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Chapter 1,174 Red Envelope

January 29, 1987 was the Chinese New Year.

So after meeting their future father-in-law and mother-in-law on January 25, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko should immediately start packing their luggage and get busy returning to the capital for the New Year.

However, Ning Weimin did not come to Japan alone. The Tan Palace Restaurant in Tokyo is already open for business.

All the Chinese employees at Tan Gong Restaurant have been working hard in Japan for a year for him.

It is also time for these people to return home and reunite with their loved ones.

Therefore, Ning Weimin could not take care of his own affairs for the time being. As a restaurant operator, he had to arrange the affairs of these employees first.

To this end, he made two arrangements in advance.

First, he decided that starting from January 26th, Tan Gong Restaurant would be closed for the holidays.

It will last until February 5th, a full ten days.

During this period, except for the security officer Zheng Qiang, the chef Yang Feng, and the restaurant Liu Jianxing, there are only a few key employees who need to stay on duty with the Japanese employees.

All other Huaxia employees will go home for the New Year and will not fly back until the eighth day of the Lunar New Year to resume work.

Then, these few left-behind Chinese workers will go home to reunite with their relatives.

Of course, it doesn't seem appropriate to just take a holiday like this and ask everyone to simply pack up and go back.

After all, everyone has worked hard for so long. As the "big brother", Ning Weimin has to deal with the subordinates who work hard for him.

At least there is a representation and an explanation.

Moreover, these left-behind employees are not just idle in Tokyo. In addition to taking inventory with local Japanese employees, they have to clean and remove cockroaches, repair and add some equipment.

On the night of New Year's Eve, a New Year's Eve dinner was prepared for Axia and her brothers who were unable to return to Hong Kong City.

In short, there are many tasks, and Ning Weimin also has to consider the mood of these people.

It's better than not letting people only give without getting anything in return, and always only focus on spiritual civilization and free dedication.

No matter how hot your heart is, it will cool down sooner or later.

So for this reason, Ning Weimin also made a decision to hold a year-end party for all employees at Tan Gong Restaurant on January 26.

He wanted to invite all the employees of Tan Gong Restaurant, including the Japanese couple who managed the staff dormitory.

Then he fulfilled his promise in public, contributed his own dividends, and gave extra year-end bonuses to Huaxia employees.

It's not that he has a noble style, but that the benefits are shared equally. This is the best way to maintain a team for a long time.

People who eat alone never get far!

What he hopes is not only to win people's hearts, but also to try to even out the gap in remuneration between Chinese employees and Japanese employees and boost morale.

It would be best to take this opportunity to allow Chinese and Japanese employees to deepen their understanding of each other and enhance their relationship.

So when it comes to this dinner party, the most special place, the place that shocked everyone the most and exuded endless attraction, was definitely not the table full of delicious food and wine.

First, Keiko Matsumoto attended as a Japanese shareholder.

This big star dressed up very brightly and looked stunning. He even came to attend the New Year's Eve party to express his condolences and thanks to the employees of Tan Gong Restaurant.

Moreover, she also appeared on stage as the host and was responsible for presiding over the entire New Year's Eve party.

The second is on a small table in front of the small stage in the restaurant. There are more than thirty thick and big red envelopes neatly arranged on the table.

Needless to say, these red envelopes will definitely attract the attention of all employees in China and Japan.

The Japanese don't know what's inside, so they just keep guessing.

The Huaxia employees are on the same page and it’s self-evident.

Everyone was smiling and wondering how much money was inside.

When everyone arrived and the dinner began, the first step was for Matsumoto Keiko and Ning Weimin to announce this year's operating performance of Tan Palace Restaurant to Chinese and Japanese employees in Japanese and Chinese respectively.

This year, although the Danmiya branch in Ginza, Tokyo was only open for less than eight months from the day it opened on April 18, 1986, to December 31, 1986, its total sales exceeded

One billion yen.

Especially in the last month of last year, because we received a lot of large orders for the New Year's Eve party, we achieved a turnover of 350 million yen in a single month.

Therefore, a net profit margin of 40% was achieved throughout the year, and an after-tax net profit of 450 million yen was achieved.

When converted into U.S. dollars, it is more than three million, which is equivalent to more than 20 million yuan in RMB.

In this way, not only the entire investment cost was recovered that year.

Moreover, Ning Weimin also doubled the 2 million yuan he originally brought over for several investors from Tan Palace by ten times.

Although it took advantage of the appreciation of the yen, at least half of the profits were earned from the appreciation of the yen.

What's more, there is also the real estate purchased by Ning Weimin personally in Ginza as a backing.

But this number sounds absolutely shocking!

To put it bluntly, it is not like the profits obtained from legitimate business.

In particular, few of these employees have knowledge in finance and accounting. From their point of view, they think that Ning Weimin has simply created a business miracle, which is extremely remarkable.

So not only the Chinese employees stood up and applauded collectively, but the Japanese employees also stood up and responded.

