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Chapter 109 Goals

On the way back, Liu Weijing found that Zhang Shihui was a little abnormal.

Because he, who usually loves to joke, was speechless.

He put his hands in his pockets blankly, just walking with his head lowered, looking at the tips of his shoes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Liu Weijing took the initiative to look for topics.

"This classmate of yours is quite funny. I've never seen someone give away several kilograms of sesame oil for free. Does he really work in the Grain Bureau?"

Zhang Shihui was absent-minded.

"Well, his father is from the Food Bureau..."

"Then why haven't I heard you mention him? I mean, isn't he your middle school classmate? He is so affectionate and attentive to you, you must have had a good relationship in the past, right? Is the price you paid him a bit high? Make money

He has so many, is it appropriate?"

Liu Weijing's moral values ​​are absolutely strong. She always feels that friendship is precious and is embarrassed to earn too much money from acquaintances.

But she didn't expect that her good intentions were used in the wrong place.

Zhang Shihui shook his head and revealed the truth to her.

"What's inappropriate about this? You don't know, this kid didn't treat me like this in the past. His eyes were turned upward, his mouth was very bad, and he didn't try to squeeze people out enough. He was a bitch-looking master who looked down on others. This is his father's

His position was no longer popular, so he used me again, so he fawned over me with his head and tail wagging. I didn't really regard him as a classmate."

Needless to say, Liu Weijing's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees.

"Oh, I really can't see how he can be such a person. So why are you so polite to him? Why did you promise to take care of his business? Why don't we just ignore him..."

Unexpectedly, she was very excited, but Zhang Shihui was not.

On the contrary, he was quite rational and told her another reason.

"No, you'd be stupid if you don't care. It's true that I'm annoying him, but now we can earn his money, why don't we? After earning his money, we have to let him thank us. This is not better than making him angry


"Besides, this kid knows a lot of people. His friends are all people with some positions. I want to get some more work out of him."

"Even because of him, I was inspired. It made me think that the two of us should also take the initiative to contact classmates and friends we haven't seen for a long time. Please get together and have a meal. Because it is very likely that other people will also

People like Li Haisheng need it. When the time comes, let’s make money and be popular, isn’t that good?”

"Speaking of which, even if people don't come to us to buy things, they are still classmates after all. We all work and go to various walks of life, so there is no harm in keeping in touch with each other. If we treat guests, they will also like us and think that we value feelings and are good people.

Not stingy."

Liu Weijing immediately changed his stance and looked at Zhang Shihui with surprise and admiration in his eyes.

"How can it still be like this? You have such a sharp mind. Oh my, you have become more and more sophisticated recently. You have really become a calculating businessman."

I just followed and became more confused.

"Then what are you bothering about? Isn't this great? Why are you still frowning?"

This inquiry made Zhang Shihui take a deep breath.

The cold air then turned into white mist in his mouth and spurted out.

"I'm not annoyed, don't get me wrong. I'm just a little emotional. Because of today's events, I suddenly saw many things in life clearly."

"When people are poor, they have short ambitions. This is true. When the poor live in this world, they are boring and frustrated. They are poor in food, clothing, housing and transportation. They are always thinking about how to save money, and they are bullied everywhere. They are exhausted.

What do you want to do with your life?"

"Now I realize how good it is to have money! People still have to have money, but having money is different. What can't be bought? If you have money, even ghosts will respect you. It is because of money that I have found my self-esteem today.


After he paused for a moment, his tone became more serious.

"Jing'er, don't laugh at me. I'm not hiding anything from you, I can say whatever I want. I'm addicted to making money, and I want more money."

"This is not only because money can give us a more prosperous life, but also because money can give us treatment we have never had before."

"Wealth and wealth are wonderful words coined by the ancients. Wealth is wealth, and honor is status. This means that as long as people have wealth, they will have status."

"Look, after we have money, no matter where we go, we see flattering smiling faces. Isn't this the power of wealth?"

These words made Liu Weijing a little confused as to how to respond.

Yes, she also experienced the same feeling.

But as a woman, she instinctively hopes that her life will be stable.

So now she is actually a little unsure whether Zhang Shihui's desire for more money will be a good thing or a bad thing for both of them.

So after a long while, he said, "Then how much money do you think is enough? You can't ask for unlimited wealth, right? I can understand you, but days like this always make me a little uneasy."

Zhang Shihui's eyes flickered and he blurted out.

