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Chapter 1051 Seating

"Miss Sawaguchi, please don't rush to take your seat. Please stand here in the middle so that everyone can see you..."

Yasuko Sawaguchi was indeed not disappointed. People with backers are different.

Her embarrassing situation of being at the bottom of the table was immediately changed because of Miwa Takada's renewed concern for her and her invitation.

And what surprised Yasuko Sawaguchi the most, and what she couldn't help but admire, was that Miwa Takada used the method very cleverly, and it didn't cause any resentment or dissatisfaction from other members.

At least that's how it looks on the surface.

"Now we are going to hold the regular meeting of the Huajing Club. First of all, with your enthusiastic participation and help, the Huajing Club dinner party can be held grandly again today. I would like to express my 120,000 thanks in advance. Secondly, I

I would like to introduce to you our new member, Ms. Yasuko Sawaguchi. Don’t underestimate her just because she is young. Speaking of which, the year before last, she stood out from the first "Toho Cinderella" audition with 30,000 people participating, not only because of her beauty.

, won the championship. And last year, she won the Academy Award for Best Newcomer for her wonderful performance in the movie "Sisters". I personally look forward to more outstanding performances from her in the future. I think, Arisawa

With the addition of an outstanding new force like Miss Yasuko Kuchi, our Hanajing Club will surely prosper and grow..."

Having said this, Takada Miwa looked around and paused, as if she suddenly realized that she was a bit nagging.

So he smiled and apologized again and again, showing full kindness and introspection.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I accidentally started tiradeing again. In fact, I don't need any introduction. As the most promising newcomer in the Japanese entertainment industry in recent years, I believe everyone is already familiar with Miss Sawaguchi.

At the very least, you should have seen her on the TV screen. Therefore, I will not describe Miss Sawaguchi’s current achievements and potential in the industry here. As you can see, she is a woman with both talent and beauty.

Beauty. Then let her say a few words to everyone."

Just like that, as soon as Miwa Takada's introduction ended, Yasuko Sawaguchi, who was standing in the middle of everyone, started to introduce herself again with flushed cheeks.

This kind of connection between the previous and the following is not only a tacit understanding, but Yasuko Sawaguchi also knows how to make good use of opportunities to show loyalty.

"I am Yasuko Sawaguchi. I am very grateful to Chairman Takada for his care and love for me. I am also very honored to be a member of the Hanajingkai. Today is my first time to participate in such a noble gathering. I am full of expectations.

I'm here. It's really exciting and exciting to meet you all. All the seniors are talents in the industry that I can learn from. It's an honor for me to be with you. I hope you will pay more attention to me in the future. I also hope that Director Takada will do the same.

Chang Neng is always willing to teach me despite his busy schedule. I am willing to contribute my own strength to our Huajing Association as Chairman Takada."

In full view of everyone, Yasuko Sawaguchi opened her signature big eyes, with dimples on her face, and introduced herself gracefully.

But her calm attitude and the deliberate emphasis in her words showed that she didn't actually have much expectation or interest in other people.

She only valued Mika Takada, and she felt sincerely happy and satisfied to be looked upon differently by him.

Her purpose in saying these words was to let everyone see that she was determined to become a confidant of the highest decision-maker of the Huajing Society.

So no matter what other people think, Miwa Takada is obviously very satisfied with her statement.

Looking at Yasuko Sawaguchi, she also spoke in a slightly exaggerated way.

"Ah, by the way. I forgot to tell you just now, Miss Sawaguchi's English is very good. Some time ago, the American actress Jodie Foster came to Japan to promote the movie. On NHK TV's variety show, Sawaguchi

Miss Sawaguchi used English to communicate with Jodie Foster, and was well received by the other party. Such outstanding talents can participate in our Huajing Club. In the increasingly frequent international exchange activities for filmmakers in the future, Miss Sawaguchi can also use her social skills.

It works, and I feel a lot less worried.”

"Ah, the chairman's praise really scares me. To tell you the truth, I was careless and lazy when I was a student, and my foreign language skills were not worth mentioning. I could barely communicate with foreign friends on a daily basis...