As a nation that likes to downplay the weak and admire the strong, they are also amazed by such business capabilities. They should not only sigh at this exaggerated number.

It can be said that the scene of the New Year's Eve party was full of joy.

Based on this set of data, no one from all employees, from top to bottom, will doubt that this restaurant will be even better in the future and has a bright future.

As a result, there was no need to warm up at all, and the atmosphere reached a climax in no time.

Even Keiko Matsumoto looked at Ning Weimin with excitement and admiration.

You know, she had never inquired about Ning Weimin's business operations, but she was shocked by the specific figures today.

She had always been a fan of girls, and now she couldn't help herself. She felt that her lover was really an amazing genius.

Otherwise, invisible pretense is the most deadly.

Finally, after everyone gradually regained their composure and sat down one after another, Ning Weimin began to report his private accounts.

Based on the original promises made by shareholders, he could get 22.5 million yen in 5% dividend.

Today, he wants to fulfill his promise to his compatriots and use 20 million yen to share it with the Chinese compatriots who worked side by side with him and worked hard together for a year.

After saying these words, the scene was shaken with thunder.

Needless to say, everyone who had just sat down stood up again, more excited than before.

All the Huaxia employees couldn't help but applaud and cheer, almost tearing down the roof.

Nothing else, their Mr. Ning is too generous!

First, no one expected that there would be so much money to divide!

Second, no one expected that Ning Weimin didn’t keep any of this astronomical sum of money for himself, and almost 90% of it was distributed to everyone!

What kind of leadership is this?

Never mind that I have seen it, I have never even heard of it.

If everyone feels this way, it means they are with the right person.

It seems that I have to meet the Ming Dynasty, a leader like Chao Gai or Dou Erdun.

Soon it was time to actually develop the red envelopes. People came up to the stage to receive money after hearing their names. When they came down and received the heavy red envelopes, they were even more satisfied.

There is no doubt that what everyone is more concerned about is how much money they can get - say one thousand to ten thousand, the last word is the money they get.

In fact, several team leaders can get 600,000 yen, and ordinary employees can get 500,000 yen.

On this trip together with Ning Weimin, each of us made at least 30,000 yuan, and we will have no worries for the rest of our lives.

Who can not be excited by such a simple and crude myth of "creating wealth"?

This is no longer true to the saying, my parents are the ones who gave birth to me, and Ning is the one who makes me rich!

To put it bluntly, it's just like the line in the skit played by Pace. "I, Wang Laowu, have never seen so much money..."

No one could look at ease after receiving the dividends, everyone was so happy that they couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear.

Yang Feng, Jiang Dachun, Xu Chunyan, Xiao Cha, and Dai Hong, the five team leaders of the kitchen, were all high-fiving each other.

This is the way they learned from Maxim's French cooks to express excitement.

It's the same even as a foreign aid.

For example, Master Wu from Emei Hotel, although he tried hard to control his excitement and smiled lightly on the surface, his calloused hands were trembling a bit.

Not for anything else, just because he got the most money.

There is actually 1.5 million yen!

This huge sum of money, which is equivalent to ten thousand US dollars, is enough to ensure that his family will completely turn from poverty to wealth, and everyone will live an enviable and wealthy life.

But he was also a little confused, because Master Liu, who was also a source of foreign aid, how come the red envelope was half less than his?

No matter how conceited he is, he won't think that he really has to get double.

Unexpectedly, before he could ask, Ning Weimin took the initiative to tell him the reason, and actually said this.

"Master Wu, you are different from Master Liu. When you go back to rest, you have to go to Chengde. I promised you there, but I can't let you suffer, right? There is no extra money there, so I stay with them

I will make up for it in advance for half a year. After half a year, if you are willing to come to Japan again, we will stir up troubles together. I guarantee that everything will be better than this year. But one thing, you must not tell outsiders about this.

, otherwise once they know that our rules are like this, it will be difficult for them to do it. Especially if it spreads down below, it will cause the soldiers to lose morale, which will have the opposite effect. To tell you the truth, even on my side, I will not go back.

So that everyone can speak frankly, I have to tell them to be strict with their mouths. If anyone asks, just say that it was given by the Japanese shareholders, otherwise all the domestic branches will be in trouble..."

Look, how benevolent and righteous, all aspects have been thought of.

This is because he knows that he is at a disadvantage and is not seeking fame or gain, yet he insists on seeking welfare for everyone.

How come such a good person exists? It’s so dreamy.

If you can encounter all these things, what is this but luck?

There is really smoke rising from the grave of my ancestors!

Chef Wu was really excited and admired him sincerely, but he couldn't show it, as that would be beneath the dignity of a chef.

So you need to work hard to exercise restraint and maintain your manners.

In the end, he just held Ning Weimin's hand and said solemnly, "Manager Ning, don't worry, I will definitely come to Japan to work with you in half a year."

These words are definitely a sincere statement and a true expression of true feelings.

I just accidentally realized that this old man was a little too strong.

