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Chapter 1,183 It smells so good

Zhang Dashao had known that Ning Weimin would be back today.

Because Kang Shude told him the news several days in advance.

Moreover, Kang Shude also cordially invited him, saying that on New Year's Eve, he hoped he would come and see his garden. By the way, the young and old would gather together, sit down and drink a few cups together, and everyone would be lively and lively.

So don't think Zhang Dashao is a man who pays attention to old etiquette.

He made sure to spend New Year's Eve only at his own home, where he had to kowtow to his ancestors and make offerings.

But during the day, he was still willing to show off to Kang Shude and come to the garden here to have a drink and chat with the master and apprentice, old and young, and join in the fun.

That's right, Zhang Dashao is quite arrogant and colorful, and he doesn't show disdain to most people.

But then again, this also applies to people, right?

He doesn't do this to those he likes and has the ability to do.

Kang Shude, that's a good match to start a business with.

Being almost the same age and having similar life experiences, they have the same views on many things.

As I get older, it’s rare to have such a trustworthy friend.

Ning Weimin, that could be regarded as his lifelong friend.

What's more, this guy did a great job in Japan and earned a lot of foreign exchange from the Japanese. He lived up to his help and advice.

Zhang Dashao was also quite pleased and proud of this.

He really wanted to see Ning Weimin and ask him personally how this kid was doing so much in Japan.

In addition, the Palace Food Culture Research Association funded by Ning Weimin is also a serious matter.

In the past six months, the person who picked him up and dropped him off there had taken Zhang Dashao to several symposiums and filmed several interviews with him dictating the organization of the imperial kitchen.

The second key to treating him as a guest is to really brainstorm ideas.

He got together with those cultural figures, historians, and the last kings and grandsons, and compiled a lot of information on famous dishes that not many people have heard of today because of the high requirements for technology and raw materials.

Zhang Dashao himself also wanted to have a good chat with Ning Weimin about the cooking methods of these dishes, listen to his suggestions, and see if they can still meet the needs of today's society, or whether there are possibilities for improvement.

Needless to say, since everyone from Zhang Dashao is here, even if Kang Shude has made it clear that he is not required to cook, he should have a good rest for two days and eat ready-made food when he comes. Of course, this famous chef also

It's impossible to be idle.

He must be busy in the kitchen and show off his skills to everyone.

In addition, Kang Shude had prepared a lot of ready-made New Year dishes for the New Year, so the meal at noon that day had actually been prepared long ago and was waiting for Ning Weimin to come back.

Whenever you want to eat, you can have a seat at any time.

No, when Ning Weimin and his American "cousin" talked about the restaurant, Kang Shude immediately remembered this problem.

The old man quickly asked everyone to move.

"Hey, it's already dinner time, why are we still chatting here? Come on, since everyone is here, how about we go to the dining room now and chat while eating?"

In this way, at the initiative of the old man, everyone became happy, left the north room, and went to the flower hall of the east room together.

There is no doubt that for everyone, today's lunch meal is very grand.

It's the Chinese New Year after all.

There are so many people, young and old, gathered together in a lively manner. The scene itself is very happy.

Especially eating in such a large garden is a unique first time for most people.

You must know that this is a half-acre garden comparable to Prince Gong's Mansion and Wanyan's family. It is a private residence built by the richest man in the capital for himself.

If this is not a mansion, then I am afraid that the standard of a mansion can only be on par with the Forbidden City.

Let alone Luo Guangliang, Xiao Tao and Mi Xiaohui, who were born in ordinary families, these children will never have such an experience.

Even Zhang Dashao, a famous chef, the son raised by an old lady in the United States, and Japanese stars like Keiko Matsumoto have never been seen before.

Everything in this garden makes everyone feel as if they are in ancient times or walking into a story.

Involuntarily, I can't help but think of words describing the luxurious mansion, such as "The Marquis's eyes were as deep as the sea" or "Singing and singing returned to the courtyard, and the lights came down from the balcony".

How can you not be excited?

Of course, for Kang Shude and Miss Jiang Si, it is even more special.

Because they grew up here and separated here, almost all the memories of their youth are condensed here.

