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Chapter 1,108 The Gap

Perhaps because he was too busy, or perhaps he was just talking, Maxim's restaurant manager forgot his promise.

By the time Luo Guangliang came back the next day, he had completely forgotten about inviting Luo Guangliang to drink Black Cube.

He just nodded at Luo Guangdian and went to greet other guests.

But to be honest, for Luo Guangliang, it really doesn't matter whether he invites him or not for this glass of whiskey.

Because Luo Guangliang is not an ordinary self-employed person?

He and Xiao Tao were the ones holding Ning Weimin's lap.

According to the principle that when one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, these two brothers have been clearly arranged by Ning Weimin and will no longer be able to live in poverty.

I won’t mention how much money the two brothers shared last year from stamp speculation.

Just this year, in compliance with Ning Weimin's instructions, Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao used the money to buy a two-in-one courtyard by the goldfish pond and opened a car park, named it "Renhe Car Factory".

We also called on a dozen brothers who used to ride tricycles to work as coachmen, and the foundation of the tourist tricycle business was basically established.

Even though this business had just opened before May Day, it was already on the verge of becoming a big hit.

The first batch of sixteen tricycles were delivered to the Temple of Heaven Park. Even if they were only used to deal with individual foreigners, the supply was in short supply.

Basically from after ten o'clock in the morning until the park closes, there is almost no free time.

Sometimes when we get busy, when it's meal time, Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao have to pedal instead of the driver, so that those people can take turns eating.

It’s even more amazing on May Day and weekends.

Because as soon as the big bus from the travel agency arrived, the foreigners waiting to take the tricycle were completely stunned.

All the foreigners who got off the bus had to come over and queue up, and they would not leave until they sat in a circle.

Moreover, under this situation, Tan Palace Restaurant is also actively recommending sightseeing three-wheel charter services to foreign guests who come to eat.

Maybe at some point, Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao will have to allocate a few cars to a foreign-related hotel for a whole day's charter.

This kind of work is very cost-effective, but the Temple of Heaven is even busier.

The coachmen here are basically just running around, and eating is completely a luxury. It would be nice to have a cigarette and a drink of water while the guests are changing their carriages.

So the price of this ride is not cheap at all.

At the beginning, Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao negotiated a price of five yuan, which rose to ten yuan two days later.

On May Day, even ten yuan is no longer enough, and it must be a foreign exchange coupon.

Let's put it this way, those sixteen three-wheelers have become sixteen taxis.

Even though it's a labor-based job, it's no less profitable than an oil-burning job.

At least 2,560 foreign exchange coupons can be obtained every day, and on good days, 4,000 yuan can be obtained.

Even according to the "one, two, three, four" distribution principle - 10% is for maintenance and operation, 20% is turned over to the Temple of Heaven for management fees, 30% is shared by the drivers, and 40% is profit.

Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao get at least one thousand foreign exchange coupons every day.

In one month, the net profit is at least 35,600 foreign exchange certificates.

Even including the share given to Ning Weimin, each person can still earn 12,000.

Twelve thousand foreign exchange coupons! It can pay for five foreign company executives like Manager Sha.

This is just the beginning.

After all, there is only one Temple of Heaven in the world, so there is no need to worry about business in this precious land.

If this momentum continues, it will be no problem to get thirty or forty tricycles here.

Conservative estimates suggest that there is room for profits to at least double.

Even compared to Hardman's business, this business is much more affordable.

Although on the surface, they temporarily earn less than Hardman, this is actually not the case.

Because there is nothing to worry about in this business and there are no fluctuations.

Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao didn't need to treat guests or give gifts, go out of their way to please them, or engage in frivolous business or do anything that might expose them to legal risks.

Relying on Ning Weimin's connections, they were very relaxed. They only had to supervise the driver to work honestly and collect money every day.

What's more, when domestic inflation is unavoidable, collecting foreign currency is not only the most cost-effective thing, but also has a value-preserving effect, and there is still room for price increases.

Their charges would only increase by one dollar, and Hardmen would have to acquire a large construction site to make up for the increased income.

Therefore, making money by lying down is completely different from making money by crawling.

Luo Guangliang and Xiao Tao's magical life was such a nourishing experience that it was enough to make Hardman hungry.

What’s the point of ten yuan a glass of foreign wine?

It's not that Luo Guangliang can't afford to drink, it's just that he simply doesn't like it.

In his opinion, foreign wine has a strange, sweet taste, and drinking it is like drinking cough syrup.

