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Chapter 1833 Im so unhappy

Chapter 1084 So unhappy

First of all, Ning Weimin must give priority to the business under his own name.

If nothing else, first we have to take two French celebrities to the Tianqiao Shopping Center for a nice stroll.

Because his current main source of income is the three clothing brands under his own name and the shares in the joint venture company Yi La De. These stores are all concentrated in Tianqiao Shopping Mall.

Moreover, the discount stores of Pierre Cardin Company and the exclusive stores of alliance partner Goldlion Company are also here. Even the Tianqiao Shopping Center will pay more attention to the two French stars because of the publicity bonus brought by the presence of the two French stars.

He gave generous gifts, and Ning Weimin was grateful.

So come here and let two French stars leave a photo and video record.

Ning Weimin can not only gain practical benefits from it, but also gain a lot of favors.

There are not only those from these friendly units, but also those from two French stars.

If nothing else, wouldn't you be happy to get a lot of valuable fabrics for nothing?

What's more, Ning Waimin was able to call his two subordinates, Yin Yue and Gan Lu, and let them meet and take photos with a big international celebrity.

This not only allows the two little girls to fulfill their long-cherished wish, but also to shine in the limelight.

It is also conducive to consolidating and improving their status in front of the Tianqiao shopping mall and subordinate employees.

And it accumulates more favors in their hearts and enhances their prestige and image.

This is basically a good thing that can be achieved in one fell swoop, with no loss at all.

Secondly, Ning Weimin must of course take care of the related companies that are closely related to his important interests.

In addition to the Zhai Palace Exhibition Hall in the Temple of Heaven Park, the Tan Palace Banquet Department of Beishen Chef, the "Journey to the West" exhibition of Nan Shen Chef, the Tan Palace Individual Visitor Department at the north gate of the Temple of Heaven, and snack bars, there are also those handicraft factories and art academies.


As usual, this brought him another benefit and favor.

However, the difference from going to Tianqiao Shopping Mall was that when visiting these places, he had secretly asked the officials and factory directors not to give too expensive gifts.

Instead, he used all kinds of good things to kill two French celebrities, tempting them to spend a lot of money.

For example, just two pots of flowers and bonsais cost Ayn Rand 20,000 yuan in foreign exchange coupons.

A set of Journey to the West, "The Silk Man Pursuing Buddhist Scriptures in the West", asked him for another four thousand francs.

And this guy also likes the co-branded gold lighter.

Ning Weimin said that he gave him a nominal "discounted price" - 20,000 yuan in foreign exchange coupons - for the sake of the spokesperson's face.

But in fact, these days the U.S. dollar against the RMB on the black market has more than doubled the official price, becoming 7.4 to 1.

In fact, the money paid by Alain Delon is still much more expensive than RMB.

And because Catherine was a woman, she spent a lot of money on jewelry, filigree, and lacquerware.

Seventy or eighty thousand francs were thrown down without blinking an eye, and he generously spent a thousand yuan in foreign exchange coupons to buy many brocade boxes specifically to store these things.

That's it, she still thinks it's cheap.

After all, French luxury brands are also among the best in the world, so it depends on how they are compared.

How much does a tattered LV bag with its trademark cost? How much does a piece of Cartier jewelry cost?

Ning Weimin has firmly grasped the preferences of the "First Lady" of the French film industry.

I took her to see the exquisite products from various factories. They were all exquisitely crafted and made of genuine materials.

Either gold or silver, inlaid with various precious stones, such as malachite, turquoise, peridot, white jade, tourmaline, chalcedony, agate, beeswax...

Except for the lack of brand bonus, both the workmanship and the materials are better than French products, and the price-performance ratio is extremely high.

This, of course, made Catherine Deneuve's eyes brighten and she thought it was a good deal and she couldn't refuse it.

But what she didn't know was that the price was really high.

Because Ning Weimin also bought some for Matsumoto Keiko in private, and the quality was no worse than the ones she chose, and was even much better.

But the price was only 40% of what she bid.

Why is there such a big gap?

It's not like these factories first drained her blood and then subsidized Ning Weimin.

Anyway, let’s put it this way, the free one is the most expensive.

The free food and pocket money given by Ning Weimin were just bait for fishing.

At this time, everything was recovered from these transactions.

And not surprisingly, this is just the beginning.

After all, there is no shop like this after passing this village.

The things Ning Weimin took them to see were not the ones that could be bought in the general market, and each piece was exquisite enough for them to take back and show off.

What does it mean that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer?

No matter how expensive they are here, it's still a huge bargain in France.

I think once I buy it this time, the two French stars will keep asking for it again in the future.

If not, they might have to keep more than half of the endorsement fee for Pierre Cardon.

This is called making money in Beijing and spending money in Beijing, but you can’t take it home.

To put it bluntly, Ning Weimin is like Macau's professional public relations, or he has mastered the magical skills of Modi, and successfully controlled their consumption desires.

