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Chapter 1048 Play hard to get

Speaking of the reward given to Axia by Ning Weimin, it was also far beyond Axia's expectations.

From Friday, June 20th to Sunday, June 22nd, this covers three days of the weekend, two days that were originally the busiest days for the Ginza Club.

But Axia never expected that Ning Weimin would turn these few days into the best business days for Chixia Club.

Because Ning Weimin brings seven or eight business partners from Yamato Tourism to the Chixia Club almost every day, and they chat until closing time.

Moreover, these people obviously wanted to beg Ning Weimin, and they took the initiative to pay for the treat.

There is even one of them who is a core figure of Yamato Kanko - the company's most prominent president himself.

Even President Takahashi of the Meguro branch, whom Axia met through the original Snakuma-san, was reduced to a nodding and humble figure in front of him.

So of course this group of people is extremely generous when it comes to spending money.

Every day, there are all kinds of side dishes. In addition to a few bottles of champagne costing more than 200,000 yuan, there are also two bottles of high-end cognac or whiskey.

In this way, they can spend about two million yen in one night.

In addition, even the bartenders who wait for the group to drink can receive a tip of 50,000 yen each.

For this entertainment fee, one table can really cover four tables.

In particular, these high-rollers were all packaged and delivered to Axia's door by Ning Weimin, and they had little to do with the other accompanying girls.

Therefore, even if these customers drink expensive wine in the store, the escort girl who is responsible for accompanying the customers will not receive a BOTTLE bonus.

This means that Ning Weimin has given Axia a profit of four to five million yen in the past three days, which suddenly made her Chixia Club's performance this month successfully cross the profit line.

So Axia was both happy and ashamed.

Even though she could predict that Ning Weimin would definitely give her some help, she didn't expect that it would be an immediate success and send her such lucrative high-end customers right away.

To be honest, the escort girls at Akaka Club try their best to attract customers to Ginza Danmiya every day.

But the results achieved by the hard work of so many people are actually almost the same as the profits created by Ning Weimin alone by bringing guests to the Chixia Club. This is really embarrassing.

In addition, Ning Weimin will not ask for any bonus share.

Comparing the two, Axia, who was unable to make equal returns, clearly took advantage of her.

But it also made her a little too embarrassed.

To put it bluntly, in Axia's heart, Ning Weimin is the real "King of Customers".

She knew very well that Ning Weimin's connections were very different from ordinary people.

Their future is already destined to be something that people like me cannot catch up with.

The only thing she could do was look up at him silently with complicated emotions.

Secretly hoping that Ning Weimin would never move too fast and leave himself too far behind, as he would benefit from Ning Weimin's glory a lot.

Yes, in fact, the so-called network is not simply establishing connections with others. In essence, it is an exchange of equally matched interests.

The so-called social interaction is just looking for someone with whom you can exchange benefits and who is trustworthy.

To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter how many people a person knows. The key lies in how many things he has that can be exchanged.

In the final analysis, the only people you can help are your own connections.

So where is this pie-in-the-sky good thing?

Axia's blessing was entirely due to her being useful to Ning Weimin.

Ability and talent - these two key factors are the root of connections.

What about working hard to climb up, and what about moving towards the upper class step by step?

It is nothing more than a value-for-money exchange, a process in which one's own benefits gradually increase.

In fact, even Ning Weimin got his good luck this way, and he must also follow this principle.

For example, the reason why the president of Yamato Tourism came to Tokyo in person to see Ning Weimin was to kneel down and lick him out of the blue.

And we must fully cooperate with him. That is not "love" for no reason.

Just because he suddenly knew that Ning Weimin had a "travel artifact" in his hand - a trolley suitcase.

This incident is quite interesting and a bit dramatic.

You know, in Japanese society, as soon as June enters every year, the middle of the year is around the corner.

All major companies need to start preparing financial statements, and the annual prize winnings of each company will also be distributed in July.

For this kind of rule that the entire Japanese society silently follows, Yamato Tourism, headquartered in Kyoto, is naturally no exception.

However, after various branches in Tokyo compiled their performance reports for the first half of the year to Yamato Tourism's headquarters, the headquarters quickly realized something was wrong.

