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Chapter 164 Party A and Party B

People in the business should be very pragmatic.

Either you want fame, you want profit, or you want to have both fame and fortune, these are all very normal things.

As the saying goes, everything in the world is bustling for the sake of coming, and everything in the world is bustling for the sake of going.

People like Ning Weimin, who do not seek fame or profit, who believe in "a hero protects three villages" and just want to do something practical for the elders in his hometown, are undoubtedly an extremely rare exception nowadays.

His character is somewhat close to that of the senior businessman who founded Hu Qingyutang.

Even if a boss like Zhang Shihui only shows his face for invitations, he can be regarded as a kind person among businessmen.

But to be honest, behavior like theirs was very common in the past.

Because this is actually the biggest difference between Chinese businessmen and Western businessmen.

Chinese people have family and country feelings in their hearts and pursue a living environment where they can live in harmony, even businessmen.

It's just that China has experienced earth-shaking changes and its business tradition has experienced historical faults, which makes this seem strange now.

It is true that it is precisely because the business environment in mainland China needs to be reshaped that there are all kinds of strange phenomena.

Some people do not seek profit, do not seek fame, and are not even willing to do things. They try their best to get a name for a "joint venture" with a foreign party.

This is also unprecedented and unheard of, and even people thirty years later will never imagine it.

Ning Weimin encountered such a strange thing that even he was stunned.


After making a rough plan for the "Huimin Reading Club" and leaving it to Zhang Shihui to implement, Ning Weimin left to do other things.

After all, it is easy to spend money but hard to make money. It is true that he intends to do charity, but this charity also requires financial strength to support it.

Where can I go if I don’t go to open source?

You still have to keep fighting.

What's more, there are many things that he needs to worry about, whether business or private, so naturally he can't waste his time guarding this bookstore.

So according to the priorities, Ning Weimin then contacted Director Li of the Light Industry Bureau.

I plan to advance the cooperation project on trolley suitcases first and finalize this matter.

Ning Weimin and Director Li met on the plane flying to Tokyo after the Spring Festival this year. It was a bit of a meeting.

They can be considered to be destined to each other, or they can be said to be in love with each other.

At that time, Director Li, who was on an overseas inspection trip on behalf of the Light Industry Bureau, was shocked when he saw the trolley suitcase used by Ning Weimin and his party when he got off the plane to pick up his luggage.

In his eyes, such a suitcase was so beautiful and so convenient that he mistakenly thought it was the most advanced foreign product.

After asking around for a while, I found out that it was a new product invented by Ning Weimin.

This was simply unbelievable to him, and he expressed a strong intention to cooperate and showed great enthusiasm on the spot.

Not to mention, before returning to China, Director Li actually visited Ning Weimin's Dadao Trading Company.

Although the time of contact with each other is short, seeing is believing is the best way to enhance trust.

After having a general understanding of the operating conditions of Da Dao Trading Company and the shortage of trolley suitcases in Tokyo, I decided to make a decision.

Director Li did not hesitate to designate this cooperation project as the best choice for him to return to the bureau.

And after Director Li returned to China, he had obviously been trying his best to facilitate this matter.

In fact, Ning Weimin received a fax from Director Li in Tokyo shortly after the opening of Danguo in Ginza.

Director Li told him that the bureau had basically approved the project and hoped that he would find a time to return to the mainland as soon as possible to discuss specific cooperation terms with him.

Therefore, when Ning Weimin returned to China this time, he undoubtedly had great expectations for the cooperation between the two parties.

In order to meet Director Li again, it can be said that he has made sufficient preparations.

Not only did he bring gifts purchased from Tokyo, detailed product information, samples and drawings, but he also prepared a check.

As long as the inspection is completed, the factory is selected, and the conditions are negotiated, he can immediately pay the money and let the factory start operation.

Especially when he met Director Huo in the first few days, he learned some shocking news from Director Huo.

In the northeastern city of SY, a state-owned enterprise has been losing money for ten years!

An explosion-proof equipment factory with liabilities exceeding two-thirds of its total assets!

It was just announced that it has closed down!

This would not be a problem ten years later, but in this era, it is a precedent-breaking move, which is very shocking.

What does this mean?

