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Chapter 1,198 Complementarity

After all, Jiang Nianyun is a wealthy eldest lady from a noble family.

The knowledge and knowledge she displayed casually, her interpretation of the world, and her attitude towards dealing with others were simply different from others.

Ning Weimin really felt that he was a great blessing to be able to recognize such a family member.

Of course, this does not mean that after meeting Jiang Nianyun, he no longer respected and admired his master.

It was because he understood that the knowledge and wisdom of the two elders around him were somewhat different.

Kangshu De is more about the wisdom gained from the market, and the knowledge is practical and down-to-earth.

However, the old man’s knowledge of the real upper-class codes of conduct and ways of thinking is relatively limited.

Therefore, we are sometimes unable to provide much help and answers to some of Ning Weimin's needs and questions.

Not so with Jiang Nianyun, she was born into a noble family.

Almost all the people she has come into contact with in her life are from the upper class, and her magnanimity and knowledge are naturally far beyond ordinary people.

Especially since her father is a doctor who studied abroad, she has been familiar with Western culture since she was a child.

Therefore, the perspective of looking at problems is not shackles of local culture, and can often break out of the secular framework.

What Kang Shude was unfamiliar with was precisely what Jiang Nianyun knew best.

Therefore, for Ning Weimin, Jiang Nianyun's appearance provided him with another source of knowledge that he originally lacked.

We can never say that between two elders, one is better than the other.

Rather, it should be said that these two elders complement each other exactly.

This greatly benefited Ning Weimin, and he was able to break through the limitations of knowledge acquisition channels and levels.

Just like the marriage between him and Qingzi was successfully resolved in a smooth and silent way thanks to Jiang Nianyun, and he gained Kang Shude's acquiescence by smooth sailing.

Ning Weimin absolutely believed that with such an aunt beside him to ask questions in the future, he would be able to deal with more troublesome problems more calmly and walk a more steady path.

Naturally, I felt infinite gratitude and admiration for Jiang Nianyun, and I wanted to get close to her from the bottom of my heart.

In addition, it must be said that the reverse is actually the same.

Young people like Ning Weimin who are good-looking, sweet-tongued, and smart and discerning are inherently lovable.

But he was also respectful, considerate, considerate and polite.

Capable, empathetic, not stingy, and fond of humor.

He has neither the inferiority and vulgarity of a common man nor the arrogance and arrogance of a child from an aristocratic family.

Even if he is a philistine and makes some calculations, he is still so upright, fresh and refined, and not offensive at all.

Getting along with him is like a lottery, and unexpected surprises will appear from time to time.

Therefore, although the contact time was not long, Jiang Nianyun quickly recognized Ning Weimin from the bottom of his heart and felt relieved that Kang Shude had accepted such a good disciple.

Naturally, he liked Ning Weimin as his nephew and took care of him.

Even Shen Cun, because of Ning Weimin's outstanding performance, took a high look at him and did not dare to underestimate him.

Because a person as smart and well-rounded as him is rare in the capital, let alone in the United States.

Although it was rare to see his mother show such an obvious preference for an outsider he had just met, Shen Cun was inevitably a little jealous in his heart.

But they also unconsciously develop a yearning for and a desire to learn from Ning Weimin's super social skills and impressive eloquence.

No, Ning Weimin's sudden visit that night actually brought another big surprise to Jiang Nianyun and Shen Cun.

The value is much greater than the several paintings copied by famous artists that Jiang Nianyun gave him.

Although at the beginning, Jiang Nianyun and Shen Cun were not able to realize this quickly.

The mother and son were even startled at the time, and felt a little unfounded worry for Ning Weimin.

However, this does not prevent misunderstandings from being clarified through Ning Weimin’s patient and detailed explanation.

They finally figured out what a rare investment opportunity this was.

"You kid, how dare you be so brave! How dare you agree to such a big thing? You actually have to spend five million to buy so many restaurants in one go. I'm not telling you, you are too adventurous! You should.

Just think about it more..."

Jiang Nianyun couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing Ning Weimin roughly describe how he went to Song Huagui's house today to communicate with Zou Guodong about the fast food chain store and find out what size of deal he wanted to make.

To be honest, what surprised her was not the amount of money involved in the transaction.

Even if you have to take money to continue filling it in later, that's still second best.

The key is that she didn't expect that Ning Weimin would actually make a deal with the company he still worked for, and make such a hasty decision.

No matter how you look at it, this is a taboo for businesses, and I'm afraid it will cause countless troubles.

