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Chapter 1,112 A sense of security

It is not easy for rough people to love, but the love of refined people is actually similar.

Because as long as people have the need to love and be loved, they will inevitably have troubles about love.

For example, a girl as outstanding as Yin Yue doesn't just have a secret admirer like Hardman.

Su Jin, who, under the guidance of his father, could make brocade patterns on silk and satin, and his tailoring skills were no less than those of famous craftsmen, was actually the one who fell in love with Yin Yue even earlier than Hardman.

However, as a person born in the 1950s, his views on love have a special brand of the times and cultural background.

From the time they were born until they became sensible, his generation received a closed education, and any generation after it was more "open" than his generation.

Therefore, Su Jin’s love and marriage received very traditional influences.

Love must be dedicated and marriage must last.

These concepts, which have been increasingly diluted by people in the future, appear to be very stubborn and persistent among people of his generation.

It is especially unfortunate that people of Su Jin's generation, at the age when they should most fall in love, have gone to all corners of the motherland to repair the earth.

And many people have a fixed idea - not to return to the city, not to fall in love or get married.

Therefore, for Su Jin after returning to the city, he has already missed the most important stage of love growth.

Not only did she have no experience in falling in love, but she took it as a matter of course to follow the laws of nature and eliminate human desires.

Moreover, he lacks practical experience and has extreme idealistic ideas.

I have determined that love is pure and innocent and should not be contaminated by the secular world and the philistine.

This kind of historical limitation caused him to only dare to fall in love secretly. Even if he realized that his feelings were budding, he never dared to act or reveal them.

Especially the emotional problems he faces are so unusually complex.

The Yin Yue he fell in love with was a strong woman, not only his leader, but more importantly, Yin Yue seemed to already have her heart set on it, and she studied accounting and Japanese for a man.

And the man she admired with all her heart and looked forward to every day was the benefactor who rescued Su Jin and many poor families in Meishi Street.

This made Su Jin even more confused about what to do and couldn't see the direction of his emotions at all.

In fact, Su Jin almost fell seriously ill when he first discovered this.

During that time, he no longer dared to go to Tianqiao Department Store to look for Yin Yue.

The management work of the street factory also lacked energy.

When he gets home at night, he often doesn't even have the appetite to eat and just lies down to sleep.

The name Yin Yue became the word he least wanted to mention.

But even if he didn't want to think about it, he couldn't stop the name from popping up in his mind.

As long as he lay on the bed, all he could see flying around in front of his eyes were Yin Yue's voices and smiles.

And it's so clear and three-dimensional.

It was playing back in his mind non-stop like a video. He couldn't watch it even if he didn't want to, and he couldn't stop even if he wanted to.

The video played automatically and cruelly, reminding him that the depths of his heart were actually different from what he thought.

He struggled again and again, unable to get rid of it, and finally had to succumb.

He sat up and refused to sleep. He simply opened the curtains and looked at the night sky outside the window, allowing himself to fantasize like a fool, and was cut into flesh and bones again.

The memories in my mind play like a video of the amazing moment when the two first met in the factory.

Thinking of Yin Yue maintaining an elegant demeanor from beginning to end at work.

And he never had any suspicion or prejudice against him, and even actively provided help to him, often supporting his decisions against all opinions.

Thinking about how Yin Yue really helped him plan the factory's production, even feeding back the sales data of best-selling products, and heartfelt praise for his work ability and achievements, the sweetness that struck his heart is still memorable.

Su Jin suddenly thought that in his life so far, the only woman who could treat him so sincerely, appreciate him, trust him, support him, and understand him, apart from his deceased mother, was probably Yin Yue.

In many aspects, even her own sister is inferior to her.

This made Su Jin sweat profusely, feel ashamed, and regret so much that he just wanted to fight for the ground with his head.

He hated Yin Yue a moment ago, but now he couldn't help but ask himself, what qualifications did he have to hate Yin Yue?

Liking for Yin Yue is just his own business, but his unrequited love for a flower is completely his own failure.

How could anyone feel sorry for him?

All they did was regard him as a trustworthy work partner and trust him completely with the factory.

Not only was there never any suspicion, suppression, or restraint, even when the street was considering adding an older deputy to him, Yin Yue rejected the decision on his behalf, allowing him to enjoy full control of the factory alone.

It can be said that people spared no effort to support him, allowing him to unleash his talents and achieve success in his career.

To put it another way, at least I was kind to him.

Thinking of this, Su Jin, who was enlightened, raised his hand with his eyes straight, flicked his fingers in the air a few times, and finally slapped himself hard in the face.

And of course he felt sorry for Ning Weimin.

