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Chapter 1,662: Withered away

After paying homage to Director Huo at the top of the mountain, logically speaking, Ning Weimin should go to meet his immediate boss, Song Huagui.

By the way, I will go back to the company to report on my work, and then chat with all the colleagues in the company to see if there is anything I can learn from each other.

But he really didn't do that in this matter, because the timing was a bit wrong.

Why do you say that?

The day after he dared to visit Director Huo, Ning Weimin went to the Chongwenmen head office.

And he also brought gifts, so he knew etiquette very well.

But the problem is that without even entering the company door, he found that this place was extremely abnormal, and he felt that this place did not resemble the human world.

You know, the atmosphere in the head office is so tense and busy that it can almost be described as being in a state of panic or blowing up the temple.

Apart from anything else, just by standing at the door of the company, Ning Weimin could hear the roar of people inside, one after another, mixed with the sound of telephone recordings and the whirring of the copy machine.

Just by listening to it, he could tell that something was wrong.

Looking at the people passing by the front desk, they all look as if they have been injected with chicken blood.

Walking like the wind, dripping with sweat, running straight ahead without squinting.

Even the first two receptionists, who are usually not too busy at the front desk, were also busy.

One answers the phone and the other is immersed in recording.

It's weird to say that for the longest time, no one even looked at him or said hello to him.

This scene, in Ning Weimin's impression, seemed to have only happened when the company was holding the first model contest and was also busy with the opening of Maxim Restaurant.

Needless to say, this situation made his heart skip a beat, and he immediately thought that it was not advisable to stay here for a long time.

I have to say that this guy is quite a thief!

Then he said nothing, and without disturbing anyone, he turned around and left with the things he had brought, and slipped away in a "whoosh".

After going downstairs, he did not go back immediately. Instead, he found a public phone and tried to contact his old subordinates.

Since Yan Li is now the secretary to the general manager, Ning Weimin doesn't feel comfortable asking her for more information.

Otherwise, if Song Huagui really knew about this kind of thing, it would be bad for both of them.

So he only dialed the numbers of Manna and Yang Liujin.

Fortunately, these two girls were here, and they knew everything about him.

In this way, Ning Weimin understood the current situation of Huaxia Corporation and why it was so busy.

Just saying it was enough to make him feel embarrassed.

Because the reason why the company is so busy right now is actually all his fault!

You know, Pierre Cardon China itself is in very good shape in terms of its main clothing business.

In addition to producing a portion of OEM clothing for the French head office every year and selling it to Europe and the United States, Huaxia Company's clothing stores in Beijing have also expanded to nine.

Jianguo Hotel, Capital Airport, Great Wall Hotel, Jinglun Hotel, Jingqiao Hotel, Xiyuan Hotel, Zhaolong Hotel, Lido Hotel, and a discount store in Tianqiao Shopping Mall are all doing booming business.

This does not include the three in Shanghai and the two in Huacheng.

It can be said that these wholesale and retail sales of clothing are already busy enough.

In addition, in order to realize the master's wish to promote French food culture, Huaxia Corporation also operates the catering industry.

Under his command are Maxim Restaurant and Menimus Restaurant.

At the same time, to a certain extent, through joint ventures, the beauty salon and professional model training businesses have been laid out in advance.

Think about it, with such a business development speed and such diversified operations, what a huge human burden it will place on Pierre Cardon China Corporation? How many management teams are needed?

Yes, it is true that these businesses under his command are profitable.

It can be said that it presents a beautiful scene of flowers blooming and prosperity on all sides.

It's just that no matter how good this horse racing thing is, it still needs enough suitable people to do it.

If the speed of business expansion far exceeds the speed of finding suitable talents, then Huaxia Corporation will not feel comfortable.

Anxiety is inevitable.

Yes, you can hire people if you are short of people.

Moreover, the social environment is now very different from the past, and people across the country know that foreign companies are receiving better treatment.

Many high-level intellectuals, especially fresh graduates, would rather not have a solid job than work in a foreign company.

Especially Pierre Cardon China Corporation.

As the first foreign company to enter mainland China and a leader in the apparel industry, its popularity has already reached its peak in mainland China and is well-known far and wide.