However, Ning Weimin didn't care and gave her such a reply.

"Hey, to tell you the truth, I was the one who promoted this fast food chain business. I know everything about it. I really have nothing to hesitate about."

Jiang Nianyun couldn't help but feel angry after hearing this. She smiled bitterly, as if she didn't recognize Ning Weimin.

"You've been drinking a lot today, haven't you? You didn't understand what I said. Let me ask you, since it's a good deal and others can see it, why did your company stop it? Besides, you and Pierre Cardin are

If there is an employment relationship, if you want to make this transaction, it will easily involve legal issues. If you lose money after taking over, it goes without saying. What if you make money, but the company regrets it later and a legal dispute arises? Even if you take over

No matter how rigorous the contract is, there is no guarantee that this matter will not be known by other colleagues in your company. When the time comes, because they are jealous of you, there will be a lot of unpleasant words, so how should you deal with it? "

Only then did Ning Weimin know what kind of worries Jiang Nianyun had.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on him, nor on Jiang Nianyun. It is mainly caused by information asymmetry.

Ning Weimin still clearly remembered that the last time, even though he and Axia had reached a consensus on cooperation in the parking lot, due to the different information they had, there was still a quarrel in the end.

The conversation almost broke down.

Therefore, if a businessman wants to achieve trust and a tacit understanding with his partners.

You must not be afraid of trouble and fully disclose the letter that should be known to the other party before cooperation.

You must let the other party know what he should know and try your best to narrow the information gap between the two parties, otherwise there will be no cooperation.

Even if it is something that the other party may already know, don't say it just to save trouble.

Because telling the other person from your mouth is different from knowing it from elsewhere.

’ This will undoubtedly seriously affect the basis of mutual trust.

"What you said makes sense, I admit it. But don't worry, this business is really a good business that can make money. Our company stopped it because it was just because it was too labor-intensive because of the low profits. In their words, this is a good business that can make money.

, I earn money from selling cabbage, but I only care about selling white powder, and it also affects the brand quality of Pierre Cardin. People are very arrogant, so they don’t like it. But for me personally, this is actually the right thing to do.

The cost-effectiveness of input and output is already a good deal for me. Western-style fast food is not only less troublesome than running Chinese restaurants, but the key is that it has a bright future. There is currently no serious Western-style fast food in China. This is a market blank. Think about it.

, in the future, even in all first-tier cities across the country, I can open five stores in each place, and I can also have fifty branches..."

Ning Weimin, who realized what the problem was, tried to soften his tone and speak slowly, and explained Jiang Nianyun's worries one by one.

"As for the legal dispute, in fact, it does not exist at all. Because I am not just an ordinary employee at Pierre Cardon China Head Office. I have a special status. In addition to having a higher position, I am also a shareholder of Pierre Cardon China Company. In addition,

, this is not the first time such a transaction. I have actually cooperated with the company in many fields for a long time, and made a lot of money. For example, Pierre and I developed the suitcases and ties developed by Yi La De Company.

Caton and Goldlion from Hong Kong City cooperated with each other. Don’t worry, my two bosses and I have a very good personal relationship and have the same interests. Otherwise, if they hadn’t been willing to support me, I wouldn’t be where I am today. What’s more,

I will also sign the contract very strictly, ensuring that the property rights are clear and the transaction is clear, so no one will make irresponsible remarks. Oh, by the way, in a few days I will send you some of the suitcases I tinkered with.

The boxes we are using now are outdated and don’t even have wheels, so it’s very inconvenient to use them when going out.”

These words are indeed effective, especially the last few digressions, which also show Ning Weimin's care and filial piety.

"Well, I didn't expect what you said. It seems that you didn't make the decision just on a whim. Thanks to you thinking about me all the time, I really want to see the suitcase you invented. Then

Thank you, aunt."

Jiang Nianyun thought about it for a moment, and the worried look on her face began to dissipate.

"But don't worry, I still have a few unpleasant things to say. Have you ever thought about what to do if your business doesn't go smoothly? How can you guarantee that you will make money? There are always risks in doing business. What if...


"My fourth aunt, thank you for thinking about me like this. But let me tell you the truth, there is no chance of this happening."

Ning Weimin interrupted confidently. He didn't want Jiang Nianyun to waste any more spitting, so he just told the truth.

"Don't believe me. I'm not bragging. I also know that you shouldn't talk about things to the death. But you and your cousin really don't know much about the current domestic business environment. You have to allow me to talk to you carefully."