"Then let's agree on a number. Fifty thousand! What do you think? When we earn enough fifty thousand, I will stop working and live my life as usual."

"So much?" Liu Weijing couldn't help but be surprised by Zhang Shihui's desire, his eyes widened.

But Zhang Shihui has his own reasons.

"Don't look at me like that, as if I'm a greedy monster. I've already thought about how to use this money. Please listen and see if it's reasonable or not?"

"First of all, 10,000 yuan is for my parents, and 10,000 yuan is for your parents. This is the money for our parents' retirement. Secondly, 10,000 yuan is the education fund for our children. Our children must learn all kinds of art and music, and we will cultivate them well in the future.

A doctor comes out."

"Of the last 20,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan will be used to buy electrical appliances and furniture for marriage. I will give you an ideal home. The other 20,000 yuan will be our pension money. Do you think I am wrong?"

Liu Weijing was quiet again because Zhang Shihui had thought very carefully.

They not only consider their own present, but also consider the stability of their parents and marriage.

She really couldn't fault it. This was indeed the most ideal situation and the life she wanted.

So in the end, I just said it softly.

"I'm not saying that what you think is wrong, I'm just a little scared. What we do is a bit shady after all. Will something happen? I always feel that this is like speculation. And the state explicitly prohibits the reselling of foreign exchange certificates.

,Are we going to do this? What if people find out..."

However, Zhang Shihui is quite confident about this.

"Don't worry. Weimin and I have discussed these issues countless times. Can we think of what you think of? No one can catch our painful feet."

"First of all, we are not doing wholesale, this is transfer between individuals. Everything is from the friendship store and the source is legal. During the transaction, the money is the same and the price is negotiated with each other. Who can catch it?

For us, even if we hold on to it, we can’t count it as speculation, right? We can’t stand it at all.”

"Secondly, the person in charge of the foreign exchange certificates, Ning Weimin, told me long before I started doing this that the foreign exchange certificates can only be bought and not sold. In this way, the charge of reselling the foreign exchange certificates will not be placed on us. Even if we are caught on the spot by the industrial and commercial authorities

Living in it means criticizing, educating and confiscating it, there won’t be any serious consequences.”

"Actually, I think Wei Min is quite right. The charge of 'speculation and profiteering' is inherently unfair and unreasonable. As reforms become more liberal, sooner or later the country will correct its mistakes and cancel this charge."

"Believe me, I will definitely give you the best life and a stable life. By then we will definitely become the happiest couple in the eyes of others..."

Liu Weijing was silent again and listened quietly.

Zhang Shihui talked about it with interest, and she became the best listener.

On the afternoon of the last day of the year, she held Zhang Shihui's arm and walked slowly with him.

Unknowingly, the two of them missed the station together, walked past the Telegraph Building, walked through the gate of Zhongnanhai, and walked through Nanchizi...

In the distance, Tiananmen Square seems to be ahead.


The last day of 1980 ended quietly like this.

This month has also become a watershed for many people, even a city, and an industry.

This month, the Xizhimen Overpass in Beijing, the largest three-story turntable-type three-dimensional overpass in the history of our country, was completed.

At this point, the 23.3-kilometer-long Second Ring Road express lane and six overpasses are all open to traffic.

Public transportation in Beijing has begun to enter the second ring road era.

This month, Nian Guangjiu, a self-employed businessman in Anhui Province, officially registered the trademark "Foolish Melon Seeds".

With the popularity of this brand, Nian Guangjiu's business has grown bigger and bigger.

Also this month, in the first year after Bu Xinsheng became the factory director, the Zhejiang Haiyan Shirt Factory finally turned a profit.

And realized a profit of 528,000 yuan, an increase of more than 100 times compared with before the reform.

Also this month, a sign was quietly hung on the streets of Zhongguancun, Beijing, "Beijing Plasma Association Advanced Technology Development Service Department."

Two simple wooden houses and a dozen staff who use their spare time, this is my country's first private scientific research institution.

The service department was founded by a 46-year-old scientist named Chen Chunxian, who is the youngest doctoral supervisor in my country.

Zhongguancun has since embarked on the road to my country’s Silicon Valley.

Also this month, the "great man" in charge of the Republic described for people the goal of achieving a per capita GDP of 800 to 1,000 US dollars by the end of the century.

He called this goal "moderately prosperous."

This chapter has been completed!
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