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Chapter 1,162 Pick-up

Unlike Teresa Teng, who is currently on the cusp of the limelight, Keiko Matsumoto, a film actress, has never been associated with music awards. This year, she was not selected for the Red and White Song Festival.

After all, it has been on for two consecutive years, and the Red and White Song Club always selects its candidates based on popularity and social attention.

Like this year, although Matsumoto Keiko has solved the troubles of scandals, at the same time due to the reduction in the number of works and advertisements, a further decline in popularity is inevitable.

She has already jumped out of the public eye and is already showing signs of being a has-been actress.

Especially in today's bubble economy, the most indispensable thing in Japan's entertainment industry is popular new faces. This year, newcomers have emerged in large numbers, and major economic offices have new stars who have become famous.

Coupled with the fact that TV is overpowering movies and more and more celebrities are becoming more and more famous, and Shochiku Pictures is the representative, the decline of the big studio system is inevitable.

So it’s not surprising that Matsumoto Keiko didn’t receive an invitation from NHK TV station.

But even so, Matsumoto Keiko was in a good mood.

In addition to the fact that the plane was not grounded due to bad weather, I was able to return home on time to reunite with my parents.

It was also because the big-budget movie "Li Xianglan", which cost one billion yen and took more than half a year to shoot, was finally completed.

This work, which has gathered the hard work of many people, makes her confident in the quality of the film and looking forward to her career next year.

As long as the film is released and gets a good response, not just her, but many people's careers can get a revival.

But these are nothing compared to the progress of her career. What makes Matsumoto Keiko most happy is that her marriage with Ning Weimin has also turned around.

She was extremely fortunate to have bravely answered a multiple-choice question correctly at a critical crossroads in her life.

Fortunately, she visited Kang Shude today and successfully impressed the old man with her sincerity and courage, so that she could embark on her return trip without regrets.

This is the most rare thing.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the plane took off on time, headed from the Capital Airport towards Tokyo, and soared into the dark blue night sky.

She was not writing a poem, but Matsumoto Keiko felt like a poem in her heart. She was home, finally!

Driven by the idea of ​​returning, she felt the relief of being relieved of her burdens, imagined the scene of being reunited with her relatives, and the joy of meeting her lover again in Tokyo. She looked for happiness and beauty around herself.

She booked first class, with a comfortable seat, like a bed.

There were not many people in the first class cabin and it was very orderly.

There are only eight seats, but four flight attendants provide services.

Their dress code is standard, their language is standardized, their service is attentive, and their sincerity is touching.

The first-class seats look very comfortable. The dark brown color scheme is calm and the milky white semi-enclosed "suite" also makes the space look very spacious. The seats occupy the length of four windows, and the flight speed is quite fast.

Everything was fine, impeccable.

She was immersed in the good mood she had created for herself, looking dreamily at the clouds hidden in the darkness outside the window.

But my eyes were looking at the outside, but my mind was thinking about something else.

As the Chinese youth of later generations said, what I watch is not TV, what I watch is my mood...

More than three hours later, the plane landed at Tokyo's Narita Airport.

All the passengers got off the plane eagerly.

Many people looked down at their watches anxiously, eagerly grabbing their luggage and going through immigration formalities.

But this eagerness is also different.

Because most people are in a hurry to go home or are eager to find relatives to pick them up at the airport.

However, Keiko Matsumoto was not in a hurry. She didn't see any employees from the office coming to pick her up.

The first thing she did when she got her luggage was to call Ning Weimin through the paging station. She couldn't wait to talk to Ning Weimin and tell her the good news.

Unexpectedly, this matter went very smoothly. Within five minutes, the public phone that Keiko Matsumoto was guarding rang.

"Moxi Moxi, who is this?"

Keiko Matsumoto answered the phone, and Ning Weimin's voice came from the phone.

"Amin, it's me..."

Matsumoto Keiko's voice was a little trembling due to excitement. When Ning Weimin heard it, his first reaction was to worry about her health.

"Qingzi? What's wrong with your voice? You don't have a cold, do you?"

"No, I just got off the plane and am at Narita Airport. I miss you so much and can't wait to hear your voice."

