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Chapter 1,155 Double Crown Champion

Soon, the ballots were distributed and it was finally the critical moment of voting.

Notary Dahe Danharu looked around the room and announced the start of voting.

"Please select a winner from among our ten candidates in a single or anonymous manner. The winner of the final selection will be the winner of the highest award first."

Needless to say, regardless of whether they are truly fair or intentionally cheating, all the judges have already decided on the candidates they want to vote for.

So some people wrote quickly without hesitation, while others slowly picked up the pen after thinking for a while. Everyone's expression was different.

Kaga Shinichiro watched helplessly as Mihara Masahashi leaned his fat body on the table, holding a pen and writing his name, and then his eyes turned around and glanced at himself.

After an unknown and tacit understanding of each other, Shinichiro Kaga also began to write and quickly folded the ballot paper into four.

At this moment, both the professional judges from the organizer and the public judges from the cultural circle have also written.

There was a sound of folding ballots in the silent conference room.

Dahe Danchun waited until everyone had finished writing, then began to ask people to pick up the ballot boxes to take back the ballots, and put the ballot boxes in front of him.

"Now, we will start counting the runoff votes immediately."

After he finished speaking seriously, he opened the ballot box in public and read out the first vote taken out.

"Akina Nakamori's "DESIRE"..."

The staff member facing the blackboard immediately wrote the first stroke of the word "正" under Zhongmori's name.

The judges from a TV station who supported Zhongsen were so excited that they blushed.

"SUPREME" by Seiko Matsuda..."

Matsuda's name also received a vote, so a few more people held their breath.

However, the rhythm of what happened next was completely chaotic, which was beyond many people's expectations.

"Teresa Deng's "The Current of Time"... Akina Nakamori's "DESIRE"... Theresa Deng's "The Current of Time"... "DESIRE" by Akina Nakamori... "DESIRE" by Akina Nakamori


As soon as Teresa's name appeared, the public judges gradually became excited as Dahe Danchun voted.

The professional judges, who were staring at the blackboard with their own concerns, also stared at each vote with anticipation and uneasiness.

It is quite amazing at this time. If anyone pays more attention to the faces of the judges, it is not difficult to guess which candidate they support.

"Hiroshi Itsuki's "Water Cup"... Teresa Deng's "The Current of Time"... "SUPREME" by Seiko Matsuda... Theresa Deng's "The Current of Time"... Akina Nakamori's

DESIRE》… Teresa Deng’s “The Current of Time”… Teresa Deng’s “The Current of Time”…”

At this moment, as the votes came out one after another, the popular contestants who were originally considered by everyone to be the most likely to win the prize did not have many votes.

And Teresa Teng's votes are like a dark horse that rides out of the darkness and rushes into the light.

Almost everyone at the scene gradually showed stunned expressions. It was clear at a glance that no one would have imagined such a result.

Even Dahe Danchun's voice revealed an unexpected sense of surprise, and the speed of counting votes seemed to speed up.

"DESIRE" by Akina Nakamori... "SUPREME" by Seiko Matsuda... "DESIRE" by Akina Nakamori... "DESIRE" by Teresa Deng "The Current of Time"... "The Current of Time" by Teresa Deng

"... Teresa Deng's "The Current of Time"..."

In the silence, the notary's loud voice echoed in the room.

On the blackboard, the strokes of the word "正" under Teresa Teng's name increased one by one like a storm.

Every stroke of my painting stirred up a breath of suffocating heat.

This singer from a foreign country quickly distanced himself from other Japanese singers and rushed to the first place in the voting.

Only Akina Nakamori, who had a certain first-mover advantage, could barely compete with them and didn't fall too far behind.

"Teresa Deng's "The Current of Time"... Akina Nakamori's "DESIRE"... Akina Nakamori's "DESIRE"... Teresa Deng's "The Current of Time"... Akina Nakamori's "DESIRE"

...Zhongmori's famous dish "DESIRE"... Zhongmori's famous dish "DESIRE"..."

As the sound of counting votes gradually accelerated, even people who didn't know it felt anxious.

At this time, some strange changes occurred. Teresa Teng's votes suddenly decreased, while Akina Nakamori's votes suddenly increased.

The votes of the two began to wax and wane, and they were very close to each other, while other people's names had completely disappeared.

If this trend continues, Zhongsen may catch up with the last few votes, and it is very likely that in the end it will only be a life-and-death fight between one vote.