Today, two people can meet again after many years and sit here together again.

To them, this matter was like a dream, something that was simply unimaginable.

Their respective moods were overwhelming, with a mixture of emotions and countless things to say.

Just when they met, they had already cried a lot.

No matter what happens at this time, you have to hold back in front of the younger generation and hide your excitement in your heart, otherwise it will be degrading.

And in addition, Ning Weimin is also back, bringing his Japanese celebrity fiancée with him.

To be honest, not only the young people looked at them and laughed, but they also had something to say and didn't know how to ask.

Even the older people looked at the young couple happily and secretly thought about what to say to them.

But then again, although the food is ready-made and basically prepared, it still has to be put on the table after all.

If you want to really sit down and talk properly, it's not the right time yet.

So the older generation and the younger generation divided their work.

Kang Shude personally came to arrange for several important guests to be seated.

Because it is a round table, there is no absolute chairman.

He took the middle as the dividing line, and he himself accompanied Zhang Dashao on the left, while Miss Jiang Si and her son sat on the right.

Ning Weimin was responsible for leading the juniors to serve various dishes one by one, and was very busy.

But speaking of it, the one who attracted the most attention at this moment was Matsumoto Keiko.

Because she is a guest from afar, these tasks of serving soup and pouring water should not be her job, not to mention she is a big star.

At least in everyone's mind, her status is unusual, and no one should be busy with her.

But she didn't take it seriously and took the initiative to help. The key is that she did a very good job.

The food was served to the table without any rush, but very efficiently.

Moreover, her manners are elegant and her manners are dignified, which is reminiscent of the pictures of ancient ladies, and also gives people a very beautiful feeling.

It can be said that these young people who are busy serving food should set an example to follow.

This scene couldn't help but make the old people here nod secretly.

At first she looked like a pretty young lady with no fingers on her face.

But I didn’t expect that in addition to being able to go to the hall, I could also go to the kitchen.

For this reason, everyone felt that Ning Weimin was lucky to have found such a girl without any choice.

Even Kang Shude, who had not formally agreed to their marriage, saw this scene, his eyes showed a kind light that represented appreciation and recognition.

To say that there are really many people and strength, it doesn't take much time. Not to mention that the round table is laid out with a dazzling array of dishes, and even the drinks are filled by everyone.

At this time, all the juniors who were working did not make any noise. Instead, they acted like good children after sitting down and waited for instructions from the elders with a wink.

This scene looked extremely interesting, as if they were all young children waiting eagerly to hear stories told to them by their elders.

Kang Shude and Zhang Dashao had to give way several times, and finally it was Kang Shude who made the opening remarks.

After looking around at everyone present, Kang Shude spoke, "Everyone knows that Master Zhang and I are both lonely. Originally we could only celebrate the New Year alone, but today we are lucky enough to have a crowd of friends. This is great. And it's also a coincidence. Thank you.

Thanks to everyone's blessing, I can meet my old friends again today. This is a great event that I am overjoyed to have fulfilled my wish. There are no words that can properly express my mood at this moment, so I won't say more.

It’s all in this glass of wine. In short, it’s our face and our destiny that so many people can spend this New Year’s Eve with us brothers this year. I will use this thin glass of wine here, thank you all


At this point, of course, everyone stood up to greet me, clinked their glasses together, and cheered.

In this way, everyone said auspicious words for every new year and festival, and it was really lively.

But as soon as the toasts were over, Xiao Tao couldn't resist his desire to show off and started teasing.

"Old man, please don't be polite. No matter what you thank, you should all deserve it. In fact, being able to accompany you is also our blessing. Otherwise, how could we eat in such a good place? Look at this big table

Wine and food, doesn’t that take advantage of a rich man like you?”

This kid is really not afraid of making a fool of himself. He made everyone laugh with just a few words.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he finished speaking, Kang Shude would refute him again.

"No, no, why don't you tell me that you are stupid? This is such a good wine and good food. You shouldn't thank me if you want to thank me. Although I am the one who is hosting the guests, I haven't prepared anything. I just bought some capital.

