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Chapter 114 Domestic Products

 After using liquefied petroleum gas, life suddenly became much more convenient.

However, this is only one of Ning Weimin's measures to improve his daily life.

Soon, he bought another thing for himself, and with the help of Zhang Shihui, he used a tricycle to pull it back and move it into his home.

The neighbors were equally shocked and their eyes widened.

It's just that this time, no one praised Ning Weimin. Almost all the feedback was negative.

what's up?

Because Ning Weimin bought a washing machine from a department store.

There is no doubt that this is the era when the home appliance industry is most enthusiastically pursued by the people.

For example, at the beginning of last year, a magazine called "Household Appliances" was published in Beijing.

In just over a year now, the circulation of this magazine has increased from 70,000 to 200,000.

This can completely prove that household appliances have become the economic focus of this period and touched the excitement of residents' lives. This is an undisputed and undeniable fact.

But we must also know that in order to occupy the market of the Republic, Japanese companies, with their army-like advertising, this craze swept over them all at once, and the speed was too fast.

For a long time, most Chinese people's idea of ​​a prosperous life has been to accumulate bicycles, watches, sewing machines, and radios.

Suddenly, I discovered that such new and good things appeared in my life. Of course I was delighted.

Everyone feels that their eyes have been opened and they have a better yearning for life.

But unfortunately, consumption levels are even more difficult to keep up with.

Therefore, facing the "new rich" who are more expensive than luxury goods in the past, most people have to make a careful comparison even if they want to save money to buy home appliances.

Needless to say, people’s first choice is definitely TV sets and radio cassette players.

As for washing machines and refrigerators, they are still far away from people's lives.

Many people think that these two things consume electricity and are expensive, and are resistant to them. Not many people are willing to buy these two things home.

If there is, then the motive is definitely not for use.

Mostly because they want to fully imitate the Western families in foreign TV series, they want to buy everything, just to show off for people to watch.

Washing machines, in particular, rank behind refrigerators in terms of purchase order listed according to the public value standard.

For no other reason than because the public value standard always follows the principle of whether it is replaceable and whether it can make up for the shortcomings that are urgently needed in life.

Of course, televisions and radio cassette players are irreplaceable, and spiritual enjoyment is what Chinese people who have just lifted the ban are most lacking, so they appear to be extremely cost-effective.

As for the refrigeration function of the refrigerator, it still needs artificial ice to replace it, and laundry can even be completed entirely by manpower.

These two things are not essential for poor families, and of course they are extremely cost-effective.

At the same time, this also reflects a cruel reality.

As a country where industry has just started and the economy has just recovered, our labor is not valuable.

If we look at it from a global perspective, compared to the Western world, today's republic is essentially a large rural area.

So our entire country has to go through the throes of scissors.

Although no one has ever stated it so clearly, and perhaps not many people are even consciously aware of it, this is the fact.

Then it is understandable why the neighbors made such comments about Ning Weimin's purchase of a washing machine.

Most people obviously think that Ning Weimin has become indolent and hates work, which is contrary to traditional virtues.

Not only did some people criticize him behind his back, but he also started to squander money and was a bad student. Compared with foreigners, he became a lavish and wasteful owner of money.

Aunt Bian even began to worry that he had become a bourgeois ideological criminal and would be completely corrupted.

In short, he could recall all the above-mentioned words, which gave his purchase of a washing machine a lot of extra spiritual meaning.

This is also a common problem in this era. People always like to associate everything with political ideology and moral standards.

Even Kang Shude was disgusted and thought the washing machine was flashy.

So after Aunt Bian came to the house for a "secret discussion", the old man couldn't help but get angry and reprimanded Ning Weimin under the instigation.

"You have money and nothing to do with it? Why don't you buy a washing machine? Who doesn't wash clothes by hand? Why do you want this thing..."

"Besides, it can't even be washed by hand, so you can just throw it in the machine and run it around, and it will be clean. It will also cost electricity and water, and it will make the neighbors gossip..."

"I'm telling you, this is a crooked idea from the little Japanese devil. He is trying to trick you young people. He has no good intentions. Can you please retreat?"

It should be said that Ning Weimin really didn't care about the comments behind his neighbors' backs, and he could even understand them.

After all, people are not on the same spiritual level.

Just like if you have tasted seafood, you will definitely know that the taste of boiled prawns is different from that of blanched radish in boiling water.

He knows the benefits of washing machines, but of course he can't talk to these families who have been dealing with washboard soap all year round.

Anyway, he didn't say it to his face, he couldn't hear what he wanted to do, so he just did what he wanted and that was it.

But it was different when faced with Kang Shude's questioning.

He had to explain the truth clearly, otherwise how could he survive this day?

There are only two of them in this family. If master and disciple cannot work together, it would be boring.

Besides, who is he doing it for? It feels unjust to be scolded for this matter.

No! If the reason is not clear, you must argue for it.

"No...Old man, why do you think the wind is like the rain? Whoever said this shouldn't you say this?"