That's not all. Not only do his own stores and related companies benefit from it, Ning Weimin also wants his artists to fully benefit from it.

So not only Zhang Qiang, but also Cui Jian and the newly signed Fei Xiang have become special guests of Alain Delon and Catherine Deneuve, and will participate in rehearsals together in preparation for their performance at the Tianqiao Theater in a few days.

Sing on stage.

Moreover, Ning Weimin also plans to plan a press conference for the image spokespersons of Pierre Cardin Company. When Matsumoto Keiko returns to the capital from Shanghai, he will find an opportunity for these four people to appear together and be interviewed.

In this way, it will not only create a more sensational improvement effect on the reputation of Pierre Cardon Company, but also be beneficial to the respective stardoms of Matsumoto Keiko and Feixiang.

There is no doubt that they can be compared with two French stars and be chosen by Pierre Cardin and China Company to become image spokespersons together.

There will definitely be reporters from international newspapers who will bring their names to the Western world.

After all, they have not yet been able to leave Asia and truly enter the international stage.

This can be regarded as paving the way for them and brushing up their qualifications through the light of two French stars.

In addition, in terms of social welfare, Ning Weimin did not let go of the two French stars, and it can be said that he maximized their value.

For example, Ning Weimin took them to the orphanage where he had stayed in his previous life to visit the orphans on the grounds of promoting love and establishing a positive image of them.

Although all procedures were arranged, Ning Weimin also prepared donations for them.

But the moral bottom line of the two celebrities was actually quite high. They were determined not to be false philanthropists, and each donated an additional 20,000 francs.

Also on the opening day of Huimin Book Club, Ning Weimin also successfully invited them as guests and went to the book club co-founded by himself and Zhang Shihui. He did a good job of promoting his bookstore and generated a wave of traffic.

I have to say, it’s really different when two French stars attend.

This book club, which was originally not too big and not famous at all, attracted widespread attention from the society as soon as it opened.

Just because of the endorsement of two French celebrities, they have been saying, "The greatest poverty is spiritual poverty. This kind of bookstore is really a good thing. Even France needs it."

Zhang Shihui also followed Ning Weimin's arrangement and did not hesitate to show his trump card and said in public, "Our book club does not seek profit, but only social benefits. We want to satisfy young people's thirst for reading."

As a result, not only the leaders of the Cultural Heritage Bureau and guests from various publishing houses who came to attend the opening of the bookstore were surprised, but also the customers showed great enthusiasm. On the same day, more than 200 people who did not want to be "poor" came to pay money to apply for membership.


As a result, what was originally just a matter of fun for those culturally inclined people immediately became more important, and many publishing houses donated many additional high-quality books with excellent content.

In addition, both domestic reporters invited by Ning Weimin and foreign media reporters who came to inquire about the incident reported on this matter with great enthusiasm.

Therefore, the influence was immediately expanded and the style was greatly improved.

In particular, Ning Weimin's book club is indeed beneficial to society.

Compared with the public libraries at that time, the books were outdated and updated slowly.

In addition to old books, his book club also has relatively new books, and they are all kinds of books, whether popular science, social, professional or novels, which are very suitable for readers' tastes.

But he had already given instructions to Zhang Shihui in order to avoid destroying the livelihoods of those disadvantaged groups.

Their book club only does not provide martial arts novels and Qiong Yao novels, and competes with rental bookstores for the sinking market of popular literature.

In addition, the people in his store have received professional service training, have good work attitudes, and are patient and considerate.

The store not only has seats and toilets, but also sells stationery, handicrafts, tea, coffee, and Western-style light meals.

Therefore, this book club located in the bustling Ancient Culture Street has almost instantly become a benchmark in the industry.

Compared with the lively and noisy street scene outside the house, it was a different kind of fun.

The readers who borrow, select and read books here are not only orderly and quite quiet, but the service staff are also polite and orderly.

People interviewed by the reporter were full of praise for the store. Many people who had difficulty borrowing books elsewhere thanked the book club for resolving their troubles.

Soon, even the Cultural Affairs Bureau was alarmed.

After learning about the two French celebrities' concern for the cultural undertakings in the capital, and the fact that this book club is losing money and making money, it is not for making money but for social benefits.

The Cultural Affairs Bureau also provided great support and encouragement.

Not only did we contact the industrial and commercial authorities, we decided to give the reading club a tax-free preferential policy.

Moreover, they also gave considerable recognition and thanks to the book club in the newspaper, saying that they have prospered the cultural market and enriched the people's spiritual food. I hope they can continue their efforts and run the book club well.

In short, the book club was an instant success, and both Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui achieved their goals.

What Ning Weimin is most happy to see is that his book club has quickly entered a virtuous circle, and it is quite possible to expand into a chain store.

As the apparent manager of the book club, Zhang Shihui finally became a prominent figure in the limelight and became a guest of the Cultural Affairs Bureau. He received the sense of honor that he had dreamed of since he was a child, which was very satisfying.


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