It can only show that even the iron rice bowl is no longer safe. The pot that holds Shanda’s rice bowl may be overturned one day.

At the same time, it can also be explained that China is probably no longer a pure seller's market and has a shortage economy.

Nowadays, not everything, good or bad, is bought by people as long as it is produced.

It’s not just that as long as you don’t show your ticket, the items will be snatched up by customers, and the prices will continue to rise.

There is no doubt that as manufacturing enterprises, many factories here in Beijing will definitely feel sad because of this news.

You must feel a certain amount of pressure on your future.

Therefore, Ning Weimin believes that no matter whether life is good or bad for manufacturers here in the capital, they will hope that their factories can be safer, and no one will refuse his order.

On the other hand, he is not one of those foreign capitalists who is thinking about dying and taking advantage.

As long as the quality can be guaranteed and there are no problems, he is actually willing to offer a generous enough price.

After all, we are still a family, and letting the manufacturers in Beijing take away the profits is called rotting in the pot.

On the contrary, if he makes more money from the price difference and takes away all the profits, he will still have to pay more taxes to the Japanese government.

Then why not keep as much profit as possible in the country, and why not be more honest with your family?

Even if you are still paying taxes, you are supporting the construction of your hometown and it is a patriotic act, right?

In short, Ning Weimin never believed that there were any fundamental issues of principle between the two sides or that there would be any substantial obstacles to reaching an agreement.

In his mind, this matter should be firmly grasped, and the rest is to quickly cut through the knots by identifying the factory and signing the contract.

But unexpectedly, the actual situation was completely different from what he imagined, and the matter turned out to be "difficult to deliver."

Reality taught him another lesson.

The problem is not with Director Li.

It should be said that Director Li was quite practical and reliable in his work. He took Ning Weimin to visit three manufacturers on the spot.

Two of them are the number one and number two luggage manufacturers under the Light Industry Bureau, and one is the largest leather product manufacturer under the Light Industry Bureau.

The smallest of the three factories has more than a thousand employees, and the production equipment and quality of employees are among the best in the city.

However, although these three manufacturers were very enthusiastic and interested at the beginning, they even served wine to welcome them and treated them warmly.

But because Ning Weimin wanted to pay less taxes to the Japanese government, he could not have direct contact with domestic factories.

It is necessary to use the domestic E-Lad company as a transit company so that the export price can be set high. In this way, most of the profits can be kept in the country.

Therefore, Ning Weimin did not sign the contract with the OEM in the name of Japan Taito Trading Company, but could place orders in the name of Yi Lad.

Moreover, all raw materials are purchased locally and no imports are involved.

The final product quality requirements are also extremely strict, and manufacturers are not allowed to overproduce and sell them domestically.

These manufacturers have strangely changed their attitudes, becoming less enthusiastic and even a little cold.

"Director Li, we may not be able to take on this project. As you know, our production tasks will be heavy in the second half of the year. Mr. Ning's requirements are so high and the order quantity is large. We reluctantly accept it because we are afraid that we will not meet the quality requirements.

We are afraid of having our money deducted. How about you two ask others..."

Some factories refused politely and began to expose their shortcomings.

However, some factories can't help but openly express their disdain for the quality of the easy-to-use products.

"Oh, it turns out that you are not a foreign-funded enterprise, but a joint venture. Director Li, you didn't explain the situation clearly. When you conveyed the instructions to us, you said that the overseas orders came from Japan, and we treated them as foreign-invested companies.

Enterprise. How about this, the bureau waits for two days, and our factory leadership team will meet again to make a summary and see if the production plan can be adjusted..."

Some factories even complained in person and boldly demanded conditions.

"I said, Director Li, our bureau is not interesting enough. I heard that the bureau gave all orders from West Germany to Lao Ma and his factory! The annual import quota of raw materials alone is more than three million. What? Our factory

If you are so unpopular, you are treating us with this kind of order. Isn't it too unfair to treat one another? You can ask us to take the order, but we have conditions. You have to introduce us to a real foreign businessman at the same time..."

In short, although this matter had a good start and was smooth in the middle, it did not have a perfect result in the end.

In fact, to varying degrees, all three manufacturers rejected Ning Weimin's orders.

