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Chapter 1772 Melon Eating Scene

"This car of yours has been specially modified. It is different from the other two cars. Do you want to take a look? Let me introduce it to you?"

"Of course I do. Really? That's great..."

The silly love talk came to an end, and finally it was time to present the treasure.

Out of ordinary human nature, Ning Weimin became excited when he showed Matsumoto Keiko the RV he had asked the manufacturer to specially modify.

Men all like to show off in front of women and experience the pleasure of being strong.

Especially in front of the person you admire, it is even more difficult to escape from this truth.

But on the other hand, women actually enjoy this feeling.

Because only when a man is attentive can he prove that a woman is attractive.

It's a complementary nature.

And I have to admit that Keiko Matsumoto is a very smart woman.

In fact, based on her experience, what kind of temptation has she not seen?

But she was never arrogant about Ning Weimin's gifts.

Whenever she receives a gift, she is not only well-behaved and obedient, but also obeys the arrangements. She can even fully mobilize her own emotions.

Let your expression be filled with excited joy and curious anticipation, and you know how to give men face.

For the person who gives the gift, such emotional feedback is tantamount to a kind of inspiration and motivation that touches the soul.

Just like now, precisely because of Keiko Matsumoto's perfect expressions and emotions.

Not only did Ning Weimin gain sufficient satisfaction from it, he was also more willing to show Matsumoto Keiko the many functions of the RV, as well as the many surprises he had prepared in advance specifically for Matsumoto Keiko.

So in fact, the relationship between the two of them has always been in an extremely virtuous cycle.

Men need women to give them face, and women also need men to be extra considerate. They have both done this.

Even Matsumoto Keiko's initial reaction did have some elements of coordination and performance.

But because Ning Weimin is indeed a thoughtful and knowledgeable person.

So after reading along with his explanations and introductions bit by bit, Matsumoto Keiko couldn't help but feel truly moved.

You know, HixRV, which was born in the mid-1970s, is actually just a miniature C-class RV.

Toyota, which had just entered the field of RV manufacturing, knew that it lacked relevant experience and was unable to compete with Western manufacturers that had been developing for many years in terms of comfort and luxury. It was difficult to win the favor of the truly wealthy in the West.

Therefore, Toyota intends to maximize its strengths and avoid its weaknesses. It wants to use its ability to save energy, reduce consumption, and be prudent in budgeting to win the recognition of the American middle class with the concept of "a sparrow is small but has all the internal organs."

This RV is the first water-testing product of Toyota, which has just entered this field. It is modified from a 25-ton truck with very good fuel economy.

Equipped with a 0-liter diesel engine and a five-speed manual transmission.

It has a bed above the driving area, a rear bathroom, a central kitchen, a two-seater dining area, and the RV is also equipped with air conditioning and an OnanMicrolite2800 generator.

The disadvantage is that this RV can only guarantee basic facilities and is far from luxurious and comfortable.

But the advantage is that the price is quite affordable, only less than 20,000 US dollars.

From a cost-effectiveness perspective, it at least makes it possible for those American white-collar workers with a monthly income of two to three thousand US dollars, but who are extremely envious of the life of the rich, to dream of driving a RV on vacation.

But unfortunately, despite the oil crisis, Americans have begun to understand the importance of streamlining and saving.

But the problem is that Americans are too big and their obesity situation is appalling.

Toyota's designers were a bit sloppy in this regard and did not design according to Sumo standards.

As a result, the space, which is clearly designed for two people, is narrow and small for Americans, and even one person feels uncomfortable staying in it.

In addition, the top speed of this RV is only 96-112k/h. Even Toyota's U.S. distributor Ottoex clearly mentioned that it is not born for speed.

Even when Ottoex sales staff introduce it to customers, whether accidentally or intentionally, they often add the following sentence - "It will slowly go anywhere."

This makes most Americans find it unacceptable and full of contempt.

As a result, this RV was given a cold reception in the West, with less than 80 units sold in the United States.

Facts have proved that the design of Toyota's first sedan was completely rejected by the Western market.

But conversely, this RV is completely different for Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko.

It was a perfect fit, almost tailor-made for their needs.

First of all, due to the physical size issue, this RV is undoubtedly very suitable for Asians.