Because the origin of all this is because Ning Weimin founded a street sewing club and invested money to help the street establish a clothing factory.

Ning Weimin was the benefactor of countless families throughout Meishi Street. Without him, he would not have been able to escape poverty and let his father and sister live a prosperous life today.

But in the end, he even blamed Ning Weimin. He was really not a human being.

What else could he say to these two people?

The two of them are talented and beautiful, a perfect match.

What else can he say besides blessing?

To put it bluntly, what does it have to do with two people?

I'm afraid people may not need his blessing.

Only then did Su Jin realize that he was wrong, wrong.

He couldn't stay on the little bed any longer, and after getting off the ground, he began to wander around in circles.

After wandering around like this for an unknown amount of time, his eyes focused on the sewing machine next to his bed.

At this moment, an idea flashed in his mind, as if he saw an exquisite piping satin cheongsam.

The soft texture glows with a faint dark color under the reflection of the light.

Flickering and flowing, overflowing with infinite gentleness, it reminds people of light clouds and mist, and moonlight as broken as residual snow.

Oh! Why doesn't he make a wonderful cheongsam as a compensation for his own introspection and as a blessing to his two benefactors?

True love can last forever, but it is definitely not about taking something for yourself, it must be selfless and considerate of the other person.

Therefore, if he truly loves Yin Yue, then he should be happy to see Yin Yue achieve happiness.

Just like Li Ke in the movie "Casablanca" who did not leave his lover behind in the end, but chose to give up and instead sent his lover and her husband to a safe place.

No matter what, he at least hoped that he could do something so that Yin Yue could get married in the wedding dress that he had sewn by himself...

As for himself, it should be considered a kind of happiness to be able to see the person he loves often and silently watch her achieve the perfection of life, right?

Is it painful to do this?

To be honest, maybe so.

But he was satisfied.

He met such a worthy person in his life.

You can like it from the bottom of your heart, unforgettable, completely pure, and forever.

For him, this is much luckier than never meeting or loving someone.

Thinking about it carefully, he was once lucky enough to spend a lot of time with his colleague Yin Yue in the street factory.

During that short period of time, he was reluctant to be late, leave early, and be absent from work. He became a model worker because of his love for Yin Yue.

A person only spends about ten hours awake every day, and among these ten hours, he can actually spend more than eight hours with her.

Although Yin Yue has left the factory now, he still has the opportunity to meet with him often because of his work.

Maybe they will always maintain a superior-subordinate relationship - God has been too kind to him.

Therefore, although his love is just unrequited love, he should not be sad about it.


Maybe it's because men and women are fundamentally different, maybe it's because there's a big age gap, or maybe everyone has their own unique understanding of love.

Although the emotional situation is quite close, Su Jin's view of love is completely inapplicable to Qu Xiao.

This girl is not as open-minded as Su Jin, nor is she as easy to laugh at life.

As someone who has clearly understood that the person she loves already belongs to her, she is equally grateful to Ning Weimin.

However, from the moment she found out that he fell in love with someone else, Qu Xiao never recovered from the emotional blow.

So after confirming that her mother was recovering from her illness and learning that Ning Weimin would soon return to China, Qu Xiao chose to flee far away in order not to see her again and for fear that he would visit her again.

She is a strong girl, and of course she does not want to take advantage of Ning Weimin in her personal career.

For this reason, after she returned to China, she not only turned down the role of special guest in the model competition that Ning Weimin had arranged for her, she was even unwilling to go on catwalks in Japan on behalf of the Ministry of Textiles and the Ministry of Light Industry, and she also terminated her relationship with the official

Performance contract.

As for the money Ning Weimin spent on treating his mother, Qu Xiao believed that he would have to pay it back no matter what.

This matter has always been on her mind.

After much deliberation, she finally came to the fashion center of the world - Paris, France to find a way out and join her best friend - Shi Kaili.

Needless to say, although her move was courageous and courageous, it was tantamount to personally obliterating the achievements she had made over the years and embarking on a difficult road with an uncertain future.

You know, her fame is limited to China and Japan. Once she leaves Asia, she is nothing. She has to work hard from scratch.

But the problem is that in the Western fashion circle, the living space for Asians is originally limited. You can imagine how difficult it is for her to achieve success here.

For this reason, many people in the domestic modeling circle think she is stupid and think she is unaware of her blessings.

There are even many people waiting to see her jokes.

I feel that she, the champion of the first model competition, worships foreigners and is unwilling to stay in Asia to develop her career and insists on entering the European fashion industry.

You will definitely end up with a bruised head and bloody head because you don't know your own capabilities and aim too high, and you will return home in embarrassment.