"I'm so touched. It's been really hard work..."

Ning Weimin responded with a hint of ridicule, but he was more troubled by other issues, "But... why do you need to change your ticket? It wasn't originally a morning flight, but you said you could fly back at noon? Is there something wrong with the flight?


This question made Matsumoto Keiko really embarrassed, "It's not that I'm worrying you, but I have something I have to do, so I was delayed..."

"What is it? So important?"

Even before the words came to her lips, Matsumoto Keiko had already thought about it all the way.

But just because this matter was self-initiated and willful, it was somewhat difficult to talk about it. At the critical moment, she couldn't help but change the topic.

"We'll talk about this later. Am I bothering you by calling so late? Where are you celebrating the New Year?"

"No. I'm alone in Tokyo, and I don't have any relatives to accompany me. I have nothing to celebrate, so I have to work."

"It's so hard, so pitiful. When you say that, I can't help but think of you being sick during the New Year last year. Amin, are you okay now? Don't be exhausted again."

"I'm really sorry for making you worry. But please don't worry, I'm very healthy now. In fact, if I really want to celebrate, I should celebrate that you came back on time. It's been a whole night, and I didn't feel relieved until I received your page. I really

I'm worried that there will be another problem with the flight and you won't be able to get back in time."

"I'm so happy to hear you say that. Do you have time the day after tomorrow? If you can arrange a few days, we can go to Hakone to soak in hot springs together after we meet." Keiko Matsumoto extended the invitation.

"That's great. I like this idea. Let's go to Hakone together the day after tomorrow." Ning Weimin happily agreed. "By the way,

I have also prepared a special gift for you."

"What gift?" Hearing him speak so confidently, Matsumoto Keiko was curious.

However, Ning Weimin happened to whet her appetite.

"I can't say it now. I'll give it to you when we meet. I'm sure you will like it..."

Matsumoto Keiko was so anxious that she almost wanted to bite him, and she acted coquettishly, feeling aggrieved.

"It will take another two days. Amin, couldn't you tell me first?"

"It's not okay to tell you now. If I tell you, there will be no surprise when we meet. It's better to keep it secret for now and tell you when we meet."

It seems that Ning Weimin has made up his mind to let Matsumoto Keiko guess enough.

In this case, Matsumoto Keiko had no choice but to use her trump card and decided to exchange news for news.

"Amin, if you are willing to tell me, then I will also tell you good news. I guarantee you will be happy after hearing it."

"I do not believe……"

"Really, the reason why I changed my flight today is to do this. If I tell you what happened, I guarantee you will be happy too. My news is as good as your gift. Maybe even better...


This time the initiative was indeed switched. Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko switched positions, and he became the most curious person.

"Okay, you said that, then I agree."

"Then you say it first..."

"You should tell me first. What I am giving you is something you can see and touch, and I have bought it all. I will tell you no matter what."

In this case, Matsumoto Keiko no longer shied away, pondered for a moment, and finally told Ning Weimin that she went to see Kang Shude this morning.

"What? You...you mean...the old man you asked Third Brother to take you to see?...You went there by yourself? You asked him face to face why he disagreed with our matter?...What? Does the old man know Japanese?"

...No way...you are actually willing to sign a legal document to give up all your antiquities and give up your Japanese nationality?"

As Matsumoto Keiko narrated, Ning Weimin struggled to ask on the phone.

Everything was beyond his expectation. Even after racking his brains, he could not figure out this obvious fact in time.

"That's right." Matsumoto Keiko said. "I know it was a bit rash for me to do this. But luckily I went, otherwise I wouldn't have known that it was because of those ancient relics that the old man objected to us being together. Amin, you really should

If you had told me the inside story earlier, if I had known earlier, maybe the problem would have been solved long ago."

"But such conditions are really unfair to you. What should you do with your career? If this is the case, it would be too unfair for you..."

"Don't say such things. Compared with what you did for me in Tokyo, this is nothing. Career and other things are not so important if compared with love. I am a woman, and although Japan is my mother country,

But since I choose to get married, it is natural that I should naturalize my husband’s country. No matter what, I will never let you bear everything by yourself again. I will share the pressure with you, do you understand?"

