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Chapter 1,554 On the cusp of the storm

And as housing prices rise, more and more people are watching.

Not only those business owners who have spare money and are no longer interested in investing in industrial production, but also ordinary people who have rigid needs and real estate companies who want to profit from it, even the Yakuza are eyeing this piece of fat.

The biggest mafia king in Tokyo at present is the killer who is said to have found Sumi Yoshikai in 1984 and shot and killed the boss of Ozaki Kogyo, Ozaki Kiyomitsu, who was known as the "walking 300 million yen" and made his fortune by bribing officials, and then replaced him with Mogami Tsunesan's boss.

President - Taiyoshi Hayasaka.

But the problem is that Tokyo is too big. How can he eat it alone?

In fact, his sphere of influence is almost concentrated in Nishi-Shinjuku, and he mainly eats the biggest piece of meat in the "Capital Renovation Plan".

The current asset base is all the dividends gained from the ten years of fighting with Ozaki Kiyomitsu for dominance of the "Capital Renovation Plan" through their respective political agents.

Although Taiyoshi Hayasaka won very beautifully.

Suzuki Shunichi, who not only spent money to support, was successfully re-elected, but also promoted the transfer of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to Nishi-Shinjuku, making a lot of money overnight.

Moreover, he also physically eliminated Ozaki Kiyomitsu, eliminating the only opponent qualified to compete with him for territory.

In the end, he only let a few scapegoats go to jail and he walked free.

But even he himself may not have thought that the Plaza Accord would bring about a magnificent economic bubble, which would push up the asset prices of stocks and real estate, allowing the land in his hands to continue to break through the price ceiling.


Therefore, I am afraid that half of Hayasaka Taiyoshi's current glory and huge profits were obtained by accidentally catching up with the trend.

Even he is like this, and other violent groups do not have the brains to predict the economic situation in advance.

In fact, before 1986, there were companies with violent group backgrounds involved in the real estate field in Tokyo. They were basically the historical remnants of the real estate boom in 1972 when Tanaka Kakuei came to power and promoted the theory of island reconstruction.

Because there has been no major market trend in the past ten years, only a slowly rising market, these companies are basically dormant in the ordinary. It is not an exaggeration to say that they launder money for organizations to get by.

But as soon as the time entered 1986, real estate companies began to enter the main Shenglang with a rapid development trend, and it was different.

Not only those companies that are dawdling are full of energy and are sharpening their knives to the pigs and sheep.

There are also more newly listed companies backed by violent groups rushing into the real estate industry, seeking huge profits.

As a result, a situation soon formed where a hundred flowers bloomed and a hundred schools of thought contended, and the tentacles of violent groups extended into various industries related to real estate.

From the "house on the ground" who is responsible for the other party's nail house to the real estate agency, from the financial company that specializes in lending money to developers to the "house owner" organization that hinders the house sale and extorts money, and even has formal house appraisal qualifications and participates in the court's foreclosure.

The house appraisal company that deals with the company has traces of violent group activities everywhere.

It stands to reason that the properties these companies will first target must be soft persimmons.

For example, ordinary people with no background, or real estate whose property rights are unclear, or even the owner who has bad habits and is in debt, are easy to deal with.

But Ning Weimin never dreamed that the high-end apartment he bought in Akasaka, Minato City, which is currently used by Dadao Trading Co., Ltd. as an office space for company operations, would have problems in this regard.

Somehow, perhaps because the location was so good, an architectural firm that was essentially a "house above ground" worked hard to obtain the land rights from the landowner of this apartment building.

Then the architectural firm began to send people to continuously contact and lobby all the homeowners in the entire building, requesting to purchase their properties.

Needless to say, the people living here are all from Tokyo's upper-middle class, including doctors, lawyers, painters, entertainers, and executives of large companies.

These people have very high requirements for their residence. After finally buying a satisfactory place, how can anyone be willing to sell it?

As a result, there was a lot of excitement in the building, and people were engaged in verbal disputes almost every day.

Of course, Ning Weimin doesn't want to sell. Not to mention that Dadao Trading Company will have to relocate if he sells. The key is that he will definitely miss out on the huge profits from rising housing prices.

It would be too much of a loss to sell it now, and it also involves the issue of using a housing loan and financial leverage.

That really stirs up the whole body, and it makes me dizzy just thinking about it.

But the problem is that he can also feel that these people who come to lobby are not easy to deal with.

Because these people dare to attack such a building full of social elites, it already shows that the background of this architectural firm is not simple.

They must be confident, not afraid of trouble, and not afraid of negative public opinion.

In other words, we are sure to solve these problems and get all the owners.

Not to mention that these people's clothing, appearance, and conversation appear to be of high quality, even comparable to those in Japan's hotel and banking service industry, and they look quite formal.

But Ning Weimin also consulted Mitsunan Ono of Higashi Foundation and Miyoko Kagawa of Aoba Real Estate on this matter.

After that, he became more sure of his hunch that these people were extremely dangerous.