This not only made Director Li feel very embarrassed, but also felt that he was not doing things well, and Ning Weimin was so tired that he ran several times in vain.

It also made Ning Weimin feel very angry.

How could he not understand what these three companies were thinking?

It's obviously all money, and he can also give foreign exchange!

Why is it that in the end, no one in these factories is willing to take him seriously?

On the contrary, it made him seem inferior. Did he come to ask for help with a check?

He is Party A!

Party A!

What are you so bad about Party B?

This thing is totally evil!

So what if it’s a foreign company?

Just like that, what was originally a good thing went wrong. Several factories recommended by Director Li were treated negatively, making it impossible to continue the discussion.

These three factories had left Ning Weimin and Director Li in the middle of the road.

Later on, Director Li seemed to be unwilling to let this matter go unnoticed, so he messed up the matter. He somewhat suspected that someone in the bureau had set him up.

I didn't hesitate to search all the connections and asked here and there. It took a few days to figure out what was going on.

The matter of dare to love really has something to do with whether Ning Weimin is cooperating with them in the name of a foreign-funded enterprise.

The key lies in the special status of foreign-invested enterprises at this time and the special preferential policies they enjoy in the Republic.

As we all know, during the reform and opening up in the early 1980s, the Republic had great demand for foreign investment and advanced technology.

The main mode of cooperation at that time was that foreign-funded enterprises provided equipment, raw materials, samples and funds to build factories, and were responsible for the export sales of all products.

All the Republic can provide besides land is labor force.

Based on this condition, China and foreign countries have formed a cooperation mechanism of "three come and one supplement".

Foreign businessmen have the right to enjoy preferential import and export policies, and can take most of the profits from this division of labor and cooperation.

Local enterprises in the Republic do not need to take any risks. They use free land and preferential policies to attract foreign businessmen and only receive labor contract compensation.

Not only can we maintain harvests despite droughts and floods, but we can also learn advanced management models and production technologies from foreign businessmen.

The country is also satisfied with this.

Because foreign currency cannot circulate in mainland China, workers need to convert their wages into RMB, and the foreign currency remains in the hands of the government.

It should be said that when this model was first implemented, the powers were clear and the results were outstanding, which satisfied both parties and the country.

It's completely a win-win situation.

But it didn't take long for the problem to arise.

Because domestic industrial raw materials were in short supply at that time, almost all high-end goods were in short supply.

If domestic companies want to import, in addition to paying high tariffs, they must also go through the foreign trade department or the material bureau for deployment.

Soon, those factories that produced goods for foreign businessmen gradually discovered an easy way to make a fortune.

As long as they import raw materials in the name of foreign businessmen or through foreign businessmen every time, if the quantity is more than the actual production demand.

Then the excess raw materials can be released domestically and then be snapped up by the market in exchange for huge profits.

The profits can even be far greater than what they earn from OEM work.

So gradually, the originally "pure" Sino-foreign cooperation went out of shape and began to evolve into an activity of bullying and exploiting loopholes.

For manufacturing companies, gradually, they no longer attach much importance to the price of OEM.

As long as the order is placed by a foreign businessman, there is a quota for imported raw materials, and they can enjoy preferential policies, they are willing to do it.

Moreover, how much money they make through this method belongs to their company, and not even the bureau knows.

Foreign businessmen are also very happy, although many of them know very well that there are big tricks in handing their quotas to production companies.

But they don't care.

They think very clearly that they can't take out this obviously problematic money anyway, so they might as well let local companies earn it.

As long as they can benefit from product quotations and further reduce production costs.

To put it bluntly, in this relationship of reaping benefits through preferential policies and quotas, foreign businessmen and local companies are actually sharing the spoils.

The only character who really suffered losses was the state.

Then why does this matter evolve into this situation? Isn't it obvious?

In spite of all changes, these companies are still driven by profit trends.

However, these factories are very ambitious!

They have little interest in working hard and making money.

What I really want to do is to use the quotas of foreign companies in the name of foreign capital to make this kind of easy side money.

Needless to say, Party B, who has such dirty thoughts, will naturally dislike Party A like Ning Weimin!

Compared with orders from foreign businessmen, the orders brought by Ning Weimin are seriously unattractive. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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