Not to mention slim figures like Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko, staying inside didn't feel cramped or crowded at all.

Even fat people, as long as they are not sumo wrestlers, will not feel the embarrassment of fat Americans. This is the superiority of the race.

When filming, if Matsumoto Keiko needs makeup, it won't be a big problem even if the makeup artist and assistant come in.

This car can accommodate three women, so the space should be just right.

Secondly, in terms of affordability, the Chinese and Japanese have almost the same aesthetics.

Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko are both people who can enjoy Western luxury and appreciate Eastern simplicity, simplicity and delicacy.

I don’t think such an RV would be so stingy.

What's more, don't forget that Ning Weimin wants to import these three RVs to the mainland for use.

Not only does it cost a lot of freight, but according to domestic customs calculations, he also needs to pay a tax equivalent to 1.6 times the original price of the car.

In this case, if a car costing US$20,000 is brought to China, the cost of purchasing the car will suddenly become more than US$60,000.

Of course, it is much better if the car is sold at a relatively low price, and you can save a lot of money.

Otherwise, if he buys a European or American car, Ning Weimin will really have to bleed a lot, and he may not be able to buy another car for 200,000 US dollars.

After all, this RV is just for use. I bought three Japanese RVs for the price of one European and American RV.

So what else is there to be dissatisfied about?

Even if the speed is a bit slow, which is indeed unsatisfactory, it doesn't matter.

After all, there are too few expressways in China these days, and the crew's cars all use national highways, so it's impossible to drive fast even if you want to.

For the current road conditions in the mainland of the Republic, the speed of this RV is sufficient.

Also, because the car is small, the cost of modification will certainly be less.

Besides, this is a slow-selling model that is not easy to sell, and Ning Weimin bought three of them.

For a customer like him who is saving people from fire and water, Toyota's retailers naturally obey his instructions, are considerate and meet all his requirements at the best price possible.

So, for the convenience of Matsumoto Keiko's special car, Ning Weimin really dared to make demands like he was risking his life.

Stoves, refrigerators, electric ovens, televisions, video recorders, washing machines, dryers, car phones, and all the electrical equipment that can be installed are all installed.

And considering that Matsumoto Keiko can take a bath easily, she can rest and work better.

In addition to requiring the interior decoration to be made of plain linen soft furnishings and solid wood decorative panels, Ning Weimin added warmth and beauty.

It is also required to upgrade the water purification tank and power storage equipment of the RV.

For example, the capacity of the clean water tank in this car is super large, reaching an astonishing 180L, which is unique among all cars of the same class!

For another example, in order to ensure that some electrical facilities in the car, such as ovens, air conditioners, etc., can work for more than 24 hours when they are all used.

A 25L gasoline fuel tank is also equipped to make up for the lack of battery power.

In addition, in terms of furniture, in addition to the beds being replaced with the best mattresses according to Western luxury RV standards and equipped with makeup mirrors, there are also outdoor awnings.

This is also a facility not found on other cars of the same model.

In hot weather like this, even under direct sunlight, it can be a good place to rest.

This allows Keiko Matsumoto to breathe more comfortably and get close to nature in the shade.

In fact, for Matsumoto Keiko's car, Ning Weimin not only spent twice the cost of the modification on the car, but also made the designer responsible for the modification extremely worried.

In order to meet his demanding requirements, which seemed to be deliberately difficult and almost impossible, the space should be utilized to the maximum extent possible.

This designer is estimated to have lost a year of his life and lost at least a thousand hairs.

It can be said that after completing the modification plan for this car, the designer himself is proud of himself.

And he has become the person in the world who hates the Toyota Hilux’s lack of space the most.

Anyway, after all this hard work, Keiko Matsumoto’s special car has been replaced with a new one.

Although there is not much difference from the ordinary Toyota Hilux on the surface, the interior of the RV is like a special hotel.

There is indeed something else, and there are surprises everywhere, reaching the highest level of small and exquisite.

Both the facilities and electrical equipment are soaked in the designer's efforts and Ning Weimin's thoughtfulness.

Ning Weimin even prepared Matsumoto Keiko's favorite lemon juice and warship sushi rolls, soy sauce, and mustard.

There are also a few oranges specially designed to improve the smell in the car, which are used as fruit displays.

The only regret is that there are no flowers.