Ning Weimin really didn't expect that Japanese women also have the consciousness of marrying a chicken and a dog, and they are so determined.

It's not an exaggeration to say he has a love brain, but it really moved him.

After thinking about it, I realized that this matter may not actually reach this point anyway. If this matter is taken slowly, there may be a turn for the better.

It may not really require Keiko Matsumoto to sacrifice her career herself.

"Then...then I, Uncle Kang, just agreed? Does he agree with your idea?"

In fact, this is the most important question. When Ning Weimin asked this, Matsumoto Keiko couldn't help but sigh softly.

"No, he didn't have a clear answer. He just said that we need some time and let us think about it carefully. He also thought about it carefully."

But then, she said very gently, "But when we broke up, the old man sent me out in person. He seemed very touched by your search for him in Tokyo. Please let me tell you, don't force it if you really can't."

.And the most important thing is, he didn’t say ‘Sayonala’ to me, he said to me ‘Yiwaiyilaxiayi’…”



Ning Weimin was not confused this time and immediately understood the subtext of Matsumoto Keiko's words.

Because in Japanese, "sayonala" simply means "goodbye", but "yiwaiyilaxiayi" does not.

This sentence is indeed a bit special. It is a Japanese exhortation to relatives who are away from home, and it means "waiting for your return."

This means that the old man's mentality has undergone subtle changes, and he is no longer indifferent to Matsumoto Keiko.

For a moment, Ning Weimin was in a daze while holding the microphone in his hand.

It wasn't until Keiko Matsumoto's voice kept calling him on the phone, "Amin, Amin, are you still there?" that he suddenly woke up.

But at this time, he was no longer in the mood to respond. He raised his hand and hung up the phone, ending the call simply.

Needless to say, after he hung up the phone like this, how could Matsumoto Keiko remain calm?

This Japanese beauty was so panicked that she had no idea what was going on with Ning Weimin.

I called "Moxi moxi" several times, but there was no response, so I quickly called the paging station again.

Fortunately, the panic and anxiety did not last long, because within a minute or two, a familiar figure appeared beside her.

"Don't misunderstand me, Qingzi. I will always be your full-time driver. I was talking to you just ten meters away from you. How could I not come on a special day like today?"

Where to pick you up at the airport? In fact, I saw you as soon as you walked out."

Ning Weimin stood next to Matsumoto Keiko, reached for the microphone in her hand and hung it up, while smiling at her and continuing to speak.

"Besides, I didn't hang up the phone because I wanted to break my promise, but because I wanted to bring you a gift with my own hands. You see, I bought you a little thing. As long as you open the box, you will understand what I mean."

As he spoke, he took out a small white box from his pocket with the "Cartier" logo on it.

Look at the size, it's just right for a ring.

Matsumoto Keiko had a clear premonition!

In an instant, the anxiety turned into flushed cheeks and excitement, and also into unstoppable tears!

That’s right! It’s the ring!

Two minutes later, a young policeman with a smooth face who had just joined the job slowly walked from the corner of the airport terminal. Narita Airport likes to use these young policemen to decorate the appearance of the airport.

Management thought it would make people feel better, at least visually.

However, the policeman had no idea that he would see a very special scene on such a special day.

In the deserted hall, a beautiful woman wearing a gorgeous fur coat and a diamond ring was leaning on a young man, crying uncontrollably.

Although the young man held her and tried his best to comfort her, her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

And because she is wearing a magic mirror, she doesn't know whether the woman is happy or sad.

The newly recruited police officer was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether he should be in charge or not.

But he soon figured out that with the power he represented, he was probably powerless to deal with such things.

So he pretended not to see it, hurriedly walked over by himself, and walked out of the terminal.

After breathing in the fresh air, he turned back and took another look through the door glass, feeling even more grateful that he was not minding his own business.

But to be honest, that woman is really beautiful, and it is inevitable to be a little jealous.

For this reason, the police couldn't help but look up at the stars, took a deep breath, and silently made a wish.

"The New Year is coming soon, and I really hope I can have a girlfriend! God, please give me a girlfriend who doesn't like to spend money and can afford it with my salary!" ()

This chapter has been completed!
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