which are also commonly referred to as "watching dishes".

One type is both for viewing and eating, such as "winter melon cups", cold pickles, etc.

But no matter which type, it can bring people a beautiful visual sensory stimulation and pleasant artistic enjoyment when eating.

What Dai Hong demonstrated in public this time was the so-called "viewing dishes".

She chose a large radish as the main material and used carving tools such as a food carving knife, dough shaping knife, oil shaping knife, and ice carving knife.

On site, we use cutting, peeling, applying, digging, engraving and other carving techniques as well as shaping techniques such as rubbing, pasting, pressing and lifting.

In just a few minutes, a large leaping carp was prepared on a large rectangular fish plate.

Then it took a few minutes to use various root vegetables and various fruits to make lotus leaves, lotus flowers, and a green dragonfly, which were assembled and arranged with ease.

At this time, it was time for Xiao Cha to come onto the stage pushing a trolley.

What he wanted to do was to carefully place the scorching hot pot around the food on the plate with tongs.

Next, I personally pour a pot of freshly fried hot sauce containing rich seafood ingredients onto the rice cakes surrounding the lotus leaf carp on the big fish plate.

Just listen to "stab la la", a faint sound like spring thunder, and white mist rises from the scene.

Then the aroma of various seafood ingredients fills the air and enters the nostrils of the guests.

Good guy!

When the dish reaches this pouring finish moment.

The four guests were extremely amazed and applauded like thunder.

There is no doubt that the sensory enjoyment this dish brings is so direct and three-dimensional!

Senbei, squid, sea cucumber, shrimp, sea urchin, all kinds of rich and high-end seafood ingredients are poured on the tooth-colored crispy rice, which is made of rice, millet, and soybean noodles.

It not only creates a vivid scene like shrimps, soldiers and crabs undulating all kinds of aquatic animals in the waves, but also echoes the beautiful scenery of the carp and lotus pond.

And the key is that this dish can also be smelled, heard, and the heat can be felt on the skin.

Then, after the reporter finished taking pictures, everyone started to taste another piece of food, using their tongues to enjoy the crispiness of the rice crackers and the fragrance of the seafood in the rich aroma, which was obviously a very pleasant feeling.

Where can you find such a magnificent, dazzling, and interesting dish? Where can I find traditional Japanese food?

Yes, the Japanese have always paid great attention to the aesthetics of their food.

But all they could do was borrow beautiful utensils, cut up the food and put it on display.

Yes, since the Edo period, the technology of withering has indeed been introduced to Japan from China.

It's a pity that it has never been taken seriously by the Japanese.

Japanese withering technology has always been limited to making some textured decorations on the surface of fruits and melons.

To put it bluntly, Japan’s food standards have always remained in a two-dimensional space.

The Chinese diet has long since evolved to the 5D level.

Today's Japanese people have never imagined that there is a way in this world to use food to create exquisite three-dimensional shapes, and to combine it with the dishes to create life scenes.

As a commoner in a small country with limited resources, we would not have the boldness to spread out and spread out rich food in public.

What is a big dish!

This is the real dish!

Only a big food country with a long history like Yangyang China can have such creativity and means.

To be honest, as soon as this dish was presented, it was like sacrificing a dragon-slaying sword at a martial arts competition, and the Japanese were convinced!

The effect was even more sensational than the first course.

Many people even became fans of the two chefs on the spot.

After the cooking was completed, he didn't even bother to taste it, he just greeted the chef who was walking off the stage, and he refused to give up until he left Dai Hong and Xiao Cha to take a photo together.

But even so, these Japanese people failed to truly appreciate the essence of this dish.

Otherwise, instead of admiring and praising me, their noses might become crooked with anger!

Because seafood crispy rice has two other names.

One is called "A Thunder on the Ground", and the other is called "Bombing Tokyo"!


Ning Weimin is a rotten boy!

He did it on purpose. Today he specially invited the Japanese to eat anti-Japanese dishes!

Seeing the Japanese applauding and taking photos with joy is a happy event!

As the saying goes, again, again, and again.

The cooking show has reached this point, no matter how amazing the first two dishes are, it cannot stop there.

I'm afraid we need a final dish to end it perfectly.

Otherwise, it will feel like an anticlimax.

As for the last dish, Ning Weimin planned to give the guests a taste of a classic dish that often appears at state banquets in the Republic - boiled cabbage.

His purpose is also very simple. Don’t the Japanese always claim that they are a nation of fresh food eaters?

The dish "boiled cabbage" is the Chinese chef's ultimate understanding of umami.

He is about to have a head-on confrontation and defeat the opponent with what others are best at. That would be called a crushing and complete victory.

But then again, the dish of boiled cabbage is very famous in China.

Although it is very labor-intensive to prepare, it is a very delicate fire-cooked dish.

It takes at least several hours and more than a dozen high-end ingredients to make it.

However, the color and form of the dishes do not reflect the preciousness and excellence of this dish. You can only taste it with your tongue.

On the contrary, the appearance of this dish looks so plain and unpretentious.

As the name suggests, the real dish looks like a few small cabbage leaves floating in the clear and translucent "boiling water".

So much so that foreigners who don’t know much about it are disgusted when they see this dish for the first time.

It is often misunderstood that the host is too stingy, and no one is even willing to take the initiative to taste the dish.

Every time, only after the host's strong call and warm invitation did these foreigners take a try.

Only then can you discover the secrets and be amazed by the freshness of the ingredients.

Then it turned into an attitude of dumbfounded and full of praise!

Therefore, in order to prevent the Japanese from appearing stupid in public and to make up for the shortcomings in the presentation of this dish, Ning Weimin made certain improvements in a targeted manner.