Regarding this point, Ning Weimin actually regretted it far more than Matsumoto Keiko.

It's not that he didn't expect this, but that he was really unfamiliar with the situation in Shanghai. After all, it was an away game and he was pressed for time, so he couldn't find it in time.

Think about it, in the past, it was Matsumoto Keiko who always took care of Ning Weimin as an unloved child, always worried that he would not be well fed or clothed, or that he would suddenly fall ill.

But now it's completely the other way around.

As a woman, of course she also hopes that her lover can treat her in the same way when she is vulnerable. How could she not be gratified by the care and concern that puts herself in her shoes? But ironing?

It is easy to get priceless treasures, but it is rare to find a lover.

A man's wealth and charm are secondary. Only the word "considerate" is enough to find a woman for a lifetime.

After having a relationship, family background and nationality may become secondary. Only such people are worthy of staying together.

"You must have put a lot of thought into it. I'm so sorry, this is too extravagant..."

"Don't think so much, it's just a gift for you."

"We can't help but think that if other people see the car like this, they will have some thoughts in their minds."

"Oh, you are the first person in the crew, shouldn't you be special?"

"That's what I say, but... the gap is a bit too big, which makes others..."

"Qingzi, I really can't bear to see you working so hard on location. This is my heart. Could it be that the gift from my fiancé is not enough? To be honest, I don't think it's good enough. In the future, when the control of imported cars in China is loosened,

I will definitely buy you a better RV..."

It is strange to say that under normal circumstances, Matsumoto Keiko would despise those male dignitaries.

Whenever many people smell the scent of a woman, they will vigorously throw away money, resources, luxury cars, gold, silver, and jewelry, and then equate women with these things.

But now that Ning Weimin gave her a luxuriously modified car, which obviously cost a lot of money, she felt sincerely happy.

Does this mean... that she is also a person trapped in the world? Is she a materialistic woman? Is she willing to enjoy this kind of luxury that she did not earn?

No! Although it cannot be denied that such happiness is indeed based on a rich material foundation.

But just like a girl complained in a certain movie, "It's not my fault that my boyfriend is rich..."

Yes, her Amin is so good at making money and spending so much, but how can this be her fault?

"Okay then. Thank you, thank you so much. I really, really like this gift."

"Didn't I say that you are not polite? If you act like this, how can I give you my most important gift?"

"Hey, are there any gifts? No... no? Why?"

"It's true. I prepared this carefully. Do we have to wait any longer?"

Ning Weimin deliberately hesitated and took out a small brocade box.

After opening it, there was a dazzling little piece of jewelry - a ring set with pink diamonds.


With a cry of joy and excitement, Keiko Matsumoto covered her mouth in disbelief.

And the smile that bloomed after her was like a flower in the morning, stained with dew, and the dew was tears of joy.

Of course she wants it! Don’t wait! This is what she dreams of!

As the saying goes, love needs surprises to nourish it.

It can only be said that Ning Weimin is good at picking up girls, and he does not just rely on a naturally handsome face and the ability to make money, which is reasonable.

There is no doubt that the key to his being favored by "Japan's most beautiful woman" is "intention" and "true feelings".

At the same time, just as the two people in the car hugged each other again, even outside the car there was a scene of joy and celebration.

For no other reason than because both watermelons and corn have been distributed.

Now this location has turned into a large-scale melon-eating scene.

That was when people from China and Japan were in full bloom, rushing to dissect watermelons to quench their thirst.

There weren't that many kitchen knives and watermelon knives on set, so we used military knives used for filming.

The Chinese sharpened their knives, while the Japanese cut the melons. Almost everyone in the crew was busy and having a great time.

And this division of labor and cooperation, and the joy of feasting together as brothers, naturally greatly eased the relationship between the two parties that was already somewhat antagonistic.

Even the originally boring stage management work became interesting and a bit like camping because of this little episode.

Therefore, we have to say that some people are really "natural beneficial insects", and their existence is beneficial to society.

Even one visit to the class can help rescue people in distress and help thousands of people escape from suffering.

As for those who have benefited, I am afraid that no one will know that everyone has truly "suffered from the famous actor".

Why are the watermelons in their hands so sweet?

That's all because of the taste of love.


This chapter has been completed!
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