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Chapter 1,117 Jealousy

For the same thing, some people are happy and some are sad.

Just when Ning Weimin and the staff at Tan Palace were collectively excited about the news from Fuji TV, Matsumoto Keiko happened to call Ning Weimin to express her congratulations.

In a luxury suite at the Monterey Hotel in Ginza, Tokyo.

A man and a woman who were almost naked were shocked and outraged by Fuji TV's news about the opening of Ginza Danmiya Hotel.

"How can it be!"

Michiko Harada was about to get up when she screamed hysterically.

The sheet protecting her chest was almost torn by her hands.

"This woman opened a store in Ginza! Such a gorgeous store! There are so many celebrities gathered there!"

She always thought that Matsumoto Keiko had already rejected director Fukasaku and would naturally suffer revenge and blow from the director.

The future prospects are very grim.

In order to ensure the box office and award-winning chances of "The Man on Fire".

During the period between the film's release and the award-winning period, even President Omoto, who had single-handedly nurtured Keiko Matsumoto, could not risk offending the director by stepping in to protect her.

Not so herself.

Precisely because he climbed into the director's bed, he became Fukasaku's new favorite, and he did not spare his body when filming.

With her large-scale passionate drama, she is very likely to win the Grand Award in the film industry this year.

If in this movie, Keiko Matsumoto would be criticized by the media and abandoned by the audience.

However, like the rising sun, she completed a counterattack and became a new generation of first-line actress of Shochiku Pictures.

This is the most perfect result, you can feel as comfortable as you want!

But I didn't expect that Keiko Matsumoto was so shrewd and suddenly became the owner of such a high-end restaurant.

In this way, it will not only offset the negative news about her being "unprofessional" some time ago, but also give entertainment reporters a new hot spot to pursue.

It may even be possible that her original reputation as a movie queen and the media's encouragement will bring her a steady stream of lucrative and attractive business benefits.

A restaurant that can gain a foothold in Ginza, needless to say how profitable it will be in the future?

It's like having a chicken that can lay golden eggs.

From a long-term perspective, this is much more beneficial than getting another movie queen title.

Michiko Harada was so jealous that she couldn't help but suspect that there was something wrong with her ears.

He looked up at Director Fukasaku who had already gotten up first and was walking out of the bathroom, wanting to seek confirmation.

"Did I hear wrongly? She didn't say this was her restaurant on TV just now, did she?"

However, the other party seemed to be avoiding her sight.

The director just stared silently at the TV screen without saying a word, and his face was even more frighteningly dark.

If not for anything else, it was because Kinji Fukasaku also heard what Keiko Matsumoto said frankly about his investment in this restaurant, and he was very convinced of everything he heard.

It wasn't until a moment later that he responded in a low voice.

"You heard that right, it's her restaurant. What? You can't even understand Japanese?"

Although he tried his best to control his emotions and keep his tone calm, the last sentence still showed obvious sullenness.

This seemed to be blaming Michiko Harada for asking such a stupid question.

Michiko Harada was afraid of being criticized by Kado, so she bit her lower lip and endured it silently, saying nothing for a while.

However, at this time, Fukasaku Kinji seemed to have opened Pandora's box and poured out his negative emotions.

I couldn't help but shout excitedly!

"This woman is really good at playing tricks! She actually didn't let any news out. I see. No wonder she is so eager to get rid of me! She is planning to give up everything in the entertainment industry and completely retire!"

Yes, at this time, he was also experiencing strong uneasiness in his heart.

Of course, this uneasiness is not like that of Michiko Harada, which is just out of the jealousy of the actress.

I just can't see how good Matsumoto Keiko is and I wish I could replace her.

It's because he knows very well that ever since a supernatural incident occurred in a tissue advertisement and Keiko Matsumoto was terminated by all advertisers, she has been living beyond her means.

Considering that she earns 20 million yen per movie, 2.8 million yen for a single episode of a TV series, and can earn millions in performance fees from occasionally participating in variety shows, her annual income is only 70 million.

Around yen.

It is very difficult to maintain a decent personal life and business.

There is absolutely no extra financial capacity to open such a high-end restaurant in Ginza.

Not to mention the high-end decoration and furnishings of the restaurant, the labor cost alone is a huge expense.

Therefore, Matsumoto Keiko must have found a funder to fund her, so that she could afford to invest in such a restaurant.

This is no wonder why Matsumoto Keiko is so determined to alienate herself, even at the risk of ruining her own acting career.

Yes, that’s so!

The more outstanding a woman is, the more she will measure her own value.

If you like your own talents, like a man's strong personality and mature demeanor, and don't care about the age difference, those were all lies.

Of course she knows that her own conditions are very good, and she is no longer satisfied with being a lover who is only a director.

Now that she has found a truly rich man, she finally got her wish, which is why she despises herself so much and runs away so determinedly.

What a realistic woman!

After taking off the disguise, she is no different from other women...