"If nothing else, let's just say that in order to introduce foreign investment and technology, the government has given so many preferential treatment to foreign-invested enterprises and joint ventures that even state-owned units are jealous. In addition to the two-year exemption and three-year discount at half price, there are also

There are many miscellaneous discounts, and they are all the most practical ones. Think about it, even buying a car without tax, how much does it cost? However, foreign-funded enterprises are also subject to restrictions, for example

We are temporarily unable to enter the commercial retail sector."

"As for our Pierre Cardon China Company, we are a different kind and are not subject to this restriction at all. We can open both franchise stores and our own restaurants. Why? Because Mr. Pierre Cardon is firmly optimistic about outsiders from the mainland and is the first to enter the country.

Chinese European companies can create a large amount of foreign exchange for the Republic every year, so they have received special policy attention with the green light from above. Otherwise, how could our company have become the leader of the garment industry in the Republic so quickly, ranking first in the entire industry?"

"So you think about it, is it so easy to get the business license of this chain of fast food restaurants? Why is there only one local company in Yili doing fast food in the whole capital? None of the foreign fast food giants have come. It's not that the market is not big enough.

It’s not that people in Beijing are against Western-style fast food. It’s just that it’s difficult for foreign companies to pass the policy procedures. They don’t have the right to do this. If we want to do this in this market, we have already taken the lead.”

"In addition, it is not easy to find shophouses in good locations such as Qianmen, Xidan, Xisi, Gulou, Dongdan, Wangfujing... You will know if you have time to look around. If it is not Pierre Cardin

It is well-known, wealthy, and has many direct connections. It is difficult to find such a place to open a restaurant in these areas. What is insurance? This is the biggest insurance. Let me tell you, if you really run a restaurant

It doesn't matter if I'm not good or if I fail. I just sublet these places. Not only can I get my money back, but I can also make some money. Do you think this business is a good one?"

"And it's not such a coincidence. It happened that our company stopped the project just before you returned to China. If I took over it myself, the nature of the business would be an obstacle. But now, if my cousin wants to tinker with this project with me,

For the project, we took over the license and didn’t even need to change the nature of the business. Do you think God is blessing me? So even if the company offered a cheaper price and was willing to change hands at a loss, I didn’t agree. Five

One million? I'm very satisfied with this price. If you don't like it, if you ask for an extra two million, I'll be willing to be taken advantage of. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to get such a good store on my own."

Jiang Nianyun really didn't expect that Ning Weimin, at such a young age, could not only think things through so thoroughly, but also have such magnanimity.

He actually understands that taking a loss is taking advantage.

Only then did she understand why Kang Shude was always angry with him in public, but behind his back he always spoke well of his apprentice and why he always praised him so highly.

Ever since, Jiang Nianyun had nothing to ask anymore and only turned her attention to her son.

"How's it going? Your brother talked about this and got you to join him. What do you think of this? Are you interested?"

Shen Cun laughed after hearing this, "I wasn't interested at first, but after hearing what he said so well, I became interested. Because I really can't find a reason not to do it."

Then he glanced at Ning Weimin and started joking.

"If someone else told me these things, I would definitely not believe them and would probably regard them as a liar. But if you tell me this, it would be different. I have no reason not to believe it. Who makes us our own people?

Are they brothers?"

Ning Weimin was so happy that his eyes were as bright as shooting stars, and he naturally understood the meaning of these words.

When disclosing information, you should also give the other party a way to confirm the information themselves to show your sincerity.

So he quickly played a trick of wisdom and foolishness and threw out the final bait.

"My cousin is laughing. Of course you can trust me. This matter will never go wrong. That's what I think. It just so happens that our company is planning to upgrade the building into a star-rated hotel. I have already said hello to them today.

You said you are studying architecture. After the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, I will take you to meet the general manager of our company. Let’s just discuss the two things together. If we have time, we will go to a few stores that day.

What do you think?"

These words made Shen Cun stunned for a moment, and then he became excited.

"What? Does your company have any hotel projects?"

When Ning Weimin heard what he said, he couldn't help but slap his forehead, "Hey? Didn't I just say that? Look at how confused I am. It seems that I really drank too much today..."

Only Jiang Nianyun laughed again, not confused at all.

"You, it's almost done. Even if you talk too much, we have to work it out together. Do we have to learn from you and decide on the spot?"

Ning Weimin stopped acting and bowed with a smile.

"That's that, you're wise, please go to bed early and I'll take my leave..." ()

This chapter has been completed!
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