"Other people's family is other people's family, and our family is our family, so how can it be the same? The biggest difference is that other people's families have women, but in our family, you and I are all men."

"Who does the washing and washing in our house? It's not me. Let's not talk about quilts and mattresses. I just change these clothes every week, and when I get to the rest day, it's all me.

I wash from about 8 a.m. to 2 or 3 p.m.”

"It's winter again. It's too painful to rub with a washboard. Once I wash it, my whole arm hurts, but my waist hurts. My hands can freeze into carrots. Now I'm afraid of my days off."

Not to mention, Ning Weimin's complaint made Kang Shude realize that his back hurts when he talks while standing.

The old man's face turned red, his tone immediately softened a lot, and he made a suggestion.

"This... that's true. Otherwise... from now on, let's wash each other's hands?"

But it was immediately rejected by Ning Weimin.

"Put me down. You don't feel sorry for me, but I feel sorry for you. In winter, soaking your hands in cold water is so cold that they can crack. Even a young man like me can't bear this crime. Can you bear it?"

"I'm also telling you that others think this thing is flashy, but in our house, this thing is more affordable than any electrical appliance."

"Yes, this thing may not be as good as human hands when it comes to washing clothes. No one can wash clothes vigorously, rub them so hard, and ruin the clothes."

"But then again, isn't this just a matter of spending money and suffering less. I would rather wash it twice more and buy more sets of clothes with money, rather than suffer this pain again."

Kang Shude pondered again, and his attitude wavered a little.

"What you said makes sense, but...but the electricity and water meters are all public. Over time, the electricity and water bills will be paid, and the neighbors..."

Ning Weimin couldn't help but smile.

"Old man, what's wrong with you? Isn't this just like when I was raising fish last year? At worst, I will pay for all the water and electricity bills in the future."

"I'm also telling you, actually, don't care too much about other people's opinions on this matter. Because to put it bluntly, we are just like the grandfather and grandson riding the donkey in the story. In the eyes of others, no matter what we do, everything is wrong.

No one can understand our embarrassment."

"As long as we don't hinder others, how can you possibly satisfy everyone? If we are all thinking about what others think, we can't live with it ourselves?"

"If I put my words here, sooner or later the neighbors will have to change their minds, just like the LPG thing."

The old man sighed at this time and finally expressed his last grudge.

"Then if you buy this thing, the money will be earned by the Japanese. I...I feel very unhappy. Let me tell you, I didn't even wear Japanese cloth in the past, but you...you actually let me use it.

Japanese washing machine?”

Ning Weimin never expected that Kang Shude would have the consciousness to boycott Japanese goods.

Perhaps this is the unique emotional persistence of people who experienced the Anti-Japanese War.

"Hey, it seems that you hate the little devils deeply. So, according to your wishes, I will give you a Japanese color TV set for free, and you won't watch it?"

The old man responded decisively.

"If you don't watch it, I can't control other people. I can still make my own decision. If I want to watch it, I'll just watch it made in China. The black and white ones are better than the Japanese color ones, and they're cheaper."

"Okay, I trust you. But you are really wrong. Because this is not a Japanese product, but our domestic product."


"If you don't believe me, come and take a look. This brand, Bailan brand 2 single-cylinder three-speed washing machine, is made in Beijing."

Ning Weimin pointed at the trademark of the washing machine and introduced it in detail proudly.

"And because no one recognized it, the retail price on the market has dropped from the original 298 yuan. I bought it for 232 yuan. The price in Japan is less than 500 yuan. You tell me, I

Shouldn’t it be considered as supporting domestic products? If we don’t buy it, won’t this factory suffer even more losses?”

At this time, Kang Shude finally solved the knot in his heart.

Even though I was surprised, I was also quite happy.

"Ouch, I didn't even notice. What? We produced this ourselves? It doesn't look any worse than Japanese stuff. The appearance and the spray paint are so beautiful, and it's so cheap? Well, not bad..."

Look, if you want to put it another way, your own child is good.

Once he heard that it was something from the capital, the old man's attitude completely changed.

Ning Weimin was even more excited now, and he lit a cigarette carelessly.

"How's it going? Are you feeling better too?"

"Let me tell you, let's be objective. When it comes to washing clothes, you are not as good as me, and I am not as good as a woman. It's just such a thing." "Let's spend some money to bid farewell to the era of hand-washing and move towards life."

Let’s take it to a new level.”

"Unless you get a wife back, I will admit that this washing machine is of no use to us..."

What does it mean to get carried away?

It was good at first, but this last sentence almost made Kang Shude angry.

So he slapped him in the face and gave the boy a crook in his neck.

And Ning Weimin was still smoking happily.

It was filmed while I was sucking it in.

Hey, let’s not talk about the pain, but it was followed by a good cough.

This kid had runny nose and tears, and he was all coughing.

In short, even though it's all subtleties, even though it's all subtle, the lives of the families in No. 2 Courtyard of Shan'er Hutong are indeed changing quietly little by little because of Ning Weimin...

This chapter has been completed!
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