Although Yasuko Sawaguchi denied it, her almond-shaped eyes were full of confidence.

The sudden display of sharpness inevitably made many people present feel a bit uncomfortable.

Now, no one will really regard her as a harmless little white rabbit anymore.

Some of the less powerful people here felt worried because of this, fearing that this newcomer would overwhelm them in the future.

In fact, it stands to reason that an interruptive response like Yasuko Sawaguchi's was somewhat impolite and should have been scolded.

But Miwa Takada was very obviously biased towards her, and she actually pretended not to notice, and then changed the subject. "Other than introducing new members, I don't have any new topics for today's regular meeting." Ikegami

Director, do you have any suggestions? Oh, no. Well, if everyone here has any suggestions, feel free to put them forward now."

She looked around, but no one dared to speak, and there was only silence in the venue.

Then he nodded with satisfaction and announced that the dinner party was about to begin.

"Since no one is talking, let's share our feelings while having a meal. After the meal, I would like to invite you to watch a Cannes award-winning film "Possessed" co-produced by France and West Germany. It should give us a better understanding of European films.

For a more in-depth understanding of the form of expression. Let me add one more thing, this is a large-scale restricted film, and it is banned in many countries. But France's Adjani won the Cannes Best Actress in one fell swoop due to her outstanding acting skills.

Please take it seriously and study hard. I found this unabridged original version with great difficulty."

Just like that, there was a burst of compliments, and the banquet officially began.

No one dared to raise objections, it was completely a formalized democratic process.

Why do the Japanese like to follow the crowd so much and know how to "read the air"?

The waiters immediately hurriedly prepared the meals under the greeting of director Ikegami Koshiko.

The female artists present also started chatting, talking loudly to each other and the people around them.

However, even at this time, Takada Miwa did not forget Sawaguchi Yasuko, but instead made the most skillful move.

Suddenly, she acted as if she had thought of something, and waved to Yasuko Sawaguchi, who was still standing there, not knowing where she should sit.

"Miss Sawaguchi! Please come here, I want to explain some things about the Hanajingkai to you."

Hearing this, Yasuko Sawaguchi, who was at a loss for words, immediately felt his heart light up, and naturally he was filled with infinite joy.

But the problem is that Takada Mi and the people around her naturally have different statuses.

No matter how happy she was, she couldn't help but be a little more reserved. She just sat down and couldn't wait to squeeze away the others.

"Okay, thank you, Chairman, but..."

Fortunately, at this time, as a director, Ji Miniko Ikegami also knew how to observe her words and emotions, and could see her troubles at a glance.

And for Miwa Takada's sake, he took the initiative to solve the problem for her.

"We are all kind and tolerant towards new members. Since Chairman Takada has said so, Miss Sawaguchi would like to say hello to everyone over there and go sit next to the Chairman."

Just like that, the female artists sitting near Miyamoto Junko's vacant seat stood up together and moved one after another.

They actually moved their seats collectively to make room for Yasuko Sawaguchi.

"Then I would rather obey your orders and accept your love."

Yasuko Sawaguchi walked to the seat vacated for her with a smile on her face, bowed to the female artists on her left and right, and sat down.

Now, in her heart, she was really full of admiration for the aloof Takada Mei.

She finally understood everything. Takada Miwa first gave her a high-sounding reason to keep her.

Then he used this to slowly figure it out, and finally, step by step, without any rush or panic, he arranged her to be by his side.

Since every step happened so "reasonably" under everyone's nose, no one could stand up and accuse.

She really couldn't help but admire the eldest sister who had the ability to organize such a club. She was really resourceful and smart in doing things.

This is the skill of a superior person, and you really should learn it.

Miwa Takada stood tall and looked at Yasuko Sawaguchi, smiling more and more kindly at this newcomer who was willing to join in.

If nothing else, she has been in the entertainment industry for so long, so she has more say than others about what kind of new talents have development potential.

Obviously, Yasuko Sawaguchi has a lot of potential to tap.

Moreover, it is rare that she is so obedient, and she is also an ambitious and decisive person who dares to make bets.