Beads of sweat broke out on some people's foreheads.

Some people looked at the votes on the blackboard with subtle expressions, unable to guess who they supported.

But everyone's eyes were firmly attracted by this somewhat dramatic scene.

"Theresa's "The Current of Time"... Teresa's "The Current of Time"... Theresa's "The Current of Time". The invoicing is complete."

Three votes to win!

When the last ballot was cast, a huge bead of sweat dropped from Dahe Danchun's forehead.

The judges who belong to the Nakamori Famous Dishes camp, as well as the public members of Teresa Teng, were all sweating profusely. Only Masahiro Mihara and Shinichiro Kaga could remain calm and graceful as they watched the staff count the votes.

"Theresa has fifteen votes, Akina Nakamori has twelve votes, Seiko Matsuda has three votes, and Hiroshi Itsuki has one vote."

The moment Taiga Danharu announced the final results written in chalk on the blackboard, the judges who had been watching the blackboard with bated breath suddenly made a commotion.

In the chaos, those who supported Akina Nakamori looked particularly pale.

The cheeks of the public judges were flushed with joy, and they looked at each other excitedly, filled with unbelievable ecstasy.

As for Masahiro Mihara, who holds the key to victory in this election, his expression is embarrassing, as gloomy as if it is about to rain.

Kaga Shinichiro simply turned his face away indifferently, not bothering to look at the two of them who looked like they didn't expect it at all and were a bit resisting the outcome.

This is really a gaffe that should be made, and an act that should be acted.

However, according to the selection regulations of the Grand Prize, there is still a glimmer of hope. Notary Dahe Danchun spoke up at the right time.

"Judges, please be quiet for a moment. As a result of this voting, no one received more than half of the total votes cast. According to the historical regulations of the Grand Award Establishment Committee, if no one received more than half of the total votes when selecting the Supreme Award,

The judges will discuss the situation, and the two with the most votes can vote in the second runoff. Now the judges need to show their hands on site to vote whether the counting of votes needs to be restarted."

When Ohuchi finished his rapid-fire words, the judges who supported Nakamori Akina immediately raised their hands.

"Okay, I support this proposal and I hope to start the next voting process immediately."

However, Mihara Masahiro looked at him sharply, "No need, right? It's already embarrassing enough, can't you still afford to lose?"

Then, his slightly pale face looked around quietly at the many judges.

"I admit that this result surprised me. I personally think there is no need to vote again."

"Huh?" There were stunned voices among the judges. After all, most people still don't know his true face, and many people were shocked by his mysterious choice.

However, Mihara Masahiro was not affected at all, and instead seemed more and more sanctimonious.

"I said before today's vote that every move we make this year has attracted much attention, and I hope everyone will cast their votes carefully. I also believe that everyone has done so, so the current results are enough to explain everything.

To be fair, it is rare for the selected singer to receive such a number of votes as a foreign artist. It can be seen that his artistic achievements are well deserved. Even if the results of the next vote are reversed, I will be very happy.

It is difficult to overturn the current result. Who can say that there is no emotional reason, and the next vote will be objective and fair. On the contrary, the first vote result looks more credible, right? Even if I think so, the people and the news media will

What do you think? In other words, holding a second vote is selfless and selfish. Not to mention, there is a high probability that the current result will be maintained with an even greater disparity in votes. I might as well say this, if there are two Japans

I will definitely support a second vote for singers to compete, but now, doing so will only cause unnecessary misunderstandings among the media and the public. It will make the Grand Awards Development Committee look even more ugly. In comparison, what I care about more is not

The voting results are in, but the question is how to truly maintain the reputation and fair image of the Record Awards Committee. I hope everyone will understand my painstaking efforts."

No one can refute these words, and it can even be said that they deeply touched everyone's hearts.

The entire conference room fell into a state of silence again for a while.

Not to mention that the "Zhongsen faction" who supported the second election was speechless. The public judges reversed their original hostile attitude in one fell swoop and abandoned all doubts and distrust.

"As expected of Mr. Mihara, it's amazing...I now begin to believe that the Record Awards has a fair and just formulation committee. I also believe that the previous awards from such a committee are authentic and credible, and are based on professionalism."

From a personal perspective, we have never failed to live up to the trust of the people.”

Suddenly, the reporter from Shukan Bunshun who was the most criticized today couldn't help but speak out in public as a public judge.