The information learned from the industry is that there must be a "labor dispatch" of a violent group behind this architectural firm.

If they really can't reach an agreement, then I'm afraid these people will resort to all kinds of harassing and disgusting tricks.

In short, the prey targeted by these people will not give up easily. For money, they will do anything without a bottom line.

Not to mention anything else, even Hayasaka Taiyoshi, the current yakuza real estate tycoon, was almost killed by a bomb thrown last month.

There is no doubt that it was caused by a dispute over real estate interests.

Think about it, can Ning Weimin not be afraid?

What's more, Ning Weimin is also self-aware and knows that his status as a foreigner is the most serious flaw in itself.

If the other party really wants to set a trap for him and make him break some laws, it will be over as soon as he is deported!

So he had to take this matter seriously, thought about it for a while, and decided to discuss it with Axia.

What is this called?

This means that just after the Ginza Dangumi sent away the wolf, a tiger came to the Akasaka Apartment.

He also carried it too hard.

But the good thing is that he also met Axia in Tokyo.

Axia was really interesting. She did not stand by and watch his predicament, and quickly agreed to use her own people to help him investigate.

If the other party is getting closer and closer, they will help him mediate, even resorting to the power of the Daochuan Society to protect his interests.

After all, the headquarters of the Inagawa Society is in Akasaka, and no one is allowed to cause trouble at the door.

Another situation is that the backend of this construction company is the Daochuan Society. If that were the case, it would be easier to handle.

In this way, with Axia's promise, Ning Weimin was somewhat relieved.

However, after thinking about it, for the sake of caution, Ning Weimin still decided to adopt the "hiding is the best strategy" approach and simply avoid seeing him.

There is no doubt that hiding is also an option.

As long as he hides behind the scenes without formal negotiations, it will be safe for the time being, and the other party will not be able to commit any culprits.

What's more, during the day, Da Dao Trading Company is full of old, weak, sick and disabled people, so let them grind their teeth with the people from the architectural office.

Everyone gets off work at night, so even if they are being harassed, they will not do their business.

Anyway, the longer it is delayed, the more beneficial it will be to him. The day it is delayed, the more housing prices will rise.

If the day comes that I can no longer escape, the worst possible outcome is to move out of Axia, negotiate a good deal, and sell the house.

There is no way, Japanese society is so cruel. Where there is money, there are these gangster scum, and it is impossible to completely avoid it.

This is all forced by the world, and all he can do is treat it negatively.

Helpless, helpless!

Cars and houses are both things that people love and hate, but there is one thing that can completely relieve people's worries.

That is the stock market where Ning Weimin used various methods to allocate funds and did not hesitate to "stud" to place heavy bets.

The Japanese stock market in 1986, if summed up, was one round after another of never-ending surges.

This year, although Japan's industrial production began to hollow out and the real industry began to decline as a whole, the Nikkei Index rose unilaterally.

This year, the Nikkei Index rose from 13,000 points at the beginning of the year to about 25,000 points at the end of the year, which was quite strong, fully doubling.

Even from the end of the year to September 1987, it continued to rise. Although the increase slowed down, only about 2,000 points, there was no decent adjustment during this period.

Had it not been for the famous "Black Monday" incident in the U.S. stock market, where the New York stock market crashed and triggered a global stock market crash, the Nikkei Index might still have been unable to stop.

So it is conceivable that in June, the Nikkei index had risen to 18,000, and there was no decent adjustment during the period. How happy was Ning Weimin?

The market index has risen by 3.5%, and the stocks in his hands naturally continue to soar, and they are also among the first echelon of gains.

Take the stock of Hanwa Kogyo, for example. Due to the announcement of its results, its market value has exceeded 400 billion yen, setting a new market value record in history.

Among Ning Weimin's other holdings, Shanyi Securities has followed closely behind, and has doubled during this period, approaching the historical market value ceiling.

So on average, Ning Weimin tripled his market value by relying on risk-free fund investments and continuously increasing financial leverage as the stock market rose.

Today, the market value of the stocks he owns has reached 40.4 billion. If the financing leverage of Nomura Securities is removed, his personal assets can reach 30 billion yen.

how to say?

Ning Weimin has realized his dream of being a billionaire just from the floating profits on the stock market.

Based on the exchange rate at this time, it is equivalent to him owning 200 million US dollars.

Even if we have to exclude from the capital of stock trading, the amount of 6 billion yen that he borrowed from Caili as collateral with Daito Trading Company.

But if you add in the 4 billion yen he earned from real estate.

Things are pretty much the same here and there, and he still has a personal fortune of US$190 million.

In modern times, he is probably the youngest person among all those who have made themselves billionaires with their bare hands.

Moreover, two "small goals" were achieved in one fell swoop.

Not to mention, he also helped Keiko Matsumoto’s personal account gain 300 million yen.

The 700 million yen mortgage loan under the name of Matsumoto Keiko Kiri Studio, also used the left foot to step on the right foot, and used the method of increasing leverage in a circular manner to reach 4 billion yen, which means that 1.3 billion yen was created out of thin air.