If you hold it in your hand, you will definitely become a well-behaved puppet in the future.

If nothing else, even if she is really popular, with such an appearance and body, there will be no shortage of men to covet her.

You can introduce her to those powerful people in exchange for some resources and opportunities to increase your influence in the industry.

What's more, to take a step back, even if you don't do this kind of business of exchanging power and sex, multiple members are beneficial and harmless, at least multiple incomes.

It looks like she's not shabby at all in her clothes, and she can afford her membership fees and meals.

Isn't it because there are many people like her in the entertainment industry that it is profitable to hold dinner parties by yourself?

Take today's dinner party as an example. There are more than 20 people, and each person earns 70,000, which is 1.5 million yen.

So what if there are fifty people having a dinner party or a hundred people having a dinner party in the future?

This kind of business can definitely be done!

"Please sit back and relax. In fact, there are no strict rules at the Flower World Club, but if you can attend the semi-monthly dinner party, please be sure to attend. If you really can't come, it doesn't matter, but I'm afraid it will

Everyone has a sense of distance. Especially as an elite member of the Huajing Club, if we don't meet often, we can't exchange industry intelligence and information. If some famous directors and producers come to our party as guests,

, maybe we will lose some rare and good opportunities.”

First, she was full of care and love, and then Miwa Takada said forcefully, "Miss Sawaguchi, I will now introduce you to the key members of this association. From now on, you will often receive their care."

After taking a sip of the soup brought by the waiter, Takada Miwa began to introduce the people closest to her to Sawaguchi Yasuko one by one.

"You recognize this director Ikegami, right? She is the third person in the Hanakoku Association. This is director Sekiguchi, but she was the heroine in the "The Story of Torajiro" series of movies. Next to her is Nosaka-san, she is from Nikkatsu

Actress, I heard that she is about to take on a movie with a production of 300 million yuan. And this Miss Yuki Saito, her age and resume are about the same as you, and she is a member two periods earlier than you. She is currently in the morning room

The play was a hit and was well received by theater critics..."

Every time Miwa Takada introduced someone, Yasuko Sawaguchi smiled brightly like a rose and nodded respectfully.

"I have admired my name for a long time. I will ask you to take more care of me from now on."

Similarly, everyone who was introduced also responded to Sawaguchi Yasuko with the calmness of a senior for Miwa Takada's sake, and responded cordially.

"You're welcome, Miss Zeguchi is so capable at such a young age. I hope we can work together and help each other in the future."

In short, everything in front of me is developing as the ideal situation in Takada Miwa's mind.

Under the guise of explaining the affairs of the Hanajing Society, she naturally called Yasuko Sawaguchi near her, deliberately creating an opportunity to draw her into her most trusted group. This was the most beneficial and cost-effective way to control her subordinates.

You can win people's hearts without spending a dime at all. It's really a great deal.

And this kind of differential treatment, even if someone is sensitive to it, she doesn't care at all.

On the contrary, it is believed that it can stimulate others' desire to please oneself, which is conducive to building loyalty.

What is important is for subordinates to compete with each other and try to flatter themselves first.

Even if they are unhappy and dissatisfied, it is just because they are in different situations and cannot eat the grapes that they say the grapes are sour.

Once anyone can join her team of confidants, I'm sure their tails will be wagging happily.

She firmly believes this.

Because this is the charm of hierarchy, and no one can resist it.

However, just when she was most satisfied, she looked around happily, observing the scale of her power.

I observed with pleasure that no one in the banquet hall bowed their heads to me and listened to the female artist, enjoying this moment of inner peace.

An unexpected situation fundamentally changed the originally perfect situation.

Her full confidence and good expectations just now were completely shattered.

Suddenly, a blow that seemed to be pushed down into an abyss hit her heart hard.

And all this should be blamed on Junko Miyashita, who suddenly pushed open the door and came in at least twenty minutes late.

Because the news she brought was really the news that Takada Miwa was least willing to hear at this time, nor was she willing to spread.

And the female star involved in these news was the only exception that made Takada Miwa envious and jealous. She once wanted to control her most, but failed miserably and had no choice.

This chapter has been completed!
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