Rather than let him suffer this foreign crime, he would rather drink the Heineken beer sold here for five yuan a bottle.

The beer had a strong hop flavor, and he liked it quite a bit.

Of course, it was also because of this that he became an invisible rich man and was somewhat unpopular at Maxim's Restaurant.

It’s not as valued as the foreigners who order champagne or red wine.

Not as popular as those officials who spend public funds and fire royal salutes and XOs at every turn.

He was even embarrassed to sit in a formal seat, feeling that it was too shameless to occupy a table by himself.

He could only sit on the high stool in front of the bar, light a cigarette, hold a glass of beer in his hand, watch the foam in the glass disappear, and silently chew on his inner secrets.


At eight o'clock that evening, Zhang Mi appeared on the stage again.

Luo Guangliang, who had been listless sitting in front of the bar, immediately became excited. He finally waited for her.

Zhang Mi walked onto the stage with a friendly smile.

Because she also saw him.

Although that beautiful smile was not dedicated to him alone.

But when she looked at him, her watery eyes were clearly filled with tenderness.

Will anyone else see this tenderness?

Luo Guangliang didn't believe it.

He didn't even know that this tenderness sometimes just comes from the singer's stage skills.

However, Zhang Mi seemed to have listened to his opinion, and she was no longer just imitating today.

The song she chose was still Zhang Qiang's song, but she began to sing it with her own voice.

Not only does it look natural and smooth, but it also looks more confident.

Especially Zhang Mi on the stage. She wore a red dress today and her tomboy-like hair was styled with mousse. She looked chic, solemn and peaceful.

As expected, the reaction from the guests was much more positive than before. There were obviously more people listening to the music seriously, and the applause was more enthusiastic.

As for Luo Guangliang, he was even more fascinated by it. Every time he looked at her, he had to raise his head and take a sip of beer, making it difficult to continue looking at her.

But to be honest, he couldn't taste the beer at all.

Because of yesterday's experience, his heart was still savoring the fragments of memories in his mind over and over at this moment.

In addition, he also imagined how he would evaluate himself from Zhang Mi's perspective.

He longs for her attention and even respect.

He felt that that innocent face gave him the answer he longed for.

He even thought that he had not confessed to women for so long just to wait for this stunningly beautiful girl...

And his complex mood of expectation and sweet fantasy, fear and uneasiness lasted for five songs.

During the break, the person he had been paying attention to walked off the stage and walked in his direction.

Only then did he regain his consciousness as if he had just woken up from a dream.

The members of the band were all paying attention to Zhang Mi's behavior, because usually, they have a table to themselves and can enjoy free cold drinks and snacks during breaks. Zhang Mi's behavior was obviously abnormal.

But no matter how curious they were, they couldn't keep up with Luo Guangliang's nervousness.

At this time, he was obviously not hot, but his body suddenly began to sweat, his palms were wet, and his shirt collar was sticky.

"Oh, you're really here?"

Zhang Mi's question was quite abrupt.

For some reason, after only one night, the polite alienation she felt towards him last night was completely gone.

"I come here every day. You probably didn't notice in the past..."

Luo Guangliang's smile lacked charm and was a bit stiff like himself.

"Then it's really not easy for you. Things here are too expensive. Even drinking beer costs thirty or forty a day, right?"


"You don't feel bad at all? How much is the monthly salary of an ordinary person? You have exchanged your hard-earned money for beer, and the income of a self-employed person is not safe. In fact, I think you can come every few days, such as weekends...


"I like to hear you sing."

Luo Guangliang suddenly said this, speaking piously and seriously.

However, Zhang Mi just smiled faintly and didn't seem to care much about his confession.

"You already said it yesterday."

This inevitably made Luo Guangliang feel a little embarrassed and disappointed.

Fortunately, her smile faded and she made a move that moved Luo Guangliang.

"How about I buy you a beer? As a thank you."

"No, you're welcome..."

"Please, please. There are many people today. The restaurant manager said that there might be an extra show. I hope you can give me a treat again later..."

"Oh well."

"Why are you so hesitant? Are you busy tonight?"

"No, no, no, no."

Luo Guangliang stared blankly at the beautiful face in front of him.

Her liveliness and generosity oozed pride.

The success of today's performance seems to have increased her experience and confidence, and she is no longer as shy as yesterday.

Especially from the fact that she caught him with a bottle of beer, it is very likely that this girl has seen more of the world than he has.

"That's what you're talking about. Let's do it this way. We've agreed."