The first is that he decided to be different from the first two dishes that relied on skill to attract guests, and not to show them dryly.

This dish should be given a soundtrack of equal proportions to enhance the atmosphere and set off its solemn and elegant style.

The song chosen by Ning Wei was the theme song of the puppet show "The Magic Brush" filmed by the Shanghai Film Studio in 1955.

This is one of the musical masterpieces by the famous Chinese composer Ding Shande.

Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the era, this song cannot be widely used in commercial activities and widely circulated like the theme song of "The Last Emperor" that piggybacked on Oscar.

It only stayed in one era, existing simply as the soundtrack for puppet shows, and was somewhat buried.

However, don’t look at the puppet show soundtrack that is only familiar to mainland children. Contemporary people in the Republic will think of the magic pen Ma Liang when they hear it.

But this piece of music is very graceful and elegant of the Jiangnan water town.

In terms of the beauty of the ancient and melodious melody, it is actually no less beautiful than the theme song of "The Last Emperor".

Moreover, it is both majestic and upright, and seems to allow people to experience the magnificent scenery of the beautiful rivers and mountains of China from a bird's-eye view.

If compared with the theme song of "The Last Emperor", it can only be said that this piece of music is a musical work that embodies a different kind of emotion and is performed in a different style.

There is absolutely no way to say which one is better or worse.

Therefore, after Ning Weimin time traveled, he was deeply impressed by this song when he heard it on TV for the first time, and he will never forget it again.

So it is logical that in this era, the theme song of "The Last Emperor" has not had time to come out.

It was completely natural that he chose this song to be used in the opening ceremony of the Ginza Dangu Shrine, which promotes Chinese culture.

In fact, it works amazingly well when played live.

When the two musicians brought by Ning Weimin played this piece with pipa and flute, the melodious folk music sounded, which immediately heightened the atmosphere of the scene.

All the guests at the scene looked surprised, attracted by the sweet silk and bamboo of the two beauties in cheongsam.

Especially the Japanese, their expressions show a tendency to be intoxicated, and the little devils also have a sense of aesthetics.

And this time there was no need for Ning Weimin to say hello at all.

As soon as the two chefs Yang Feng and Jiang Dachun appeared on the scene with their carts, the Japanese knew that the third course was coming.

Before the two chefs even came on stage, all the guests started applauding.

The applause was even louder than the previous two times, which clearly showed that the guests' expectations were higher.

At this time, the reporters also resumed their positions and set up their "guns."

After the applause subsided and the audience was silent and listening to the music, Yang Feng and Jiang Dachun walked onto the stage together.

To live up to expectations and perform their magic-like magic tricks in public.

Jiang Dachun's main task was to take out an exquisite blue and white soup basin from the cart and place it on the eucalyptus in public.

This soup basin was also chosen by Ning Weimin because it has the texture of a lotus root, which can echo the theme of the dish.

Following Jiang Dachun, he took out several more cabbage hearts that had been processed in advance, and carefully and neatly placed them in the middle of the large soup basin.

At this time, it was time to witness the miracle, and it was Yang Feng's turn to take action.

I saw him picking up a kettle filled with hot chicken soup and slowly pouring the soup on a few cabbage hearts.

As the heat dissipated and the fragrance overflowed, an extremely incredible scene that the Japanese could not even imagine happened in front of everyone.

The cabbage hearts in the soup basin slowly opened one after another...

And as the soup was thoroughly irrigated, it gradually turned into blooming lotus flowers.

The whole process is as gorgeous and elegant as the boundless Dharma and a flash in the pan.

Yes, this dish improved by Ning Weimin also has improvements and changes in the way it is made.

In fact, it should be called "Lotus Cabbage" which is more appropriate.

Speaking of which, this was the vision and insight Ning Weimin gained during a business banquet he attended in his previous life.

That was the first time Ning Weimin had eaten this dish. When he saw the cabbage flowers blooming, he was doubly amazed.

So he couldn't wait for the banquet to end, so he asked the manager of the restaurant specifically about this dish, and got this explanation.

According to people, there is no difference in soup and taste between lotus cabbage and boiled water cabbage.

The only difference between the two dishes is the way the cabbage leaves are processed.

The traditional boiled cabbage is made from the tenderest leaves in the middle of the cabbage.

The improved lotus cabbage is to remove all the cabbage hearts, and then carve the cabbage stuffing into a lotus flower.

Tighten the carved cabbage again and place it in the middle of the plate.

When serving, just pour the soup like boiling water that you made before, and slowly the cabbage heart will spread out, and finally it will look like a blooming lotus.

There is no doubt that improvements like this emphasize the visual effect of this dish and make it more in line with modern people's aesthetics.

It is obviously very suitable for today's environment of offering treasures.

So Ning Weimin learned how to use it and moved it here.

As for the final result, it is self-evident that this dish completely shocked the Japanese.

Before Yang Feng could even finish pouring the soup, the cabbage in the soup basin had just been opened.

The whole venue was like a ladle of cold water poured into a pan of oil, boiling completely.

Amidst the flashing lights and the sound of the pipa and flute, the guests spontaneously burst into waves of applause that continued.

Even this wasn't enough, because when they started to taste it, many people couldn't control their voices of admiration.

It's an appreciation that comes from the soul.

The reporters couldn't wait for the guests to finish tasting, so they flocked to the stage.

They were eager to ask questions to the two chefs who made the dish before the guests, eager to know everything about the dish and record it.

It can be said that when the banquet process reaches this point, the successful tone of the opening ceremony has been determined, and there can be no more changes.

Ning Weimin really has a magic pen in his hand, and like Ma Liang in the story, he paints his dream come true.

But even so, the last success factor cannot be ignored and must be mentioned.

That is harmony.

This chapter has been completed!
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