In short, my mind was filled with such speculations, but Kinji Fukasaku's full confidence and glory as a famous director were all shattered.

He originally understood that Keiko Matsumoto was in trouble and had to rely on his own help to revive her career.

Only then would he use both soft and hard tactics, trying to use the power and authority of the director to completely subjugate her.

But now the situation has completely changed.

He thought that since Matsumoto Keiko had such a restaurant, it would be difficult for him to force this beautiful beauty to compromise.

This was the prey that he had always dreamed of, even if he took great pains to suppress and block her, he could only watch helplessly as she found another way and escaped easily through his fingers.

Has she become someone else's woman?

When he thought of this, it was no wonder that he was filled with frustration and shock, and was emotionally broken.

As for Michiko Harada, she was shocked by the director's sudden gaffe.

But she is indeed somewhat smart and immediately understood the subtext of these words.

"Huh? So, what you mean is...that woman became a financial sponsor? Did she use other people's money to open the store?"

Without waiting for the director's response, she deduced a more reasonable reason.

"That's right. That's the center of Japan, the most prosperous Ginza. To open such a store in such a place, it would cost at least five to six billion. She has no advertising income now, so she relies on acting remuneration

, how could she become a shareholder of such a restaurant? The man who was willing to pay to help her was really generous. I wonder where she seduced the wealthy man..."

But these words made Fukasaku Kinji more and more unhappy, and he blurted out harsh words.

"What? Are you still surprised? A woman like Qingzi is always surrounded by all kinds of men. All she has to do is wait for a big fish. In fact, you don't have to be so jealous. After you get the award, you

Now that she has become a movie queen, her today may also be your future. Now I have completely seen through you women. You are all born to be greedy and vain."

Michiko Harada was inevitably aggrieved after being scolded for no reason.

But after all, she is a good observer of words and emotions.

Seeing that Fukasaku Kinji had even the tie he had just tied around his neck pulled open by himself.

This guy's face was red and his neck was thick, he looked like a gambler who had lost miserably.

It didn't take long to figure out the real reason for his anger.

So I quickly put on a cute act of coquettishness and defended myself in a typical Tokyo accent.

"Director, how can you say that? I have no such plan. I am a typical Tokyoite. Although I like money, I also have principles. My best goal is to marry the director. It really doesn't work.

Wouldn’t it be good to marry a doctor, writer, painter, scholar, university professor, etc.? If I really want to marry a businessman, oh my, I can’t stand it. Director, please don’t curse me, how can I do that in life?

It’s not interesting. I will never marry someone from Osaka..."

You know, regional discrimination also exists in Japan, with Tokyo and Osaka being typical examples of hurting each other.

Because there are many businessmen in Osaka, the work is done in a straightforward manner, and you have to negotiate the price when buying things.

Although most of Japan's business elites are from Osaka, and many famous companies were born in Osaka, they are considered vulgar and philistine by Tokyoites who claim to be the sons of Edo.

Osaka people, on the other hand, think that Tokyo people, who always dress neatly and speak tactfully, are hypocritical, sarcastic, bitchy, and not pragmatic.

If compared with our country, the opposition between these two places is actually very similar to the capital of the Republic and Shanghai.

And the most coincidental thing is that there is Disney in Tokyo, and later there is Universal Studios in Osaka.

Beijing and Shanghai will actually follow suit in this regard in the future.

I have to say, it fits perfectly.

Having said that, regardless of whether it was true or not, these words flattered Fukasaku Kinji's self-esteem.

It made him feel somewhat relieved, and his disturbed mood also calmed down.

Only then did he notice what he had overlooked at first, so he couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"That's not right. This restaurant is too special. Maybe...she is not a major shareholder..."

"What do you mean by this?" Michiko Harada stared at Fukasaku Kinji with straight eyes.

"Don't you think it's strange? How can politicians attend ordinary Chinese restaurants? The opening ceremony of this restaurant not only attracted celebrities, but also received the attention of the Chinese Embassy and two members of the Liberal Democratic Party. It was too grand.

Right? Take a closer look, it seems that many of the guests are friendly exchange units between China and Japan. I don’t think this restaurant has an official background from China.”

"Has a Chinese official background? Impossible, right? How did she do it?"

"Nothing is impossible. As the number one actress of Shochiku Pictures, she often went to China to participate in cultural exchange activities in the Chinese and Japanese film industry in the past few years, and she also had some cooperation with Chinese film studios. It must have been in those years that let

She has accumulated some connections in China. Moreover, the movie "March of Kamata" was released in China and was said to have an audience of hundreds of millions. Keiko is actually very popular in China. Looking at it this way, the Chinese officials want to take advantage of her fame.

It is not impossible to open up the market. So it is likely that the Chinese government holds the majority of the shares, and it is necessary to find a Japanese trading company that knows how to operate. As for Keiko, I am afraid that it only accounts for a quarter or a fifth at most..."