As a result, when he let go, Ning Weimin's hands turned red and he was almost "touched" to tears by his promise.

Master Liu, the source of the material, does not have the emotional burden of Master Wu. The old man has to go back to Tokyo to continue working during the holidays.

So after getting 800,000 yen, he just laughed and chatted excitedly with Master Wu.

By the way, I guess once the peers and colleagues in their respective units know about this kind of thing.

What would the expressions of those old guys be like? Would they be envious of them? Or would they firmly not believe it?

As for the two musicians, they were a handsome master who had no time to pay attention to what others thought. Their own minds were almost in a mess.

Because they really didn’t expect that even they would be involved.

Logically speaking, Ning Weimin is willing to pay the Chinese employees of Tan Palace with his own money. This is his own business.

From what point of view, it has nothing to do with them.

They are not even regular workers. Their role in the restaurant is just the icing on the cake, not indispensable. They were originally only envied.

But Ning Weimin actually didn't forget them and gave a few of them a share.

This made the three of them laugh from ear to ear and even their eyes were filled with laughter.

This is a huge asset that they have never even dared to think about.

If this money is brought back to the country, everyone will think that it is enough to last them a lifetime!

When they joined Ning Weimin's team, they just wanted to have a chance to go abroad. Now, if they weren't careful, they all became rich.

Especially how old they are, they are all young people who have just left school.

At this moment, the two musician girls couldn't help jumping up and down and cheered, as if they had suddenly become five or six years younger.

Even the noodle maker couldn't believe it and kept asking others about the Japanese yen exchange rate, fearing that he might have made a mistake.

When it was confirmed that it was correct, the mask maker couldn't restrain himself anymore.

He was so happy that he immediately hugged the man who told him that he had indeed made a fortune.

However, this is nothing. In the end, there were two Japanese people who participated in sharing the joy brought by this windfall.

It was the administrator and his wife who were hired by Ning Weimin to manage the staff dormitories.

Originally, he only hired the husband of the couple, named Keiji Ito.

This person used to be a small supermarket owner, but he went bankrupt due to poor management.

Although the retirement age is enough, the pension received is not enough to pay off debts, so I can only rely on working to maintain my life.

But later, Ning Weimin discovered that the workload was so heavy that he couldn't handle it alone.

After all, he was an old man, so Ning Weimin wanted to hire one more person to share the burden.

However, Keiji Ito proactively recommended his wife Miwa Ito to help.

Because of the gender gap and the couple's desire to work together, Miwa Ito's salary requirements are not high.

One-third less than men’s salary.

It was naturally a good deal for Ning Weimin, so he agreed.

Unexpectedly, these two people are really dedicated to their work. Not only are they particularly responsible for cleaning, they are never lazy.

The key is that he is also very kind to the Huaxia employees, and occasionally cooks some home-cooked dishes for these Huaxia employees to taste.

For this reason, in the minds of the Chinese employees living in the dormitory, this couple is not only very popular, but also has good cooking skills.

Especially Miwa Ito's mixed spinach has a delicious taste similar to home cooking, and everyone likes it very much.

So when the Spring Festival came, Ning Weimin considered the importance of logistics, and in order to thank and encourage the Ito couple, he also sent an invitation to the two couples to participate in the New Year's Eve party.

And we also gave them red envelopes.

It is conceivable that the old couple must be happy.

They are all bankrupt and in debt. This money can at least allow them to live comfortably for a few days.

Even using it to pay off debts can relieve a lot of mental stress.

So when they received this money, the reaction of the Ito couple was even worse than that of these Chinese employees.

The couple held Ning Weimin's hand and bowed deeply. His wife, Miwa Ito, actually shed tears.

They expressed their gratitude and said that Ning Weimin's money could help them pay off some debts and preserve their last bit of dignity.

On the contrary, Ning Weimin was still a little sad on his happy day, and he comforted him repeatedly.

However, it was also because of this that this move also touched those Japanese employees.

To be honest, this part of paying money has little to do with the personal interests of Japanese employees, so they actually don't care.

I'm not envious or jealous.

After all, the income of Huaxia employees is too small compared to theirs. They only get such a red envelope during the Spring Festival, so how can it compare with their twice-a-year bonuses?

Applause and so on are, of course, superficial acts of politeness because he is carrying Ning Weimin's job.

On the contrary, there are some filthy philistine people who still feel a little contempt and ridicule in their hearts.

What I despise is that the Chinese people have too low requirements and are so happy with a little money.

What you are laughing at is Ning Weimin, an idiot. How can there be such a fool who uses his own dividends to supplement others?

But the administrator and his wife are Japanese after all.

As the saying goes, when a rabbit dies and a fox grieves, something harms its own kind.

The Ito couple's heartfelt gratitude and Ning Weimin's equal treatment touched many Japanese employees.

Perhaps it reminded them of their parents, or perhaps it reminded them of the day when they would not be able to survive. Such kind deeds and benevolence without any profit purpose also moved them.

From this moment on, their applause became more sincere. ()

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