If nothing else, in the last quarter of the second half of last year, the performance of these eight branches in Tokyo was surprisingly good.

Their distinction was already reflected in the financial statements.

However, the headquarters simply understood this matter as the impact of the appreciation of the yen.

What they thought was that as the largest city in Japan, Tokyo had the largest market demand, so it was not surprising that it was the first to show prosperity, so they ignored it.

As a result, I never expected that in the past six months, the performance of these eight branches in Tokyo would be even more brilliant.

Their performance actually increased by an average of 200%, which is simply unparalleled.

And this performance explosion was like a blowout, completely leaving other branches behind.

Among them, the Meguro branch is the leader, with a performance increase of nearly 300%.

Although the general market is indeed good and the entire industry is prosperous, their performance is really outstanding, like a miracle.

Don’t forget, there are several other branches in Tokyo, and none of them can achieve such performance growth like them.

Those companies with the best performance only grew by 50% to 60%.

Moreover, most of the branches in the three major cities of Kyoto, Osaka, and Yokohama are not as good as those in Tokyo that were pulled down, and generally only have a 30 to 40% performance growth.

What is particularly frightening is that the combined performance of these eight travel agencies in Tokyo, which far exceeds that of other branches in the same period, is twice that of all branches in Yokohama combined.

This is called, "If you don't compare, you won't know, but if you compare, you will be shocked."

So how could this incredible situation not attract the attention of Yamato Tourism Headquarters?

Needless to say, this matter was reported to the president's office, and Masataka Teramachi, the president of Yamato Tourism, was extremely shocked.

In order to find out the reason, special personnel were immediately sent to Tokyo to investigate, with the branch in Meguro District as the focus of the investigation.

Soon after, the headquarters received a call from investigators and learned the basic situation.

In fact, the reasons for the super growth of the performance of these eight Tokyo travel agencies are not complicated at all.

Telling the truth is like exposing the secret of a magic trick.

The real answer is simply that these branches in Tokyo have reached cooperation with Ning Weimin on trolley suitcases.

In particular, President Takahashi of the Meguro branch, because he is the branch that cooperates most closely with Ning Weimin, he has helped Ning Weimin a lot.

Naturally, Ning Weimin would give him priority in supplying goods, and his performance would be the best.

Of course, the reason is very simple, but it still sounds a bit absurd, right?

How can a travel agency's performance increase dramatically just because of one thing?

But actually not at all.

If not for anything else, just because the trolley suitcase is so useful.

Not only does it satisfy passengers' convenience needs for carrying luggage for long distances to the greatest extent, but it is also very beautiful.

As long as you are a tourist, or someone who is engaged in related industries and has practical needs, whoever sees it will like it.

In today's era, this is indeed a fashionable product that has its own communication attributes and can increase traffic by relying on the product itself.

In addition, the travel agency industry is the most suitable platform for displaying this kind of product.

Whether the tour guide of a travel agency leads a group trip, or enters and exits the airport, hotel, or duty-free shop, this thing is simply too eye-catching.

Don't forget that Ning Weimin has been thinking about whether to hire someone to pretend to be a tourist and carry a trolley suitcase to attract business, but has yet to put this idea into action.

But in fact, this idea has already been proven successful and feasible by eight Yamato sightseeing branches in Tokyo.

Let's put it this way: out of ten people who see this trolley suitcase, at least three people will take the initiative to ask where they can buy it.

When these people come back to buy trolley suitcases from Yamato Kanko, they naturally leave their personal information and become potential customers of Yamato Kanko.

Especially after using it, the experience will be better. Those who buy the trolley suitcase will not only build trust in Yamato Tourism, but will also unconsciously show off to people they know and actively help promote it.

In this way, it would be effortless for the eight branches in Tokyo to attract customers and increase business.

They even found that this thing is more attractive to Westerners than to Japanese.

The eight branches of Yamato Kanko actually began to contact more and more overseas customers because of the display of trolley suitcases during overseas travel.

So it is conceivable that how could the performance of these eight branches not grow rapidly?