Every household has New Year dishes, nothing special. Master Zhang came here early in the morning and has been busy in the kitchen. So everyone must know that the main dish that really makes the scene today is all made by Master Zhang. Nothing else.

He said that the duck in the big casserole is a famous dish that has almost disappeared because the cooking techniques are too demanding. If it weren’t for Master Zhang, none of us would be able to eat it. Let’s all thank Master Zhang together.”

He even said specifically to Miss Jiang Si, "Although you have eaten all over the capital in the past, there are really no chefs you have ever tasted that can compare to me, my old brother. Today, you will be washed away by the dishes he cooked.

They complement each other. One of you is good at eating and the other is good at cooking. This is also a great meeting. Believe me, as long as you have eaten his food, I am afraid that it will be tasteless if you eat other people's food."

As soon as these words came out, the fourth lady's eyes immediately lit up with anticipation, and she said straight away, "That's great. I'm in the United States. It's rare for me to eat home-cooked meals that don't taste out of the ordinary, let alone famous chefs."

.Looks like it’s good to come back. There are still hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the capital, otherwise there would be no famous chef like Master Zhang nearby. Master Zhang, thank you, I have to toast you..."

After saying this, everyone's next glass of wine was naturally given to Zhang Dashao.

Perhaps I was caught off guard by this sudden compliment.

Zhang Dashao hurriedly raised his glass to socialize, but he drank a little too quickly.

Finally, he put down the wine glass and coughed twice, and his face started to turn red.

After the toast, everyone naturally moved their chopsticks and tasted the "Duck with Chai Bang" made by Zhang Dashao.

Speaking of this dish, it is really not that easy to make. The production process is extremely complex and time-consuming. It takes two days to make a duck.

It can be said to be a wonderful work among the palace duck delicacies.

Zhang Dashao went to the market to buy the raw materials himself, and had to choose Zhongfei Jingcheng White Duck.

Mushrooms were also picked by him at his own exclusive place.

After slaughtering and drying, chop off the legs and feet, marinate with seasonings overnight, take them out of the small vat, and steam them for half a day.

First steam the duck, remove the bones and leave the meat, cut it into long strips, cut the ham, winter bamboo shoots, and winter mushrooms into long strips of the same size. Soak the kelp shreds in warm water until soft and wash them.

Tie one piece with moss and kelp silk, and put the tied "firewood handle" into the stew pot.

Add the pre-stewed and filtered duck soup and stew it. The stewed soup will be amber, light yellow and clear.

This dish is shaped like a bundle of firewood, hence the name "Chaibao Duck". However, due to the complicated craftsmanship, few people know how to make it anymore.

Even Zhang Dashao only uses the traditional steaming method. At the end, the soup needs to be decanted, and the flavor is enhanced by pouring the bright gravy drawn with chicken fat at the end.

And the method he used to make this dish today is steaming and stewing, so the soup is drinkable.

This technique was taught by the last emperor Fu Jie at the Palace Food Culture Research Association.

Later, through a retired cultural and historical expert from the Forbidden City, I checked the food menu of the Jiaqing Dynasty. After several comparisons, I finally confirmed that this practice still existed.

But trouble is trouble, but the effort is definitely not in vain.

In addition to the strong duck flavor, the Chaibang Duck soup produced in this way also has the fresh fragrance of mushrooms, the mellowness of ham, and the addition of winter bamboo shoots brings a touch of refreshment.

After drinking the soup, slowly chew the shredded duck "Chaibao", which is salty, fresh, soft and crispy. Several ingredients with different flavors and textures collide, blend and transform in the mouth, forming a unique taste landscape, which is very interesting.

It is much better in taste and fun than purely steamed chai duck.

In fact, after everyone tasted it, they were full of praise.

Xiao Tao was so fragrant that he couldn't even think of anything to say.

I finished one bowl quickly and scooped up another. I couldn't stop eating it, and it looked like I could swallow it all if I wasn't paying attention.

Miss Jiang Si is well-informed, and after tasting this dish, she couldn't help but be in a daze.

After a while, I finally finished tasting it and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Smells! It smells so good! It's a rare dish that can be made with such a simple and long-lasting taste. It is indeed the work of a famous artist." ()

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