Of pure profit.

What a coincidence. In addition to the one billion yen investment used to shoot the movie "Li Xianglan", part of the money was used to pay salaries and half-year bonuses to employees, and the rest was just enough to buy Akira Kurosawa's personal film.

From the studio.

Isn't this God's will?

As the saying goes, if you don't take what God gives you, you will suffer the consequences.

Nothing else, just buy it!

But then again, after making a lot of money, Ning Weimin hid behind the scenes and was bored, and it was quite beautiful not to show off his appearance.

But he keeps buying properties for Matsumoto Keiko, which is equivalent to pushing her to the forefront.

Akira Kurosawa's studio has always been rented.

In 1970, Kurosawa lost all his money with "Train Mania" and it was closed.

After many years, all that remains of this studio are some film copies, old equipment, and two old men who clean the warehouse.

Since no one in the contemporary era really understands the value of the film library, in the eyes of almost all industry insiders, this studio is regarded as rubbish.

It's too cumbersome to give it for free, and it's not worth spending money on.

But Ning Weimin asked Matsumoto Keiko to buy it for 150 million yen. Isn't this the most ridiculous thing in the world?

So after Akira Kurosawa and Keiko Matsumoto signed a contract to complete the deal, the news spread quickly.

As a buyer, Keiko Matsumoto made headlines in various sports newspapers.

It even attracted the attention of a financial column of TV Asahi, which made a two-minute report on it.

Almost all kinds of reports praised her as a cultural businessman who "understands the true meaning of art", but the subtext actually contained a lot of ridicule, treating her as a victim of injustice.

The impact of this was even more serious, that is, Matsumoto Keiko became a big fat piece of meat and was targeted by many people who had opened personal production studios and also failed miserably.

As a result, many influential figures in the film industry began to invite Matsumoto Keiko, wanting to have a private meeting with her to see if they could offload the financial burden to her at a high price.

At the same time, this incident also made more and more people curious about Matsumoto Keiko's financial status.

Because according to common sense, Matsumoto Keiko's income is simply not enough to support her buying and selling.

Two studios, plus a movie with an investment of one billion yen, even a primary school student can calculate, what a huge wealth this is.

Even Ken Takakura, the most valuable person in the industry and the one who can make the most money, does not have the financial strength.

So someone started to make trouble again, and some voices questioned Matsumoto Keiko for lying to the public.

She thinks that the person she is dating may not be a person from the entertainment industry, but he is definitely not an ordinary person. He should be a conglomerate boss in the business world.

Keiko Matsumoto intended to confuse the public and cover up the truth that she had become someone else's outsider.

Although the sound did not cause any actual harm, it quickly disappeared.

But that's because the evidence that Matsumoto Keiko spent huge sums of money to speculate in stocks in the securities market was also investigated by dedicated reporters and completely exposed.

As a result, the matter completely became a big issue, and public opinion was in an uproar. Matsumoto Keiko succeeded in crossing the border, and suddenly became a hot figure in finance and economics.

From then on, the people who stared at her were no longer just sports newspaper reporters looking for gossip, but also reporters from financial columns.

Such a situation and fame are not what Keiko Matsumoto wants, because the pressure she needs to bear is too great.

On the one hand, there are more and more people and things that she needs to socialize with, and she faces the seniors in the film industry who want to take a bite out of her.

They had a headache when they met, so they refused to meet each other, and they were afraid of hurting each other's feelings and offending them.

On the other hand, she still has to be interviewed by financial reporters and properly express her financial views.

This was used to establish the persona of an economic genius and prove that he had obtained enough through legal channels and formal investment to expand his business, so as to conceal the existence of Ning Weimin.

But even so, it's difficult to be comprehensive. After all, there are some people she really can't refuse.

For example, Toshiro Mifune has been friends with Akira Kurosawa for half his life, but now they have no contact with each other.

There is also the widow of Shuji Terayama, the most brilliant film genius of the 1970s, who died of illness in 1983.

The former is because of its aloof status in the industry and is difficult to offend.

Moreover, since he and Akira Kurosawa have a special grudge, refusing is like taking sides selectively, which will definitely cause misunderstandings.

The latter is because they look really pitiful, and if you refuse, you will be stabbed in the spine, and you will easily be criticized morally.

Let's put it this way, if we take over their production studio, it will cost another 500 million yen to solve the problem.

Although Ning Weimin said it was no problem to take over everything, Matsumoto Keiko couldn't help but worry about him and blame herself for the trouble she caused.

In addition, the identity of Matsumoto Keiko's fiancé is getting closer and closer to being exposed, and it has brought new troubles to him.

After all, not all public opinion can be successfully deceived by Matsumoto Keiko's acting skills.

Some people were so imaginative that they put forward a very marketable view, saying that Matsumoto Keiko's fiancé might be a person in the financial industry, so that would make sense.

So if this is really the case, will Matsumoto Keiko's investment involve illegal insider trading?


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