Zhang Mi smiled again with satisfaction, and as she spoke, she took out five yuan and exchanged it for a bottle of beer from the bartender to Luo Guangliang, cementing the verbal agreement.

"Your name……"

"My surname is Luo, and my name is Luo Guangliang."

"I remembered it! I can't forget it this time. It's so awkward to sing in a place like this. I feel a little more at ease when I have an acquaintance there. Ryoko...can I call you this?"


Luo Guangliang is at least five years older than Zhang Mi.

He didn't understand. Did this girl do this deliberately to show her generosity?

She should call him brother. That's what a girl should be like.

But despite this, she still fascinates people.

Luo Guangliang couldn't help but glance at the girl's beautiful face from the side.

Her long eyelashes cast extremely gentle shadows.

He wanted to take a closer look, but she turned her face away.

"I'm going to sit with the band. Please support me later!"

"I love listening to your songs. I know how to do it."

"Then don't go too far..."

"I won't make a sound, don't worry..."

Fifteen minutes passed by in a blink of an eye, and Zhang Mi quickly went on stage again, walked behind the microphone and continued singing.

Luo Guangliang struggled to distinguish the lyrics she sang in the audience. This was the way he chose to respect her.

Even when Zhang Mi sings high notes, she cannot avoid a common problem among pop singers - unclear articulation.

Luo Guangliang knew that she did it on purpose. Nowadays, singers on TV are doing this, so he felt that it was a Hong Kong style.

But he didn't want to point it out to her, even if he really felt that it was a lack of heart that worshiped foreigners.


On this day, when Luo Guangliang accompanied Zhang Mi out of Maxim after the performance, he accidentally came face to face with the restaurant manager.

Facing the restaurant manager, he almost winked and gave a slightly strange look. He was very embarrassed, as if he had done something wrong and was caught on the spot.

However, he deeply felt the irresistible power of opportunity.

Why was it that he took on the role of escorting her instead of someone else? Is this an accident?

In the past, the more he distanced himself from women, the more he yearned for the opposite sex.

Now, on the contrary, he uses actions to express his inner feelings.

He didn't want to continue deceiving himself.

He does whatever he thinks.

No force other than himself can stop him from taking action.

To be honest, in addition to being intoxicated by Zhang Mi's appearance and her singing voice, he also liked her tall figure, voice, and the smell of her body.

He didn't have much hope for his success, but the bright future loomed and called him.

Walking with her brought him great satisfaction, not to mention the ultimate possession of her that existed in his fantasy.

The lights between the buildings were dim, and the asphalt road shimmered under the wheels.

On this day, the two of them took a car together. Luo Guangliang pedaled as if he was walking on the clouds, very briskly.

But in his heart, he didn't want to ride too fast, so he always tried his best to bypass manhole covers and bricks, and avoid darkly lit areas, thereby deliberately reducing his speed.

Zhang Mi is not from Beijing, her hometown is in the northeastern end of the motherland.

Her father is a railway inspector, and her mother likes to sing Ping opera. At night when her father is not at home, her mother will open up a chatterbox to kill time.

Zhang Mi has been very good at melodies and singing since she was a child. Every time a song is played on the radio, she almost learns it after listening to it once.

When she reached school age, she also participated in the school's "Red Children's Literary Class". At that time, she sang "I Wish to Be a Little Swallow" by Li Guyi and another song called "Orchid and Butterfly."

One time, the singer Deng Yuhua came to perform in her hometown and accidentally heard her singing. She also wanted to bring her to the capital to learn vocal music.

However, her musical talent was not valued by her family.

In the minds of the older generation, singing songs is simply a daydream.

All she asks is that you study hard and get married when you grow up.

So I didn't agree to this matter, and I was even less willing to raise 500 yuan for my daughter's tuition.

As a result, Zhang Mi missed the most important opportunity in her life.

Later, she came out completely on her own strength.

Her biggest dream is to sing on a formal stage in Beijing.

Not to mention that Maxim's restaurant paid her fifty yuan every night, even if they didn't give her a penny, she was still willing to sing.

She hopes to attract a group of admirers wherever she goes. The success of a solo artist is inseparable from the audience. The teacher at the solo training class at the Cultural Palace in her hometown has repeatedly said this. She feels that she can win the love of the audience.

When she has saved up to 20,000 yuan, she will formally seek a teacher, such as finding Deng Yuhua again, study vocal music, and then join a formal literary and art group to become a real singer.

It would be best if you can sing a few catchy songs like Zhang Qiang and release your own tape.