Coupled with its high wages, generous benefits, and rich benefits, it is second to none in the Republic and has an unparalleled attraction for talents from the mainland.

I usually don’t know how many people are hiding in the darkest corners of the country, trying every means to find nepotism, and asking foreign service companies to smuggle people into the Huaxia head office.

If recruitment can be made public, it is certain that hundreds of people will respond to one call, and tens of thousands of people may be attracted to participate in the competition for applications.

But then again, although there is no shortage of people who want to come to Pierre Cardon, the key problem is that these new recruits have no relevant work experience.

Moreover, people who grew up under the red flag are so deeply influenced by the system that it takes a lot of time to change their thinking patterns and adapt to a new environment.

No matter how highly educated these newcomers are, there are really not many that can be selected who can quickly adapt to the work needs of foreign companies and quickly become the most useful ones.

Besides, are there issues of reuse and trust?

How can the company entrust people with important responsibilities who they don't know well and who haven't passed the test of time?

Therefore, as an employer, Pierre Cardon China Corporation will inevitably often feel that it is stretched thin in terms of human resources.

It seems that the company's internal staff can never be deployed and it can never meet actual business needs.

However, under such circumstances, Ning Weimin always found something to do from time to time, adding extra burden to the company.

How could they persuade Song Huagui to host a model competition, and support Song Huagui to form joint ventures with Zheng Mingming and Zeng Xianzi respectively?

It is recommended to spend a lot of money to hire Alain Delon and Catherine Deneuve as brand spokespersons, and invite these two French stars to visit China.

There is also the matter of bringing together Japan's Pierre Cardon Co., Ltd. and Huaxia Company to invest and set up factories in the capital.

He even persuaded Zou Guodong to build a building of his own for Pierre Cardon China by betting on the appreciation of the Japanese currency.

And let Zou Guodong follow Salia's business model and form a fast food chain company independently of the two restaurants the company already owns.

These are all ideas given by this kid.

In addition, Ning Weimin has also been brewing a business storm that may completely subvert the traditional suitcase industry by virtue of his patent for trolley suitcases.

And just for his patent, not to mention Song Huagui who was in the capital, even the master in France and Zeng Xianzi in Hong Kong had to work for him and run errands for him in their respective fields.

Then think about it, how much noise this kid made before and after!

How many more troubles has he caused for Pierre Cardon China!

The result is now good, these things he facilitated turned out to be a minefield for the company, and many things happened at the same time.

Like at the end of last month, the factory building of the joint venture factory between Japan's Pilkington Co., Ltd. and Huaxia Corporation has been completed.

Next, we need to cooperate with the Japanese side to install the equipment and debug it.

The central kitchen structure of the fast food company has just been established, but personnel recruitment and training cannot be delayed.

For Zou Guodong, this is an even bigger headache.

Also, the government has approved the construction of the building, and the selected land will be relocated.

In addition, the third model competition will be held next year. According to the schedule, preparations need to start now.

The media and the contestants from all walks of life will not allow Pierre Cardon to delay or delay because of their interests.

Moreover, at this time, the master also sent an invitation letter from France.

As if he was deliberately adding to the chaos, this old French man asked China Headquarters to select several outstanding Chinese models to participate in the World's Next Top Model Contest to be held in Los Angeles in the fall.

Finally, there is one very important thing - Alain Delon and Catherine Deneuve are preparing to leave in France and will fly to the capital in the next few days.

Although it is just as China Corporation wishes, the upcoming visit to China of these two French celebrities who are very well-known in mainland China has attracted the attention of many media in mainland China and has always touched the hearts of the vast number of Chinese movie fans.

How to receive them well and carry out their itinerary as planned.

How to make good use of this publicity opportunity and expand the brand influence as much as possible.

These are all arduous tasks that Huaxia Corporation needs to spend a lot of manpower and material resources, careful planning, and thorough consideration before it can end perfectly.

It is conceivable that in the face of this situation where the fire camp is on fire everywhere, can the Huaxia Corporation still bear it?

In fact, what Ning Weimin finally found out was that Song Huagui, as the general manager, was busy running around the company every day and could not spare any time to take care of his family.