The other public judges were also immersed in their sincerity and nodded quietly.

As a result, Mihara Masahiro's prestige soared again, making Shinichiro Kaga of the TV station almost vomit blood.

Although they were partners in cheating together, he never expected that this old fox could be so vicious and make things so seamless.

This guy is simply too wise and he can be said to have deceived everyone perfectly.

But even though he was full of jealousy and surprise, Kaga Shinichiro had no other choice.

At this time, I can only respond and become a vassal of Masahiro Mihara.

"I also support Mihara's opinion. Theresa Deng's songs cannot be faulted in terms of sales or artistic style. Now that this amazing result has appeared, it has fully demonstrated this point. Especially under the current special circumstances,

For the public, when listening to a song, it is inevitable to combine the singer's own circumstances. When thinking about reality, they are even more convinced that she has obtained such votes as a foreigner. In my opinion, rather than giving Japanese singers a chance to win,

Do not let foreign artists take away the crown of the Record Awards. Therefore, it has been questioned by the public. It is better to simply show the beauty of adults, which reflects the generosity and tolerance of our judge. Didn’t Mihara just say that in addition to artistic conscience, we must also

There is artistic talent. We respect this result, which is the greatest manifestation of artistic talent. Although many fans who support other singers will definitely be as shocked as we are, at least we have cleared the suspicion that the Record Awards has an inside story and is manipulated.

I think if everyone agrees with this, there is no need for us to waste time and energy on this link. Please express your opinion..."

Just like this, when things have reached this point, there is really no room for recovery.

Since the heads of the two organizers recognized each other in public, and because they stood on the moral high ground, they won the support of the public judges.

Who else would be so stubborn that they openly disobey orders and refuse to acknowledge it?

Do you want to be an enemy of your boss, all the judges, or even the media and the public?

The judges seemed to be awakened by Kaga Shinichiro's vain voice, and they all expressed their respect for the voting results.

Even if someone is unwilling, they know that they will be criticized by many voices in a few days, but at this time, they can only swallow all their dissatisfaction alive.

So Notary Taiga Danharu slowly stood up and loudly announced the official top result.

"Well, since everyone thinks that there is no need for a second round of voting, then based on the results of the runoff just now, the 28th All Japan Record Awards will be won by Teresa Deng's "Toki no Ryuu をまかせ"

"Won the highest award."

With this sound, an unprecedented record broke the history of Japanese music.

Teresa Teng not only won the highest music award in Japan as a foreigner!

Moreover, she was the first to start a career, and in the same year, she won the double crown of Limited Broadcasting and Record Awards!

Of course, this is probably the first time that the Chinese have dominated the results of the Record Awards winning election through financial manipulation.

But this great achievement does not need to be announced to the outside world. It should become a secret that no one will ever mention.

But then again, there are not many truly smart people who are idle.

An hour later, although all four awards were announced.

In addition to Teresa Teng winning the Grand Prize, the Album Grand Prize was won by Seiko Matsuda, the Best Artist was won by Akina Nakamori, and the Best Vocalist Award also fell to Saburo Kitajima.

But until the judges dispersed, no one noticed that the used ballots had been quietly sent to the office of Deputy Director Kaga Shinichiro by the staff, and were placed in categories by the deputy director.

on the table.

Next, after Kaga Shinichiro retreated, he began to personally count today's votes one by one.

Although it is a secret ballot, as long as there is handwriting for comparison, Shinichiro Kaga can know who each judge voted for.

It can be said that voting in this way means that he has no principle of confidentiality.

In addition to being able to guess the behind-the-scenes transactions and learn which judge was bribed by which economic company, he can use it in the future.

Moreover, he could also see who was the tightly controlled close confidant under Masahiro Mihara who voted for Teresa Teng this time.

Therefore, although this kind of investigation is wretched, it is really necessary.

As a result, it didn't take long before he couldn't help but get angry again and scolded Masahiro Mihara for being cunning and shameless, without any bottom line.

Because he suddenly discovered that this guy actually always kept one hand.

The fact is that in the first round of voting, Mihara Masahashi’s vote was not Teresa Deng’s vote at all, but “Hiroshi Itsuki’s “Wapa Cup””.

It turned out that he was the only one who voted for Hiroshi Itsuki.

Bastard! In order to be 100% safe, you would betray your partner? ()

This chapter has been completed!
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