But in fact, the rumors spread by these people are all groundless suspicions.

Qu Xiao actually didn't think about what they cared about at all.

The reason why she ran away was just because her love was dead and she was neither willing to look for love nor wait for love anymore.

For her, since Ning Weimin already belongs to her, his kindness and care have become an unbearable burden for her.

He already loves someone else, so why should the two of them be entangled again? It would be better not to meet each other than not to meet.

Now that love is gone, what remains is life.

She does not seek a glorious future in her life, she only seeks a pure land where she can gain peace of mind and rest her emotional wounds.

If you can get the money to repay this emotional debt through labor, and make your parents live a richer and easier life, then there is nothing more you can ask for.


Outside the window of the airplane that had just climbed into the sky, the sky was dazzlingly blue, and the sun illuminated the clouds brilliantly.

But such beautiful scenery did not make Qu Xiao's mind brighten.

Instead, she leaned on her seat with a depressed mood, staring out the window in silence.

For no other reason than that, at this moment, all the images in her mind were of parting with her parents at home.

In the morning, her father helped her pack her luggage. Her mother, who was supposed to be lying in bed, supported her sick body and got up early to make her a sumptuous breakfast.

"Dad, Mom, I'm leaving."

After breakfast, she stood at the door with her head lowered and said, not wanting to fully reveal her reluctance.

"Yeah" Dad responded with red eyes.

She knew that her father did not dare to say anything. In the first few days, he tried to persuade her mother to stay because she was not recovered from her illness.

For this, I was severely scolded by my mother.

My mother thought she was lucky to be able to save her life.

It is right to make money as soon as possible and repay others' money. You cannot accept such a great favor from others in vain.

Besides, it is also her daughter's dream to go abroad and become a model. Her mother will not allow her father to use this as an excuse to hinder her.

But when it came time to really say goodbye, she turned around and was about to open the unit door.

Why didn't she expect that her mother couldn't help herself, cried "Wow" and hugged her from behind, reluctant to let go.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry for you. I'll write you a letter when you get there. If it doesn't work, just come back. Don't hold on. Don't hold on..."

The sound of my mother's sobbing in the morning, coupled with the buzzing tinnitus, filled the entire ear, affecting every nerve in Qu Xiao's body.

Suddenly she felt that her choice was wrong.

Just to cut off all contact with him and to pay off the money he paid for his mother’s medical treatment as soon as possible, would you like to leave your parents like this?

Don't travel far away when your parents are around. This is an ancient saying.

What's more, she is still an only child.

As they get older and their mother still has to recuperate, they will undoubtedly be lonelier and more helpless...

Thinking of this, her eyes began to shed tears again.


Why should I meet him?

Why do you want him to be so nice again?

Ning Weimin drew a circle for her. The starting point was full of light, but the end point was only the darkness of destruction.

It was he who brought her into the modeling industry and helped her parents get through their thoughts.

It was he who single-handedly won her the title of champion and brought her out of the country.

It was he who personally saved her from falling on the stage, which made her have beautiful fantasies about him.

But in the end, he personally gave her the cruel reality and completely wiped out the first love in her life.

She knew in her heart that she had to forget him no matter what, and she could no longer have any illusions about him.

However, the good things in the past were still vivid in her mind, making her unable to hate him and unable to forget him.

Hey, I can't do it, I can't do it!

He could never imagine how sad I had been for him.

Maybe we will meet again in ten or twenty years. By that time, they will be old and can truly let go...

This last thought made Qu Xiao couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Leaning on the back of the chair, her tears flowed out completely, truly and clearly again...


Fortunately, although family ties are heart-wrenching and love is difficult to control, the ever-changing friendship is enough to comfort Qu Xiao's broken heart.

When her international flight arrived at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, Qu Xiao's originally clear state of mind changed again.

Because of her best friend, Shi Kaili even gave up her high-paying job and came to pick her up at the airport in person.

At that time, she walked out of the cockpit fearfully and walked very slowly on the passage leading to the departure hall.

It wasn't that she didn't want to get out of the airport quickly, but she didn't know how to get there.

Although she understands English, this is France after all.

Everyone around her was speaking French, but she still felt unsure.

Fortunately, as soon as she picked up her luggage and walked out of the airport, a man suddenly jumped over and hugged her affectionately.

Qu Xiao, who was almost frightened, was stunned for a long time before she recognized Shi Kaili.

If nothing else, this girl has changed so much that she was completely stunned by Shi Kaili's fashionable and avant-garde dress.

It's summer now, and Shi Kaili is wearing a navel-baring short top with a yellow background and white flowers, paired with high-waisted denim pants.