Even Zou Guodong, Xiong Jianmin, Manager Sha, Qi Yanjun, Zhao Daqing... these company executives are one person acting as two envoys. They are all busy non-stop and stay up all night.

Let's put it this way, there are no generals in Shu, so Liao Hua becomes the vanguard.

Just because there was really no one available at the Huaxia Corporation, even Yan Li, the secretary to the general manager, was ordered to act in a critical situation and was treated as an executive.

Now the daily operations of the head office are entirely supported by her, and she acts as the office talker, responsible for the collection of documents and information throughout the company, as well as the work arrangements and job allocation of civilian staff.

Even because he was too busy during this period, and considering that many people in the company left early and came back late to work overtime, Song Huagui asked the company to pay for a guest room upstairs to provide convenient accommodation for employees.

As a result, the guest rooms on this floor are full every day, with few rooms left empty. Many people are basically "welded" to the company.

So in view of this, Ning Weimin felt extremely lucky after thinking about it over and over again.

He just left like this, and he really made the right move.

Who could have caused so many things to happen to him?

If he really dares to show up at this time, he will be in big trouble!

You know, if everyone wants to see him as the instigator, who will they vent their accumulated resentment on?

To put it bluntly, it was okay not to meet him, but now that I see him, I can only hate him deeply.

Including Song Huagui, they don't have a good face.

In this way, after weighing the risks, Ning Weimin decided to pretend to be confused and cower, even if it was a bad idea.

He is not afraid of taking responsibility or being burdened with work, but he is afraid of not being able to guarantee his personal safety and being bullied by the group.

Yes, it’s better to miss each other than to see you again!

Now that he shows up, he is the fool who catches the throwing knife!

Just let me be a good-for-nothing trash!

In this way, Ning Weimin, who was frightened by the current situation of the company, chose to become a deserter.

In addition to separately instructing Ganlu and Yang Liujin to keep everything about him confidential and not to tell anyone who asked.

Without another word, he just slithered away - withered away.

Fortunately, both Ganlu and Yangliujin are good girls.

He promised Ning Weimin to keep his mouth shut for him, and he really kept his promise and told no one.

Otherwise, if Ning Weimin entrusts someone with wrongdoing, he will really encounter a big mouth. If his hiding is made known to the people of the company today...

That will definitely arouse public outrage!

In all likelihood, Ning Weimin would be chopped alive by his excited colleagues.

If this kind of retribution didn't happen, we can only count this kid as lucky.

But despite this, Ning Weimin's behavior in this matter is indeed a bit shabby.

His way of slouching his shoulders really makes people unable to praise him, and it doesn't bring him any publicity at all.

But it is undeniable that in this era, most people only take advantage of the double-track price to create loopholes by diverting supplies that are in short supply.

In this disorderly era, most people only have the passion to create wealth, but do not know how to use wealth rationally.

These ideas planned by Ning Weimin will not only help Pierre Cardin China Corporation seize the commanding heights of the industry in advance, but also help the company build its own industry moat in the shortest possible time.

It can also bring fame and fortune to the company and solidly enhance its brand image.

As for Pierre Cardon China, he actually did not live up to Song Huagui's trust. In the end, his merits outweighed his faults.

He can be said to be a business wizard with unique vision, attack in all directions, and good at dancing.

In particular, he likes to find new ways to start from various industries that have been ignored by others. While trying to find ways to transfer Japanese wealth to the motherland, he also tries his best to help revitalize our own national enterprises.

This is even more difficult for ordinary people to do, which shows that apart from being able to make money, he is not useless at all.

Whether it is for the country, the capital, or the fellow villagers in the capital, his existence has positive significance.

If you don’t believe it, you can take a closer look at how he planned and prepared for the branch of Huiwentang Bookstore in Liulichang.

If only someone could grasp some details of Ning Weimin's strategizing on this matter.

I'm afraid I will never look down on him because he "shut out" when the company needed him.

On the contrary, you will forgive him, even understand him, and be considerate of him.

After all, he didn't mix in the muddy water just to hide away for himself.

And what he plans to do and what he pursues is no longer purely for profit.

In his heart, he left a bigger stage for himself in terms of the value of life.


This chapter has been completed!
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