After learning this inside story, Masataka Teramachi, the president of Yamato Tourism, of course couldn't sit still and even wanted to jump with excitement.

He suddenly discovered that there was a huge opportunity in front of him, which might help him turn his travel agency into a large company.

Regardless of whether that trolley suitcase is really as good as it sounds.

Anyway, it’s true that eight branches in Tokyo have achieved such results by relying on this thing, right?

In just half a year, these eight branches have earned an additional 1.5 billion for Yamato Tourism.

If all of Yamato Kanko's 46 branches all over Japan rely on this thing to boost business, how much can their performance increase?

At least more than 100 billion yen a year!

Maybe it will be worth 20 billion once it’s done!

So in the eyes of Teramachi Masataka, these subordinates in Tokyo are all brainless and are all pigs!

How could they be so selfish and stupid!

It turns out that only the benefits of their respective branches are in their eyes, and no one can take a holistic view of the matter.

This is such a rare good thing, what if another travel agency finds out about it?

If others offer better terms, whether the Daito Trading Company is still willing to maintain cooperation with Yamato Kanko is another matter.

How good will it be then?

Alas, no one deserves to be cultivated properly.

Especially Takahashi from the Meguro branch, he is really a huge idiot!

It seems that I won’t be able to retire properly after ten years.

None of these guys can be entrusted with the important task of replacing him.

In this way, the president of Yamato Kanko, the big boss who shouldered the responsibility of the president, became more and more anxious the more he thought about it.

I impatiently asked my secretary to book a train ticket for me, and hurried from Kyoto to Tokyo.

After arriving, I couldn't wait to see the actual trolley suitcase.

Then I wanted to call the presidents of the eight branches together to destroy them humanely.

But after all, the important matter was the most important thing, and the president finally suppressed his anger and did not yell.

After a few complaints, several branch directors urgently contacted Ning Weimin.

Then he couldn't wait to meet to discuss major matters of comprehensive cooperation.

Perhaps after meeting Ning Weimin, I saw that he was a little underestimating the enemy because he was young. The president, who was over fifty years old, was somewhat out of control.

Without paying attention, he basically revealed all his trump cards, and directly proposed that he would be the only channel in Japan for Dadao Trading Company to sell trolley suitcases, and he also wanted to sign an exclusive contract with Ning Weimin for at least five years.

After that, his Yamato Tourism will fully assist Daito Trading Company to sell trolley suitcases to its new and old customers throughout Japan and even overseas.

But Ning Weimin is such a shrewd person.

Two lifetimes have given him an exquisite heart, with at least seventy-two eyes and ninety-six pivots.

Such a good thing happened to him inexplicably. Although he was surprised, he was very calm.

Through observation and logical analysis, I quickly figured out my situation.

Haha, this is why the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley!

My trolley suitcase is so awesome that it even caught the big boss of Yamato Tourism.

Okay, as the saying goes, rushing is not a business, so the initiative is in our hands.

Although it is a good thing that one can only hope for, Ning Weimin still has to take the candy and try to get more benefits.

So he then made a lot of excuses and explained as calmly as possible that it wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he couldn't.

He claimed that the reason why his Taito Trading Company is currently limited to cooperating with the eight branches of Yamato Kanko in Tokyo and has not opened up more sales channels.

The main purpose is to see the market response and customer satisfaction of precise launch, so as to collect data and feedback information for subsequent improvement of new products.

In fact, I don’t really care about sales and profits.

Moreover, these branches are all in the same city, so logistics and transportation are relatively easy to handle.

If he really wants to supply goods to Yamato Tourism branches across the country, he doesn't have the ability yet, and he doesn't want to bear such a large logistics expense.

In addition, the three trolley suitcase brands authorized to him are currently building factories in France, Hong Kong and mainland China, and will also participate in well-known exhibitions held around the world this year.

So in the long run, once production is expanded, production capacity is released, and publicity is in place, multi-channel sales will definitely follow.

If he signed such a contract, his hands and feet would be tied.

Moreover, the volume of goods will be so large that it will definitely not be able to be digested by a single channel like Yamato Tourism.

This chapter has been completed!
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