Zhang Mi, who was sitting on the back seat of Luo Guangliang's bicycle, talked about this as if she were talking about a plan that was being realized.

Luo Guangliang listened silently all the way, and saw more and more clearly the unbridgeable gap between him and her.

He knew that in Zhang Mi's eyes, he was just a free and loyal bodyguard.

Today this girl condescended to sit on the back seat of his bicycle, just because it was too difficult to wait for the night bus.

While waiting for the bus, he would probably take his bicycle to her residence.

Although she has a delicate face, she has traveled all over the world and her heart is completely mature.

They have no common language and he and she cannot communicate.

What could he expect from her?

Would this girl be willing to take care of housework and have children for him in the courtyard of Shan'er Hutong?

He did think so and was excited about it.

But this is obviously ridiculous.

People have long-term plans for themselves, and their fate will not make such a big mistake.

So when it was his turn he had to say something.

He couldn't hide his disgraceful past, he spoke out as if it didn't matter, and he wasn't afraid of scaring her at all.

"I made a mistake."

Zhang Mi was indifferent.

Luo Guangliang, who didn't wait for the expected reaction, realized that she didn't understand, and immediately added further explanations.

"I said that I had been there. I was forced to do forced labor for three years in Chadian'er...

His emphatic tone made Zhang Mi's eyes widen in the back seat of the car.

Although Luo Guangliang couldn't see it, the streetlight reflected the blue outline of her eye circles, revealing the rough marks left by the makeup pen.

"Why?" Zhang Mi's voice was a little shaky.

"...I stood up for a friend and injured a person. I love fighting and have always fought in the past. They all call me Luo Da Bangzi. I almost got killed that time..."

Luo Guangliang spoke happily in one breath, and his voice was firm.

Although he couldn't see Zhang Mi's face, he could tell from her reaction that she was frightened, maybe really shocked.

He didn't know why he said that.

Do you want to scare her or brag about yourself?

No, he just doesn't want to hide his true self.

He has long wanted to be able to treat a girl he likes so openly and honestly.

It's impossible for them to make any progress anyway. He's not good enough for her, so naturally he can say whatever he wants.

Will the results be any different?

Will not.

In this case, why didn't he leave a real impression on her?

Besides, the girl told him everything about her, but he kept his secret from her. Is this ridiculous?

Luo Guangliang tried hard to imagine himself as an indifferent man, looking for reasonable excuses for his impulsiveness and unwiseness.

But after a while, he became a man again and regretted his reckless words and deeds today.

Because of the last distance, Zhang Mi never said a word to him again.

It wasn't until she arrived in front of the unit where she lived that she got out of the car and stood still. She covered up her inner discomfort with a forced smile and said goodbye to him politely.

"Did you lie to me with those words you just said?"

"No, why should I lie to you? I just don't want to lie to you, so I'm telling you this."

"Do you have many friends?" she asked him.

"It's okay. Who doesn't have a few friends? I have a few reliable buddies who have been helping me. I am very grateful to them. Especially Wei Min, he has laid everything out for me. Now I can eat with ease.

The rice is actually all thanks to him. You may not know it yet, but he..."

"These friends of yours are all boys, right? So do you have a girlfriend?"

"...I...don't like...I'm not used to being with women. In fact, I have always been alone. I have never been...in love, and...haven't found a girlfriend..."

Why are you talking so much nonsense?

Luo Guangliang cursed himself secretly, he was so ashamed that he didn't even dare to look up at Zhang Mi.

"Then you should find a girlfriend quickly. Today's girls are starting to find themselves self-employed. After all, the income is pretty good, right? Don't fight anymore, and don't go to Maxim every day. You should be pragmatic.

Come on, save some money and find a partner to live a responsible life. Goodbye then, that's it, it's too late! I'm going up..."

While talking, Zhang Mi slipped into the unit door and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Skillful routine!

She is a woman who has a lot of experience and courage in blocking men's aggression.

Her words were shockingly calm.

She had insight into Luo Guangliang's psychology.

She set up a cordon for his feelings.

She is only twenty years old, Luo Guangliang is much older than her.

But he was inferior to her in every aspect, and his admiration was ridiculous and worthless.

All his fantasies about this girl are just wishful thinking and emotional garbage.

There's no way she could fall in love with him.

He is incapable of falling in love with her.

This is the latest life revelation he has received.

Several pieces of glass are missing from the unit door, and the stair handrails are made of cement.

Zhang Mi comes in and out from here every day.

Luo Guangliang felt that this dilapidated doorway was happier than him.

This chapter has been completed!
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