"Oh, that's right. That seems to make sense. Usually, there are more kaiseki and French restaurants in Ginza, right? And why does she open a Chinese restaurant? For Chinese palace cuisine like this, the chef is very good

It’s hard to find. It should require special connections. If it weren’t for the official support of China and she had no experience in catering business, how could she hire such a chef?”

Michiko Harada was impressed by Kinji Fukasaku's analysis.

If this is the case, it seems that Keiko Matsumoto did not get as much as she imagined.

But even so, she finally couldn't hide her jealousy.

"After all, it turns out that it was only because of your talent as the director that she was able to have such an opportunity. It's really ironic. For a woman like her, even a small share of the shares is enough to make her proud.

Is that right? I really feel unfair for the director."

And a woman's moderate sexual intercourse can sometimes be a call to arms for men.

Fukasaku Kinji was instigated by this without realizing it, and couldn't help but reveal a stubborn and conceited sneer on his lips.

"That's right. If it weren't for my movies, she wouldn't have the achievements and status she has today. In Japan, if an actress offends the director, she still wants to continue to live a comfortable life. Where can such a cheap good thing come from? Just wait.

Just wait and see, if the situation in any restaurant is really as I think, I will let her know what it means to be empty-handed..."

"Ah, director? Is there any way you can destroy such cooperation?"

Michiko Harada couldn't help but look happy and full of expectation immediately.

"I didn't say that."

"Stop joking. I believe you can do it based on a woman's intuition. Can't you tell me? If you really get her again, I won't be jealous. I will only be happy for you.


Fukasaku Kinji finally burst out laughing, "Haha. Michiko, since you have such an interesting personality, I won't hide it from you."

Follow him and talk about your plans.

"You may not know that the Chinese people are very cautious in nature. Especially the bureaucrats. Their national power is weak and they are particularly cautious in dealing with diplomacy. They are good at tolerance and retreat. I also often deal with them. So I am sure that as long as I

Public opinion continues to intensify the suppression, leaving Qingzi always surrounded by scandals. The Chinese official will reconsider whether the cooperation with her can continue. If it is terminated, it will become a failure for her to get involved in business. She will cooperate with others in the future.

The possibility will also be reduced. As long as she can't leave the entertainment industry, she will naturally have to listen to me."

"Ah, is that really like this? Director, then... aren't you afraid that the Chinese official will be angry about this and turn against you?"

"Me? Are you kidding? Just to ask me to direct the movie "Dunhuang", the Chinese side begged me again and again. Although I have already declined, the director who was finally selected for this movie is my recommendation.

As a candidate, my influence on Chinese officials is not as good as that of an actress with a damaged reputation like her? Besides, there are some things I won’t do on my own."

"Oh, director, you are really awesome. Speaking of which, she is really ignorant and let down your feelings. So she deserves everything!"

So with the support of Michiko Harada, Fukasaku Kinji couldn't help but laugh heartily again when he thought about the proud moment.

And I have to admit that sometimes power is the strongest stimulant for men.

Just as Fukasaku looked at the white body like a white dolphin under the sheets, he had the desire to conquer again...

But even Fukasaku Kinji, who is good at manipulating power and playing with actresses, would not know what it would be like for a woman to be truly jealous.

Half an hour later, he put his clothes back on and left.

Michiko Harada, who was left alone in the hotel room, did not want to sleep for a while as she said.

Instead, he lit a cigarette and looked through his phone address book.

Soon, she made several calls.

"Hey, is this Fujiki? I'm Michiko. Hey, do you want to get some interesting news recently? Let me give you a suggestion, then send someone to keep an eye on Matsumoto Keiko as much as possible? What news? You know she is in Ginza

Is it about opening a restaurant? A palace cuisine restaurant, yes, it seems that the issue of shares is not that simple? You should know..."

"Hey, Takada-senpai? I'm Michiko. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much. What's going on? It's like this. I heard that you kindly helped Matsumoto Keiko to be a matchmaker, but she refused without mercy. How can I

You know? She told me personally that she is very dissatisfied with you and has some resentment towards you. In fact, she is not that aloof. I am afraid she dislikes Mr. Jiaochuan whom you introduced because he is not rich enough. What I want to tell you

Yes, I hate her hypocrisy. She seems to have finally found her sponsor recently and has opened a restaurant in Ginza. Would you like to go and 'kindly' look after her restaurant..."

Yes, Michiko Harada is still trying her best to inflict maggots on Keiko Matsumoto.

Anyway, it was just something she had heard, and she didn’t need to take responsibility for it. What did it matter if it was true or false?

The key is that she has offended Keiko Matsumoto severely because she stood on Fukasaku Kinji's side.

That's why she didn't want to wait. She had to ensure that Matsumoto Keiko's reputation was ruined and that once she fell to the bottom, there would be no chance to get up again.

This chapter has been completed!
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