The high heels under my feet wish they could be seven centimeters high.

She even cut her long hair short, making it look shorter than a man's, and put makeup on her face.

This kind of male-female dress is really eye-catching and is rare even in Japan.

"Why did you come here by yourself? Didn't you say you would let someone else pick me up?"

"I'm worried about you being a little white rabbit. Then I thought about it, Paris is in chaos, and I'm really afraid that you'll be kidnapped by bad guys."

"Am I that stupid? Hey, why are you dressed like this? I didn't even recognize you. I thought I met a gangster..."

"Haha, you mean I look like a man, right? This is androgynous style, brought by the Japanese model Zhou Tina. It is now fashionable in the European fashion industry. To put it bluntly, I am neither a man nor a woman, so I don't dare to return to China.

If my parents saw me like this, they would definitely scold me as a second-tailed son..."

"Don't talk nonsense. Where did you say that about yourself? Hey, if you say so, if I work, will I have to be like this..."

"You don't have to, how can everyone be exactly the same? The European fashion circle is the most individualistic, just keep your elegant and gentle nature. Besides, what kind of work do you do? Let's have fun first when we come.

Besides, I have already planned that I will not work for a week. I will take you around Paris for a few days and go shopping in the shops. Then I will take you to Nice and let’s go to the beach..."

"Ah? How can this be done? I'm here just to work, where can I go to play? To be honest, Shitou, you are so busy, I didn't expect you to pick me up in person today, so I can't waste your time any more.

Let's do this, you just need to help me contact me about my residence and job, and I don't have to worry about anything else. I'm very grateful to you, and I can't rely on you for everything. When I make money, I will definitely invite you to play."

"I expected you to say that. I really can't do anything about you." Shi Kaili sighed, and then hugged Qu Xiao hard.

"I'll settle for you when you're here. Don't be a stranger to me, let alone be like an old scalper, striving to be a model worker. You have to learn to enjoy life while you're young, not to mention that in a situation like yours, how can you be in a bad mood?

Maybe you can take good photos. Only when you are in a good mood can you be in a good state. Don't worry, don't worry about money. I'm here. What are you afraid of? What's mine is yours. You can live in my house. That's the apartment I bought.

Rent, and my clothes and jewelry, you can wear them as you like. As for work, you don’t have to worry about it. You will go wherever I go from now on. From now on, we will be one, and each of us will make half the money..."

"How can this be done? No, no, no, you are so at a loss..."

Qu smiled and was shocked, because Shi Kaili's words not only made her eat and drink for free, but also meant giving her her hard-earned money in vain.

You know, Shi Kaili has already made a name for herself here. Not only did she win the special award in the 6th International Model Competition, she also appeared on the cover of the British popular magazine "THE FACE".

Nowadays, as a leading figure of the young generation who is in the limelight among Asian models, she is quite popular with some brands.

Prices have already risen, and they are at a medium to high level.

A show costs 20,000 to 30,000 francs, which is five months' salary for an ordinary French person.

And it is impossible for a newcomer who has just arrived to get the same commission conditions as her. On the same day, he may not even be able to catch up to one-tenth of Shi Kaili's.

Even without the introduction of Shi Kaili, an acquaintance, I would not know where to open the door to the fashion industry, and there would be no job opportunities, so I would not be able to survive here.

Such a favor is too great, even sisters cannot do this.

But unexpectedly, Shi Kaili really didn't take this seriously.

He also gave her all his heart and soul, and had no reservations about her, and even gave her his connections for nothing.

"What's wrong? Who among us will follow the other? Don't be polite to me. Who told us that we don't have brothers and sisters? I have long regarded you as my biological sister. Be obedient, ah, let's go, get it

Grab your things and let's leave here first. I've prepared the reception banquet for you. First go to my place and call your home to make sure it's safe. After we've had enough shopping and fun, I'll take you with me in a few days.

Let’s go visit the pier. In the Paris fashion industry, in addition to Mr. Catton, we have to visit several designers and photographers who often use Asian models. We also have to contact them. Believe me, I have this guide.

With Lu Mingdeng here, everything will be fine for you. In a word, when you come here, all the ladies are covered..."

"Xiao Shi, I'm obviously older than you..." Qu smiled excitedly, his eye circles turning red again, it was self-evident what he meant.

However, Shi Kaili didn't feel proud at all. Instead, she straddled her arm affectionately and said very seriously.

"We are best friends, aren't we? We want to be good sisters for life, right? If we were in another situation, wouldn't you do this to me?"

Qu Xiao couldn't hold back her tears again, but this time it wasn't because of distress, but because of warmth.

Even in a foreign country, she found a sense of security.


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